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La Bruzzo wants to drug test welfare recepients...

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posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by thorazineshuffle

I would think that if you break the law entering this country illegally you should be deported. Don't know about anyone else but I find forced slave labor wrong.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by bluemirage5

Start a post on that. This is about a different issue.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by bluemirage5

Weak, stale, tired argument. It is also untrue. I know many people who clean toilets, who are not illegal immigrants. Try again.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

I think anyone who gets money from the government should take a piss test. Including our leaders. There is a ton of corruption in our country, and it all needs to be addressed! Every facet, needs to be investigated. I agree with that.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by metamagic

why don't you just throw those with mental, biological and physical disabilities over the edge like the Spartans did......would that make you all happy?

I'm yet to see one single post here complain about those who govern their states and nation......unbeliveable.


edit on 18-3-2011 by bluemirage5 because: (no reason given)

I knew that even saying right out that my post was sarcasm wouldn't stop some people from taking my post literally.. I just didn't expect it to happen within minutes..

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:20 AM
I think we need to drug test anyone who runs for office, before we drug test anyone else. Could you imagine the fight we would get from the Republicans?

Feel free to insert Democrats as well.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by thorazineshuffle

No it's not a different issue.

Your country is BROKE, got it? BROKE! Why?

has nothing to do with welfare.

It's about your masters controlling every aspect of your life, it's about your LARGE debts because of greed and a whole lot of other god knows what the Govt is up to.

Come on, how many of you are in debt up to your eye balls and you know you CAN NOT PAY the debt back! You take mortgages on homes borrowing more than you know you can afford, in fact you borrow more than what the house was sold at when you purchased it then you go and blame the banks when you are already in debt with your credit cards and oh that car in the garage. But the banks put a gun to your heads and made you sign the contract, right?

When are you all going to take personal responsibility for your own debt?

Nah, so lets start pointing fingers at those on welfare including those with mental, physical and biological disabilities....oh and those pesky illlegals who do the crappy jobs NONE of you are prepared to do.

My bet is NONE of you on this thread is debt free. When you're debt free.....then we can talk.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by thorazineshuffle

I would think that if you break the law entering this country illegally you should be deported. Don't know about anyone else but I find forced slave labor wrong.

Do you know that there are some illegals who have been deported many times? All they have do is apply, and they would rather sneak in, breaking our laws, instead. Seriously, I have a good idea, though. Why don't we catch them, or they turn themselves in, then we let them apply, then send them home to go through the proper channels to get here. If they sneak over again, they then forfeit the right to live here.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by thorazineshuffle

You do not know many people who clean toilets.....want to know why? Because no one has many friends that do that kind of work. In fact, we may only know one or two; most don't know anyone at all doing it. Tell me another porky!

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by thorazineshuffle

I don't really have any problem with that idea, I do have a problem with forced slave labor for commiting a crime, besides the fact that if you have illegals build a wall, how good of a job do you really think they will do?

As far as welfare recipients, sometimes people do have a run of bad luck in thier lives, I doubt that every single person living on welfare is on drugs, and I don't know why people think that it's ok to test these people but not the people who get state or federal government contracts. For that matter, I don't know why elected officials aren't drug screened.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by thorazineshuffle

You do not know many people who clean toilets.....want to know why? Because no one has many friends that do that kind of work. In fact, we may only know one or two; most don't know anyone at all doing it. Tell me another porky!

Porky? I know many people who clean houses, and yes, houses have toilets, and they need cleaned, too. Turd bucket. See I can put random words together, too.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by thorazineshuffle

I don't really have any problem with that idea, I do have a problem with forced slave labor for commiting a crime, besides the fact that if you have illegals build a wall, how good of a job do you really think they will do?

As far as welfare recipients, sometimes people do have a run of bad luck in thier lives, I doubt that every single person living on welfare is on drugs, and I don't know why people think that it's ok to test these people but not the people who get state or federal government contracts. For that matter, I don't know why elected officials aren't drug screened.

There are a lot of things that I do not know why our elected officials get away with, but they do. They should be held to an even higher standard than us peons, since they are in such position.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by thorazineshuffle

No it's not a different issue.

Your country is BROKE, got it? BROKE! Why?

has nothing to do with welfare.

It's about your masters controlling every aspect of your life, it's about your LARGE debts because of greed and a whole lot of other god knows what the Govt is up to.

Come on, how many of you are in debt up to your eye balls and you know you CAN NOT PAY the debt back! You take mortgages on homes borrowing more than you know you can afford, in fact you borrow more than what the house was sold at when you purchased it then you go and blame the banks when you are already in debt with your credit cards and oh that car in the garage. But the banks put a gun to your heads and made you sign the contract, right?

When are you all going to take personal responsibility for your own debt?

