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Who Will Obama Scapegoat For The Economy, History Repeats Itself, Hitler Did It To The Jews?

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posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 12:45 AM


posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 12:48 AM


posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 12:49 AM


posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 01:03 AM

Another good question SKL...

I will take a moment here to say some good things I have noticed..

The Oman did do the following

He excited those who had not voted before or in a long time...

He beat the system and won

I do feel he is doing a better job then H-girl would have done

He passed a bill (supported might be a better word) the most massive reform in us history

he is the first african american in history to be president in the united states

apparently listened to national security advisors and did not just release all the gitmo individuals

his allies do appear to lack backbone- while he is out to support them

now to his failure in tactics....

This will be the hall mark difference if I do decide what I want to do in 2012

My girlfriend to be wife said she would do a better job then Elenor roosevelt did..

His wife is not going out and drumming up support from the base supporters the same way roosevelt wife did. The oman is not utilizing he resources.

As it has been said in marketing by 50 cent, they have no clue about their customer base. They are not listening and it is gonna cost them the election...

They got lazy, hell even john stewart is 'disappointed'

No collaboration with the american public, hopefully the white house becomes more responsive to the little man after they loses the dems will be taking....

Now to the Tea Party...

They are tools right now.. I would believe in them if they actually did the following...

Went for local elections. They have seemingly ignored them. They will be only a footnote in history like the bull moose and perots people....

With all of this in mind...

He should be avoiding the scapegoat idea like the plague right now....

battery is low I will finish this quickly...

what the biggest shame is the disappointment to the young black americans this presidency is becoming... When he loses in 2012 (based on performance now) Their will be a spike in violence in the more economically diverse areas in america...


posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Just as I have no doubt all of us in America could be as well through ignorant banking practices.

Politicians love to capture the essence of our own sentimental nature by encouraging us to romanticize the past.

The truth is that the banking scandal has been ongoing since 1782 when the First United States Bank was chartered and dominated by predominantly foreign interests.

Sound familiar regarding the Federal Reserve.

The great problem we have is that tendency amongst politicians and the citizens themselves to want to go forward in reverse, and that myth that if we just move backward far enough in time we will get to some previous golden age.

Yet a thorough and realistic examination of history will show where banking is concerned it’s been a scandal from the start, with only brief intermittent periods of what you could really call prosperity and stability.

Sadly until people learn how to actually read English, and we somehow convince the English Monarch to renegotiate that portion of the Treaty of Paris that established the nation that allows the English Monarch to retain control of our Treasury through their designation as Arch-Treasurer of the United States of America…well…it’s always going to be a problem.

As I said in the original post, Bush started this nonsense, Obama is just finishing up behind him.

Actually esquires John Jay, Benjamin Franklin and John Adams started this nonsense when they negotiated the Treaty of Paris acting as our plenipotentiaries but…the attorneys for the Spanish, English and Netherland Monarchs and allowed through some rather innocuous verbiage for the English King to retain too much control moving forward.

From Clinton, to Bush, to Obama and onward these men are destroying our country through policy.

Great news! It's not technically our country as we never did finish paying those pesky European Creditors from the Revolutionary War.

We got within 22,000.00 in 1822.

Wouldn't you know it there was a financial crisis manipulated by the Second United States Bank!

Go figure.

I want you to know that we did make (well some of us) a serious latch ditch effort in 1861 but by 1865 it was all over but the shouting.

The U.S. has been carved up into Military Government Zones ever since, and indeed the world itself since 1946.

People have just got to start being honest and accept hey if you like being a law abiding citizen you really enjoy being a free range economic slave.

Being a new nation and all, we simply used some rather dubious marketing ploys, made some bold unkept promises, and well, you get the picture.

I want you to know though it's not all bad.

I just saved a bunch of money by switching my car insurance to Geico!

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 01:55 AM
***This is just my opinion. That's all. Pulled from my thoughts onto post. Period.

Obama a scapegoat? He will be used somewhat.
However, how badly they will "scapegoat" him will be contingent upon the upcoming elections.

The US is in bad need of remembering Lincoln's words in the Gettysburg Address-
"government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

Are those in government my people? Hell, no. Are they yours?

