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What could this Be?? 911 - Second Strike Footage... Wing Disapears

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posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by Korg Trinity

This made me go....

very interesting... I'm going to devote a good portion of my day tomorrow to watching all of the videos posted from the new cache... and getting saved to my drive as well.

Fascinating. I want to see if anyone's done a frame-by-frame of this, with some picture analysis.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by GlennCanady
reply to post by Korg Trinity

Nice post with all the frames showing the magic disappearing wing! Funny how an airplane can melt into a building that has beams stronger than an M-1 tank without one piece of wing or tail being sent to the street below! Sort of like they setup charges on those floors that were "under construction" so they could blow some charges when their hologram or camera trick intersected the building. It makes NO SENSE that we have 2 planes hitting steel stronger than an M-1 tank and in both cases not even a TINY piece of plane falls to the ground. Think about how impossible that is.

It's funny to see the new world order hacks try to come up with EVERY excuse in the book. Go search out all these hacks posts and you'll see that's all most of them do. All they do is push the government fairy tale that anybody with an ounce of sense that does ALL the research knows is a LIE. 911 truth doesn't have all the answers but what is clear is that the official story is a total farce and that's why even 6 of 10 of the 911 commission said the government lied and distorted repeatedly. Notice how ALL the official CIA controlled news feeds from the networks only showed the back of the buildings. ONLY after other footage that was not in their direct control came out did we see the disappearing wing and of course the "Nosed Out" youtube video shows a holographic looking nose cone that just magically disappears in mid air. A cockpit was NEVER found in the street so how does the strongest piece of a planet penetrate a building without a scratch and then poof vanishes like magic. That's when I knew it was a hologram most likely. We know the technology exists because the Pentagon bragged about this ability over a decade ago with project bluebeam.

Just research ALL the posts of the DEBUNKERS and if all you see is somebody trying to push the government story then you KNOW what their agenda is. These same people will NEVER post about chemtrails, depleted uranium, fluoride, aspartame, GMO food, the vaccine scams or any of the rest of our government's evil. Hmmmm, why is that? LOL, why are they so concerned with pushing our government's position just like our corrupt and bought and paid for media but not with exposing any of the other evil our government is doing?

Laugh at the debunkers that you expose for not doing anything to expose the lies of the new world order. They are just like Judas Iscariot.

1. The wing is still there !!!
it's the sun,angle,...

and then look at this...
really look like a shape of a plane, hey !?

2. planes was going around 500mph and wings were full of kerosene.... look at this...

3. Look at this too... steel melt...

4. And this one is really instructive.... take a look


edit on 27-10-2010 by RemiNadeau2727 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by RemiNadeau2727

Way to play along with EXACTLY what he said. FAIL

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 12:30 AM
Can you guys stop all this "no wing" non-sense please? Here is a picture of the plane in that video (but from a higher quality source):

The wing is clearly there, so please stop all this crazy talk!

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by eNumbra
reply to post by Korg Trinity

Between those two images, the lighting on the side of the plane seems to have changed, so if the plane tilted a bit it's not out of the realm of possibility that the camera couldn't pick up a very slight difference in color between the reflection on that wing and the sky behind it.

Interesting regardless, as it obviously "appears" to disappear, not as nearly subjective as other video evidence.

I fiddled around with video settings (inverting, zooming and such) in VLC ... not a professional video analysis program, but what I have available at this hour... and, in all incarnations of this footage, the wing outright disappears.

I understand your point about the lighting, and camera not picking it up - perfectly sound...
But if the camera doesn't pick it up, that doesn't mean the colors in the background come through to the foreground, as happens in the video.
I'm not a professional video editor, but it doesn't look like there's many compression artifacts in the video...
I really want to dig into this one a bit more. I think tomorrow will prove a most interesting day.
I'll see what my amateur skills can find in these few frames. I definitely plan on analyzing the background colors for consistency...

as an aside (I'm really fond of asides)... I mucked around with the filters and effects in VLC, and watched an incarnation of the footage in cartoon format... lemme say... that was definitely... weird.

oh yeah... I'm also deeply fond of ellipses. (these things >> .... )

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by nittin
reply to post by RemiNadeau2727

Way to play along with EXACTLY what he said. FAIL

Hi nittin

What ?
You think that I agreed with the idea of a hologram !? NEVER !

tell me your point of view nittin (if you want)


edit on 27-10-2010 by RemiNadeau2727 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by LifeSux

Can you give a link to the higher quality video?

