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Who Will Obama Scapegoat For The Economy, History Repeats Itself, Hitler Did It To The Jews?

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posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

in my opinion:

when will all you pissed off republicans stop comparing Obama to hitler?

History repeats its self again. Everyone compares everything they can't explain to hitler.

Why Hitler?

Because they're too short sighted to think ahead any further.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 02:18 AM
For all your rhetroic about who you are and what you stand for.... and then you say Obama will act like Hitler shows an ignorance beyond belief.
What will you do when he's dumped at the next election.... go back on your 'wisdom'? find another president or person in authority to fight against.
Still, you bring a smile to the dial for a while

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 02:50 AM
Personally I don't think he's gonna get to that point in his presidency. I might just be losing my mind, but I really do believe that there will be a "change" in the upcoming years, and it won't be the change he based his pathetic presidential election on.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 08:59 AM

So, BUSH gets the government involved in the housing market and getting people (who can't afford homes) into homes.

Deregulation? Lets toss that all over the place.

SEC? What's that?

Final phase of our plan, when it all goes to CRAP and a someone from the other party is elected to clean it up, BLAME THEM. This is the pattern anytime one party screws something major up. Of course, it seems most of America doesn't have a memory which lasts a full 4 years (or even 2) so we keep bouncing back and forth between these two choices.

I really don't like political games of "blame that party". But we all need to take a step into the realm of reality and place blame where blame is due.

This, coming from someone who has, and will continue to support 3rd party candidates.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 09:19 AM
It was my understanding that Obama would more likely convert football stadiums into colosseums filled with lions to throw the Evangelical Christians into. While the newly converted Muslims Americans cheer at the spectacle.

Now you say he is going to be like Hitler? No, he just doesn't seem like the Hitler type. You first have to hate homosexuals, push for conformity, and support corporatism. Nazism is not liberalism.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by Chett
All of the above!

The way I see it recently Obama (and others) have been running up all sorts of trial balloons looking for scapegoats. What they are doing is looking for something that sticks, that resonates with a large enough % of the population for people to get behind it. As long as we stay fragmented the way we are pinning it will be really hard (long live the fragments).
Might be worth counting up the responses here to see what gets the most votes (bet our resident disinfo folks do).
Now just cause the first scapegoat is picked by 'popular' demand doesn't mean the rest will be ...keep in mind there is never just one. History does repeat, but not just WWII, you can go back to Romans and find it. Still technology has made it so this time it has the potential to do a lot more more damage than all others combined.

This is exactly what I was looking for.

Politics works in this fashion whether anyone wants to believe it or not by using demographics and statistics.

Of course going back to the Romans with the Christians thrown before the lions is perfect example.

Scapegoats are not a new phenomena by any chance they are merely a means of shifting blame.

Unfortunately, the economy is no one's fault but the banks and predatory lending practices, Wall Street, and Washington D.C.

People will not accept blame that is not theirs to take on in any sense of the word.

Throughout the Creature from Jekyll Island the author counts out many way an economy is manipulated.

The Creature from Jekyll Island : A Second Look At The Federal Reserve


Amazon Review :

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Reads like a detective story — which it really is.

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It's all here: the cause of wars, boom-bust cycles, inflation, depression, prosperity.

Creature from Jekyll Island will change the way you view the world, politics, and money.

Your world view will definitely change.

You'll never trust a politician again — or a banker.

From the manipulation of the Federal Reserve, to the manipulation of Wall Street, to the manipulation of Bailout's.

The author explains it all.

In quite detailed accounts of historical as well as the intricate manner it is done.

Everything within this thread is attached to this book or others that explains it all.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by dukeofjive
Nice thread, and holy moly dude you either got alot of time for this or maybe ya just dont sleep, crazy stuff your bringhing up, only problem is i dididnt like the title, anytime anybody brings what hitler did to the people of europe, to compare to whats going on today is just wrong. Obama aint gonna decide cause hes a pupet, he seems to be a nice guy but heck he became a polititan. So good work on your thread, but come on, what happened in WWW2 is from a different time and space. It just makes my heart skip a beat when i hear Hitlers name behing thrown around. Got my attention do, so maybe thats why you used it..

just my 1 1/2 cents im canadien lol

sorry for any errors english is my second language
edit on 19-10-2010 by dukeofjive because: messed up some words eheheh

Well, thank you, and I read a lot and ignore sports, do not drink, do not smoke, and I am highly organized.

You're not the only person to not like the title and I'm sure you will not be the last.

I respectfully disagree with Hitler and scapegoating the Jews because of Germany's economy as being a bad analogy.

It is the perfect analogy because we are going through very similar events right now in our economy.

In case you missed it I did reference history and the fact it repeats itself and anyone intelligent knows this as fact.

Are you stating Obama will not scapegoat anyone about our economy because he is a puppet?

Dictator Wanted : The Puppet State, No Experience Necessary, Sex, Drugs, & Rock & Roll...

Well, I can respect that, but who exactly do you see doing the scapegoating then?

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by Jumbocat

Interesting as a sideline to the discussion.

Thanks for adding anything to the discussion.

