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Another large quake hits Christchurch New Zealand

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posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 04:16 PM
Haven't heard anything yet about any waves - Wellington will get washed into the harbouor if there's a really biig one..... was only jolted by 1 earthquake last night at 2.20 am (it woke me) and that was the only 1 around Wellington - dunno where you got 3 from, and New Zealand was the last current country on earth inhabited by human beings - Maori arrived some time from about 800-1300 AD - everywhere else that is currently a country had ppl before then.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by BobAthome

what kind of wave

Blowing a Gale here Wgtn/Kapiti/Cook, nothing unusual

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by BobAthome


Are you referring to the Eastbourne Ferry (a very small ferry I might add) that got hit by a wave recently in Wellington Harbour??

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by BobAthome

What does giant wave impact mean? Forgive me for being knaive? Tsunami?
I have read an article yesterday of a rogue wave, if I recall in Wellingtoin? Swamped a ferry.
edit on 3-3-2011 by mugger because: MPED

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 04:34 PM
Yeah that must be it, old news now, was 2 days ago.
I think he has been looking at RSOE

and unreliable site (known for exageration)

Giant Wave Impact

Event date: 03.03.2011 04:17:17
Country: New Zealand
State: North Island
Location:- [Wellington Harbour]

kind of off topic though

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 04:38 PM
That Ferry that got hit wasn't *swamped* as such, as in completely under etc...a wave broke over it, smashed out the front windows and so the water/wave/s came pouring into the front cabin, causing it to become nose heavy.
One passenger was swept overboard in the intial wave, but was rescued all fine.
Everyone else just donned lifejackets and got picked up very soon after by the local Police Launch and Surf Lifesavers etc.

No real big dramas...and really, anyone from here (Wellington area) knows how bad our winds and waves can get so its not at all any surprise...on rough days you know to stay the heck off the if anything I'd be asking WHY that Ferry...again, its tiny, its not like our much larger Interislander Ferries...was in the harbour when the water was so damn choppy at that time...

I wouldn't consider it a rogue wave either...having spent many a year fishing, boating, diving etc right through the harbour and surrounding coastal soon learn the the South Coast isn't the most friendliest or predictable water at the best of can change on you and turn on you in a heartbeat...

Its not at all uncommon, particular in the Harbour Entrance/Seatoun/Worser Bay area to just have waves come up out of nowhere and slam you around...

...all part of the fun of being a Wellingtonian...

edit on 3-3-2011 by alien because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 04:41 PM
My appoligies rather error on the side of caution, normaly not worth a mention , but seeing how things a sloshing around out your way, thought a heads up first then a more in depth analysis.
My bad.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by alien

I saw the picture. That boat looks awfully low to be running in that harbor,lower than a pontoon boat.

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by mugger

The picture you saw is probably after - it was significantly "nose down" due to teh incident.

It usually looks like this

although I douobt many ppl were on teh upper deck at het time 'cos the weather was pretty miserable!

edit on 3-3-2011 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2011 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by Aloysius the Gaul
Haven't heard anything yet about any waves - Wellington will get washed into the harbouor if there's a really biig one..... was only jolted by 1 earthquake last night at 2.20 am (it woke me) and that was the only 1 around Wellington - dunno where you got 3 from, and New Zealand was the last current country on earth inhabited by human beings - Maori arrived some time from about 800-1300 AD - everywhere else that is currently a country had ppl before then.

i dont think that is true. i think is the site. there were definitely non-polynesian ppl here before the maoris arrived. nz's history is deep and secret. i have a friend who has seen old pyramids in the north island on private land that were non-maori.

atlatean? celtic? check the site

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 12:57 AM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Wellington gets a big one about every 800 years; they're only half way through as it was suggested somewhere I read today.....however.....the CHCH EQK was'nt expected so we have to assume EQKs will now happen in the least expected places on earth. Now thats a worry!

I hope to God NZ does'nt get a bigger or more lethal EQK or something else "natural" in "nature" because that in itself would completely destroy NZ's economy....just like the IMF/globalists would like to happen.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by jungrrl

You are correct in fact there were two civilizations in NZ long before the Maori.

The Mori Ori; and before them a "Nordic" looking people.

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by jungrrl

You are correct in fact there were two civilizations in NZ long before the Maori.

The Mori Ori; and before them a "Nordic" looking people.


