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34 warships sent from US for Obama visit

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posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by curioustype
reply to post by Esger

I've been a bit distracted looking at the big $12 billion military aircraft tender/deal and drumming up trade angle (i.e. seeing whether the potential sale would, on the face of it cover the 'costs' of the visit - which I conclude it would).

However, I follow your logic entirely, certainly, what I REALLY don't like, is how we are in a position where we can all so readily think the things you have communicated. It is not just Iran that the fleet is nearing, it's not too far from Pakistan/China/Korea/Japan - all potential flashpoints - we will all sleep better if they did return having simply flexed some muscle...

If this 34 ship/fleet deployment is just for security alone, I think that must raise some serious concerns too. What has changed in the world for the USA to feel it needs that (in that region) now? What does that say about prospects for US/western business wishing to operate freely in the region?

Why Iran? Because I don't see reasons to attack China or Japan (and they would never do that, if so, they would lost. Remember Vietnam? They do.).
Korea is too far away and they know they could receive a nuclear bomb by the head.

So, "technically" there is only Iran left. "Strategically" with the weapons they already have in Pakistan and India, Iran would also be the most probable "target".

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by MimiG

This article is great for giving all information on President's visit. From armor to helicopters to tunnels and war ships. Check it out!

Am i the only one who finds it concerning that the majority of the white house staff will be with Obama, as will a group of luxuary jets filled with high up businessmen from the states????


posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by Blackmarketeer

Well, looks like the news didn't verify neither, because it was all over the news.

I find that the only news sites picking up this "story" are from the right-wing blogosphere and the Examiner. Real news sources are carrying the "Pentagon dismisses" report.

"He said it was customary to not discuss such security requests, but “I made an exception in batting down this absurd notion of there being 34 ships, or more than 10 percent of the Navy, deployed in support of this trip. That is most certainly not the case.

Why the exception if it was customary to not discuss such security requests?
edit on 4-11-2010 by Esger because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by jrmcleod

That source doesn't seem really "reliable" tho.

"Communications set-up and nuclear button and majority of the White House staff will be in India accompanying the President on this three-day visit that will cover Mumbai and Delhi."

Check list.
-- You have the button mr. President?
- Yep, got it.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by PatriotsPride

Or maybe its time for a false flag on the White House so this can all move their NWO agenda to Denver like was planned. But here's more crap on this: Re: Updates and World Events
« Reply #114 Yesterday at 6:57am »

Don't know what to think about this post found on PortalReport forum. I'm not in the States, so...

"Just thought I would add this piece of an article from The Divine Cosmos Website... the entire piece you can find over in the disclosure section..

Top insider employees of the US government, being told this plan (or some version of it) is about to be implemented, have been ordered to stock up on freeze-dried food and consumables.

In order to make this quick and easy to do, such goods are apparently now being featured in the central "new product" aisle in Wal-Marts across America.

[Update 10/24: This is what I was told -- but people are now writing in and saying their Wal-Marts don't have these items. Others have said Costco does. If your Wal-Mart does carry these items, let us know.]

If I remember correctly, the minimum recommendation for storage is six months.

Whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa and millet, two or three varieties of dried beans, flour, sugar, salt, spices, superfoods like spirulina powder, cooking oil and a series of dehydrated vegetable and meat items are apparently the top recommendations -- as well as stored water and water purification systems, and seeds for planting food crops.

The insiders' research shows that only four percent of the general public are actually buying the dehydrated food items, despite them being offered at below wholesale prices -- much lower than retailers on 'truth' websites are selling them for.

The other 96 percent are being bought by government / corporate / military employees who have been tipped off.

The products are also made with high-quality organic produce, pesticide-free, and are therefore actually healthy to eat -- great quality and cheaper than regular food!

I never thought I'd tell people to go to Wal-Mart for any reason, but I'm just sharing with you what's being reported. They can't keep a lid on this because everyone is being told the "Big One" is about to hit."

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by wavemaker

FINALLY. That's exactly why Bush called it a WAR ON TERROR not a war with Iraq or a war with Islam. So really, the collective, non-fear based consciousness of mankind will indeed win out on this one because sooo many people are rapidly experiencing an awakening that is changing the energetic face of the whole planet. Fear won't control us for much longer and Obama is NOT trying to dominate the world. He's trying to decisively end the war on terror while at the same time rebuild our nation.

