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[Economoic Warfare begun] China stopping key exports and raises interest rates.

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posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:33 AM
As the fiat dollar and euro lose purchasing power due to hyper-inflation, the Chinese govt. is raising the price of their commodities by reducing supply. The chinese are doing this to make up for the lost value of their enormous stash of US and euro cash in their reserves that are decreasing as these currencies are inflating. That's an economic response to a preplanned scenario. These folks are in collusion with one another. Most leaders of nations around the world are pre-picked and financed into office anyhow. This has been in the books for a while now. It's like watching a game unfold. The 'people' are the unknown catalyst about to spark a revolution long over due. That's the way it looks from here.
edit on 21-10-2010 by Perseus Apex because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 03:13 AM
This may have already been mentioned and I missed it somewhere but I do see China's moves as a warning shot in retaliation for the democrats accusing the Chinese of currency manipulation. Knocking our stock market down a peg and helping to increase the value of the dollar seem to go hand in hand with showing the democrats that the Chinese have the upper hand when the US is borrowing tons of money from the Chinese. I guess the democrats in office think they have the upper hand. The Chinese may just be willing to help the opposition replace the arrogant incumbents in office. I believe some people believe if the stock market is increasing it will help the incumbents stay in power and visa versa. I believe the stock market could be a signal of social mood to indicate such if it was a free market place. If it is constantly manipulated like our government keeps doing via the Fed feeding money to big investment banks, I don't think so. Is it a coincidence that shortly after the Chinese were accused of currency manipulation that the Chinese raised rates only 2 weeks before mid term elections? I don't think so. I wouldn't be surprised if the Chinese did something else to shock the markets before the election if the incumbents here continue with their currency accusations. Like I stated in other threads, the politicians in office right now have no business sense.

If you get a big loan from your boss and then go and make accusations against him later on, expect trouble. Debtors are always subservient to their creditors.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 03:43 AM
The phrase "Don't bite the hand that feeds you" comes to mind.
Don't mess with China, they got the west by the balls at the moment.
That's what you get when you keep boroing money from someone, money you can't really pay back.
You get dependend of them and what they do.
to start rocking the boat now is just plain stupid.
edit on 21-10-2010 by KingKickass123 because: typo

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 04:15 AM
And this effects the average dude how? This aint anykind of war its just business as usual, another day another dollar or pound or yen or yuan or whatever you trade in. Everybody in all countries are always trying to one up the other, it's just a game...Most likely some ceo's or investors are trying to raise the prices a little so they can give themselves a raise. When america falls, china falls, and vice versa. They are both not self sufficient enough to exist without eachother. This has been happening since the dawn of time, "economic war" is code word for somebody is trying to one up somebody else, and they need popular opinion on there side. All countries are always mining all kinds of earth metal's or minerals at all times. China just has more money and influence to do that now a days. Who know's maybe they think that having a monopoly on rare earth metals will put them on top, kind of like how america though having a monopoly on military might, or corporate monopoly's would put them on top.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 05:05 AM
China is on top and has been for years.
They just never really used their position like this before.
Well not as obvious as this anyway.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 05:41 AM
I hear all this talk about China and world domination and wonder to myself. Is this China's doing or the West's mistake.
The latter I believe.
The USA has finally bitten off more than she can chew. She is fighting on multiple fronts in theatres she can not win. Both armed and financial.
It has taken the better part of 200 years but she is screwed.
When I read all the blogs on rare minerals from other sources such as Afganistan, I cringe. People are talking as if they now have some right to take them. I think not.
I wish you all, all the best but I'm pretty sure you're screwed.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 05:55 AM

Originally posted by Xcathdra
reply to post by Flighty

Its actually kind of intresting you brought that up. Have you ever Red the Tom Clancy novels debt of honor, executive orders and the bear and the dragon?

Hi, I was thinking the same thing, and seeing as those books are now several years old it's kind of straightforward to see that the scenario is not a new one. I also do think that econimic warfare, or maybe sabotage is a closer term, is nothing too new - overt or covert sanctions have been a way of influencing the political landscape of other countries fairly much since 'civilisation' first took hold.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 05:58 AM
Economic warfare? Here's more.....

Here's another.....

China won't float it's currency on the exchanges in order to give itself an unfair trade advantage as well as exporting advantage etc. Multinational corps. benefit from cheap labor while international banks run the show of credit, finance and banking to keep the players in check.

Much more, why bother?
A Revolution is just around the corner.
DHS was designed to protect the tyrants that be from the 'people', not the other way around.

edit on 21-10-2010 by Perseus Apex because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 06:04 AM
Ok I have seen and heard enough of the China trashing here with really no background to the situation.

