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Why is white pride a bad thing?

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posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 03:20 PM
First of all, there is no law from the powers that be stopping white people from celebrating being white. White people are as free to celebrate being white, as other cultures are to celebrate their own heritage.

The problem white people face when trying to celebrate being white is three-fold:

1. Many cultures fall under the banner of being white. It spans nations and cultures far and wide. If you look closely, these cultures do separately celebrate their heritage without hindrance or accusations of racism. Unfortunately, people seem to forget that all these celebratons exist, looking instead for something more all-encompassing.

2. The idea of "white pride" has been stolen and denigrated by neo-nazis. Culturally speaking, they are the loudest, most obnoxious proponents of white pride, and therefore, any other assertions of white pride become tarred with the same brush.

3. History still rings in people ears, and the cultural understanding of the celebration of white skin, is linked indelibly in the collective consciousness with the Third Reich, and the Ku Klux Klan. For right or wrong, these connections still hold sway.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 03:24 PM
"white pride a bad thing" : WHO SAYS SO, ANYWAY ???

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by mayabong

Because every white pride organizationt hat exists in America usually is based upon hate. Groups such as the Klan and IKA, skinheads...all those groupd ruined "white pride" and why is it "white" pride. Why do you take pride in skin pigmentation? If you had a genetic anomaly and were born to white parents as a black child, which kind of "pride" would you celebrate? Celebrate your heritage, and where your roots are, not your skin color....

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 03:42 PM

I agree with your comment and I am glad that you came in this thread and cleaned it all up. You've stated the point so succintly, could you please address the points that a few posters made about african "slavery" vs. chattel slavery?

Also, could you please point me into the direction of your favorite books on the topic at hand.

Again, much respect.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 03:59 PM

Um thats the population of the US and no still don't understand where your going with that. Even if we take all "non" whites and put them into the same category its still 74% to 26%. So clearly in the US the white population holds an insane balance. Therefor making whites the majority and the other races the minority, in the USA the constitution was pretty much made to protect the minority from the majority... wouldn't you agree? So in contrast wouldn't you think that certain things have been implemented in US law to do exactly that, even out the balance between majority and minority?

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by CodyOutlaw

You really made alot of sense with your post, star for you. But much like my post it'll probably fall on deaf ears here... seems more are here to tote racism then they are to discuss this topic and move on.

edit on 3-12-2010 by NoJoker13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by mayabong

Because it is a race, not a nationality. Most pride parades are for nationality. Not racial.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by cj6
reply to post by mayabong

What exactly have whites had to fight for or struggle for?? Umm..nothing!! They moved from place to place slaughtering natives and taking over. Is that what you wanna celebrate?? If theres something specific for whites to celebrate then please enlighten me...

And i agree that whites dont really have a "culture" thats just my opinion.

well i started writing a book here, so ive summarized into this, hate is the manifestation of the divid of equal,hate is also love expressed negatively, thus passion must exist for love and hate, just as love can manifest as hate. lets look at the maths:

1. you cant divid the equal when both equal the same number
2. hate is to love as love is to hate, in other words you must have loved before you can hate, it's a state of emotional betreyal,hate is nothing more that love expressed negatively, in other words you know were alike,but something changed your view, you've gone negative your depressed, you see the worst. lets look at this:
you fell in love and years later the relationship fails. al you can remember is the small andshort lived bad times, and your mind is very focused upon this, you fail to remember during this differcult time of the vast majority of good times,but you cant cos your love is now being expressed negatively.
3.your very depressed, feel betrayed and been in love with yourself and with others
4.ask yourself this, is it you that you've stopped loving or others?
5.are you reacting to the crowds emotional state or yours?

learn,share,nurture,love,respect,reciprocate = no barriers,no walls, no divid,no hate, nor love, but a limbic state of acceptance and peace.

i couldn't think of any other way to get this across to folks, but i think it explains well

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by illuminnaughty

There is no such thing as white bro. I want to get to the phase where everyone stops calling blacks "blacks". Why don't I ever get called a Jamaican? What's wrong with that? Can't say Spaniard either? How about American? But why does it have to be "blacks"? Not all "black" people are "American Blacks" / "African-Americans". If there IS a such thing as "white" please tell me. Is white Polish? Is it Filipino? How about Swiss? Czech? Russian? Yugoslavic? Greek? Irish? French? Albanian? Norwegian?