Meanwhile, we have politicians who remain in office for a lifetime. Term limits, anyone?
Since when did "holding Congressional office" become a career? A job choice?

We need people from our towns, people who will go to DC, fix crap, and then go home. We need people who
know how to run businesses, how to delegate tasks, how to balance ledgers, how to ignore ass-kissers (lobbyists), who have integrity and who don't really want to be there.

Most people know of upstanding people (or at least one person) who would be a great asset to Congress. Now would be the time for everyone to get on them to run, vote them in, and fix the government, let them come home, and on to the next round of good citizens. Less corruption will be able to happen if people rotate in and out.

The really honest genius at the local credit union. They refused the bailout funds there.
Your doctor, who really has some great ideas and intelligence. (And who isn't making squat anymore)
The lady who runs the local volunteers for the area and does a darn good job with a pittance of money.
That excellent civics teacher at the high school.

Those and others like them are my people.

Will this ever happen? No.
Would DC allow this to happen? No.

I am a dreamer.... I'm not the only one.

Now, we have S. 3081in judiciary. A bipartisan effort.

Now we have the UN with Agenda 21.

Now we have our ally Israel sounding dangerously undemocratic with their Jewish loyalty pledge.

What I think will happen in the next presidential election is this:

The Republicans (the real Republicans, not the Tea Party, though it will "look" like their idea) may really go with Sarah Palin for president. After all, what's the best way to get someone to go away permanently than to have them defeated in a general presidential election? She will make a showing, but she will not unseat a sitting president, no matter how badly he screwed up. Then the Republicans will silence their biggest blunder and ongoing embarrassment, right quick. Back to not governing Alaska for you, Sarah.

Then this sets the stage for 2016, when they usher in the star, the next in line of a dynasty, Jeb Bush
People will be so fed up with Obama that they will actually vote him in, more than likely. He would defeat Hillary Clinton, or whoever the Dems can dig up to run against him.

It will be a campaign of blame, let the real scapegoating begin then.

JUST MY THOUGHTS, mind you. I have pondered this and this is what seems like a scenario to me.

edit on 19-10-2010 by thegoodearth because: fixed shtuff

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 07:31 AM
All of the above!

The way I see it recently Obama (and others) have been running up all sorts of trial balloons looking for scapegoats. What they are doing is looking for something that sticks, that resonates with a large enough % of the population for people to get behind it. As long as we stay fragmented the way we are pinning it will be really hard (long live the fragments).
Might be worth counting up the responses here to see what gets the most votes (bet our resident disinfo folks do).
Now just cause the first scapegoat is picked by 'popular' demand doesn't mean the rest will be ...keep in mind there is never just one. History does repeat, but not just WWII, you can go back to Romans and find it. Still technology has made it so this time it has the potential to do a lot more more damage than all others combined.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 07:59 AM
Nice thread, and holy moly dude you either got alot of time for this or maybe ya just dont sleep, crazy stuff your bringhing up, only problem is i dididnt like the title, anytime anybody brings what hitler did to the people of europe, to compare to whats going on today is just wrong. Obama aint gonna decide cause hes a pupet, he seems to be a nice guy but heck he became a polititan. So good work on your thread, but come on, what happened in WWW2 is from a different time and space. It just makes my heart skip a beat when i hear Hitlers name behing thrown around. Got my attention do, so maybe thats why you used it..

just my 1 1/2 cents im canadien lol

sorry for any errors english is my second language
edit on 19-10-2010 by dukeofjive because: messed up some words eheheh

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 08:35 AM
Here is something to provoke some extraneous thought about the discussion:

Godwin's law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies or Godwin's Law of Nazi Analogies)[1][2] is a humorous observation made by Mike Godwin in 1989 which has become an Internet adage. It states: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1."[3][2] In other words, Godwin put forth the sarcastic observation that, given enough time, all discussions—regardless of topic or scope—inevitably end up being about Hitler and the Nazis.
[/quoGodwin's Lawte]

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 08:40 AM
Doesn't really matter. Obama needs to go. Soon. Maybe he will resign (as it should be), or maybe he'll have an accident or something. So what ? As long as he and his cronies get out of our government. Sooner the better.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 08:41 AM
i'd just like to say... Homeland security?
if you dont get it your not paying attention

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by tanarus

Say what? Please say again. Something for you to think about.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

as far as I know the zionists blocked germany from international commerce hurting not only the germans but the jews living in germany.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas
reply to post by Flatfish

If those passing legislation truly gave a damn about America they would quit outsourcing jobs, they would cease giving tax benefits to corporations to do business outside of America, and as well they would bolster the American working class.

