posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 11:53 AM
If I remember correctly, in an initial article I read on the book, it stated that the book was self-published by the author, for sale on Amazon.
Thankfully, Amazon caved in to boycott pressure and removed the book from the site.
I also remember a lot of people crying foul, and free speech, and warning about how every controversial book would now be instantly banned and burned
etc. The thing is, and the OP did point this out somewhere in the thread, people aren't that stupid. Nobody was clamoring to removed other books from
Amazon, and Amazon hasn't removed anything else. But a non-fiction how-to book for pedofiles is utterly unacceptable under any circumstances.
Children are helpless and it is the responsibility of every adult to protect them from harm, up to and including, books that detail how to harm them
and get away with it.
This is not an issue of free speech. There are all kinds of things we aren't allowed to do. We can't threaten people, we can't harrass them with
written letters or emails, we can't slander or lible them. No one is crying over those laws. So, why, are you defending what is obviously obscene
illegal material? No, he's not allowed to write this revolting treatise, any more than I am able to write threatening letters or emails. It's a
no-brainer. Nothing is black and white. Free-speech does not need to blanketly cover everything, including threats and harm to children. I don't want
to live in a world where it does.
I'm so happy this creep is in custody.