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Another large quake hits Christchurch New Zealand

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posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 10:29 AM

edit on 23-2-2011 by crazydaisy because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by bluemirage5

Its news such as this that gives hope!

Thank you for the uplift, everyone needs that right now.

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 10:31 AM
They are saying now 50% electric out and 70 to 80 out of water.

I can't even imagine ...they still say 300 missing lets hope they are alive and waiting rescue I hope you are getting help ....I prey that the quakes lesson my American heart sends hugs and love to you all

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by muzzy

THANK YOU FOR THAT (woops) i hadnt seen you around i knew you were the go to guy for this thank you very much

the japanese and uk specialist squad will be here today to help with the rescue i heard they pulled over 100 people alive from rubble

no more confirmed dead thank god! hopefully with the rescue squad they will be able to get all the other people out

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 01:53 PM
In all of the reportage about the earthquake that has hit Christchurch no one seems to mention that what is really going on is a VOLCANIC ERUPTION. See these two pictures which are from Google Earth. I have dotted where the volcanic craters are. Notice that the large "Super Volcano" situated a short distance to the south east of Christchurch is actually the rim of a much larger "Mega Volcano" situated under the water to the east of South Island New Zealand. My prediction is that when "Mount Cook" does erupt it is going to be a massive event with pyroclastic destruction over an one hundred kilometer radius. With very considerable amounts of ash being ejected. Thus is especially so because the crater of these volcano are partly under water. My advice is that Christchurch needs to be 100% evacuated now. It is situated far too near to the epicentre of this sure to happen massive VOLCANIC ERUPTION.


posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by Tahnya86
reply to post by Noinden

This seems all to suspicios that this has happened within the last earth quake, has anyone thought maybe the secret governments with the technowledgy could be behind this, look at chemtrail and HAARP, theres sighns showing up everywhere but the mainstream media are to stupid or decptive to report on it.

Kindly go to another thread to discuss this. It had nothing to do with HAARP and certainly not chemtrails (speaking as a trained chemist (PhD) and Biochemist (Masters))... how the hell would chemicals do this?

This thread is for those living through the bloody thing.

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by Ashyr
exactly, i think they are all about to be quarantined there.
other towns or cities cannot handle that larger influx of people.

what do u mean. something larger. like an off shore eq / tidal wave ( dont like the word tsunami)

, ok

well. to the person who asked did they give up rescue on ctv building 2 soon. and mention other quakes.

i think the distinct thing about the chch quakes is. from what im aware the quartz in the soggy soil that is practically marshland is ripe for electrical discharges which is causing lots of earthquakes. all the time.
so i mean yeah other places had "AFTER SHOCKS" but this is like. do u really wanna risk it?

hmm many people blame things like harp. i am not apposed to this idea at all.
in fact i think this whole operation was setup and monitored by the US. just like NZ always is.

cough *eftpos*.

why are all videos being removed from the tubes. because tvnz claims pure ownership of all media coverage.

rail road much?
edit on 23/2/2011 by Ashyr because: (no reason given)

Funny people are flying out, I know personally people are driving out, so it's a little late to quarantine them.

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by CAELENIUM

I realize you are trying to provide people with information. However I don't think this is the appropriate place to do so. Perhaps you will consider sharing your thoughts over in the Volcano Watch 2011 thread.

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by CAELENIUM
In all of the reportage about the earthquake that has hit Christchurch no one seems to mention that what is really going on is a VOLCANIC ERUPTION. See these two pictures which are from Google Earth. I have dotted where the volcanic craters are. Notice that the large "Super Volcano" situated a short distance to the south east of Christchurch is actually the rim of a much larger "Mega Volcano" situated under the water to the east of South Island New Zealand. My prediction is that when "Mount Cook" does erupt it is going to be a massive event with pyroclastic destruction over an one hundred kilometer radius. With very considerable amounts of ash being ejected. Thus is especially so because the crater of these volcano are partly under water. My advice is that Christchurch needs to be 100% evacuated now. It is situated far too near to the epicentre of this sure to happen massive VOLCANIC ERUPTION.

I must point out that "Mt Cook" is not a volcano. Mt Cook (aka Aoraki) is NZ's highest peak, and is situated in the Southern Alps. The Southern Alps are not volcanic peaks, as they are the result of tectonic plate plate movement, due to the collision of the Pacific and Indo/Australian plates.

Although the Banks Peninsula was formed from volcanic activity, there has been no eruption for millions of years. It appears your "predictions" are not based on geographical or geological expertise, and instead are pure speculation. It is fine to ask questions and speculate, but you should treat your "predictions" this way, and not try to portray them as fact. Thanks.