But unfortunately these selfish bastards are getting to much money to destabilize their own economy to sell debt to China.

In today's political environment, I think that it's next to impossible to simultaneously retain one's core values and be successful at winning a federal election. I'm not saying that people with good intentions don't try to get elected. It's just that in order to raise the vast amount of money needed to be truly competitive, one will be forced to make commitments to donors that end up distorting their values.

Once elected, the realization sets in that political donations are as necessary to their survival as meat was to the hunter gatherers of the past. This realization drives them into a perpetual fund raising mode that continues to eat away at there original mind set and replaces it with that of the donor. So in reality, we didn't get the person we elected, we got their donors instead.

This process totally distorts the concept of "one man, one vote," even more so than the electoral college, which also needs to be eliminated. Under our current system, the wealthy political donor uses their wealth to multiply the value of their one vote into that of many, while at the same time drowning out the voice of the average american voter.

Corporations can afford to hire a lobbyist who will sit in Washington and constantly relay their needs and concerns to our elected officials on a daily basis. I ask this; "How many ordinary working class americans can afford this level of access to their elected representative?" or "How many americans can afford to take off work and go to D.C. to personally express their needs and concerns to their congressman?" I assure you, the answer to both of these questions is, "Not many, if any at all."

Under the current system, the voice of the average voter has been muffled down to less than that of a grasshopper.

This is why our first step in correcting this problem must be to reform our election process. We must remove the need for massive donations and adopt a publicly funded system that mandates equal campaign funding and relies more heavily on televised debates. Free air time for political debates should be required of all broadcasting corporations as a condition of licensing under FCC rules. We must totally outlaw all forms of paid lobbying and political action committees.

Until such time as we gather the political will to "change" our system, we should fully expect to be the scapegoat for all of our nations woes.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by Jezus
Aren't the Mexicans kind of a scapegoat right now?

The Mexican/American Border has been a major issues since its inception.

As well it is and always been nothing but a distraction between State and Federal level.

So, in answer to your question, it is both a yes and no.

It is not some simple answer but a complex one of State's (all of those Border States) whimpering to Federal for funding, and Federal shaking statistics in the State's face to deny funding, in other words, a carrot and stick, a shell game to distract the populace from the real threat, the incoming R.F.I.D. chip program through the Real ID Act.

Mexico : The American/Mexican Border, Why Your Rights Are Gone, Because of Arizona...

The entire issue with the Border is for members of Congress, Senate, and the White House to literally drain the Treasury as it fills with tax money in one of the largest fraud cases ever found, because they are using the bureaucracy as a means to stymie the American citizens rights, make the American citizens demand a solution because of being frustrated with Washington D.C. and the Border not working more efficiently, and slip this system under our mental radar because it is broken down into so many pieces no one usually pays attention to it all.

Imagine this that you go to a beach, and see the beach, but miss each grain upon the beach, except those that wind up in your shorts or bathing suit, and the metaphor is complete, it is the same basic premise of missing the forest for the trees in front of your every face.

And not to worry for anyone who thinks this is only Barack Obama, the current Congress and current Senate doing it.

It has been going since at least 1947 after the O.S.S. was shut down and the C.I.A. opened up and Roswell.

Roswell was another example of a Reichstag Fire something to show the public in the open while the knife was being slammed in our backs by those in power, because they believe we are not humans but cattle, to be mutilated at their whims.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Well this is a no brainer he will blame all the "White Devils" in the congress, all the "White Devils" out of work trying to make it day by day, and He'll blame the "White devils" in the corportions and banks(Whom he approved the money for, BTW). But, mostly he will blame it on whites, no matter who they are or where they are. This is what the majority of them do, blame the white race for everything. S*** they probably blame us for H1N1.

edit on 19-10-2010 by ldyserenity because: I fixed spelling and quotations.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
You ever stop to think that Obama IS the scapegoat for all this crap going on?