I for one think that the ETs or some other source is keeping the nuclear warheads from being used. The consensus reality is to live on, NOT torch the Earth in a nuclear inferno. Don't 'feed the fear out of a good heart'. You're sorely misguided if you do that. Otherwise if you're trying to sow fear and dissent on purpose, you're, well, you know.... Just check my last two posts in this thread...

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 07:23 PM
Well, this is indeed strange. It is also strange that my Command has sent a unit wide message telling all of the Soldiers to update thier emergency information. They justified it by telling us there would be a "mock" disaster alert this weekend. Is this routine out here you ask? No. It is not. In the two plus years I have been stationed here this is the first time something like this has come up. Im not talking like regular Platoon or Company alert rosters you update and send forth for the command. Now that is routine. This other "alert roster" is automated and also tracks immediate family. I could just be overreacting. Just my two cents.


posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by Resurrectio

I'm sick with the feeling that Obama is going to be 'taken out' by the CIA/Mossad. Outside of the country in which he is President, it will be harder to sort out who holds the responsibility for his assassination.
It will be a big mess. I think he's been deceived and betrayed and Michelle has smelled a rat. I also believe that Rom Emmanuel is Mossad and has got Obama under MKultra mind control. That's why he's flown the coop: his job is done and all is in order for the final (original) solution. The course has been set, a long time ago.
I vote Democratic and supported Obama, so all these realities hitting me now sadden me greatly, and make me feel that there is no more hope for the USA to get back to any kind of sanity.

I am a mature and intelligent woman who has strong intuitions, but I don't advertise them nor do I need to be 'right'. Unfortunately, I too often am.
My birthday is 11/11. (Next year, if I'm still here, there will be three elevens).
I just get strings of visions, as if they were already facts of history...that they already happened.
I scan the daily foreign affairs news bytes and commit them to memory until each part begins to form a string, then they all come at me at once and tell a story.
I've been watching Hillary's every move for a while now.
She is part of the grand plot and has been from day one of Obama's story.
She was born a few days apart from me, in the same year and I honestly believe that I have a psychic connection to her character. However, I do not like the woman. She scares me!

It's possible that Hill and Bill will spring a 'coup d'etat', and take over the White House, (if there remains one after the weekend). They will find a way to convince us of their justification for this, whether we like it or not.(Not!)
Joe Biden will be 'removed' in some other way.

Ladies and gentlemen: The traitors have spoken and you won't like what they have to say.

As I said, I don't require to be right and I surely hope I'm not, this time.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by brainranger
Well, this is indeed strange. It is also strange that my Command has sent a unit wide message telling all of the Soldiers to update thier emergency information. They justified it by telling us there would be a "mock" disaster alert this weekend. Is this routine out here you ask? No. It is not. In the two plus years I have been stationed here this is the first time something like this has come up. Im not talking like regular Platoon or Company alert rosters you update and send forth for the command. Now that is routine. This other "alert roster" is automated and also tracks immediate family. I could just be overreacting. Just my two cents.


That's what i'm talking about. Too many "coincidences" right now.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 07:31 PM
Information overload will only fuel speculation and anxiety.

Cut through the smoke and see it for what it is. It is about the economy.

Why else have 34 warships patrolling 300km from Indian shores? - Because one superpower we depend our economy on is about to be replaced by India and they could hit from that far away.

Just my simple opinion...
edit on 4-11-2010 by learnandpasson because: keyboard typo

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 07:33 PM
Reply to post by Blackmarketeer

Because we can totally trust everything the Pentagon says at all times. Am I right?

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by Esger

China/Japanese/Taiwan rifts/run-ins are escalating - USA may get drawn further in?

N/S Korea remains a high level risk I think?

Iran - yes very worrying, especially in regards to Israel's position/role, but also because of the complex matrix of relationships between Iran and China, Russia, AND the Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan issues, which of course takes us to India.