Even though it was a sidewinder maneuver.

Anything more relevant to add to the discussion?

Or are you just a drive-by poster with nothing to say?

Statistics are fine, humor is fine, but the topic and discussing it is better.

Thanks again.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by pilotdavems
Doesn't really matter. Obama needs to go. Soon. Maybe he will resign (as it should be), or maybe he'll have an accident or something. So what ? As long as he and his cronies get out of our government. Sooner the better.

It sure would be nice if he left office willingly.

It will be even better when he is voted out because of being ineffective.

Let us hope it is him being ineffective and not the Republicans making him a lame duck.

One can only hope people are now fully awake and aware of everything going on in Washington D.C. now.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by inner warfare
i'd just like to say... Homeland security?
if you dont get it your not paying attention

That is correct.

The Department of Homeland Security was former people from F.E.M.A. working to create a new Cabinet Position.

This is a creation of a position to centralize Government control over all other agencies within the Executive Branch.

Considering Bush sidestepped the F.B.I. and C.I.A. in investigating 9/11 it was a coup against both agencies.

And the American people and our Constitutional Rights.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by derfred33
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

as far as I know the zionists blocked germany from international commerce hurting not only the germans but the jews living in germany.

Are you inferring that the Jews screwed not only Germany but the Jews living within Germany?

And how does this relate to the rest of the topic about Obama and our current state of the economy?

Feel free to expand upon your perspective more if you can provide data and links or books as references.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by Flatfish
In today's political environment, I think that it's next to impossible to simultaneously retain one's core values and be successful at winning a federal election. I'm not saying that people with good intentions don't try to get elected. It's just that in order to raise the vast amount of money needed to be truly competitive, one will be forced to make commitments to donors that end up distorting their values.

Of course not.

The lobbyists and special interests groups fund politicians and their re-election machines.

Not the voters who turn out to vote.

Buy low and sell high, just like the stock market on Wall Street, politicians are a commodity, bought and sold.

Originally posted by Flatfish
Once elected, the realization sets in that political donations are as necessary to their survival as meat was to the hunter gatherers of the past. This realization drives them into a perpetual fund raising mode that continues to eat away at there original mind set and replaces it with that of the donor. So in reality, we didn't get the person we elected, we got their donors instead.

Correct and through this politicians become a sell-out to the corporate agenda not the American citizens agenda.

And this is how American citizens have their rights subverted through corporations diluting the political process.

And why we see on the news about the President attending a $10,000 a plate dinner.

Or showing up as a guest speaker in some college at graduation.

Originally posted by Flatfish
This process totally distorts the concept of "one man, one vote," even more so than the electoral college, which also needs to be eliminated. Under our current system, the wealthy political donor uses their wealth to multiply the value of their one vote into that of many, while at the same time drowning out the voice of the average american voter.

I could not agree more that the Electoral College needs to be eliminated altogether.

It is an outdated concept which does nothing but stymie individual choice.

And manipulates the entire process as well as makes it far easier for those in power to manipulate.

Originally posted by Flatfish
Corporations can afford to hire a lobbyist who will sit in Washington and constantly relay their needs and concerns to our elected officials on a daily basis. I ask this; "How many ordinary working class americans can afford this level of access to their elected representative?" or "How many americans can afford to take off work and go to D.C. to personally express their needs and concerns to their congressman?" I assure you, the answer to both of these questions is, "Not many, if any at all."

And the odd thing is that it is perfectly legal too.

Legalized bribery.

And most American citizens want someone else to worry about politics anyway because they're too damn lazy.

This is one of the many reasons the corruption gets as bad as it does and the poor knowledge of politics too.

And why Obama's shoe size is more important than his policies to the politically ignorant.

Originally posted by Flatfish
Under the current system, the voice of the average voter has been muffled down to less than that of a grasshopper.

Yes, and a grasshopper is seen as an annoyance, to the bid bad politicians.

Originally posted by Flatfish
This is why our first step in correcting this problem must be to reform our election process. We must remove the need for massive donations and adopt a publicly funded system that mandates equal campaign funding and relies more heavily on televised debates. Free air time for political debates should be required of all broadcasting corporations as a condition of licensing under FCC rules. We must totally outlaw all forms of paid lobbying and political action committees.

Until such time as we gather the political will to "change" our system, we should fully expect to be the scapegoat for all of our nations woes.

I agree 100%.

Reform of the election process.

Reform of Government processes.

Outlawing lobbying unfortunately will never happen because politics is too corrupt but the concept is great.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 12:23 PM

Hitler references

I will explain this one. If I get off the area SKL will correct it. First he used the divide and conquer tactic to its most effective extreme.

He used the jews as a target for hate.

They were to blame for the countries problems.

They caused the economy to crash due to their greed

Hum... The same size shoe it seems....

Would you prefer I use or say someone else, use margret thatchers victory as the paint board instead. When she brilliantly polarised the people in her favor...

Would you Prefer I use Mao's taking back of the communist movement. He used their failures as a reason they where failing....

Would you prefer I use the Medici, stalin, Roosevelt, Clinton... Which example do you want as the basis? Please speak up. I can feel your pain....