First of all the Chinese are correct when they say the US created their own fianancial disaster thats unfolding.

Quite simply to get the Chinese version of whats going on less all the rhetoric go to

China is also facing some hard economic times from the worlds financial issues. There are millions out of work.
The workers are all getting increases in salary, standards of living are quite good now. The Chinese government recently stepped in as well on the domestic realestate market and added taxes to slow the market.......The buyers driving the industrial real estate market are 80% foreigners. The housing market was becoming un reachable for most mid wealth people so unlike the US and thier housing bubble they slowed it before it "Popped"

I know it's easy to grab a headline here and again blame the world for your own laziness and apathy towards your country.

There is far more to the Rare Earth item then what your saying, and besides the US doesn't manufacture anything anymore so why is everyone getting all bent???

Now think of this. China also has to worry about India. India labour and human rights are even worse then whats coming out of China...

Do some reading thats not from MSM and mmaybe you willfind the other side of the story more factual.

"From a Canadian that has been manufacturing in China for 25 years.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 06:29 AM
Here's some headlines from China news that US citizens need to know.
#1 You bailed out GM funny that this is what they did with your tax dollars.

General Motors


China and India

Other worldwide corps.

With all this huge amount of foreign capital in China doing amazingly well. Do you really think the US goverment will do anything??? I think not.

All of my associates and I have been watcjhing the "Rhetoric" about China build for the upcoming election in the USA. Mark my words this will all go away by December

Now please take a look out your window America. Are you seeing movements in your economy? Or just more government controls and loss of all industry and jobs....

So tell me if the US was to act like China or India would you still be facing the inevitable decline of America?

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 08:03 AM
RED DAWN 2010 movie anyone ?

China , North Korea and IRAN ??

US & Russia and ?

as Nostradamus Predicted ?

I can see this Happing

what would Happen if China Stopped the Free Trade Manufacturing Business with the US ?

With North Korea in a Game No Less ..
Homefront - Future History Trailer

They want their 1 trillion dollars!

ODS Patriot News Conflict with China!!! Jan 26 2010

U.S., Chinese Conflict At Sea

I remember Some PC Games ive played back in the late 90s

Called Peoples General

The game is set in the early 21st century, and the United Nations is at war with an aggressive China for control of most of Eastern Asia. People's General represents the natural evolution of Panzer General II and the Living Battlefield series, including many new refinements, ideas, weapon systems, and a game engine that has made a fairly successful transference to the modern era of warfare.


Force 21

I hope it doesn't come true

Ill start digging them out now to play them !

another one more recent is

Command & Conquer: Generals

yup i still have my AlicePack ready ... Prepare for your Survival Skills Just in case of ....

Red Dawn 2010: Chinese Takeover

edit on 21-10-2010 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 08:17 AM
doesnt china own billions of US debt??? if the US attacks chine wont they just call in those debts and bankrupt the country? and i hardly think america is even remotely powerful enough to take on china. china would combine with north korea and all other countries that hate america and wipe them clean off the face of the earth.

just saying the days when america had any military might over china are long over.

you snooze you loose.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 08:44 AM
Left to sleep China, because to its awakening the world will shake. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

I presume that China has begun to yawning......

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by tim3lord
doesnt china own billions of US debt??? if the US attacks chine wont they just call in those debts and bankrupt the country? and i hardly think america is even remotely powerful enough to take on china. china would combine with north korea and all other countries that hate america and wipe them clean off the face of the earth.

just saying the days when america had any military might over china are long over.

you snooze you loose.

"In the words of Dennis Miller "Do we actually owe anyone that money? And if so.... f**k'em!" People are so afraid of China's grip on the world economy, but we're perfectly capable of sustaining ourselves. If China wants an economic war, then we just cut them off. They can't sell all of their exports if no one imports them. Will this time be tough? Well yes, and no. Yes, in that American and European billionaires might have to be reduced to living as only millionaires. Aww poor them. As for the 'no', the flip side of the coin is America gets to bring all of those outsourced jobs home, and Americans get to work again. Sometimes contracts just need to go bad. Its obvious that China isn't a team player, so we put them on the bench for a while. Russia, South Korea, all of Europe, and Japan. None of these are big fans China, so we put China at the kiddie table at the next U.N. meeting until they can learn to play ball, and we let these other guys take their place for a while.
It's not like China is going to sail over here and try to get physical. We go off on violent tirades when someone talks about building a mosque. Imagine if someone tried to plant a Chinese flag on the White House lawn.

