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Suicide And The Aftermath.

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posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 01:54 AM
Wow..... Pure insanity, It was such a great feeling after I decided to live. I came to myself as I was loading my shotgun. The best advice is to get over yourself. A decade removed gives great perspective. Hope and faith are vital to any endeavor including life.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:00 AM
Reply to post by ThichHeaded

First off I would like to share something. One..i just had a classmate from highschool who killed himself by hanging himself...may he rest in peace.. ...if you do think about it though you are leaving back people that love you...your hurting people...but some people think thas the only answer. I always make sure that all my friends and family know that I am there for them NO MATTER what...I dnt judge here to listen..if they need help with anything. Now its kind of weird how this thread popped up. I have been going through similar thoughts....wanting to just end it and whats the point in this damn life...I talk to people...but that only helps so depression has reallly hit its peak this year. I am going to go to the doctor to maybe get some help...i dunno...reading this thread helps me a little knowing some people are going through similar thoughts...and im not alone. I do think about all the people and how they would react if i did such a thing...but also my mind is in a battle...

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posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:02 AM
Reply to post by capgirl

a battle with it...dont do it...but I am strong. And I hold onto life everday..

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posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by ThichHeaded
reply to post by Sunlionspirit

This is wrong..

Only a few cases of the 40,000 who kill themselves end like this..

The majority dont even think of thier loved ones when they try and kill themselves.. Read through my posts.. Everything i state is how one feels on a suicide kick..

To say I am suicidal now.. who knows.. I am showing people what a suicide thinks, feels, and reacts to things..

Notice not 1 time I mentioned my family life in a negative way.. exept an exact statement probably to something someone asked.

When I tried playing with a gun I was thinking of the bs i was going through at the time..
When I took them pills I felt that i didnt want to be here..(Honestly That should have killed me I am pissed off that it didnt.)
When I did the razorblade thing.. I that was be me bing an attn whore... I didnt want to kill myself or I would have done it the right way.,..

So some cases are like you said, Most are not..

I agree with you, I said " some " .....
but do you agree with me that HOPE is the problem, no more HOPE left ........
HOPE does not come alone on itself, it is the result of believing in a afterlife and in the fact that the Creator is the universal love ..... bullsh--t you will call this or not ? it sure sounds like that in this selfish and $$$ greed and materialistic world, but those are the fundamentals : LOVE ( I do not speak about sexlove hé ) and HOPE, lay down and give your life in the hands of G-d and tell him : I give you my life and I trust you, I love you, do what you want with it because it is NOT mine, it is yours but what you decide I accept ...
see what happens after that .....

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:07 AM
I've never really considered suicide.

I have contemplated it.. As in.. What the results would be.

Quite depressing, it's not something I would consider at this point in my life.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by Sunlionspirit
I agree with you, I said " some " .....
but do you agree with me that HOPE is the problem, no more HOPE left ........
HOPE does not come alone on itself, it is the result of believing in a afterlife and in the fact that the Creator is the universal love ..... bullsh--t you will call this or not ? it sure sounds like that in this selfish and $$$ greed and materialistic world, but those are the fundamentals : LOVE ( I do not speak about sexlove hé ) and HOPE, lay down and give your life in the hands of G-d and tell him : I give you my life and I trust you, I love you, do what you want with it because it is NOT mine, it is yours but what you decide I accept ...
see what happens after that .....

I do not know how to answer your question..

I believe we are here for a reason, I believe we are here to learn a lesson or 2.. I believe it is our choice to do with what we will with our lives, whether to live to 90 or die at 40.. It is our choice to make(Freewill).

I am not going to say god has a helping hand in what we do because I do not believe that.. I believe god wants us to succeed in what we do from what I get from reading NDE's..

I also know that god gets pissed when you kill yourself early.. I also know there is a chance that you will end up repeating the suicide over and over again.. and alot worse..

I do not believe in heaven and hell, that is a fairy tale of sorts..

But I really do not know how to answer your question..

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:14 AM

Originally posted by capgirl
Reply to post by ThichHeaded

First off I would like to share something. One..i just had a classmate from highschool who killed himself by hanging himself...may he rest in peace.. ...if you do think about it though you are leaving back people that love you...your hurting people...but some people think thas the only answer. I always make sure that all my friends and family know that I am there for them NO MATTER what...I dnt judge here to listen..if they need help with anything. Now its kind of weird how this thread popped up. I have been going through similar thoughts....wanting to just end it and whats the point in this damn life...I talk to people...but that only helps so depression has reallly hit its peak this year. I am going to go to the doctor to maybe get some help...i dunno...reading this thread helps me a little knowing some people are going through similar thoughts...and im not alone. I do think about all the people and how they would react if i did such a thing...but also my mind is in a battle...

