I am a little late with my comment but, I thought I should offer opinion being that I am an autochthon, native to Amaru-khan (not named after amerigo
ves whatever, research that wasn't even his real name, go to the library please wiki will not give you everything.)
American by definition from the beginning of this was country was "of the copper colored indigenous, autochthonus people of the american
I beg you to bare with me as I make my point. please.
The descendants of pilgrims are not American but U.S. citizens(which is why whites give mexicans a hard time) if we are trying to relate them to a
color which in my opinion has to be the most elementary thing I have ever heard of. The science of race is juvenile, and it stems from the adaption
to the human family. I read some of your comments and I know what your trying to say. But it is even more wrong to associate europe with "white"
as it is viewed historically because I am educated enough to know the lack of pigmentation is caused not sunlight alone but by inadequate nutrients,
vitamins, and minerals that cannot grow in europe. We know this true because there are other people around the world that live in harsh, cold climates
and they still produce melanin due to their diet and customs.
With those facts on the table one can blindly assume that europes most early inhabitants and cultures were form brown if not darker people considering
other facts like it takes time to adapt. Wouldn't you know it, there is scientific data to back up this radical claim. Start with the grimaldes
skulls of europe, and what europe was before and after moors peacefully conquered europe.please get a book not an article and you will see europe
didnt even have a major university for the public like people that europeans would deem primative.
Study Adaptation not evolution, and you can see how man can become an ape, or even a super-conductor. These are polar opposites, originally the same
species but grew according to the 'laws' that governed the earth at the time (pole shifts, and other phenomena)
White/European culture is something I think should not be celebrated in the way that it is. We are taught the father's of medicine, math,
philosophy(all which are untrue) and all of the elements of civilization come from Europe. I even heard a poster make a reference to his "Greek"
heritage and he claimed he was white. This example sort of shows how far the plague/pride has gone because I am certain the Greek people are of a
"olive" hue. On earth olives are only "green and black", and those vibrations are far from people with the characteristics of people with heavy
phenomelanin pink,ruddy and/or white. People in this post keep making references to St. pattys day because in their head they automatically
associate "white" with ireland....For those who don't know there is a rich "black" history there(including the creation of the leprachaun and
gold, and the extermination of them myth)Some people even go as far as saying Egyptians were white. That particular word is Greek for 'people with
burnt faces'. For the record no matter who is embalmed, over time the hair is going to become blonde and the red-hair is from dye......I could go on
and on about the false pride, but why.?.
But maybe that is because the United States was founded by White Europeans.
The United States was not founded by Europeans alone. That mentality is exactly what I speak of. Read Cristopher Columbus diary logs, he landed in
what is called "Puerto Rico" "with his expert navigator of the seas, Peter de negro. Many, black europeans, spanish Moors, and free Africans had a
stake in the new world. As a matter of fact they were the first to actually set foot(how did the navigator know where to navigate??). The latter
Spanish and Dutch are the first within the european family to disrespect people solely based on the content of ones eumelanin. Im not trying to pick
at you or anyone else but that perspective gets under my skin because its fueled by blatant lies.
I agree with you for the most part about so called black history
Blacks were a key part in the industrial expansion and growth of the US, again unfortunately they weren't paid a fair wage for their efforts.
They weren't payed a fair wage! How about they worked sunrise to sunset for NO THING. Test your pride....You would probably rather agree with
building killing machines like 1 tank that cost some million dollars than to pay our fallen brothers with the billion dollar industries they built(the
thriving tobacco inudstry and many others). We would have running chance with china imho because it all comes back home. But nope smh the only
country on the face of the planet that hasn't repaired itself.
My point......
Black History includes the world its not about ones heavy content of eumelanin. For example the Black panthers over-excercised their constitutional
rights and they welcomed and practiced with everyone.Yes for you shallow people their were plenty of so-called 'white' black panthers. The panthers
created a breakfast program where they would feed all of the kids of all races in the community for FREE before the government implemented a free food
White Pride equates to the oppression of others for their superiority to remain prominent, so please do not mention or try to compare white pride
with any other false division of our human family because its not the same. No other "proud" people bombed churches and killed kids because their
pride required them to do so....SMH. Or Hung people because of "god".
Outside of the systematically synthesized watered down education system that people proudly exclaim their worth and self-value through, there is REAL
knowledge out there that doesn't require an institution for you to obtain the true facts. When one can study the Earth's history without the vale
of race one can truly appreciate how valuable we are as a whole.
Let me clarify black and how it should be viewed imho. Black is the vibration that sits at the center of a black hole. The universe associates that
vibration with things that are beyond the vision of the human mind. When you stare at the depths of ocean, it spirals into black. It is the
primordial element that allowed light to shine(blackness is not darkness as it is in contrast lightness ie. dark matter vs black hole).
So scientist associate early humans with the 'adapted' so-called Negroid(it should be afracoid but for science sake) which is considered black.
Every male on planet earth descends and carries a y chromosome to prove that they come from what is called Africa. Despite what any climate has done
to them. When one stares into the scope of human history or the history of life it spirals out beyond our comprehension as if we were trying to view
the bottom of the ocean from the surface. So in essence,if your a thinking human, your of the human family continent, of planet Africa (rather you
like it or not).....To answer your question a little more straight forward. One should be proud not of the fruit of the tree which may come in many
colors depending on the 'enviroment' but its roots alone carry the foundation for the whole tree and it makes sure that it stands tall. That is
what we all of us should be proud of. The roots of every tree are all the same color no matter the fruit, like the heart of man.
Much peace and blessings and my goal is not to hurt or put anyone down. I just wish to uplift EVERYONE. Be proud of our family.