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American Doom!

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posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by Mykahel

What you and others refuse to understand is that they are outsourcing the good jobs overseas becasue the politicians are being bribed, democrats and republicans to let them do it so a select few can become filthy rich at the expense of the middle class and the American economy.

Thats the issue you guys dont want to see

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by inforeal

I respectfully disagree. There is a fine line here between Capitalism and Patriotism. The jobs going overseas are costing the corporations less than if the job is getting done here. That's a fact. I'm not talking about just salary, but also work space, benefits, ect. The governtment needs to start looking at giving tax breaks to these corporations so the finicially can justify keeping the jobs in the USA.

Please don't misunderstand me here, I'm not happy about this situation and what has gone on, but it's the facts.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by Dantas

For the time it takes to track them down and take photographs and post them here, you could be on the Fraud Hotline doing something useful, by having them investigated, and removed from these services. You don't have to prove it, that is their job. Just request an investigation. I'm sure those investigators work on tax dollars too, don't want them to be without something to do.

If you have knowledge of these abuses, then you have a responsibility as a citizen to report them. That's my thought anyway. If I knew for a fact somebody was doing this, I would report it. If I didn't know for a fact, I wouldn't want to be perpetuating rumor. Impoverished people have it tough enough anyway. Just saying.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by inforeal
I AM A HUMANITARIAN who believes in helping people.

OK, I have a question for you.

If you believe in helping people, and you think the Dems believe in helping people, then how come Clinton didn't go into Rwanda to help the people there when an actual genocide was taking place???

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by amc621

The democratic congress just tried to do that but the republicans blocked it

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by signal2noise

Becasue Clinton is not a good human being.

I am not a democrat, but when they support issues that I think will help human beings I support them, when they do things like NAFTA, Support Isreal [ things democrats do as well as republicans] I dont support that.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by inforeal

And what you and others like you refuse to understand is what the real cost of doing business happens to be. The reality of being in business, be it producing a product of selling it, the most expensive cost to the entire process is labor and all that goes into it. Next time you get paid, take a good hard look at where all of your money is going. There are taxes, federal and state. The there is Disability insurance, Unemployment Insurance, Social Security and a whole range of other costs that the employer is required by law to provide and pay out for each and every employee. And if you do own a business, the question is what is your goal, to provide good jobs for the local community, or to make money? It would be to make money and anything that you can do to keep the costs down, that increases the profit margin and the bottom line. Make no mistake, a person does not go into business to be generous, a person goes into business to make a profit. Combine that with all of the taxes, permits, liscenses and other fees associated with it and you wonder why jobs are being shipped out of the country? Take a look at what the local and state regulations are like on any business, it stinks.
The reasons for a company to set up shop in another country is as follows:
Reduced costs and taxes. Take a look at the countries that jobs are being shipped to and look at the costs of materials, wages, electricity, taxes and labor.
Competition: Many companies must compete with companies in other countries for customers, and if the competitor has a lower cost, they can charge a lower price.
Exports: A company that has a product that would be wanted in different countries would be unwise not to set up shop in another country, to make it cheaper to sell in that country as well as the US.
Law: Some countries require that American Companies doing business in their country must either have a facility there or partner with a local company and have part of their operations there.
Risk: No one wise, would have all of their eggs in one basket, and a company would not either.
Expertise: Face it, the US is not the expert of leader in many fields, and a company that would want to make or do business will need experts, even from another country or set up shop there to keep the costs down.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by inforeal

The bill that you keep bringing up and was turned down, would punish a company for doing business, and following the natural business market and model, that is to make money. that would not survive very long in the US, if it can not be global in nature and keep costs down. Think about it in terms this way, you make an item in the US and it costs you 10 dollars to produce, but in China, it costs 30 to 50 percent less. So that means the same item that costs 10 dollars to make in the US, in China costs only 5 to 7 dollars to produce, that means 3 to 5 dollars savings that could be invested, pay back loans or even profit.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by sdcigarpig

So are those same Chinese folks going to come and buy those products for us when none of us can afford to because all the jobs are being done in China to keep costs down? I would like to better understand the idea of shipping jobs overseas to help the US economy.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by Dantas
They use the food card to buy the food then cash to buy beer and cigs.