It would be tough, don't get me wrong, but the world might have to take a short hit in order to check China back into reality. No one is going to sit back and let them slowly swallow the world.

Let me edit this before someone says "Aren't Russia and China friends?" Russia and China have trade agreements, and while Russia does seem friendly with China, their relationship with America is one of necessity not desire. Russia owes its new and still growing government to the US, and we own a large part of their economy through imports, exports, and silent partnerships. Could they screw us? Sure. But I don't think they'd go that far, especially since our nuclear and space programs are tied so closely together. The risk and cost would be too great.

Personally, I think the entire economic war is a rouse being put into effect by China, America, the UK, and Russia. A NWO agenda to weaken the masses in order to make world unification seem like a good thing? Possibly.
edit on 21-10-2010 by Mactire because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by Mactire

if your government is so pathetic and inept enough to let goat herders with boxcutters who were such bad pilots their very flight trainer said he was surprised they could fly, take out 3 buildings in new york and one in DC. you really think they could stop china??? err not seeing the logic in that. so your saying a well organized well funded military behemoth like china doesnt stand a chance against a fat lazy broke and pretty much useless military like the US?? lol the same country that allowed cave dwelling goat herders to hijack and destroy american icons.

the same country that spends billions on surveillance? didnt see this coming? lol thats what i love about americans.even in the face of the reality they face, their delusion of supremacy keeps them warm at nigh. what conviction. misguided conviction but conviction none the less.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by unruly1
Ok I have seen and heard enough of the China trashing here with really no background to the situation.

First of all the Chinese are correct when they say the US created their own fianancial disaster thats unfolding.

Quite simply to get the Chinese version of whats going on less all the rhetoric go to

China is also facing some hard economic times from the worlds financial issues. There are millions out of work.
The workers are all getting increases in salary, standards of living are quite good now. The Chinese government recently stepped in as well on the domestic realestate market and added taxes to slow the market.......The buyers driving the industrial real estate market are 80% foreigners. The housing market was becoming un reachable for most mid wealth people so unlike the US and thier housing bubble they slowed it before it "Popped"

I know it's easy to grab a headline here and again blame the world for your own laziness and apathy towards your country.

There is far more to the Rare Earth item then what your saying, and besides the US doesn't manufacture anything anymore so why is everyone getting all bent???

Now think of this. China also has to worry about India. India labour and human rights are even worse then whats coming out of China...

Do some reading thats not from MSM and mmaybe you willfind the other side of the story more factual.

"From a Canadian that has been manufacturing in China for 25 years.


They made their beds, now they have to sleep in it.
The problem is, that they are taking us with them. (If we let them that is)

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 09:23 AM
my bad...
edit on 21-10-2010 by KingKickass123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 09:29 AM
This was once commonly called an embargo,yes?.

It is called "sanctions" now.

In this scenario,it could also be called "payback".

When stuff like this happens,it nearly always results in war.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 09:42 AM
Wouldn't it be amazing,if China was being responsible to the world by limiting the war-making capabilities of certain other countries on the planet.....?.....

Nah,that couldn't be it,it would actually be the right thing to do...............

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by tim3lord
reply to post by Mactire

if your government is so pathetic and inept enough to let goat herders with boxcutters who were such bad pilots their very flight trainer said he was surprised they could fly, take out 3 buildings in new york and one in DC. you really think they could stop china??? err not seeing the logic in that. so your saying a well organized well funded military behemoth like china doesnt stand a chance against a fat lazy broke and pretty much useless military like the US?? lol the same country that allowed cave dwelling goat herders to hijack and destroy american icons.

the same country that spends billions on surveillance? didnt see this coming? lol thats what i love about americans.even in the face of the reality they face, their delusion of supremacy keeps them warm at nigh. what conviction. misguided conviction but conviction none the less.

9-11 had nothing to do with the abilities of "Goat herders" and everything to do with "Operation Northwoods".
As for "Fat, lazy and pathetic Americans", its not the American Military that China needs to worry about, its the ones I quoted you on. I'd put the worst trailor trash America has to offer against the most elite Chinese soldiers. They're definitely better armed.

While I'd admit that Americans are stubborn, violent, and often times overly patriotic to an almost lunatic level, its these exact qualities that keep us unpenetrable. No army has ever invaded America for a reason. It cannot happen. Not with any success at least.

And like I said; it wouldn't be just be America they'd be up against. While America isn't as glossy as it use to be, China still has more enemies. Enemies that would happily jump onboard the 'ol Red White and Blue band wagon. China's own people would become their own worst enemy.
edit on 21-10-2010 by Mactire because: (no reason given)

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