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hey Capgirl, don't no what to say, it's sad .... I see you're still having the force to keep yourself in balance ....
maybe go see a doctor, it sure will help to gain more energy with some pills or so ....
but before going to a doctor, first of all try to live on a healthy way, take magnesium pills, take some product called " flowers of Bach ", they say it helps .....
this life is like a school : we have to learn LOVE, the fundamental force in Universe .. if you believe in that theory of course .... I see you help other people, well that is fantastic, you give love, you give your attention, do not be afraid of life yourself, some will fall of the ship into the cold waters of NOTHINGNESS ( may they find a issue anyway to their sufferings ) try to stay on that ship, you are NOT alone !!!!! we are all ONE. Peace.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:24 AM
I see children in Africa wondering where there next meal is coming from. I see pictures of dead bodies of people killed because they are albino africans, I see people living without arms or legs or eyes and yet not wanting to die, I've seen homeless people living in cardboard boxes in Mexico, I've seen a lot of unfair things and yet.....

And you want to kill yourself?

Is the freedom too much for you? Is the roof over your head not real? Don't you eat everyday? Can't you find clean drinking water (from a tap in everyhome for petes sake)? Haven't you the ability to earn money doing something no matter how small and meanial? Are you forced to live in one place? Can't you swim in the ocean, walk in a forest? Don't you have the ability to gain pleasure from helping an elderly person dig their garden?

Or is this life all about you?

I suggest you beg borrow or steal or do whatever you can, buy a ticket to somewhere not in the western world and get a grip on yourself and see what a dork you are for thinking there is nothing to live for.

What makes one man from a disadvantaged background suceed in life and the friend he grew up with from the same neighbourhood stay poor and wretched. The only thing was a decision to change. Move something, your location, your friends, your habits, your thinking, your job.... only, do something

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:26 AM
I have schizo-affective disorder. Depression is a component of my illness. I was suicidal four years ago. To the point where I was standing on a ladder under a tree with a rope around my neck. I thought to myself, "If I do this, nobody's going to find me for a long time." Which was true, is still true today. Thinking my cat would be an orphan made me stop. I love that cat, I couldn't bear to see anything bad happen to her. I got down off the ladder, found somebody to take care her for a while and checked in to the hospital. Got back on medication. My life turned around. Today, suicide is not an option. I do a random acts of kindness every day and I don't care if any one sees or not. I do it for myself, no one else. I pray on a daily basis. The things that really bother me, I talk to the Creator about them regularly. I don't know if he hears me or not. I do these things for me. I hope and pray you'll hang on for a bit yet. I wouldn't ever want some one to go through the hell I've gone through. Take care.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by ThichHeaded

well just think about all this, answers come after a while, that is why we may not react in a suicide way ... we must wait for the answers to come thru ....
it can take a long time, it can be tomorrow, but still the same : HOPE !!! you must have the HOPE your life is growing for the best even if you're passing thru very bad times .....
and then, when this life finishes, there is afterlife and I for sure believe in it !!
and what is that afterlife : it is still a way of learning more and more about the only force in Universe : LOVE !!
our entire living, now and after, is a school for learning about LOVE !! read about it .....
Peace. When I say peace I mean it, peace is the sister of LOVE .... and what do you think makes our lifes so difficult ??? because all of society is based on fear and hate and $$$$$ greed ...... and wars and suffering because of wars, starvation, hunger ...... not getting healthcare because no $$$$ in the pocket ....
all of this societies are based on selfish foundations .....
so, your own "political" or whatever battle for a better society is a instrument to find yourself back, to live for good reasons with real values in mind !!!

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:28 AM
reply to post by ThichHeaded

There is such a thing as a "meaningful suffering".. research Victor Frankle's "Logotherapy", an idea he hatched when in the Concentration Camps. It changes the whole frame of reference.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Can you fill us in here a little bit.. I am curious to what you mean..