Trust me, I hate that stuff with my guts. I still hold that such people (scum) are a tiny minority in our society.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by sdcigarpig

Other countries haven’t gutted their manufacturing and let greedy selfish capitalists ruin their economy like those in the US, such as Germany, and China, nor Japan.

Nor do they pay their executives the obscene way that they do in America.

You just wont or don’t understand that we are loosing good jobs to outsourcing.

I have lived it.

I was in the auto industry and the IT industry and each of those industries use to have millions of good middle class jobs. Not anymore.

Any country has the right to protect its citizens from predatory capitalist practices, so the national economy can serve the good of all not just a few capitalists’ ventures.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by inforeal

Oh, but I do understand, alot more than you think or believe. Yes I do know that jobs are being outsourced from the USA, and I also understand why. Tell me did you ever get into a position of being a manager and having to deal with all of the problems of running a department? Believe me if you did, then you would know what I have been telling you in the past few posts is the exact reason why they do such. Take a good look around your community and then walk into Walmart and do a bit of price comparison, and who makes the products that are sold and purchased there. Reality is that a majority of the products we purchase, use and consume in this country is coming from a production plant that is outside of the US. Walmart is mentioned cause that chain is what is driving alot of companies to leave the US. Consider this, if a company wants to sell their product in Walmart, and alot of them do, Walmart dictates how much the product will sell for. So the company has 2 choices, lower the price, or sell it else where. If they decide to lower the price, then they have to find ways to cut the cost of production, and most of the time, that means that the product has to be sent out of the country to be produced, shipped back and sold in bulk. And many of those companies factor in labor, cost of materials, transportation and where they can set up shop. And do you think that by setting up shop in a small country with very little in the way of taxes and regulations is not appealing, guess what it is, cause that means the amount of money for startup goes way down, enabling them to guarantee the product. By the time the first completed product rolls off the line, the owners of that company already know how many have to be sold to make a profit and how to protect that profit. And in the business world, the profit is the driving force behind a company suceeding and failing.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by Curiousisall

If they are doing business in China, then it is at the discretion of the Chinese government and they are like walmart, they determine alot of things.
Lets talk about the green movement and solar panels. Why is it that in China, a solar panel is made and sold for around 475.00 and one similar made in the USA costs 524?
Which would you purchase if you are a consumer? Don't know about you, but as a consumer and person who is on a budget, I would choose the 475.00 it only makes sense, so that should be a good indication of why jobs are moving out of country.
When it comes to manufacturing the country that is going to overtake the US is China.
And the reason why IT jobs are going to India, is cause that is where the people with the degrees, for the cheapest costs happen to be. Didn't you know that, as this has been happening for years. Students in the IT department have been tradionally either from India or are of that descent, get a college education and degree here in the US and then move back to India, where the cost of living is way lower and for the salary that they make, they are becoming the rich over in that country.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by inforeal

No, we see it and hate it just as much as you do. Well, some of us do. Taxing big companies more will only result in them trying to save money in other ways by either shipping more jobs overseas or increasing the cost of their service/product to the costumer. In all reality, as long as greedy people are in charge of these mega corporations that run our country, it's going to be a lose-lose situation.

Again, that's why I'm a big fan of getting rid of the IRS and simply having a sales tax, equal for EVERYONE. Perhaps food wouldnt be taxed so that large families would not be more heavily taxed as a result of having more children. The rich would get taxed more because they would buy more and buy more expensive things, but it would be fair.

Yea... I don't like any of the guys in there, but to call what the Dem's have been doing good is simply not right. I refuse to call the lesser of two evils a good thing, and between the two I would consider the republicans the lesser of the two evils anyway. When I voted, I voted libertarian, and I'm glad to see that we finally won some spots in leadership. The two major parties are one, or maybe perhaps more like a couple. They are both doing the same thing, it's just that one of them is doing it in camo, and the other is doing it in a dress.

Bah, I've had enough of thinking about politics for now, voting and seeing the gradual collapse of our amazing country has got me depressed enough already. Have a good one ya'll.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by inforeal
reply to post by sdcigarpig

All civilized countries in the world have national health care. It isn’t perfect BUT PEOPLE IN THOSE COUNTRIES DON’T DIE IN THE STREET!

