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Gang Rape of 11-Year-Old Girl Sparks Racial Tensions in Texas Town

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posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by PLASIFISK
reply to post by shai hulud

So would it be a fair statement to say, no matter what I do in life I will just be another 40 ounce drinking, watermellon cutting, fried chicken eating 'n-word' to you, huh? Because the "NUMBERS" say so. Thats sad. Be that as it may, we are all human reguardless of our skin color. There are bad apples in every barrel, and there are good ones to boot. Be safe brother.

are you like that?

anyone accuse you of that stereotype here?

i do all that #e and have been called that too. suck it up!

my wife eats more fried chicken and water meleon than you and your brother put together and she's chi-f'n-ese!


where's my race card? i take care of the 40oz in this family.

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by PLASIFISK

You arent wrong. A lot of the comments here are crossing right over into racism.

And you are right, people are more than a skin color. European males, Asian males, middle eastern males, ay type of male you can think of could have done this. No ethnic group is exempt from being cruel, brutal, ruthless, murderous, genocidal, etc.

This isnt a "black" problem. Its a human problem. And we need to work on it together. This shouldnt happen to someone.

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander
reply to post by PLASIFISK

You arent wrong. A lot of the comments here are crossing right over into racism.

And you are right, people are more than a skin color. European males, Asian males, middle eastern males, ay type of male you can think of could have done this. No ethnic group is exempt from being cruel, brutal, ruthless, murderous, genocidal, etc.

This isnt a "black" problem. Its a human problem. And we need to work on it together. This shouldnt happen to someone.

you see?

wtf! blacks DID it!

in this crime.

are they black or not?

or shall we wait for DNA geo-paleolific tests? whatever that means.

screw the pc!

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 02:09 PM
It doesn't matter what the race of the 11 year old girl is, or what the race was of the people that raped her, or what she did to "provoke" it. A bunch of scum raped a child. Thats all that needs to be said or known.

About the question concerning the Christain/Newsome murders here in knoxville, it was horrific. National media didn't pick up to much on it, but it was beyond brutal what happened to those two kids.

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by fooks

Saying that black guys did this is not racist. Obviously, it is just a simple fact that the defendants in this case are black.

Saying that blacks are more prone to this, without actual legitimate supporting data, the comments on tribal chest beating, those are the racist comments, because they generalize outward unfairly.

And dont get me wrong, I am totally against racism when it is directed towards whites too. Im not a white apologist. Just like all blacks are not guilty for what happened to this little girl, all whites are not responsible for what some white did to some blacks. It works both ways.

But some of the crap being tossed around as "facts" here are racist comments. And they arent helpful. We need as a collective of "humans" to address that fact that some humans are total violent assholes who we can really just do without.

This includes white men dressed in suits bombing innocent Iraqis as well as young black men raping 11 year old girls.

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by PLASIFISK
reply to post by shai hulud

So would it be a fair statement to say, no matter what I do in life I will just be another 40 ounce drinking, watermellon cutting, fried chicken eating 'n-word' to you, huh? Because the "NUMBERS" say so. Thats sad. Be that as it may, we are all human reguardless of our skin color. There are bad apples in every barrel, and there are good ones to boot.

You mean sad, like how ANY time a white person points out the facts about the numbers, they are automatically a racist because of it?

The fact that we are not allowed to speak honestly about such concerns only guarantees that nothing will be done to address them.

When US blacks were victimized by institutionalized racist policies, they were also attacked as trouble makers if they spoke out against the system that perpetuated injustice.

How the worm has turned.

Now, when the statistics are constructed to hide the facts, and policies of reverse discrimination (such as the justice department refusing to act on white complaints of voter intimidation, or the attorney general saying that certain policies were only to benefit his "own people"), when these policies are commonplace, whites themselves are labeled as trouble-makers for speaking out against institutional bigotry and the injustice right now.

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by dr_strangecraft

I would like to point out that NO ONE including you, has linked to any valid statistics or studies to support your claim.

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by Doomzilla
From what I ve seen all you do is make threads about crimes comitted by non whites .

I am not white firstly
Secondly, all I do is make threads about crimes commited by non-whites?
I'm one of the most anti-war members on this site and even say people should stop joining the U.S. army.

Originally posted by Doomzilla
For the record I'm white , only that I'm not racist unlike you OP .

Me racist?
Again, don't believe me, check my thread history!

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

I would like to point out that NO ONE including you, has linked to any valid statistics or studies to support your claim.

Here you go :

in 1988 there were 9,406 cases of black-on-white rape and fewer than ten cases of white-on-black rape. [320] Another researcher concludes that in 1989, blacks were three or four times more likely to commit rape than whites, and that black men raped white women thirty times as often as white men raped black women. [321]

Interracial crime figures are even worse than they sound. Since there are more than six times as many whites as blacks in America, it means that any given black person is vastly more likely to commit a crime against a white than vice versa.