Also I am off to sleep.. I will be back later.. 6 or 8 hrs..

reply to post by Sunlionspirit

I still dont understand this..
edit on 11/7/2010 by ThichHeaded because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:46 AM
To the OP, check out this site, not sure if it will be of any use to you but it is quite interesting. It is best if you check out the "New? Start Here" section on the right hand side of the home page.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:50 AM
Yes...thank you...and yes. I help many people doesnt matter if it benefits me or hurts me it really doesnt matter in my eyes. Now that being last comment because I avoid being in threads that have people that piss me off for this is somewhat of a touchy subject and insulting people because they may not know who or where else to turn too and just want answers and ideas. Ugh...humanity... anyways...thanks lion...very much..

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:55 AM
reply to post by ThichHeaded

Victor Frankl

It arises first form the premise that we can still be responsible for how we react to the circumstances around us, and that there is something we "have" in our possession, which no one can possibly take away, our freedom to choose how we react and respond.

Victor Frankl when in the very depths of the depravity in the camps of Nazi Germany, came to the sudden penetrating realization, that he was still at cause in even the very smallest and most mundane things, like what to do with a piece of bread, for example, and whether to curl up into a ball, or, go around and try to comfort others.

In the process, he "discovered" a new psychology called LogoTherapy, which may be defined by the will to MEANING, as opposed to the other therapists like Freud and Adler for whom it's either about basic drives and instincts, or the will to power (or fear of the loss of power).

Frankl came to the conclusion that man's highest will, is the will to meaning, and that once a meaning and a purpose is discovered, even in the very midst of the worst suffering imaginable, suddenly, the urge to escape it at any cost, shifts, and because the will to meaning is the highest ideal to which man strives, we will endure any amount of suffering in service to that higher purpose, and thus, suffering can be meaningful suffering ie: serving some sort of larger purpose.

In theory then, the worse the suffering, in the face of all manner of adversities or even evils, the better in a way, because that's where the rubber REALLY hits the road and goes somewhere, and the suffering then becomes the backdrop relative to which a "Great Work" of some kind is being performed - in the case of the concentration camp victims, the opportunity to retain simple human dignity, when everything else is lost, including security, safety, food, EVERYTHING.

It then becomes like a game of sorts, and the suffering may even be welcomed, because it forces us to cut to the very heart of who and what we are and why we are alive to begin with, like some sort of supreme challenge.

Let me give you an example. Frankl had a couple come in, a married couple who were REALLY at each other's throats, and one of them, when they were alone with Frankl, and he asked what their meaning and purpose was, within the relationship, they suddenly realized that their suffering, or their willignness to suffer with this other person, could be considered a supreme act of love, since they were all this other person had in the whole world. Therafter, the relationship improved dramatically, because there was now a WILLINGNESS to suffer there within that relationship, and that's the key.

Could there be, any meaning or purpose to your suffering that you can possibly discern..?

Let's fast forward to say, the end of your natural life, looking back - what would you say, to yourself, as to what was the meaning and purpose of your suffering the suffering you have been and still are experiencing right now to this very day?

There's the question - that's Logotherapy, rjght there. Answer me that question, and allow it's arrow to go all the way in first, and we will have performed it right now via text messase on this discussion board.

Can you answer that question, honestly and seriously and with the utmost sincerity? Could you possibly find any meaning or purpose to your suffering and your "predicament"?

C'mon there's GOT to be something there...

If you "get" this, and then willingly agree to suffer (for any reason that is meaningful to you), then my friend, you could be doing everyone and God a big favour, because it's all one. Perhaps there is something to learn in all of this, maybe even something of the farthest reaching implications and importance.

What is there to learn? Is there room in it, to grow? And yes, as someone else pointed out, could things change, such that you might have a different perspective on everything at some future time..?

And lastly, don't believe for a moment the "useless" part bud, 'cause you are obviously here for a reason or, you wouldn't be here in the first place and God don't make junk as they say. And as you can tell from this thread, there's a lot of nice people out here rooting for you, and there are people you haven't even met yet in your life who will be needing you (there's a reason right there).

Finally I would say to you that there is nowhere to GO! Suicide seems to be done by people who ASSUME that it's "the end", which based on a LOT of data, may not be the case, at all. Me I wouldn't try it, for fear that the Tibettan Book of the Dead might have some validity. When I'm done, I don't want to navigate a difficult "bardo". Seriously, from what I've heard, suicide is spirtually dangerous, although not lethal entirely, since there is nothing that "is not" ie: there is no escape anyway, so it's a fools errand. In short, give it up, this suicide thing, and if it's become some sort of habitual thought pattern or obsession of some kind, then go to the hospital for a while. I've been there myself, and the food aint so bad, and you get to have ZERO responsibilities for a while, so it's safe, but a rather odd experience nevertheless.

