posted on Mar, 23 2011 @ 12:06 AM
Last May I graduated from Brown University on a quadruple major. That June I performed open-heart surgery with a toothpick, a magnifying glass, a
barbie doll's hair, and a bungee cord.
Following the Mayor's presentation of the key to the city I was thrown a party at a local pub, where I subsequently drank 3 kegs of the darkest brew
they had.
The hangover lasted 2 months, but when it was finally over I pulled myself out of bed and flew my TR3b to the North Pole, where I entered the mythical
- but real - hollow earth. Once inside I stayed for a couple days in the great city Agartha, which was so graciously named after my great, great,
great, great, great, great, great, grandmother's mule she used to haul her belongings across 2 continents and through the frigid north, where she
established the first 'outer-world' settlement in inner earth.
While trying to return to the outer surface of the planet I had to kill seventeen Agarthan men who were irritated that their daughters were heart
broken about my departure. I returned to my place of birth and have been studying calculus and compass mechanics since.
I will go outside in a few with my cosmically accurate compass and let you all know if my findings show any deviation from the norm.