There are numerous sources for stats on the web , you just gotta want to look for them .

Facts are facts , racism has nothing to do with pointing out the truth .
edit on 10-3-2011 by ReRun because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 02:48 PM
I am sitting here right now reading these posts and I feel like throwing up. I actually posted this story on my facebook yesterday because I also have an 11 year old daughter and if something like this happened I would have to go to jail or be killed because I would castrate every single one of these men, force their testicles into their mouth and then sew their mouths shut. And I am well aware of their ethnicity. And needless to say plenty of people chimed especially...and they expressed similar sentiment. This was an incredibly ugly crime. And listen to some of you...the victim doesn't mean a damn thing. This is just an opportunity for you to soapbox your bull# stats and pseudo psychological viewpoints. The nerve..."The numbers dont men do this and that..." Shut up. seriously. Yeah, black people commit do every other race on earth. "Oh but for every 1 crime we hear about whites...we hear a bunch about minorities" all this talk about stats not indicating truths and the news and MSM being full of lies only exists in a vacuum huh? It only applies to certain things. When it offers you a way to perpetuate hatred and misinformation its dead on. If thats the case then you are even BIGGER sheep than you realize. Last time I checked a bunch of WHITE people were fleecing not only this country but other nations as well. Some White family known as the Bushes have doomed us to illegal wars and I guess its that introduction of white blood that makes Obama such a bastard. lol....yeah...these racial arguments make all the sense in the world

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by ReRun

I will point out that that is a white racist website that the statistics are aggregated on.

The studies themselves look like they are done by reputable sources, but having taken statistics, I am well aware that how those figures are arrived at is very important in determining how relevant they are, how unbiased, etc. It may be that they are fairly represented, but to be sure of that we would need to go back to the source studies and examine the methodology.

Secondly, most rapes and gang rapes by far are committed by men. How do you feel about us just dispensing with the racial comments and pointing out that it is the chest beating tribalism of men and their nasty animal nature that is responsible for this? Do you feel it is fair that the actions of some men get spread outward onto all of them?

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 02:55 PM
If I am doomed by my blackness best believe that your whiteness is not going to save you. Its not about never was...but ever since the elite were able to trick the white indentured servants that their color somehow meant something....that it somehow bought them a seat at the has been a runaway train. It worked so well that they dont even see that the sword of Damocles hangs over their heads as well and rather than opening the lines of friendship and communication with people they have way more in common with than they think..they would rather nit pick and find any reason in the world to remove themselves from those they see as inferior. Yeah...we will see whose inferior in the bread lines, lol.
edit on 10-3-2011 by irsuccubus because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by irsuccubus

When it offers you a way to perpetuate hatred and misinformation its dead on.

How is providing sources with stats and numbers to be construed as "hatred" ?

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by irsuccubus

It shouldnt be about race, and these yahoos that want to make it about race divide us where we should be united.

No normal decent human beings of any color want to see an 11 year old girl raped by a gang of grown males. And if people would leave race out of it, people could unite in their outrage against these males. (I cannot really call them men.)

But in fact racism is going to be used on both sides and it will distract from the issue, the brutal gang rape of a little girl, and that sickens me.

You are right. Racism, sexism, they are tools used by the elite to keep us, the worlds poor, fighting one another instead of making sure we arent exploited by the elite. I dont know why I keep hoping that people will just wake the hell up and stop playing the stupid dividing games and just handle our #ing business.

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by ReRun
reply to post by irsuccubus

When it offers you a way to perpetuate hatred and misinformation its dead on.

How is providing sources with stats and numbers to be construed as "hatred" ?

Its a matter of cause and effect. I tell you that stats show that most african american men are prone to crime and depending on just how narrow your may believe it. Once that seed is dropped its not going anywhere. So from our conversation you have carried something away. Cut away to you going back to your normal life. Say you see a black man on the street....immediately your mind is going to go back to that statistic and even though you dont know a thing about this now carry the idea that this man is more than likely a criminal. Now this may not turn into anything right then and there but innocent people have been killed by police because they fit generic descriptions of "young black males" and because there is already that presumption of guilt, it clouds judgment and does have an impact on the actions people take. Why do you think advertising is so effective.

Hell...take it a step further....why do you think that so many white women are able to get away with crimes? The wife of the NYPD inspector who claimed that she was beat u by a black man on valentines day. Susan Smith said a black man stole her car after she drowned her kids and everyone believed her. Or Bethany Storro who claims a black man threw acid in her face...even Oprah bought that. Or the mom who embezzled from the church and fled to disneyland with her daughter and said she was kidnapped by black men.....I could on but you get the idea
edit on 10-3-2011 by irsuccubus because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

Do you feel it is fair that the actions of some men get spread outward onto all of them?

