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[Economoic Warfare begun] China stopping key exports and raises interest rates.

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posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by Mactire

but then at the same time...
would they really want to invade?
especially when they could just "press the button"

yes the rednecks are armed... but they are not "protected" especially from nukes or chemical warfare...

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by inner warfare
I do not understand how so few could see that this is all about resources.

A country will not use nukes,because of the contamination of the region attacked with nukes,and the fallout worldwide it would cause.

It is becoming obvious to me,that economic warfare would be used to cause internal strife,civil war,famine,starvation............

You can see where it could go,nukes are an area denial weapon.

A weapon of vengeance.

The Last Resort.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by randomname
all this economic war crap doesn't effect the normal everday citizen. this is just billionaires, corporations and elitists taking shots at each other. the only casualities are going to be corporations who would have to lay people off. life will go on. the government will bail them out again and the layed off corporate lackeys will find new jobs. the stock market can be wiped off the earth and it wouldn't effect me because it don't invest in these sucker bets that suck in your hard earned money and spread it among boards and majority owners. that's what stock market crashes essentially are. it's like wiping the slate clean, after they take all the money they can, run out of excuses there's a convenient "crash" where all stock prices plummet, freeing up the books. then new suckers, called investors on wallstreet, are sold great deals by brokers, like ibm and google trading 40% cheaper than a year ago. people invest, drive up the price, majority stockholders and ceos get rich, then boom another crash. cycle repeats.
edit on 20-10-2010 by randomname because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-10-2010 by randomname because: (no reason given)

Not in the immediate time period no doubt. I speculate it's all a strategy at this point. What Kind I have no clue as I am not very well informed on the financial front of the global economy as I would like to be.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by inner warfare

They don't want to press a button against us. They saw what happened over at the neighbor's house a few decades ago. Besides; that's why everyone who doesn't have nukes wants them. No one has the cojones to launch a nuke against another nation that has nukes, and we have 10(x) the nuclear weapons that China has.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by Yacov
Same old story on this poor planet which is ruled by Satan the liar thief and murderer
God views the Nations as ravenous beasts and the PLA is a big one
...but unless one understands the only sacred book on the planet , the Bible, and specifically the Book of Genesis and acts on the salvation gift of Christ he is doomed to the ignorance and destruction of this world's Matrix
now that is the REAL conspiracy
Alex Jones for all his tilting at least has named it right-prisonplanet

ie quote from earlier poster

''The only sacred secular document that may help mankind is the noble US Constitution, written during the age of enlightenment to challenged the might of kings and principalities that had dumbed down mankind for centuries and held them in servitude.

The Constitution is noble but when the people have no vision and depart from their God-the nation perishes

If Christ shall make you free- you shall be free indeed

May God help the USA return to the biblical roots of her nation- that is her only hope in my opinion.

Thanks for qouting me. That qoute was from the insignificant and nobody me on Page 3.

Noticed that I used the word ' SECULAR', for in that precious document lays the freedom of worship, meaning ALL of all mainstream faiths, of which the founding fathers and subsequent leaders had NEVER alienated from.

Secularism is the means by which ALL can come upon together and stand upon a common ground, the stand of common aspirations - rich or poor, white or black, muslim or christian, etc, etc.

It does not matter what religion one hails from in a progressive society, for the Almighty we, christians, jews, muslims, hindus, taoist, buddhist, atheist, etc, had been worshipping had always been the same ONE - our Creator, known by many names amongst many different ethnic groups separated by geological obstacles and languages.

You do have a relevant point in recalling our thoughts back to religion, of which morality and ethics comes from. It was religions - traditions and cultural heritage and knowledge left behind by our ancestors till today to guide us on the path to our human greatness and destiny.

Many an economist or the study of economics would love to separate religion from such fields of endeavours, and subscribe its theories to science and maths. so that it may not be fallible or need of any leap of faith believe.

Unfortunately, during the financial crisis, we realized finally that the ones who subscribe to maths and science, or had faith in it, were the ones who were fallible and had taken a leap of faith and belived in the manipulatible formulas of maths to predict an outcome, an outcome that was far beyond the perception of mankind in its final devastation as witnessed by all.

1+1 will always be equal to 2. So too are how profits calculated. But unfortunately, 1 human + 1 human does not equals to 2 humans. The business formula had always been 1 human equals 10 humans - one person doing the tasks of ten men to obtain a profit in these politicallly correct lean and trim, hire and fire times.

Such is NOT maths or science. I can list more, but then you would already had grasp my points. Businesses are run by pirates by nature, that brooks no interferences from anyone so that they may profit and amass more financial wealth unhindered, and unchecked. Morality and ethics are for fools. Such are the policies of cold hearted pragmatism of wealth generation.

Unfortunately, religion encompasses every aspect of our lives in terms of morality and ethics. Those whom are without it are not humans, and will not be swayed by such principles in the blind pursuit of wealth, and its result are clear and evident to see today - doom of our generation.