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by mr10k

I agree.

2nd line.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by HeluvaStorm
reply to post by mayabong

There is a Reality TV show I watch. The people form alliances. This year a group decided to form a minority alliance. So the young Spanish, Black, and Asian folks formed a group. There was also a group of older people over 40 and were not asked to be part of this group. My first thought was what if a group was formed called the White alliance? I think there would be an uproar in the USA. I also watch a TV show called BET Awards (Black Entertainment Awards) on a TV network called BET (Black Entertainment). BET surely singles out skin color in this example.. Would the citizens USA tolerate a solely White entertainment awards show or a solely white TV Network? Surely not. Then of course there are the Spanish and Latin TV networks. I don't think an all white network would be tolerated. I think just saying the words all white will lead to racist comments. This is NOT a white power post. I just don't understand the double standards.

What it is really about,is,ENVY.The ridiculous thing is that White people cannot help being white,but other skin colors seem to think we can.Most other races would definitely prefer to be white,as they are of the opinion that white people are given preference in all walks of life.You only have to look at the late Michael Jackson and sister Toyah to understand the driving force to be white.They both were born Black,but have used their wealth to attempt to change their colour.What they have done is verging on the psychotic.Surely other skin colors should be proud of their heritage,but it is apparent that this is not so.To prove a point,just look at the Black on White crime in South Africa,where the attacks on whites is totally disproportionate to the population split.Like I said,it is pure envy,or jealousy,if you prefer.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:27 PM
Nothing wrong with celebrating your culture(black man here). My POV is there is only one race native to earth, and that's human. there is no black race, white race, or any other race except human here; (aliens are a separate subject). The problem becomes when people assert that their culture is superior to others. It's been my experience that when white people talk about white pride, what they're really talking about is their belief in white supremacy.

I don't want white people to feel guity about the past. none of the people alive now had anything to do with the african slave trade. I want to be treated as an equal, now, today. It still isn't happening. I'm no longer an Obama supporter, but, it has to be said, he has never been given the same level of respect that all the white presidents before him have enjoyed. On this point, it isn't because of his actions, but his skin color. I feel for him, because I, and almost every other person of color in america and elsewhere, knows how it feels to not have your character, spirit, and accomplishments given their full weight. That louis C.K routine above is hysterical, because it's as true a thing as has ever been said about race. white is right, man. that's how the world is. If Barack Obama had told the world that Iraq had WMD, and we found out later it was all BS, he would have been executed for treason.

GWB gets lifetime secret service protection, his own library, daily presidential briefings if he wants them(all ex-presidents have that option), and thousands of dollars for every speech he gives on the rubber chicken circuit. Maybe the problem here is, white people don't NEED to celebrate their culture. It's celebrated on every level of american society, every hour, of every day.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by mayabong

Well the white culture has a lot to celebrate ever since its creation from Adam and Eve. The word Adam means to show blood in the face or the ability to blush. That is a characteristic of solely the white race. What you are looking for is the answer to why is it okay to bad talk the white race but not the other races. Simply put is that we have been blessed more then any other race and the only way for the other races to benefit from that is to feed off of our generousity. The "jews" which are not from the tribe of Judah but simply follow the jewish religion are actually parasites of this planet that need a host. No they are not semites because they are not from the line of Shem but rather the bloodline of Japeth. So me talking about the "jews" is not anti-semitic. I am a semite from the Line of shem through abraham, issac and jacob or in correct terms I am an Israelite from the tribe of Levi which is the priesthood. So for the jews to survive they need to make us feel bad for the other races and give them our blessings. So for me, the white race is the absolute best race on this planet and at times we can be the absolute worst race. We usually turn into the worst race once we have had a belly full of parasites.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by mayabong

