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La Bruzzo wants to drug test welfare recepients...

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posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by whatukno

While we are at it, can we build a wall and keep illegals out of this country?

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by ripcontrol

You want to target the welfare recepients but not those in charge of your country????

You people are not serious are you?

How about the tax dodgers.....plenty of those around or is that in the "too hard" basket?

You people should listen to what you're saying. Sounds like a witch hunt on the welfare while your country is being looted by foreign "powers to be"....

unbelieveable you all are!

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Well, you did claim that this was a fix to money being "poorly spent." Despite the fact that the whole affair is, in all likelihood just a giveaway to LaBruzzo's donor, Louisiana Medical Supply (Where do you think the cups and testing kits will come from?)

reply to post by BAMstomper

People on welfare work, BAMstomper. That's another idiot-myth, along with the welfare queen. If you could just collect a check without putting in any effort at all, the homeless in this country would be doing an awful lot better, don't you think?

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
reply to post by thorazineshuffle

It is discrimination. It only targets a certain caste of people who receive government assistance. That is, the poor ones. Right now private industries are pillaging New Orleans' public school system, and are being subsidized to do so. They're getting a one-two double helping of public funding, but are they required to take piss tests?

No, they are not.

if this standard we applied to every recipient of public money - including Republican representatives of the 41st district, for example - maybe it wouldn't be discriminatory. But then I'm certain that someone - perhaps a Republican representative from the 41st district - would sue on privacy grounds.

So you think poor people have aright to be drug addicts because they are poor? Why would you entitle them to that? You are lowering the standards of what should be expected of them as citizens. Why are you lowering their self worth?

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 11:43 PM
I just wish they would tact on that you also have to prove legal citizenship (ie. birth certificate, social security card, naturalization papers, green card), on top of being drug tested, to gain privilege to government benefits. That's right I said privilege. It's not a right to get a handout. Where I live you have to show a combination of IDs just to get a drivers license/State ID card. Why shouldn't it be the same for the welfare system ?? It's not fair to the American tax payers to pay to feed those here illegally, on drugs, or here illegally AND on drugs.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by thorazineshuffle

While we are at it, can we build a wall and keep illegals out of this country?

And who do you think is going to build that wall?

Ohh, do you want to destroy the 1st Amendment too just so we can keep out Muslims? That's pretty much the trifecta of the Neo-Con agenda, Hate the poor, Hate Latinos, and Hate every other religion besideds Christianity. Why not go for gold?

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by thorazineshuffle

I agree with you. It's destroying everything that this country was built on, enabling poor behaviors instead of helping. It's the whole "give a man a fish feed him for a day. Teach him to fish feed him for a lifetime " philosophy,

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by thorazineshuffle

While we are at it, can we build a wall and keep illegals out of this country?

And who do you think is going to build that wall?

Ohh, do you want to destroy the 1st Amendment too just so we can keep out Muslims? That's pretty much the trifecta of the Neo-Con agenda, Hate the poor, Hate Latinos, and Hate every other religion besideds Christianity. Why not go for gold?

Wow! Delusional much? I never said I hated anyone, what a weird ASSumption. How can someone feel good about their self when they sneak across our borders, imagine how good they would feel if the entered the correct way? They sneak in here, then get some crazy democrat who will sell their soul for a vote and an entitlement agenda, to get them amnesty. You actually sound like you are hateful.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by thorazineshuffle

While we are at it, can we build a wall and keep illegals out of this country?

And who do you think is going to build that wall?

Ohh, do you want to destroy the 1st Amendment too just so we can keep out Muslims? That's pretty much the trifecta of the Neo-Con agenda, Hate the poor, Hate Latinos, and Hate every other religion besideds Christianity. Why not go for gold?

Oh, I forgot. I would let every illegal caught, build the wall.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by thorazineshuffle
So you think poor people have aright to be drug addicts because they are poor? Why would you entitle them to that? You are lowering the standards of what should be expected of them as citizens. Why are you lowering their self worth?

I'll tell you what. When I actually say any of this stupid crap you just made up, I'll answer the questions you have raised. Hold your breath.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by thorazineshuffle

Why can't I double star this !!

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by ripcontrol

I think they should be tested.

I know far too many who are selling or doing drugs and recieving checks from the state, living in public housing, getting tremendous amounts of food stamps, which they also sell for cash. The system is broke. If one really seriously needs public housing or help with food, they need to put the drugs down before asking their fellow americans to foot the bill for their bills so they can party.