You're going to be fine, message any one of us for some comaraderie. We love you, I love you, and I don't even need to know "who" you are and all your curcumstances to say that, and I love you regardless of what you do, it's not conditional.

But if you choose, of your own free will, to stick around and willingly suffer for a greater purpose, then buddy, you are my HERO! Me I always seek ease and comfort, I'm not really brave enough to willingly suffer too much and as a result I don't have to do a whole lot of it, and things come kind of easy, so my "Schtick" if you will, is to bring suffering DOWN ON MY OWN HEAD!, by say skipping work and almost getting fired, blowing all my money and not knowing how I'm going to make it through, not quitting smoking. I'm a total wimp. Perhaps you can be courageous and strong where others like me are weak and wimply and fearful. I'm totally serious.

Anyway there's much more to this than meets the eye at first glance, and we are honored that you've confided in us, we hope we didn't let you down.



P.S. I can tell that you are young and still love at home, am I right?
edit on 7-11-2010 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 03:29 AM
here is how to deal with suicide. if you are sick or cancer or something, it does not apply.
this applies if you are feeling down and out.

take all the money out of your bank, or screw it, take none. its up to you.

get on a plane, a bus, a train, a tour anything. just leave your town.

move to the beach, move to the mountains, move to my city new york! move anywhere you want. rent a shack, who cares, you are dead anyways.

change your name, and never look back.

you have committed suicide. the old you is gone. there is only the new you. no one knows you in the new town. you gave up everything, so there is no more stress. got bills? who cares, leave them behind and just BAIL.

hell, i would go to makaha and live up on the north sure and paint. you do not even need a house, you can shower on the beach and beg for food. or, you can take the money you had in the bank, and just splurge on an apt somewhere else.

so you commit suicide by leaving everything behind, you name, your clothes, most importantly, your cell phone. throw it all away. just get up, and LEAVE.

go whereever you always wanted to go. and start brand new.

that is the solution to suicide.

plus, do you realize the grand adventure you will have when you have absolutely NOTHING to lose, cause you are already dead?

one of my rules of every day is to have some kind of adventure outside. you cannot have adventure inside unless you got a chickee with ya! ha.

also, if you are down in the dumps, work out 7 days a week. the endorphins will kick you into high gear. i work out every day, and the effects are astonishing.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 03:44 AM
reply to post by dantanna

I disagree (although it may depend on circumstances ie: abuse and the like) with the idea of a "geographical cure", and you could end up in an unfamiliar setting, alone, having brought your suffering with you. I say that you need to take a stand in the face of it, and face it down, head on. Running away isn't going to solve the problem.

Edit: Although the advice about excercise is wonderful. All natural feel good drugs to kick the depression to the curb, that could work!
edit on 7-11-2010 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

I kind of like the idea, if someone is already at that point what harm will a change of scenery do? I'm not trying to say I know the answer, but really, what could it hurt?

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 04:12 AM

Originally posted by taccj9903
reply to post by NewAgeMan

I kind of like the idea, if someone is already at that point what harm will a change of scenery do? I'm not trying to say I know the answer, but really, what could it hurt?

It COULD lead to a suicide at the new location when things don't live up to expectation, because then, things could seem utterly hopeless and a person could find themselves all alone in a strange place with no support structure of any kind, a lost soul.

I think he should seriously consider the possibility of a meaningful suffering, and there's a twist here, in so far as once suffering is met, willingly, something happens and things start to really change in a hurry psychologically, and then, within that new context and frame of reference, suffering starts to morph into opportunity, and then you can get clear enough to start to see the light at the end of the tunnel, with the knowledge that you were at cause in facing ir down or transmuting it, and that's POWERFUL.

What you suggest SOUNDS great, but it could be disempowering in the face of something which cannot be avoided, and which tends to follow you wherever you go.

But that's just my two cents, for consideration, I'm not a Doctor, although I consider myself a Shamen of sorts..

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 04:31 AM
Thought I would share this movie I'm watching right now, it is about suicide and the aftermath, enjoy, free to watch and all.

It is funny, fantasy based and drama.

I will guarantee most who take this topic seriously will enjoy this movie

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