This is wrong. Taking without permission is uncivilized. National Health Care requires property theft. Therefore, all civilized countries do *not* have any nationalized health care. Any country that has nationalized health care is uncivilized.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by inforeal

Oh no, they have not gutted, cause of several reasons: 1) The government of those countries have a vested interest in those companies and thus often interfering in the running of such. 2) In those countries, they still allow for Monopolies. In fact there is one industry that is a monopoly, and that company does not even operate directly in the US.
2) Those companies are often protected by law, and competing companies often find that there is a higher tax bracket and fees that they have to pay, though it is probably a good bit less than setting up shop in the US.
3) If a company is to survive in the modern day world, it has to be global, and meet the needs of those purchasing its products, to include the costs of said products.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by civilchallenger

Originally posted by inforeal
reply to post by sdcigarpig

All civilized countries in the world have national health care. It isn’t perfect BUT PEOPLE IN THOSE COUNTRIES DON’T DIE IN THE STREET!

This is wrong. Taking without permission is uncivilized. National Health Care requires property theft. Therefore, all civilized countries do *not* have any nationalized health care. Any country that has nationalized health care is uncivilized.

A blog post from a Canadian reader of the New York Times:

I'll tell you one thing.
I had been offered a CEO position in an American small corporation, living in Canada (where i head a Canadian corporation) I asked myself:
Where do i want to raise my kids?
In a country that has universal healthcare, almost free education, a higher life expectancy than America, much less poverty and childbirth death, where my kids go to public schools and there is almost no racism, with the same liberties as America and roughly 2% of taxes more.
....or in America.
The choice is clear, I'm renouncing higher pay and a lot of perks to stay in Canada, where democracy is really a democracy, even if imperfect, and not a plutocracy, because this is what America has become, a very sad day for all of us former admirers of a lofty ideal of society that unfortunately doesn't exist anymore.

Seems like you have NO IDEA what being civilized means.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by Blackmarketeer
For the GOP, it was never about the deficit, or spending, because traditionally Republicans have always outspent Democrats.

I don't believe it. Your chart is wrong. I'm sick of seeing that silly meaningless chart. Congress sets the budget, not the president. So the first mistake was that the chart needs to show the red/blue colors based on who is in control of congress. The second mistake is you didn't show a spending chart. You showed a debt chart. Clinton gave us a lot of debt during his term during a supposed surplus... which was so irresponsible it blows my mind. The late 90's were a period to cut down on debt, not grow the debt. Clinton was reckless and irresponsible just as much as the red team. A proper chart I have no doubt would show both parties to be complete idiots who very obviously nobody should ever vote for. Clinton played a key role in bankrupting the federal government as far as I'm concerned. I strongly challenge the idea that either party is less irresponsible than the other. Look at none other than the recent budgets by a democrat-controlled congress as proof!

The recent budgets have been nothing less than absolute suicide. The democrats signed a death warrant on the US Federal Government with this years budget. I suppose it was set in stone with passage of their health care bill... that was the giant brick that broke the camels back. The feds are basically sitting dead at this point and now we wait for their corpse to decay. The feds will default on their debt soon and they'll probably all be out of jobs in a few years. Good riddance to the violent thugs. I'll seriously throw a party the day the feds default on their debt. (notice how I've disowned their debt as I've never agreed to pay it... most people call it "our debt"... hell no).
edit on 3-11-2010 by civilchallenger because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

I know what being civilized is, and I know you are not a civilized person. Civilized people do not take other's property without permission .That is stealing and it is wrong. Learn more about moral values. Your whole philosophy is based on the idea that human beings are uncivilized brutes who can not be trusted to be generous and help each other out. My philosophy is based on the idea that humans learn to support each other without being forced to do so by the government. You wish to come into my house and steal and you think you are generous. So you stay in Canada and I'll stay here where people mind their business and behave more civilized.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

Well there you go, they pay 2% more in taxes, and according to the research I am seeing, Racism is alive and well in Canada, coming from the different aspects of the country from Quebec that not only wants to break away from the rest of Canada, and that is actively restricting some religous groups, to the lack of the freedom of speech, to other reports where it is a case of the Natives attacking all others and causing all sorts of problems. Most countries that are civilized, have social problems, and it is not just a US or a European problem but a global problem.

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