I'm fascinated but do not profess to know exactly what China is up to, I read the other day that they helped Pakistan develop their first nuclear weapons, tested in China apparently. Supplying nuclear capable missile tech/factories to Iran...recently embroiled in a murky series of exchanges between Japan/USA over trade/currency spats, read somewhere else that China had manouvered troops into Kashmir territories previously understood to be under Indian control...don't think they're overly keen on Islamic extremists either though...

Surely nobody would want to touch Iran without watching/covering all of those other areas VERY closely? It's not exactly looking like quite the same environment as 1991 or 2003?

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by PatriotsPride

34 warships sent from US for Obama visit

He will also be protected by a fleet of 34 warships, including an aircraft carrier witch will patrol the sea lanes off the Mumbai coast during his two day stay there beginning Saturday.The measure has been taken as Mumbai attack in 2008 took place from the sea.
(visit the link for the full news article)

if this is a real article why is which spelled like a witch like on halloween

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 08:08 PM
Coconuts removed from trees in preparation for Barack Obama's India trip.

This is hilarious! Even the trees have it in for him!

edit on 4/11/10 by Soshh because: fixed link

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 08:10 PM
This is a battle group that is visiting India.

There are two threads about a second battle group going to the gulf.

US deploys second air carrier in Persian Gulf with 60 warplanes


Rumblings of WAR! US deploys second air carrier in Persian Gulf with 60 warplanes.

Everyone is looking at parts, not the big picture. 34 ships just don't show up regardless of who gives the orders. It takes time for everything to get in place.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 08:16 PM
Hey, I just thought of something--I read where sunspot 1112 is comin' round the corner., Maybe they know where to be, and when? JMO
Sorry, I'm probably off topic, but maybe there is a reason besides military intentions?

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 08:16 PM
Is this even true???

200 million dollars a day? You geniuses realize that's more than the Afghan war a day right?

You do realize there has yet to be ONE VALID source to report this story???? Do you guys really think you can just "google" the president's security details???

ATS has lost it's mind. What happened to reporting facts.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 08:20 PM
After reading through this and other threads, one thing is for sure; if there is no major event while he is on this trip there will be egg on the face of lot's of posters.

The wildest so far is the gazillionth prediction somehow this involves an attack on Iran.

Now that I know the entire 200 million a day myth is total bunk and have an idea of what the visit is about, this should have drawn no more interest here than any other trip. I guess though with the Elections over people need something to fill the time.

Personally I'd have been surprised had he not worked on more close relations with India considering the mess in Pakistan. I've been saying for years now that the flash point for the next big war in the world will be due to Pakistan and India. You just can't leave all those Nukes in Pakistan in an area like that and it not have a bad ending eventually. I still don't see Iran as the flash point and I think I'll be vindicated in a very short while.

My views would not be too popular as I think we need a far better presence in Afghanistan than we have now. We need to control that border and if not us, China or Russia. Although I think it is better for India if it is us. I also doubt China or Russia have a real interest and they would likely see a conflict as a means of expansion. But then I may be a total dolt on this issue.

If this trip is indicative of anything, I think it's all about those business leaders and better trade relations and more access which would benefit us all. Perhaps more assistance with their national security in exchange for more access? Quite dull and mundane, but makes perfect sense. We can help with India's interests and Pakistan problem, increase our access to Indian markets, while at the same time making it more likely Pakistan's Nukes could be taken out before they could be used. I think this is what is really going on and the rest is just a giant hangover from the Elections. People have to keep that adrenaline rush going by scaring the hell out of themselves.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 08:23 PM
i like how the government is broke for somethings and have unlimited wealth for other things. 200 million dollars for lets say 7 days can open superstate of the art hospitals in 5 major cities and treat people for free and pay staff for atleast a year. provided you use a normal building contractor, and not one of washingtons inhouse corporations.

you can take two things to bank from the government: when money is needed to help americans they're broke.
when money is needed for their pet projects, repay their corporate campaign contributors or pay to further their personal agendas money is no object.

no wonder they directly take your taxes from your paycheck. no sane person would willingly give their hardworking money for politicians to live the high life while giving not even the bare minimum back. like guaranteeing your health.

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

So, you find nothing excessive about 34 warships? Considering the state of America's economy?

Even if that's normal, it needs to be stopped; at least until we can afford it.

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