Bingo !
I scrolled along until I saw this.
My thoughts exactly, AND Barry doesnt realize it yet.
This ties in to the puppet thread, and the sell out level that all of these career politicians have placed on them$elves.
This is the transitional stage we are in, of course its going to suck and be rough, it has to be rough, and it will get rougher, THEN when the cure is offered, it will be accepted so much more readily,
in fact it will be desired, begged for!
Scapegoat = Barry
Savior = TBA (soon)

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by On the Edge
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

I hope I did not come across as offensive as that was not my intent.

You didn't,not in the least! I appreciate your thoroughly wanting to get your facts straight.
If I can track down more proof of those statements,I will be glad to come back with verification.

Glad to hear it.

I am a thorough and detail oriented person who tracks information down to the source.

And as I mentioned before I speak of it within the middle of the left-wing and right-wing nonsense.

In other words I give you and everyone else the straight story on how I see both sides screwing America.

Both sides of the political aisle take turns messing up America and both sides have their own agenda.

Which is more often than not detrimental to the citizens on many levels.

Please, feel free to dig, and dig deeply into the sources of information and share them here and elsewhere.

Something I found after digging deeply through thousands and thousands of books is a corporation I see as guilty.

Quote from : Destron Fearing Website

Destron Fearing is a global leader in innovative animal identification.

With presence in over 40 countries worldwide we seek to provide real world ID solutions to match the ever increasing complexity and opportunities related to animal identification.

Since 1945 we have provided innovative products addressing the needs of livestock producers, companion animal owners, horse owners, wildlife managers and government agencies.

Destron Fearing provides a full complement of radio frequency identification products and software solutions to automate the collection of critical livestock production and carcass information.

Individual and herd information can then be easily transferred between all parties involved in the production and retail of meat products. Information sharing allows the food industry to meet the discriminating demands of the market place.

It is my belief that Destron Fearing is heavily divested within the R.F.I.D. chip program, they are affiliated with I.B.M., who I mentioned in the original post, and it is further my belief these corporations are behind the furtherance of a Global Agenda through fraudulent practices in regards to the hoaxing of "U.F.O.'s" and "Aliens".

Hitler had a program of hoaxing them.

And if you think about the location of Roswell, New Mexico, it is a centralized region which put the focus on an area where "Illegal Aliens" have always been a major issue, and through the usage of these labels as well as "cattle mutilations" and "alien abductions", as a means to terrorize the populace a psychological attack is being waged against American sensibilities, as the cattle are mutilated just retrieve the R.F.I.D. devices planted within them, and as well the alleged alien abductions are placement and retrieval of R.F.I.D. chips.

Remember, human testing is often not allowed, unless it has been tested on animals first.

Cattle, sheep (El Chupacabra), pets (pets are now chipped regularly), and humans in that order.

And this all ties in with the topic about this thread about the economy because it is linked to the cashless society.

If we are forced, after a period of voluntary processes, to accept the R.F.I.D. chip all the systems will come together.

Credit Cards, Easy PASS (electronic toll booth collection), cell phone GPS, OnStar, Sirus Radio, and Wi-Fi access points, they are linked along with all other electronics taking us into the R.F.I.D. State, and that is the cashless society.

Paper currency will soon not only be worthless but it will be phased out.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by Fiberx
If he's smart he won't "scape goat" anyone. He will properly point out that every republican president since Reagan has bloated the debt and that the only president to end his term with a surplus was a democrat. That republicans have lead us into all of the majors wars of the past 30 years and done so by bypassing congresses constitutional mandate to approve the act of making war on more than one occasion.

That is of course if he is a smart man because that type of power abuse lead to Concentration Camps during WWII.

If not for men of honor like Smedley Butler we would have had Fascist Concentration Camps dotting American landscape.

And people here in America are now currently worried about the F.E.M.A. Camps turning into Death Camps.

Just like Hitler's "Relocation Facilities" morphed into Concentration Camps and then into Death Camps.

