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[Economoic Warfare begun] China stopping key exports and raises interest rates.

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posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

The reality is that we're tapped out of our spending capabilities. Consumer credit in this country has hit a wall. If China's yuan floats the people who are getting hit the hardest by the economy will be the ones who suffer the most as prices would go up on them, making what ever income they're taking in, whatever savings they amassed worth that much less. On top of inflationary policies like QE and congress' insatiable hunger for deficit spending and higher taxation, the country will default, or we will destroy our currency in the process of trying to spend our way out of disaster.

We're not the first to make these mistakes. But we are the biggest and worst debtor in the history of the planet, and we will have the worst economic collapse in the history of the world because of it. That's where debt has led every other debtor-nation in Earth's history and that's where we're going.

We did this to ourselves.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by projectvxn

You should not use "we".

Some people did this.

Would you have run the economy into the ground if you were in charge?

Probably not. So maybe we shouldn't pretend that we are them who did.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by Exuberant1

We didn't have our eyes on it when it counted. We let the government and the corporate monopolies they created to turn the system into what we see today.

We are just as much at fault.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by Exuberant1

The Government of the US is the people. "We" sent them to office. "We" didn't hold them accountible for thier actions. The Government is not just the government of the people who voted for them.

We are all in this, in for a penny, in for a pound. Its going to take the people to get us out of this mess.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by projectvxn

Oh, you actually think you could have stopped this?

Is that why you feel responsible?

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by Exuberant1

I think we all could have.
We're the ones who vote for the men and women who go back time and time again to hash out these policies. We are the ones who demand action without defining what that action should be. We are invariably responsible for the country and the mess it finds itself in. We are the end all be all of the direction in this nation, and for too long we failed in that duty.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 12:48 AM
if China is some how capable of destroying the U.S economy, wouldn't some one have the forsight to see if that does happen, how would we be capable of funding yet another war....(WW3)? our troops are so spread out and wornout... they're trying to increase the numbe in ranks by allowing gay/lesbian-s to serve by appealing don't ask dont tell....
so the economy is going to crash and we'll imidaitaley have to get another loan just to go to war...? not to mention enter into yet another depression/rececssion? as we're going through this reported housing crash and the stock market also declining simulatnously...

who the hell keeps track of the U.S credit report...?

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by projectvxn

Please list some of the actions that an individual could take that would have prevented this meltdown and the loss of so many of our rights and freedoms. Actually, that would be excessive, so to make things easier could you list the things that an individual could have done to prevent the Bail-out back in 2008

Calling Congressmen didn't work. Making an informative sign and marching in protest doesn't work.

What could have stopped them from Passing the bailout?

What could have stopped the Iraq War? You saw the protests, they accomplished nothing.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by nvprose1

We were referring to a trade or economic war, not military action (although that is one of the possible outcome of a trade war). Instead of countries doing the free trade thing (which was supposed to spread out economic opportunities and balance out regional differences in economics).

When trade wars kick off its devastating. Countries will usually start adopting a protectionist economic policy, imposing tariffs, blocking market access, which leads to blocking resource trade, which causes business's to fold, creating unemployment, etc etc etc.

With the world getting smaller because of technology, coupled with population growth, coupled with a lag in technological advancement, the scenario coming out of this would make a nightmare look like a day dream.

As far as who keeps track of it, it would be the CBO - Congressional Budget Office. When the United States come close to exceeding the debt ceiling they placed on the national debt, the one line bill gets updated by adding another 1 trillion to the nations credit card, Congress votes and passes it so we don't default.
edit on 20-10-2010 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by Exuberant1

Voted responsible people into office

participate in the process

Voting irresponsible people out

participate in the process

Contacting your representative with concerns

participate in the process.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

In glorious soviet Union, people also participated in Process. Same for Iraq under Saddam..

Does that mean that those people want to live under such horrible conditions?