The example here is that it is a divide and then rule the sheep. The problem, it appears some of the wolves suffer from McGreggor itis. Now we have sheep wolves... They have the teeth to go with there bleep
.. Scared???

Perhaps if more time was spent on history....

Lest we forget!!!!!


Socialism is an economic and political theory advocating public or common ownership and cooperative management of the means of production and allocation of resources.[1][2][3]


To rescue Germany from the effects of the Great Depression, Nazism promoted an economic Third Position; a managed economy that was neither capitalist nor communist.[15][16] The Nazis accused communism and capitalism of being associated with Jewish influences and interests.[17] They declared support for a nationalist form of socialism that was to provide for the Aryan race and the German nation: economic security, social welfare programs for workers, a just wage, honour for workers' importance to the nation, and protection from capitalist exploitation.[18]

This is why the references to hitler keep coming up. The shoes are the same size just different years of production....

Wisdom says we are not to forget. The similarities are amazing. What few here are willing to say is that it is a series of power moves. It is so a certain group can now maintain power. I would believe the administration if they donated all of their money to childrens hospital in cash in one payment.... That would be every single one of them...

Now the topic was who will be scapegoated???

I think the smartest play would be to go directly after the morgage industries leaders.... The board members and their wealth... Redistribute that and the american people will not complain a bit.... The sheeple will bleep happily

edit on 20-10-2010 by ripcontrol because: Because my constituents demanded it

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by HappilyEverAfter

Thanks for addressing the Federal Reserve it is a large part of this problem of course.

After reading The Creature from Jekyll Island my eyes were opened to a lot more of the manipulation.

The people in power do not give a damn about America or her people only their bank accounts and re-election.

Freedom Force International - G. Edward Griffin

G. Edward Griffin and his website offer a lot but he has no forum within his site.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by kid_cudi

Did obama lead us into a useless war? no. did obama move the majority of spending to the military? no. did obama give multimillion dollar breaks to failing big business men so they could go party on yachts and in mansions? no. did obama allow oil companies to pretend that price per barrel was going up so that they could make record profits? no. and i dont remember any of that being cyclic.

You calling me a loner? Really? you pathetic bastard.

oh, forgot to add, do you remember the "Patriot Act"?
edit on 20-10-2010 by shiman because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by fordrew
wait a second, am I just getting confused, or is the topic creator implying that Obama is going to blame the Jews for the economy downturns?

Did you read the title or the entire original post?

I spoke on history and Hitler and the Jews.

I asked who Obama will scapegoat the current economy upon.

Like WWII and Hitler blaming the Israelis.

An analogy and a question all rolled into one creating a discussion topic on the state of our economy.

Nothing is inferred about Obama blaming Jewish people or Israel in any semblance.

Neither have I implied Obama will blame Jewish people or the nation of Israel.

Nor did I allude that Obama will blame Jeiwsh people or our Israeli allies.

If you or anyone has mistakenly assumed or misinterpreted my intent I cannot have been more clearer.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by babybunnies
I've been saying for months now that the Muslims will be blamed for all that ails America.

They will say that it all started with the economic downturn after the market slide after 9/11.

History repeating itself. They're already gearing up Americans to hate Muslims, just like the Nazi propoganda machine did with the Jews.

At least we can warn people this time, but knowing the average American, people with neither listen nor care until its too late.

I see, what your saying, but at least this time the government isnt preaching that its muslims. They specifically say its the muslim extremist groups. So the misinterpretation would come from the public not hearing the last two words. At least there wont be any concentration camps or ghettos for the normal american muslims because most of them are nice people. i know a couple. And, contrary to the Nazi's, more people are fighting against that kind of discrimination than the people who want it.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

the jews as we know them are not the chosen ones. the palestinians are.
so technically the palestinians are the jews and the jews are frauds...
make sense?

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by ripcontrol

"economic security, social welfare programs for workers, a just wage, honour for workers' importance to the nation, and protection from capitalist exploitation."

I fail to see the evil in this. Are we confusing genocidal and expansionist war making policies with economic policies that brought a devestated nation back to the top of the financial ladder?

It is dangerous to bedevil successful ideas because a madman happened to condone them.

It's ignorance to say that we are similar to the nazis if we make policy that seeks to provide the average worker with a fair worth and the respect they deserve.

It is not a socialistic bent that is leading us to economic collapse. It is capitalism run amuck! The buying and selling of votes. The cutting of taxes for those that have more than any one person can make use of in a lifetime, without even having a plan to replace the loss of that tax money. We are as far from socialist as it gets guys. As a nation we have a policy of free for all capitalism in which you make take anything, attack anyone and take any action which increases profits for the wealthy individuals and corporations and in which our future as a nation is literally being sold to the highest bidder.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by Fiberx

There is no evil in those ideas... They in and of themselves are noble ideas...

The problem is the first part of what I quoted in that they were used for quite different aims. The means of socialism is the way dictators set up control. These are the words used by others then just hitler... Stalin as well, Mao as well...

His words sound socialistic in that they are about a redistribution of wealth... Who are the redistributors and what is this based on?

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