Nah, so lets start pointing fingers at those on welfare including those with mental, physical and biological disabilities....oh and those pesky illlegals who do the crappy jobs NONE of you are prepared to do.

My bet is NONE of you on this thread is debt free. When you're debt free.....then we can talk.

so why not free up money by disqualifying those on welfare who test positive for illegal drugs? It's a government funded program after all...

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by ripcontrol

I hope it goes through and I hope NJ and Florida and Pennsylvania follow suit, actually I hope the entire united states follow suit!!!!!
Then when the ones that fail the test should have to return all the money back to the states and CS offices and they should be put in jail for fraud and have their children removed. *however if it's just weed I don't think they should have those stipulations, I am talking the real stuff you know heroine, crack, coc aine, meth, those things, personally I don't think pot should be illegal, as it really never killed anyone, all the others have.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by ldyserenity
reply to post by ripcontrol

I hope it goes through and I hope NJ and Florida and Pennsylvania follow suit, actually I hope the entire united states follow suit!!!!!
Then when the ones that fail the test should have to return all the money back to the states and CS offices and they should be put in jail for fraud and have their children removed. *however if it's just weed I don't think they should have those stipulations, I am talking the real stuff you know heroine, crack, coc aine, meth, those things, personally I don't think pot should be illegal, as it really never killed anyone, all the others have.

Sorry, dude. If it can prevent you from getting a job, you can not exclude it. Besides, it is the gateway drug, from what I've heard.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by thorazineshuffle
Wow! Delusional much? I never said I hated anyone, what a weird ASSumption. How can someone feel good about their self when they sneak across our borders, imagine how good they would feel if the entered the correct way?

Well, considering the original illegal immigrants felt confident enough to declare themselves a sovereign state and engage in ethnic cleansing, I think they must have felt pretty pumped about it.

Snark aside, how would an immigrant feel if they entered the correct way? Generally they'd feel about seven thousand dollars and five years poorer. After Wilson and his ethnic quota system, we kind of abandoned the immigration principles we were founded on, which amounted to "If you've got a strong back, we can use you." Nowadays it's "if you've got a fat wallet, you can come in, and if you're from Northern Europe, we won't even double-check"

They sneak in here, then get some crazy democrat who will sell their soul for a vote and an entitlement agenda, to get them amnesty. You actually sound like you are hateful.

Well, to be fair, we did create the problem. Are you familiar with NAFTA at all? Okay. Let's say you decide to take a vacation south of the border. You and your ladyfriend decide to go have a bite to eat at a local restaurant. What you don't know, is that the corn used in your dish (and whatever it is, there's corn in it, trust me) is almost certainly from Iowa. You see, the US government heavily subsidizes the US corn industry. What that means is that under the removal of trade protections with NAFTA, US agricorps could ship corn to Mexico, and sell it to Mexicans for far less than local farmers could, because US taxpayers were footing most of the cost. Mexico, being relatively poor and at the time under a despicably corrupt government, could not afford to subsidize its own farmers (and probably wouldn't have thought to do so). As a result, the Mexican agricultural sector - the biggest part of the Mexican economy - practically collapsed.

So what ends up happening, you've got a lot of piss-poor Mexicans. What are they going to do? They were already at the economic bottom rung, and that just got cut out from under them by "free trade" (ie., government-subsidized corruption). Why not go up north and see if the dudes shipping corn down might have use for a few hands?

Which brings us to a very interesting point. Where goods are concerned, the border is completely porous and darn near unregulated. We can send down taxpayer corn with no problem, and we can ship up slave labor strawberries without any issue, but if the people who we made jobless with the corn or the people who are escaping serfdom come knocking, the doors slam shut. Why is that?

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by BAMstomper

Star for you!

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:37 AM

Originally posted by BAMstomper
so why not free up money by disqualifying those on welfare who test positive for illegal drugs? It's a government funded program after all...

Ever heard the phrase, "we have bigger fish to fry"? There are many bigger and more crucial ways to shore up finances than spending millions for a program that will only save thousands.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

Touché! I will give you a star for that explanation.

posted on Mar, 18 2011 @ 12:41 AM
tell you what.....

how about we drug test EVERYONE who applies for a drivers license, gun license, gets a job including all govt workers and people in position of authority, those in debt who can't pay their bills, or how about everyone who needs medical attention because they think those on welfare don't deserve a roof over their head or food in their mouth because they don't deserve to live.

Let me tell you this.....

not everyone on welfare are on illegal drugs but plenty more who have jobs do use illegal substances.

Do you know how much the system costs us for those who are FAT and OVERWEIGHT because they are too lazy to get off their butts? Believe you me THEY cost the system more than welfare recepients, and TAX DODGERS probably cost the system even more.

Obesity is now costing the tax payer far more than welfare recepients.

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