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 01:04 AM
The reason the "manufacturing floor" of the world is China and India is that capitalism is played out in the US. The corporations have decided that 2 to 3 billion potential customers in Asia far surpass the 350 million consumers in the US. So manufacturing and the upwardly mobile consumer have been outsourced to China.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 01:13 AM

Originally posted by Exuberant1
reply to post by Xcathdra

In glorious soviet Union, people also participated in Process. Same for Iraq under Saddam..

Does that mean that those people want to live under such horrible conditions?

Well, in the Soviet Union some local election type stuff was allowed, but it never dealt with foreign policy etc.

Iraq was a one ruler dictatorship that did not allow participation in foreign policy etc. Also, the last time Iraq held a vote for "President" Saddam Hussein received 99.8 percent of the vote (which no one buys).

So did the Soviet Union and Iraq allow participation in Government by the people. My answer is going to be no in relation to the topic at hand.

The US Government is created by its citizens, and as such, can be fired by them just the same.

Try firing the Politburo or the revolutionary council

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by Xcathdra
reply to post by projectvxn

Which makes me wonder why China seems to be doing all it can to undermine the Dollar bill and force an economic collapse in the process. I am curious what their angle is on this? Eventual takeover of the US by China?

Perhaps our 'notes' have been recently backed by our recent find of the black-gold kind. Didn't Obama recently snatch up a ton of land that floats over that-there-bubbl'n-crude, and slap a 'National Parks' sign to cement the deal?

So, think about it this way; all that newly found crude is now under federal land and you know what that means? No private companies coming in to drill. hmmmmm. Could it be that the 'National Parks' sticker is really a 'Sale Pending' sign? Was any of it promised to China, as bondage of our upcoming debt bill payment? Kind of a collateral?

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 02:01 AM
Let's approach this subject in a rational and logical manner.

1. China increases the costs of its rare earth minerals

With their slave labour and economies of scale, China had been selling such minerals cheaply. Should they increase the cost, it will mean good news for everyone in the world.

REM is not as 'rare' as one thinks. No one nation on Earth holds monopolies on any minerals. The only 'rarity' is the capatial needed to invest in searching, research and the substantial cost outlay to mine such minerals. When China increases such costs, it will only make other nations realize that it may be more economical to mine their own REM, or even shoot to the space neighbourhood to get some.

It will mean more employment opportunities for everyone in the world, and as for the Chinese masses, hopefully, an increase in their wages or if not should should the corrupted CCP bootlickers keep such wealth, a mass uprising for freedom will occur within the community of our fellow brothers and sisters of the chinese ethnic group.

Inflation will occur, but as long as humans are given and protected by the social safety net of a sustaniable minimum wage component that keeps in tandem with products cost rises, it will be ok. The opposite will be deflation, for which means all production will close down and everyone starves.

2. China raises interest rates.

The chinese ethnic group, people with a continous civilised history of 5000 turbulent years, knows the virtues of money and are great savers/hoarders of money. Currently, they are not consumerist by nature and should they find better returns with banks, they will not be even buying any more goods, self sufficient in their simple slave lifestyles that they already are living.

Trade deficits will occur. If China does not buy from the world, so too will the world no longer buys from China. The illegitimate CCP rulers are only digging their own graves.

It will also curtail the red hot property boom in the Chinese cities. It is extremely silly to believe that property prices will rise over the years in China. When one building project can sell a house for $100,000, another developement can be started to sell another house at $99,000, for the simple reason being that the landmass of China is HUGE!

Laws of supply and demand will apply. Only the burgeoning middle classes will be fooled, as it had always been fooled throughout centuries of civilisation, by the rich elites to part with their wealth and stuck at being in servitude to them by loans.

Raising interest rates will save these middle class fools.

3. Economic or military Warfare

There is no need to talk about 'war' in any form unless you buy into what TPTB wants you to think. The only reason the world will go into wars is that it refuses to rationally and logically look into 'non-violent' means as a solution to problems and issues.