Thus your call to return to religion to regain our moral compass is highly relevant in such times,

And it is equally relevant in this thread which is about China.

China is a godless country, without any denials or white washing. It is a commie belief. And the devil Mao had throughly eradicated religion and labelled it as opium of the masses during the inhuman and murderous Cultural Revolution of the 50's, and whatever morality or ethics they subscribe to, comes from a higher authority called the CCP, ruled by fear, and not love and free will as any true and honest mainstream religion teaches. The CCP is the higher authority and no other.

Only the exiled chinese that fled out of China into other parts of asia kept that 5000 year of civilised history alive, not the CCP whom had sought to wipe away such cultural heritage.

Today, with its pursuit of wealth at any cost to remain in power, they opened up to all religions and attempted to regain their culture, but is only lip service. Their 30 million card waving corrupt members holds no responsiblity or belief in moralilty and ethics. They were the generation that tortured and murdered their own parents during the sadistic cultural revolution which this illegitimate authority had sought to hide and played down, another undeniable terrible fact, as I found out amongst many young wealth pursuing chinese.

And these animals are to be feared and respected?!!!! Screw the CCP and the corrupted bootlicking fake commies ( as well as the greedy international coporations whom had perpertrated slavery of our chinese brothers and sisters) whom knows no morality or ethics!!!!!

edit on 21-10-2010 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by tim3lord
reply to post by Mactire

if your government is so pathetic and inept enough to let goat herders with boxcutters who were such bad pilots their very flight trainer said he was surprised they could fly, take out 3 buildings in new york and one in DC. you really think they could stop china??? err not seeing the logic in that. so your saying a well organized well funded military behemoth like china doesnt stand a chance against a fat lazy broke and pretty much useless military like the US?? lol the same country that allowed cave dwelling goat herders to hijack and destroy american icons.

the same country that spends billions on surveillance? didnt see this coming? lol thats what i love about americans.even in the face of the reality they face, their delusion of supremacy keeps them warm at nigh. what conviction. misguided conviction but conviction none the less.

You obviously have no idea how guerilla warfare works and why forces much smaller can be successful against a much larger, more technologically advanced adversary.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by nightbringr

Exactly; and who knows more about gillie suits and hanging out in the forest covered in deer piss than fat, lazy, Americans. They have no idea what they'd be in for. We should send them copies of 'Deliverance'. That ought to thwart any war efforts by the Chinese, that and 'Wrong Turn'. God forbid they ever make it as far as West Virginia.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by Mactire

Originally posted by tim3lord
reply to post by Mactire

if your government is so pathetic and inept enough to let goat herders with boxcutters who were such bad pilots their very flight trainer said he was surprised they could fly, take out 3 buildings in new york and one in DC. you really think they could stop china??? err not seeing the logic in that. so your saying a well organized well funded military behemoth like china doesnt stand a chance against a fat lazy broke and pretty much useless military like the US?? lol the same country that allowed cave dwelling goat herders to hijack and destroy american icons.

the same country that spends billions on surveillance? didnt see this coming? lol thats what i love about americans.even in the face of the reality they face, their delusion of supremacy keeps them warm at nigh. what conviction. misguided conviction but conviction none the less.

9-11 had nothing to do with the abilities of "Goat herders" and everything to do with "Operation Northwoods".
As for "Fat, lazy and pathetic Americans", its not the American Military that China needs to worry about, its the ones I quoted you on. I'd put the worst trailor trash America has to offer against the most elite Chinese soldiers. They're definitely better armed.

While I'd admit that Americans are stubborn, violent, and often times overly patriotic to an almost lunatic level, its these exact qualities that keep us unpenetrable. No army has ever invaded America for a reason. It cannot happen. Not with any success at least.

And like I said; it wouldn't be just be America they'd be up against. While America isn't as glossy as it use to be, China still has more enemies. Enemies that would happily jump onboard the 'ol Red White and Blue band wagon. China's own people would become their own worst enemy.
edit on 21-10-2010 by Mactire because: (no reason given)

So in the same breath you cry patriotism you freely admit you own government perpetrated an attack on it's own people to garner support for an unjust war and to line the pockets of weapons manufactures and to steal natural resouces.

Ok. And then you claim you would bet any trailer trash would beat any elite Chinese guard?? Your either deranged or so brainwashed by your own governments propergander that your sense of reality is warped. From every conversation I have ever had with Australian ex navy and army personel. The one thing they have to say about the American military is that they are worthless. They rely on brute force and are wasteful. They have retold me scenarios during war games when the Americans would get their butts handed to them by the Australian naval forces and the British. Trust me when I say this you would be nowhere without your allies.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by TiM3LoRd

You keep not listening. I'm talking about patriots and American "people", not corporate Armies or militias (like those that we call our Army or Marines). The American Government is not the American people. There's a BIG difference between guys like me and guys like those in the military, and there are major differences between guys like me and those who serve in the Chinese Armed Forces. The bad thing about being so "Organized, and Overly Trained" is that you 'become the box' and in so are unable to think outside out it. I've seen the Chinese Military at work. They aren't impressive, they aren't masters of ingenuity, and definitely aren't passionate about the homeland Government. And since they don't have the nuclear option, they'll be forced to invade a country full of, guess what? That's right! Guys like me.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by tim3lord

if your government is so pathetic and inept enough to let goat herders with boxcutters who were such bad pilots their very flight trainer said he was surprised they could fly, take out 3 buildings in new york and one in DC. you really think they could stop china??? err not seeing the logic in that.