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 03:09 PM
Lyttleton , the surrounding port hills and the entire banks peninsula are parts of old, extinct volcanoes. This is common knowledge.

update -

in the last 20mins there have been 2 rather strong aftershocks measuring 4.4 and 4.0

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 03:38 PM
Been watching the TVNZ all day yesterday and today, and yesterday they said they sent cameras down into a pocket in the CTV building and saw 15 people still alive. Did they ever get them out or did.... the fire/smoke get them? God that is so sad.

Seeing the two kids and their father crying by the rubble of the building was just heartbreaking. so sad.

On a lighter note, can they rebuild those old Churches and 100+ year old buildings? I know they did some 3D mappings of ancient sites/100+ year old sites that if in the event the building was damaged, they could refer to the 3D model of the building to repair it with the left over rubble.. (like rebuilding a very large puzzle I guess) ?

Anyone know if they did this? Those sites are just amazing to see. It's their history!


posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by CAELENIUM

nice pictures, and you have correctly identified Lyttleton and Akaroa as volcanoes.....but the one in the middle is not a 3rd vent.

Lyttleton has 15 known vents around it - the youngest one is roughly at Diamond Harbour and last errupted almost 6 million years ago - see the map on the page following this link for the rough locations of the vents.

they formed when the area was on the plate boundary & they are now well away from that - the boundary is at the southern Alps, and while some plate boundaries even in NZ are volcanically active (eg most of the central north Island volcanos are on the plate boundary - Taupo, Ruapehu, White Island, Rotorua, etc), the Southern Alps are not. check out this map - you can click on each area to see what type and recency of vulcanism there and there's a decent overview on wiki

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by Pharyax
Been watching the TVNZ all day yesterday and today, and yesterday they said they sent cameras down into a pocket in the CTV building and saw 15 people still alive. Did they ever get them out or did.... the fire/smoke get them?

Half an hour later the fire chief said the report was a mistake. they've given up searching for survivors there - they've started releasing names of the TV presenters, etc who weer thought to be on the 1st 2 floors & some arsehole has already burgled the house of one of them!

On a lighter note, can they rebuild those old Churches and 100+ year old buildings? I know they did some 3D mappings of ancient sites/100+ year old sites that if in the event the building was damaged, they could refer to the 3D model of the building to repair it with the left over rubble.. (like rebuilding a very large puzzle I guess) ?

Possibly has to be the answer.....but I'm not sure if it wil be possible to make large stone buildings sufficiently earthquake proof for the threat level now known........

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 04:36 PM
On 20th of 02 of 2011 dolphins were disoriented 180 degrees in shallow waters of Thames estuary. A group of psychically aware people waded in and physically turned them around and pointed them out to sea. As soon as they were pointed into the incoming waves, they assisted by flapping and wriggling until they got in depth to swim again.
They circled and vented and frolicked before heading out to sea.

Ch’ Ch’ Quake struck on 22nd of 02 of 2011. Some highly placed sources are suggesting Alluvial resources and / coal under the Canterbury Plains are the ultimate objective of the fascist mindset dominating ‘big business’ these days, and hence the use of HAARP to make Ch’ Ch’ a ghost town which is what is now being muttered in political circles.

It may pay people to watch for ‘natural disasters’ 48 hours after the next lot of dolphins get disorientated 180 degrees. It may well be a result of HAARP energies coming from above and taking 48 hours to affect strata below. Dolphins and Whales are by nature tuned to responding to magnetic waves coming from beneath them not from above. They also play an important role in balancing energies of the Universe which is a scientific fact not widely known.

There may be sinister intentions behind the Ch’ Ch’ quake given that the 2010 event was not quite co-ordinated correctly to give the desired effect but with a little tuning the right coordinates for HAARP have been found perhaps?

Given the known military applications of the past of HAARP against Sumatra (OIL battle), Japan (Central Bank Battle), China (Central Bank Battle), Chile (Resources battle), should we not all adopt an open mind at least until further evidence (via sources not supplied by mainstream media) rules one way or another?

Why is it that Bathurst Mining (Pike River group) is flat out currently buying up as much of NZ Resources as they can despite John Key having no mandate from the people to permit such deceptive monopolisation, especially since Bathurst Mining goes back to the same private corporation which at the top of the pyramid, owns every mine in Australia? Does “Rothschilds” and the “London Committee of 300” sound familiar?

Do these abovementioned concerns warrant the younger generations discussing the likelihood on Twitter and Facebook?

The above is perhaps food for thought for all right minded people.

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by Aloysius the Gaul
Half an hour later the fire chief said the report was a mistake. they've given up searching for survivors there - they've started releasing names of the TV presenters, etc who weer thought to be on the 1st 2 floors & some arsehole has already burgled the house of one of them!

