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I wake up.. **Fudge wtf am i still breathing**(fudge used as subestitute for?)
Go about my crap day come to ATS.. read on how postitve the planet is..(notice real point in living? just browse the news on any site and you see how grand life is.)
Decide to eat... or something..
a constant thought on wtf am I doing here, why am i here, what is my purpose, wtf is wrong with me, where tf in life is there suppost to be something fun, all kinda crap like this..
Then i talk to someone i rather not be near, then hop on ats for more positive news..
Then start thinking about things, how screwed up people are, why is there nothing around that is good, and so on and so forth..
But here I think we speak about another kind of suicide, the people completely lost in Universe with no more hope, finding no more ways to get out of the pain ( spiritual ), getting no love at all and even if they get love this love cann't help them either ..... this is the NOTHINGNESS, lost in space and time, lost in your own mind ....
"When someone fails, it's not because they are not intelligent, or not capable. It's because they were never able to organize their energies around a goal".
I wasn't afraid to die, so I would work the crappiest jobs that no one wanted to do because they were scared of doing it. crawl under a house, in an attic, whatever. There might be a snake under the house? Who cares let it bite me in the face! I'll bite first! F the snake, F god, F it all!! Just give me the job and consider it done! Now this is what I tell whom ever wants to off themselves. What do you got to loose? Give blood every 52 days, heck ask to give 2 pints of blood, donate bone marrow, so you may help someone with leukemia.
Originally posted by doobydoll
I don't think suicidal folk consider the people around them and what they will go through afterwards, they are too full of their own misery and unable to see past it.
Suicides always think no-one cares and no-one loves them and no-one will notice if they're dead, but you are soooo wrong.
Your suicide will affect your family's lives FOREVER, because they love you whether you believe it or not.
Originally posted by ThichHeaded
Originally posted by phoenix_zephyr
140,000 people a yr try suicide, 40,000 kill themselves so statistics dictate that if one tries they are more than likey not to succeed.
Just imagine if by some rule of religious code, that if you are going to self terminate you were bound to take a "convicted" drug dealer, pedophile, murderer, or rapist with you. That means that 140,000 selfish people and 140,000 criminals, a total of 280,000 people a year would leave jobs and resources behind for the wanting and willing. This would solve the population control issue that the United Nations is working so feverishly on trying to solve.