Most certainly not .

I was doing nothing more than providing numbers and stats . And as you yourself pointed out , those stats were not compiled by the site I found them on , it was simply the first one I came to .

Would it set better with you if I provide another site , with the same numbers ?

My biggest problem with this whole issue is the people who are so politically correct that they are afraid to call it like it is .

Providing sources with numbers that can be verified elsewhere is only calling it like it is . Nothing more .

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by shai hulud

Originally posted by PLASIFISK
reply to post by shai hulud

So would it be a fair statement to say, no matter what I do in life I will just be another 40 ounce drinking, watermellon cutting, fried chicken eating 'n-word' to you, huh? Because the "NUMBERS" say so. Thats sad. Be that as it may, we are all human reguardless of our skin color. There are bad apples in every barrel, and there are good ones to boot. Be safe brother.

By what statement have I made did I say that you are a part of the statistics? You should be looking to your own people and wonder why other races look upon them in such ways you have described. The fact you have chosen to assimilate into civilized culture has nothing to do with the large swath of blacks that engage in criminal activity. It does not simply wash out because you choose to obey the law and better yourself. It is violent black culture that have rendered inner cities into a third world cesspool that no one can inhabit, even other blacks that are good people. It is entitlement mindset that further drives a wedge between people. It is the outright ignoring of black on white crime that further causes the seething amongst whites. I am not afraid to call it as it is. There aint no white guilt here, mang.

WOW where to start, where to start....

I guess I should start by apologizing to the creator of this forum. I unintentionally turned it into a race issue when it is not. This forum is about an 11 year old child that got raped. The situation is terrible and justice should be swift, but fair with all facts heard.

And to you sir I have to ask, What the heck is a "mang"?

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 03:15 PM
Reply to post by PLASIFISK

Reminded me of the movie "Me, Myself, and Irene" …

"Why don't you just pay me in cotton or a cartload of watermelons ? Or how's about a couple of them buckets of fried chicken ? 'Cause you know how we black people-we just love fried chicken, …"

Back on topic, anyone who would thinking of doing this to any of my daughters…well…just watch the movie "Law Abiding Citizen."

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 03:15 PM
This Department of Justice Report of Crime Statistics

shows the numbers I referred to.

Notice that "white" includes both hispanic and anglo, in the "perpetrator columns. "Hispanic" only occurs in the victim category--never as assailant. Ergo, hispanics can only be victims, never perps, in the eyes of the federal law enforcement industry.

Notice also that 32% of all arrests for rape are listed as "Black." African Americans are 11 percent of the population.

Are the statistics racist?

IF more blacks are arrested for rape than whites (three TIMES more), then that itself should be the grist for an entire thread...

One critique of white oppression was that whites never permitted discussion of systemic injustice. This thread is about EXACTLY the same issue. We can talk honestly only about individual tragedies, but are not allowed to discuss the underlying themes or causes for those crimes--the systemic un-justness involved.

Frankly, I have avoided talking about the victim because I assume it's impossible to get a reliable picture of her life circumstance. For instance, someone mentioned that she had been previously removed from her parents' home. That single fact is then used (by attorneys) to imply that she was somehow a "troubled" child. Implying that it is less of a crime to molest a child who comes from a troubled home, or who may have already been a victim before.

As someone else pointed out, our system is obsessed with the perps instead of the victims. We don't do much of anything to ameliorate their grief. What can bystanders do, other than try to limit the situations were such crimes are likely or even possible?

As a side note, how does past white injustice bear on the guilt of the perpetrators in this case? Are they less guilty if whites are "worse?"
edit on 10-3-2011 by dr_strangecraft because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by ReRun

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander
Do you feel it is fair that the actions of some men get spread outward onto all of them?

Most certainly not .

Originally posted by ReRun
Would it set better with you if I provide another site , with the same numbers ?

No. It would set better with me if you would grasp the concept that some does not mean all. And generalizing outward the behavior or some onto all is problematic.

Originally posted by ReRun

My biggest problem with this whole issue is the people who are so politically correct that they are afraid to call it like it is .

Then you shouldnt care if we blame men in general for this. You are being a hypocrite. You want to reserve the right to generalize the actions of some black men outward onto blacks as a group, but you do not want to generalize the actions of some men onto men as a group. And yet the percentage of rapes committed by "men" compared to females is much higher than the ratio of rapes committed by black men compared to those committed by white men. So its a stronger case statistically, but you dont like it.

U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (1999) estimated that 91% of rape victims are female and 9% are male, with 99% of the offenders being male.

You know why you dont like it? Because it implicates you unfairly in something you abhor. And guess what? Thats why blacks who are not rapists dont like your line of reasoning either.
edit on 10-3-2011 by Illusionsaregrander because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-3-2011 by Illusionsaregrander because: (no reason given)

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