It is not the Republicans or the Democrats, at least not individually, it is both political parties and their partisan nonsense.

Originally posted by Fiberx
He would properly point out that it has been predominately republican policies that have unleashed the nasty side of capitalism on the middle and lower class and that his bailout has nearly paid for itself. That his efforts to stabilize the economy are not and will never be perfect, but that he has the will to make the tough decisions that he and his team feel are needed to stop the bleeding that was started on the watch of a republican president.

I see the Bailout of the banks as nonsense considering they never specified what the money was to be spent on.

Banks require we allocate what our loans are for, cars, houses, home repairs, refinancing, you name it.

How could the Federal Government possibly be that ignorant and or irresponsible?

The answer is simple that they cannot.

It was fraudulent practices towards stealing our tax money through the Treasury in a high-stakes Bank Robbery.

And American citizens were too ignorant to see it for what it was and or stop it.

Congressional, Senatorial, and Presidential embezzlement, Bush and his cronies started it, Obama is covering their tracks..

Originally posted by Fiberx
He has made some serious missteps, but going back to deregulated markets and tax cuts for wealth individuals and constantly increasing military spending is a recipe we have already tried. It created pseudo-wealth for the nation and after we had finished cladding ourselves in gold we took a look at the bill and wondered how we were going to pay for it all.

Rinse, lather, repeat, that is all these men and women in Washington D.C. ever do.

Plan the con, play the con, sell the con.

I am tired of these bastards getting away with stealing our money aren't you?

Originally posted by Fiberx
My conservative count, including just social security and admitted debt (which seems to be based on cash accounting) is 67 trillion over the next 20 years. That's without interest on the current debt and without interest on the post 2016 short fall on social security. That also does NOT include the 9% per year that we already go over budget. According to the IMF's most recent study we need to reduce spending by 14.5% just to stop adding to the cash debt.. until 2016 when social security payouts begin to require the government to borrow to keep up.

There is no plan to stop it in any way, shape, or form because the plan is to spend us into more and more debt.

Why do you think that the National Deficit is never paid off when we've been able to do it many times?

To give the American populace and ignorant example to follow by remaining in debt and working hard to pay it off.

So we never consider being debt-free and remain indebted to the Credit Card agencies, mortgage corporations, and bankers.

Originally posted by Fiberx
Obama has literally only done what has to be done to try and avoid 0% or negative growth in the national economy.

It is a calculated effort to make sure he chokes of American industry because if America does not collapse the North American Union can never happen.

Originally posted by Fiberx
I'm not fond of his presidency, but I am down right terrified of the usual republican BS.

I'm tired of both sides of the political aisle and their nonsense and I've never liked any President.

I see far too easily through their lies, charlatanism, and con games.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

There's a nice article buried in the federal reserves archives about the introduction of the NAU single currency.
It's a report that was authored years ago.
During that time, it was noted that 96% of transactions were being performed digitally, (this is a total, not just point of sale).
The report also made note of the reluctance to accept such a move, 'at that time' and that further advancement of the agenda needed to happen first, before the people would be accepting.

Here's the report title;
Perspectives on a
Potential North American
Monetary Union Q4 2000
(Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta E C O N O M I C R E V I E W Fourth Quarter 2000)
Here's a highlight)
The advent of the European Monetary Union and the euro has also focused attention on the possibility
of such an arrangement for other economically integrating countries, namely, NAFTA countries.

Here's some highlighted reading;

BUITER, WILLEM. 1999. “The EMU and NAMU: What is the
Case for North American Monetary Union?” Speech presented
at the Douglas Purvis Memorial Lecture, Canadian
Economic Association, May.

“From Fixing to Monetary Union: Options for North
American Currency Integration.” C.D. Howe Institute
Commentary 127, June.

MCCALLUM, JOHN. 2000. “Engaging the Debate: Costs and
Benefits of a North American Common Currency.” Royal
Bank of Canada Current Analysis, April.

HAUSMANN, RICARDO. 1999. “Should There Be Five
Currencies or One Hundred and Five? Foreign Policy
116 (Fall): 65–79.

It's like a sidewalk, and each section is an administration, they all tie in together, they all function seamlessly, leading us to where the sidewalk ends.

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