I as a racially picked on white person wonder the same. What I dispise is being called a cracker. and for the record, it is jews who originally started buying the africans however it is the spaniards who went to africa and bought them from the african government whom rounded their african tribes up and sold because their corrupt government was brokeand sold them world wide. YET only in america are the whites condemend makes no sense. I had a friend in louisianna her family had a plantation and explained the whole slave thing to me. Know when THEY the racist American Africans ( afterall they werent born in africa therefore not african american, they are american first am I right) back to the subject, They the American-African racist #s when they immediately call me racist before ever talking to me I jump on the subject of facts, expressing their need of researching history which would essentially give them the knowledge of understanding who to harrass. yes the whites did buy at the time africans as slaves and thankfully a white president gave them freedom, and thankfully whites worked alongside them to enforce their eventual frreedoms to give them their bitching rights....peace to us all we need it

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by dragonseeker
Nothing wrong with celebrating your culture(black man here). My POV is there is only one race native to earth, and that's human. there is no black race, white race, or any other race except human here; (aliens are a separate subject). The problem becomes when people assert that their culture is superior to others. It's been my experience that when white people talk about white pride, what they're really talking about is their belief in white supremacy.

I don't want white people to feel guity about the past. none of the people alive now had anything to do with the african slave trade. I want to be treated as an equal, now, today. It still isn't happening. I'm no longer an Obama supporter, but, it has to be said, he has never been given the same level of respect that all the white presidents before him have enjoyed. On this point, it isn't because of his actions, but his skin color. I feel for him, because I, and almost every other person of color in america and elsewhere, knows how it feels to not have your character, spirit, and accomplishments given their full weight. That louis C.K routine above is hysterical, because it's as true a thing as has ever been said about race. white is right, man. that's how the world is. If Barack Obama had told the world that Iraq had WMD, and we found out later it was all BS, he would have been executed for treason.

GWB gets lifetime secret service protection, his own library, daily presidential briefings if he wants them(all ex-presidents have that option), and thousands of dollars for every speech he gives on the rubber chicken circuit. Maybe the problem here is, white people don't NEED to celebrate their culture. It's celebrated on every level of american society, every hour, of every day.

And let's not forget,that the majority of Slavers were in fact non white,and the white man did not become involved until much later.The fact is,many Black cultures enslaved their own people,Africa,for example,but very little is spoken of the white man enslaving his own kind.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by CodyOutlaw

And for the records I never call a person a colorit is wrong, I only used white for myself as the post title is using it. in actuality I am not white, although many peope of color would argue i am white I am tannish....

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by 8fl0z

and the black panthers is good?????

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by zeppo2

You posted what I have always thought but are to yellow belly to say...thank you for your bravery...peace to you my hero

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by dragonseeker
Nothing wrong with celebrating your culture(black man here). My POV is there is only one race native to earth, and that's human. there is no black race, white race, or any other race except human here; (aliens are a separate subject). The problem becomes when people assert that their culture is superior to others. It's been my experience that when white people talk about white pride, what they're really talking about is their belief in white supremacy.

I don't want white people to feel guity about the past. none of the people alive now had anything to do with the african slave trade. I want to be treated as an equal, now, today. It still isn't happening. I'm no longer an Obama supporter, but, it has to be said, he has never been given the same level of respect that all the white presidents before him have enjoyed. On this point, it isn't because of his actions, but his skin color. I feel for him, because I, and almost every other person of color in america and elsewhere, knows how it feels to not have your character, spirit, and accomplishments given their full weight. That louis C.K routine above is hysterical, because it's as true a thing as has ever been said about race. white is right, man. that's how the world is. If Barack Obama had told the world that Iraq had WMD, and we found out later it was all BS, he would have been executed for treason.

GWB gets lifetime secret service protection, his own library, daily presidential briefings if he wants them(all ex-presidents have that option), and thousands of dollars for every speech he gives on the rubber chicken circuit. Maybe the problem here is, white people don't NEED to celebrate their culture. It's celebrated on every level of american society, every hour, of every day.

By the time the slave trade was abolished in the West, there were many more slaves in Africa (black slaves of black owners) than in the Americas.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by lbndhr

The original and only Black Panthers are good. The ones with the title are not Black Panthers. The Ku Klux Klan is evil though.

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