Im not a violent person, but to me looters who loot for gain rather than survival, should be caught, and strung up in the nearest tree. Same with those scammers trying to get donations through that fake email the news warned everyone about. Any human who takes advantage of others during a time of crisis like this isnt human and shouldnt be treated with any respect or human rights.

Now if they where burglarizing to gain food i could let them off, but its hardly that bad in Christchurch so i doubt these guys were doing so.

Originally posted by free_spirit_earth
The above is perhaps food for thought for all right minded people.

Somehow i find that comment mildly offensive...

The OP has already asked on numerous occasions to drop the conspiracy talk in this thread. Weather it was or wasnt, this isnt the thread for it. This isnt even really the forum for it either...

edit on 23-2-2011 by BigfootNZ because: hmmm

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by karmajayne

Like the Israelis, the Japanese crew are up there as one of the best. Israelis have these robotic spiders that can go deep inside cavaties to see everything down there. Last I heard they were creating similar with robotic beetles; they must have taken note from Stargate Atlantis? or was the idea originally theirs? But amazing equipment they have and I know the Japanese are up there with robotics too.

Now I know the NZ and Australian crews are doing a remarkable job but the thought of perhaps even one single person alive, even barely breathing deep inside some of those cavaties...we all want them out and we don't want to leave anyone alive behind. I know there is always that small chance we are going to miss someone before the cleanup of debris...I don't even want to think of any person being buried alive. Thats why I want this technology in as fast as it can get to NZ.

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by free_spirit_earth

Ch’ Ch’ Quake struck on 22nd of 02 of 2011. Some highly placed sources are suggesting Alluvial resources and / coal under the Canterbury Plains are the ultimate objective of the fascist mindset dominating ‘big business’ these days, and hence the use of HAARP to make Ch’ Ch’ a ghost town which is what is now being muttered in political circles.

Got any actual evidence of HAARP being used for generating earthquakes other than the usuall supposition and connect-the-dots?

there is no Coal under chch - and not much under the rest of the plains either - ther are some small deposits in South Canterbury, and some in the Sthn alps foothills

Given the known military applications of the past of HAARP against Sumatra (OIL battle), Japan (Central Bank Battle), China (Central Bank Battle), Chile (Resources battle),

given that all these so-called applicationd of HAARP are nothing more than supposition and assetrtion without a single sketrrick of evidence, it may pay people to be attentive to things that are real.

should we not all adopt an open mind at least until further evidence (via sources not supplied by mainstream media) rules one way or another?

what conspiracy theorists mean by being "open minded" is that we should beleive every baseless assertion of world wide evil being done by somone, and ignore science, logic and anythnig else that doesnt' support their position.

Does your definition of "open minded" differ from this in any significant degree?

My definition of "open minded" is that when someone says "HAARP is to blame" I ask - "what evidence do you have for that?"

Invariably there is none.

Why is it that Bathurst Mining (Pike River group) is flat out currently buying up as much of NZ Resources as they can despite John Key having no mandate from the people to permit such deceptive monopolisation, especially since Bathurst Mining goes back to the same private corporation which at the top of the pyramid, owns every mine in Australia? Does “Rothschilds” and the “London Committee of 300” sound familiar?

Mining companies buying up access to mining resources? Wow - I had no idea

Do these abovementioned concerns warrant the younger generations discussing the likelihood on Twitter and Facebook?

No - but it won't stop any who want to - baseless speculation is not limited by age-group.

The above is perhaps food for thought for all right minded people.

"right minded"? I refer you to what I think you mean by "open minded" above.

Real "right minded" people will worry about all the myriad things that can and are going wrong that are real and are known to exist.

Adding worry about "highly speculative theories" (to use the ATS terminology!) is jsut going to increase stress, worry, paranoia, and hence risk.

you do no-one a service with this.
edit on 23-2-2011 by Aloysius the Gaul because: fix a quote

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by free_spirit_earth

I really don't want to hear about the HAARP machines; this is NOT the case in the CHCH quake however I'm now aware of the dozens of exploration permits for petroleum, coal and minerals in the area but now's not the time to go in to that right now. Lets allow things to settle down and discuss it later.

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Yep, it's true about the mining my opinion there should be absolutely no mining in NZ due to the sensitive nature of the fault lines. Should we be worried? Oh yeah!

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by bluemirage5

i agree i can't bare the idea that some people will be missed and left there i just couldn't imangine how that would feel and for their families do you know if they are sending any of these robotics here to help we sure could of used that for the ctv building and are the people that have not made it?. have they been included in the death toll is was it just miscomunication?. did they get all the people out alvie do we actully know that people are still down there i feel the stop the search too quickly like you said just the thought they have been left there when we could have done something just rips my heart out these people have suffered enough already and then they just get written of as dead it's just wrong!!

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