The wing is indeed there...although it:
a) lacks the same shadowing as the rest of it
b) is canted/cranked back MUCH more than the leading edge of the wing would allow it to be.
c) the engine housing isn't visible in the least.

I know people will say "reflections, sunlight, etc"... but honestly.. .this is a still shot...
The "wing" looks like it was done with the smudge/blur tool in photoshop.

I'm gonna tackle this more tomorrow when I've rested.

edit on 27-10-2010 by ConradsLaces because: added more

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by ConradsLaces
reply to post by LifeSux

Can you give a link to the higher quality video?

The wing is indeed there...although it:
a) lacks the same shadowing as the rest of it
b) is canted/cranked back MUCH more than the leading edge of the wing would allow it to be.
c) the engine housing isn't visible in the least.

I know people will say "reflections, sunlight, etc"... but honestly.. .this is a still shot...
The "wing" looks like it was done with the smudge/blur tool in photoshop.

I'm gonna tackle this more tomorrow when I've rested.

edit on 27-10-2010 by ConradsLaces because: added more

Here is the RAW video:

You can clearly see that the wing is indeed there and the plane tilting makes the sun hit it a certain way.
edit on 27-10-2010 by LifeSux because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 01:15 AM
I respectfully request that you explain what exactly do you THINK is happening here? Not to be rude, but to point out the obvious, there is an obvious lighting change when the wing "disappears"

Do you believe that the wing receeded into the plane right before impact, to make it more "aerodynamic"?

I will say, and again, with all due respect, some of you have an incredible imagination, and I would hope that you dont view the world passing by all around you with the "its all a conspiracy" outlook you bring here, or you will miss a lot of life!

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 02:34 AM
reply to post by Korg Trinity

It appears that the plane was so close to the edge of the building that either the wing should have sliced through the outer edge like a knife through hot butter or we should have seen it fold back or shear off then fall to the ground. Notice how close the blow hole on the back side of the tower is to the camera side of the building and how close the plane appeared to be to the right side of the tower on impact.

We the people should have seen that wing fold back like a bird's wing or shear off. Or, if it was strong enough we should have witnessed the wing at least starting to cut through the side of the tower before collapsing or disintegrating.

Whoever phonied up the video obviously didn't and perhaps couldn't create the illusion of folding wings that did or did not match the entrance hole we later saw, and they couldn't allow a wing that was too long and should have protruded from the right side of the tower to suddenly get shorter as the plane penetrated the structure. The only other option would have been to turn the plane 90 degrees so the wings were straight up and down, but that too would have raised more questions than it answered, i.e. "why would a pilot do that?", and "The plane silhouette doesn't match the hole", and, "why didn't the plane pitch wildly when it no longer had wing "lift versus drag" stabilizing its flight path?" (which only works when the plane is essentially level with the Earth providing lift on the tops of the wings and defeating the force of gravity underneath)

This is an excellent find, providing more evidence of the conspiracy to murder thousands of unsuspecting innocents for PNAC, Israel, The Allied Petroleum Expeditionary Forces and guaranteed profits for the silent but deadly govt contractors' war machine.

Any of these groups would detonate micro nukes in a thousand neonatal intensive care units if necessary to keep the American people so frightened and angry that we never demand one dime of the "*peace dividend". To deny us any benefit from the *collapse of The Soviet Union/Warsaw Pact, they created "a new enemy".

These cave dwelling tribesmen "are so dangerous that billion dollar subs, stealth bombers and a new generation of fissile weapons are needed more than ever", we are told. And our freedom is now a danger to the govt that only wants to "protect our freedom" including the freedom to toss corrupt incumbents out. (Christine O'Donnell is not "DUPONT or GOP APPROVED" and that will have to be looked into)

And remember that only terrorists complain when their phones are tapped and their computers are subject to warrantless searches.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by Varemia
reply to post by GlennCanady

Honestly, just to let you know, the government is way more intelligent about placing information agents. Even I know that if I wanted to plant false information, I would coordinate twenty or so agents who would then post about all the common conspiracies, even coming up with a few themselves, so that they would receive the trust of the conspiracy theorists. Then, when it came to the 9/11 topics, they would agree for a time, and then slowly feed their disinfo while appearing to only "just" have discovered things. Maybe one or two will have "been" there on 9/11 and be able to prove to administrators that they are who they say they are.

