Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by ldyserenity
Oh, so you asked them if they were unemployed or not?
I was a cashier I got to process their transaction that is how I know who was on what subsidies.
I never had a problem with these people, I treated them with the same equal respect and dignity as I would of a gold card Amex holder......but
let me tell you that in the past 5 years every person I sprung shop lifting was VERY well dressed and from the "upper class" social
Well To be honest, wal mart is the only place I have ever dealt with them, actually, so you could be right(actually I find most people at any wal mart
anywhere shopping to be very rude most of the time), And they certainly didn't pay me enough to deal with the crackheads in this area there are a LOT
of crackheads, and Most of them are on welfare or SSDI, not all, but a majority, not to mention the meth heads too. We got a lot of those too, & they
ALL happen to shop at wal mart. And certainly not all of the welfare recipients were drug users or rude, but the majority were. This is also the
south, as a matter of fact I never dealt with any rude customers up North at all because I lived in better areas up there. So it also might just be
this area?
I like the welfare recepients....they don't try bartering for a cheaper price like the snobs with more money to throw around.
Because they really don't give a # They didn't pay for the stuff, they didn't work to earn that money, they didn't swing a hammer in the hot sun
or clean toilets or sweat their butts off in a busy ER to earn that cash, NOT A LICK!!!! I also have dealt with hagglers and they are not as
unpleasant as you'd contend...in fact valued customers like that, we even met them halfway, and we were all smiling when we were done. I don't think
there's anything wrong with getting a better price if you can, and I never had a one of those ever get rude with me. This logic is a fail.
One day you will find yourself without a job and my bet is you'll see things differently, mark my words on that and that time may come sonner
than you think.
Obviously I am out of work(going on year three now) if I tried starting a cleaning business, I don't sit on my # and do nothing... I attend online
school to get a degree in something that will benefit me by getting me a better job or being able to start a business in that field of my own and it
is something illegals cannot do(I checked)... IT Administration...networking systems...also I have been on food stamps and welfare and guess what? I
had to jump through a great many hoops most people don't even have to jump through to get it, so one more wouldn't be any skin off my back at all.
Every day I am looking for work, I still jumped through their stupid hoops and been denied (8 times) any help with absolutely no income coming into
this house at all (my children have medicaid that's it & for that it was pulling teeth to finally get accepted and another 2 yrs till they got their
actual cards so someone would actually see them at the drs or hospital, it's a joke if you're a full white legal american to get any of these
benefits that they hand out so freely to drug addicts and layabouts). I won't even & can't even guess why I am being denied, but it's whatever, I
don't sit here saying poor me, wah wah wah... I can't do anything about my situation blah blah blah & all those lame excuses, I find something even
the littlest thing to do just to get by another day... I don't expect anybody else to provide it, and like I said, when I tried I am denied anyway. I
only ever received it maybe 12 months total in my entire lifetime. But I don't sit here and ball and cry to them, boohoo.... I do what I got to
do...but see I am not a drug user either so I can think normally..I can think intelligibly, and I press on because I don't feel entitled to it like
others (though I did pay into it for about 20 yrs approximately), I just gotta make due and that's fine by me, I don't even want it now. Oh and
going into debt for my education on top of it. So don't tell me I don't know about unemployment or receiving welfare. I was just raised right that
even while on welfare I was never rude to the cashiers or anyone that didn't get rude with me first!!! Really like I said I am sure there are a lot
of fine people who recieve welfare I even dealt with them too, it's just a lot of them were very nasty rude. I will try not to generalize, I really
wasn't trying to, but it did come off that way.