The China issue needs no violence of war to resolve, as it had been intricately and stupidly woven into the very fabric of our modern civilisation, that to go into violence will means everyone dying, including themselves.

Their 2 million military needs not be feared, brainwashed as they are, nor are their nukes, for the rest of the world equally has nukes. Their 30 million CCP card waving bootlickers are not to be feared, even if their propagandazing are of Gobbels standard, as their corruption is a reality the masses are seeing clearly daily.

It is the masses of our chinese brothers and sisters that MUST be feared. But the ones having the fears are not the rest of the world, but only the corrupt and self serving CCP. No way will that illegal govt place arms into their hands, for those weapons will not be firing at us, but pointed back at them, and these they know full well.

It needs not be a war so long as we common masses start using our heads for solutions. We are all one race with common aspirations, that needs no killing of each other or depriving one another to achieve those goals.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 02:17 AM
Europe is in big trouble.
The US has plenty of the rare earth minerals
the Mountain Pass mine is a world class deposit.
It will reopen in 2011.
Then there is the company U.S. Rare-Earths properties in Idaho, Montana and Colorado.

And the Ucore Rare Metals Inc Bokan Mountain heavy rare earth project in Alaska.

If Europe can not get them from China they will have to buy them at US prices from American companies.

Then there are a couple chemists working on processes to recover rare earths from used solar, computer equipment. ECT ECT ECT

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by ANNED
Europe is in big trouble.
The US has plenty of the rare earth minerals
the Mountain Pass mine is a world class deposit.
It will reopen in 2011.
Then there is the company U.S. Rare-Earths properties in Idaho, Montana and Colorado.

And the Ucore Rare Metals Inc Bokan Mountain heavy rare earth project in Alaska.

If Europe can not get them from China they will have to buy them at US prices from American companies.

Then there are a couple chemists working on processes to recover rare earths from used solar, computer equipment. ECT ECT ECT

Europe will just have to switch to energy sources that do not use copious amounts of rare-earth metals.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 02:37 AM
reply to post by Rentor

Well what is interesting a lot of people have been saying about things kicking off bigtime in Mid November of this year...including my self...i have said it in a few this kinda fits into the scheme of things i would say...also so many people go on about 2012...but personally i have been writing about 2011 more so....
so this is a wait and see game isn't it.
China was always going to be a big player in the Elites plane...and China would be the logical country to be able to kick start a real global collapse.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 02:52 AM
Yes economic war has started.

But I guess the CIA / NSA can get other rare earth minerals from other countries though they won't be as cheap as from China.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 02:55 AM
reply to post by plube

Do we really want a global economic and social collapse? Who amongst us equal humans will take over?

Personally, I would welcome a global collapse. We as a human civilisation needs to press the restart button, after all the manipulation and lies by the elites to control and subjugate mankind and the mess and chaos that they had created. But I can think of no one to trust that will take care of humanity and leave none behind.

The only sacred secular document that may help mankind is the noble US Constitution, written during the age of enlightenment to challenged the might of kings and principalities that had dumbed down mankind for centuries and held them in servitude.

Today in these modern times, yet once again kings and principalities had control and subjugated mankind, not for egalitarian advances but utilitarian self serving madness to the elites.

That sacred Constitution was written by Americans, and had been adapted to many modern nations. To restart again, it will have to begin in the US, from which much of the manipulation of mankind, both good and bad, had started from. A heartfelt re-evalution of how far we had drifted away from the aims of the founding fathers is in order

What had started 2 years ago with the US Presidential Election has already started the unravelling of such mess in terms of actions and discoveries, and the supporting staff will come from this very critical and vital November elections.

Do it right and get the right supporting staff, we may be on the verge of a new dawn. Do it wrong, and it will spell doom for the rest of the world. The continued status quo by the elites is unsustainable as lies and deceptions can only last so long. One day, either us or our next generations will wake up with shackles and it may not just be physical chains but mental ones as well, as it had been for our serf ancestors.

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