You mean like this???

Someone here appears to be totally against anything other than OS then when I read this thread above they appear to be saying the opposite in a not so direct manor….
Makes you wonder...


posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by RemiNadeau2727

1. The wing is still there !!!
it's the sun,angle,...

Thank you for this video evidence....

It clearly shows that the Sun was not so bright on the wing to make it appear to disappear....

It also further validates my premise that all the videos of 911 are is actually Augmented reality controlled by a centre within the pentagon or WT7.

Clearly this video is the proof I needed to stop the madness that it was the sun glinting on the wing and video compression of multiple camera shots...


posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 04:09 AM
Ever wonder why the media (which were all based locally in NYC) provided absolutely no live video coverage of the Towers from the street during the attacks/collapse, only relying on phoned in witness accounts by some dubious characters? Has anyone ever looked into these phone "witnesses" backgrounds and see if they are connected to media, big business or government? Or were these witnesses just normal folk looking out their windows?

Ever wonder why the media was providing us with the same washed out, off color, low resolution, distant "live" (or should I say almost live?) video images from similar high up locations during this critical time? Ever wonder why we were only later fed pre-recorded 'amateur video' (as in amateur special effects) and media video (as in media propaganda) of the airplanes impacting with the Towers?

Ever heard about Blue Screen or Green Screen Imaging?

"Blue screen composites can be made optically for still photos or movies, with dedicated real time hardware for live video, and digitally using software to composite still and motion images. Another term for Blue Screen is Chroma-Key. Chroma-Key is a television process only. A more sophisticated television process is Ultimatte; also the name of the company that manufactures Ultimatte equipment. Ultimatte has been the ultimate in video compositing for 20 years. With an Ultimatte unit it is possible to create composites that include smoke, transparent objects, different shades of blue, and shadows."

Did you read that last part about a more sophisticated television process called Ultimatte creating composites that include SMOKE, TRANSPARENT objects and SHADOWS? Here is a little riddle: what looks like a SHADOW, has a TRANSPARENT wing and flies into a SMOKE filled building complex?

Congratulations on buying into the 911 made for TV movie. Your purchase comes complete with the Director's Cut, which includes the numerous angles of a fake ghost winged commercial airliner slicing effortlessly through a massive solid steel building. Enjoy the movie everyone!

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by SphinxMontreal
Ever wonder why the media was providing us with the same washed out, off color, low resolution, distant "live" (or should I say almost live?) video images from similar high up locations during this critical time? Ever wonder why we were only later fed pre-recorded 'amateur video' (as in amateur special effects) and media video (as in media propaganda) of the airplanes impacting with the Towers?

Ever heard about Blue Screen or Green Screen Imaging?

Just found this. thought it was completely relivant to my thoery on why these videos have such anomalies as missing wings

So I guess I am not alone in my vision of what happened that day.


posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 06:04 AM
0:15 "That's a bomb"

0:17 "That's a bomb"

0:21 "That's a bomb"

Can someone give me an explanation as to why this is said in the video?

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 06:38 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by Korg Trinity

I hope this question was asked in sincerity, because I am able to show exactly the answers, and to educate on the layperson's inability (sometimes) to adequately identify airplanes. I've been flying for coming up on 40 years now, and have the benefit of that experience, so to me it's "old hat".

I don't doubt your experience, though you have little proof you are what you say. I believe you are telling the truth and my question is as always sincere.

But what about what the people actually saw on that day??

I stand by my original premise that the reason the wings disappear is because they were CGI added to the image to make it look like it was Flight 175. But there were errors....

There is no such thing as a perfect crime and the 911 truth will eventually be known.


posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by Korg Trinity

Your CGI "theory" is at best dilusional. You really should approach someone you respect and talk this out with them.. There seems to be a illness associated with anything 911.