Please post proof of that "nordic people", I've read a lot of the wacky ideas, including "Celtic" folks, Phonecians, Egyptians, and Chinese. Also the idea of the "red hair" in the population of one Maori Tribe.

Moriori: Not really a distinct ethnic grouping to the Maori in New Zealand. The group we call the Moriori were most likely limited to the Chatam Islands, which technically were not part of New Zealand.

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by Noinden

What a load of rubbish...the Mori Ori WERE very much a past civilization of NZ and if you want more details of the "Nordic" people....there's a thread elsewhere on ATS about them.....if you can't find it then go to Dannivirke in the North Island where they found a grave of some.

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 10:59 PM
Mori-Ori were just an early phase of Maori settlement - those on the Chathams became isolated from the main islands & developed a somewhat different culture - not vastly different until at one point they figured out they were killing themselves off & went completely non-violent....which of course set them up to be butchered when mainland Maori came visiting courtesy of Pakeha ships in the 1830's.

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by jungrrl

I have the book from CelticOrg or somewhere like that - it's a load of utter bollocks from start to finish......I'd ask for my money back if I thought they'd front up

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 04:03 PM
Alright folks... I'm posting this in a few different threads, as I believe it is relevant and important to share. So if you see it here, and then another, you were warned. LOL

There has been discussion in this thread of volcanic activity being a potential issue. Therefore I am sharing this article I just discovered.

It is published in the journal Nature dated 3 March 2011. A magma chamber is a large reservoir of molten rock (magma) located several kilometers beneath a volcano, which it feeds with magma. But what happens to the magma chamber when the volcano is not erupting? According to volcanologists, it cools down to an extremely viscous mush until fresh magma from deep inside Earth 'reawakens' it, in other words fluidizes it by heating it through thermal contact. The large size of magma chambers (ranging from a few tenths to a few hundred cubic kilometers) explains why, according to this theory, it takes several hundred or even thousand years for the heat to spread to the whole reservoir, awakening the volcano from its dormant state.

However, according to the mathematical model developed by Burgisser and his US colleague, reheating takes place in three stages. When fresh hot magma rises from below and arrives beneath the chamber, it melts the viscous magma at the base of the reservoir. This freshly molten magma therefore becomes less dense and starts to rise through the chamber, forcing the rest of the viscous mush to mix. It is this mixing process that enables the heat to spread through the chamber a hundred times faster than volcanologists had predicted. Depending on the size of the chamber and the viscosity of the magma it contains, a few months may be sufficient to rekindle its activity.

No Such Thing As A Dormant Volcano Article

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by UtahRosebud

I presume you mean this to be a warning about the volcanoes of Lyttleton and Akaroa Harbours.

However they are nowhere near where any new magma would appear - that would be to the west of the subduction zone where the Pacific Plate goes under the Australian Plate - not the east - see a little over 1/2 way down the page.

The situation is like the Hawaiian Island chain where the islands are successive cones of the 1 volcano and none of them except the current 1 will ever be volcanic again - they have simply moved away from the area that generates the magma.

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by Noinden

What a load of rubbish...the Mori Ori WERE very much a past civilization of NZ and if you want more details of the "Nordic" people....there's a thread elsewhere on ATS about them.....if you can't find it then go to Dannivirke in the North Island where they found a grave of some.

Actually it's not a load of rubbish. Moriori (singular word) are a term for Chattam islanders, there are the "archaic Maori" aka the Moa hunters in some rather old books. But there is nil evidence for any settlement before the Archaic Maori phase, and they certainly were not peaceful.

As for these "nordic settlers"? I've read and own "ancient Celtic New Zealand" and it's hilarious, a load of crap, but hillarious. Most of those who find these "gravestones" tend to have a "racial" bias for doing so. The so called gravestone is not the same as what one would find for a Northern Germanic culture of the same time period. Oh and yes I have an interest in the Indo-European peoples customs, especially the spiritual ones, which a grave would include.

Slan leat


posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 07:45 PM
Polite Mod Request

Hi Guys...

...very interesting topic being discussed, Nordics, possible other pre-Maori civilisations...

Please however remember this thread is about the Christchurch Earthquake

The Ancient and Lost Civilisations Forum here on ATS may be a better forum for continuing the discussion on prior NZ civilisations. Feel free to start a thread there and go for gold.

Cheers guys...not meaning to be a downer...

Oh - and heaps of aroha to all the ChCh whanau and everyone else affected...

edit on 6-3-2011 by alien because: (no reason given)

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