Amicus, first & foremost, 9/11 was executed by cia; second moment, USA will apply nuclear weapon against Iran/China. USA can lose some aircraft carrier groups, but China will too risk to get economic devastation for decades. i bet on USA for current play

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by Mactire

Look I understand exactly where you coming from. I would do the same if someone invaded my homeland. But I doubt most people would take up arms. Especially people with kids

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by TiM3LoRd

You've obviously never been to the Appalachian Mountains

They're an army unto themselves. Crazy crazy people.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by Mactire

the military did simulations years ago with what would happen in a war with China, China absolutely killed them they outranked America 10 to 1 so if you think that America stands a chance you are delusional. Also with a high percentage of your forces on duty America is like a house where the parents have gone out and left the kids home. By the time your forces are scrambled back China will have set up defense on your shores and you will not stand a chance.

Hell your planes can't even fly to China and back without refueling basically all China has to do is shoot your tanker planes down and your fighter jets are rendered useless what a laugh but yeah I'm sure all the men with rifles will take them out not all they have to do is show some force and 90% of the population will fall into line.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by vkturbo

the military did simulations years ago with what would happen in a war with China, China absolutely killed them they outranked America 10 to 1 so if you think that America stands a chance you are delusional.

man, you cannot entomb your enemy in the dead bodies of own soldiers along state-of-the-art war
all attacks shall be by schemes Sea-to-Surface, Air-to-Surface, ADF will be destructed by tactical nukes, no landed operations in assaulted zones.
Just long, painful jabs

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by SarK0Y

Well if China holds all these you beut rare minerals they wont nuke it America will try and invade occupy. I don't think you realise how big an army the Chinese have then I would say North Korea will join in just so they can pay back America.

I don't think you realise how much America is hated by alot of other countries not just Iran lol.

Also if America is getting all it's metals from China which go to making electronic equipment and bombs how will America make what is needed to defeat a foe.

As a few people have said already you don't nuke land you are going to take.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by vkturbo

I don't think you realise how much America is hated by alot of other countries not just Iran lol

oh, don't doubt of it, i know it so good as possible that to be known

Also if America is getting all it's metals from China which go to making electronic equipment and bombs how will America make what is needed to defeat a foe.

very good remark. however, USA has reserves of completed nukes
matter of fact, they cannot fight Iran/China wo nukes & second moment is matter of real too: Iran/China cannot defend 'emselves versus nuke strikes. once more, i repeat no landed operations in Iran or China, just dead shots with nukes as well. mining of rare minerals will try to reclaim in other areas. but, no doubt, that war will give just short benefits for USA & further will be destructive up to Death for'em. that's only yet another part of real...
edit on 23-10-2010 by SarK0Y because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by vkturbo

Like I've said before, its not the Military the Chinese have to worry about, its the People. Did you see the news and the outrage about someone wanting to build a simple little mosque 4 blocks from ground zero in NY. Now imagine trying to tell the American people that their kids are going to be speaking Chinese. You'll see the largest enlistment in history. And they won't be taking the standard issue M4's and M-16s, they'll be bringing their own thunder.
But it'll likely never get to that, and it doesn't matter if our jets can get all the way to China or not, because our Nukes can and we have oodles more than the Chinese. Like 10(x) more. We also have a killer list of allies, and most of them have been looking for an excuse to crush North Korea and China for a while now.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by Mactire
Unfortunately,the chinese have proven they can shoot a satellite out of low orbit already.

So if we launched an ICBM at them,and it came up on their radar,I suppose they could hit that too.

Nevermind the fact that many people in the military are concerned about the reliability of electronic components produced in china for use by our military.

Dangerous times.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 08:13 PM
Why is it every time or at least a lot of the time these topics degenerate into"The U.S. has the biggest stick?" Just because the OP put the word war in the thread title doesn't mean a physical war was intended. What it boils down to is the United States has a huge debt; not just to China. I don't care which of your politicians, CEOs or whatever had a hand in it either. Are you going to pay up or not? Don't go down the road of shoddy Chinese products either. Who do you think makes ASUS components for example. What do you think all our much loved devices are made of. Quit trying to obfuscate.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 08:47 PM
Interesting terms and comments here, in this article....

In regards to this topic....

The word "war" is mentioned several times, must use google translate....sorry

edit on 24-10-2010 by freetree64 because: (no reason given)

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