I am sensitive to the fact that many children will be affected by this measure, but, are they really in the best place they can be if they live in a drugged up household?

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
reply to post by thorazineshuffle

It is discrimination. It only targets a certain caste of people who receive government assistance. That is, the poor ones. Right now private industries are pillaging New Orleans' public school system, and are being subsidized to do so. They're getting a one-two double helping of public funding, but are they required to take piss tests?

No, they are not.

if this standard we applied to every recipient of public money - including Republican representatives of the 41st district, for example - maybe it wouldn't be discriminatory. But then I'm certain that someone - perhaps a Republican representative from the 41st district - would sue on privacy grounds.

You said it is discrimination, to target the poor ones. This is only directed at the poor ones since they are the ones who benefit from welfare. Now, see my above post about entitlement, start breathing again.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by thorazineshuffle

But here you are on the last page suggesting that everyone that is on welfare is doing so because they are lazy and somehow just want a check from the government, now you want to enslave people for crossing the boarder and put them to work building a wall.

How weird, I mean doesn't the 13th Amendment mean anything anymore? So we are back to enslaving people now?

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:04 AM
Oh now you ALSO want to target the illegals

tell me, how many of you are prepared to clean toilets and houses for a living?

Many of the illegals are doing jobs that most you Americans are not prepared to do. So go forth and do them. Go on, it may not pay more than $5.00-$10 ph but hey, it's a job......right?

I recall 10 years ago when I was in the States, many businesses had closed up because they could'nt find any decent RELIABLE American workers and illegals were their only hope to keep their doors open (and amongst the high unemployment rate among Americans) . What does that tell me?

Through my experience "illegals" worked alot harder for half the wages while those with citizenship were unreliable and just down right bloody lazy and expected double the rate.

You people are looking under the wrong bridge.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:05 AM
Once we have established this precedent, it seems that there are a whole raft of other measures that can be taken to ensure that only the "right" kind of people are on welfare. For example:

1. Mandatory psychiatric assessments to ensure that mentally ill people don't get welfare without treatment.
2. Waiving of ALL privacy rights allowing inspections of any aspect of the recipient's life to ensure that no unapproved behavior is being engaged it, perhaps 24 CCTV in their residences.

Hey after all, it they have nothing to hide and they really need the handout, why would they have a problem with this?

(yes that was sarcasm)

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:05 AM
I think this is a great idea. If you have to take a piss test for certain jobs and certain schools, then why would you not have to for welfare? I mean it's not like we have to piss test for everything from renting a car to eating at Wendy's, I'm just saying that it's unfair that a stoner who gets all A's can get suspended for failing a drug test when a crack fiend drop-out can be given a check and buy some drugs without question.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by thorazineshuffle

But here you are on the last page suggesting that everyone that is on welfare is doing so because they are lazy and somehow just want a check from the government, now you want to enslave people for crossing the boarder and put them to work building a wall.

How weird, I mean doesn't the 13th Amendment mean anything anymore? So we are back to enslaving people now?

.???? What??? No, I believe that if you break the law, and sneaking into this country is against the law, you get , what's the word? Oh, yeah. Punished, for committing a crime. And it would not be slavery. They could go to prison for 5 years, building the wall, then after they are released, they get ride back to where they are from, with the credit they earned from building the wall.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by thorazineshuffle

And I pointed out they're not the only ones who benefit from welfare.

They benefit from certain programs within the welfare system. Why are users of those programs targeted, and not users of other programs?

Do you understand that when the state gives a corporation a subsidy, that is welfare? My example was the deconstruction of the public school system in New Orleans. Corporations are coming in and pretty much being given the school system on a platter. That's public resource turned into private property, welfare mooch #1. Then they are subsidized to restructure those schools without input from the public. That's welfare mooch #2. And when they are done doing this, they will receive state funds to run their newly privatized schools, for welfare mooch #3.

They're not pissing in cups. However, women who are on WIC? They get to be treated as suspects in a drug bust for trying to buy food for their kid.

Why can we trust one entity - the corporation - with millions and millions of taxpayer dollars indefinitely, but we cannot trust a mother with $250 debit for certain products only for a year?

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by metamagic

why don't you just throw those with mental, biological and physical disabilities over the edge like the Spartans did......would that make you all happy?

I'm yet to see one single post here complain about those who govern their states and nation......unbeliveable.


edit on 18-3-2011 by bluemirage5 because: (no reason given)

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