posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 11:44 PM
Juan de fuca fault vancouver island, I have been feeling very strange for the last couple of days and am pretty psychic, the HAARP that caused most of
the recent earthquaqes is located in alaska, research facility my ass, we/ I live under a constant white sky any patch of blue is covered up by planes
that always follow the same path home. And as the other top post talks about...they are using Nikola's technology, yes tesla's stuff, they know not
what they do, they..with there experiments punched a hole in the magnetosphere a couple of years ago with their experiments into the unknown allowing
the solar wind in, these people that do this are criminals and need to be prosecuted at the highest level. the unfortunate thing is that the PTB
control the courts. So, what do we the people in what ever country we may live in do? What can we do? For starters we can talk on here, and then we
can gather in a square or a meeting place somewhere, where ever that may be and make our collective voice heard, us collective canadian souls are
generally very silent because of our warmongering neighbour to the south but we have just had about enough of Pipelanistan etc and perhaps more of us
will wake up in time to change our own government before it is too late for us too. cheers TT ..and my bet, since today's news was focused on libya
the USA has an agenda there too as wll as Dubai, and every where else in the middle east that they have their nuclear powered aircraft carriers with
live ammo on board including, tomahawks with active nuclear warheads headed for Iran to appeaase isreal which has itself about , well, over 500
nuclear warheads, some delivererable by plane, but mostly delivered by the the the jewish lobbyists in the USA. need I say more? Isreal has
underground bunkers for some of there attack aircraft supplied by USA of course to the tune of 5 billion a year + the black op funding.. sorry i'm
ranting because I am not a zionist, but jewish blood flows through my veins and i worked and drove those NMF ( nasty mother #ers) like kissenger and
his cohorts, Rocherfeller, global de-popullation etc, their body guards sat beside me, if you want names.. pm me..g'nite all and enjoy..TT