Using as much sarcasm as I could muster, I explained in an earlier post that I felt that the hologram projector must have malfunctioned..... I was joking 100% .. But, what scares me, is, nobody thought this was delusional or even questioned it.

I relate this to a mentally insane person in an insane assylum...His ideas and actions seem normal in the insane assylum....

This is why this subject will never die... People that think that is CGI, are demanding proof that it is NOT CGI... That is laughable and goes along with the entire insanity of it..

That is a video of a plane .. PERIOD!!! That plane hits that building... PERIOD!!!.... The wing looks like it disapears.. BECAUSE OF LIGHT REFLECTING!!!! PERIOD!!!

To say it is anything other than that is insane and plain delusional!!!

It is your responsibility to prove it is this wacked out theory you have. It is not our job to convice you that it is EXACTLY what it appears to be.

Threads like this one right here, are what dilute the investigation into exactly what happened that day. We all agree that the OS is BS. We also agree that there was a great big conspiracy on 911...

But when people's imagination starts to go wild and they start picking apart videos and making them out to be something that they are NOT.... You dilute the entire issue.

If delusional people were airplanes, this thread would be Regan National Airport !!!

I think people have this desire to experience excitement over the "chase" ..of conspiracies and breaking any part of the official story....

You people claiming that plane is actually a CGI missle... IMO need professional help. Maybe just talk to someone and tell them the thoughts you are having. I might be way off base, but I am willing to bet, NOT ONE professional therapist would say that your theory is "healthy"...

Next thing you'll be telling us, the buildings were moved on sept 10th and they put CGI buildings there..

It really is frightening that there are people that believe the stuff they write, and these same people are driving cars down the same streets I drive my kids to school down. That truely scares me. IMO, anyone that thinks that is a CGI plane, has crossed a sceptical line and merged with delusional!

Here is the brilliance of their argument...

At this point, after what I have written. I will be accused of and called.
1. Being a dis-info agent
2. Ignoring facts (I use facts very very very lightly)
3. being a sheeple and believing my Govts story (which I clearly denied - OS = BS but..... Plane being CGI bigger BS!!)
4. Insulting - NO WAY - If I see an apple and call it an apple , did I insult that apple? Even if the apple doesn't know its an apple?
5. They require NO proof.. They just throw wacked out theories out there and eventually one of them grows legs and runs through delusional land for a year or so, then gets tired and goes away.
6. If you offer any proof it is scrutinized like it was a vile of aids.

I am really starting to think that there is a 911 disease. Truthers think that every ounce of their proof is legit and anything contradicting that is fabricated. It is a sad sad sight to watch.

Ok so here is the point of the post.

I have now watched 10 videos showing the plane with 2 wings.... (BECAUSE THAT IS HOW THEY FLY!!!!)

There is 1 video showing the wing disapearing - Truthers and Numbers boy need to prove that their 1 video is right, and the 10 others are fakes.. Now prove it, or admit that your imagination got the best of you.

edit on 27-10-2010 by MiMobs because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by Korg Trinity

Why are you so obstinate, in face of reality??

It has been repeatedly shown to you that ANY instance of a "disappearing wing" is only because of image artifacts, and the result of video compression effects...and the lighting, distance from subject, video camera resolution limitations of the time period, etc. You have been shown OTHER videos, of the same event...along with stills frames of those videos, showing an intact airframe, so the illogical notion of a "hologram", or any other "illusion to fool" people just has no merit.

Furthermore, there is PHYSICAL EVIDENCE in the debris recovered from the crash site that MATCHES United 175. (Not to mention, as I already pointed out, was ignored....Human body fragments, and personal effects).

A small section of the United 175 fuselage (you can see the passenger window locations, clearly) that fell on the roof of nearby buildings:


(The debris in that mix is NOT all airplane debris, it is a mix of many things...looks like some of it are air conditioning ducting, probably from the South Tower).

This article addresses 9/11 myths specific to United 175, along with some omre photos of debris.

A handy compilation of United 175 evidence, including videos, photos and witness accounts.

It was NOT an "illusion"!!!!

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Oh nice the same pic that I see every single debunker try to post as proof. FAIL

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 08:14 AM
Oh and I guess the guy saying "that's a bomb" in the video must have had his head turned when the "plane" hit.. and somehow was not told what happened by the people around him.. go figure

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