I agree that there have been multiple triggers that have led to the situation we currently find ourselves in from the repeal of Glass/Steagall to the
signing of NAFTA and continuing on to awarding China with permanent most favored trading status. All done during the Clinton administration while
congress was under "republican" control. (doesn't excuse him for signing them into law.)
I voted for Clinton and was greatly disappointed when these legislative initiatives were enacted into law. At the time I voted for him, I didn't
realize that one of his middle names was Rockefeller, (my bad) which pretty much explains it all.
IMO, it's not the political party that is the culprit but rather it's "Corporate Mentality" that is bringing us down and so long as we allow those
of this mentality to have unlimited access to our political representatives, via paid lobbyist and unlimited campaign contributions, we should expect
more of the same.
Corporations, much like religion, have no place in a government that is supposed to be "Of, By & For" it's people. This is because neither of them
are people, but rather they are strategies. One is a strategy for the control of people and the other is a strategy to generate unlimited profits.
Neither one is the product of a live birth and neither one has the best interest of "ALL" at heart.
In a thread I previously started entitled, "What Would You Do To Rescue The American Middle Class,"
I outlined several steps that I believe would be useful in restoring america to her glory days and I'm sure there are numerous other steps that
should be taken if there were just the political will to do so.
I'm convinced that it's not too late and we have not reached the point of no return, although we are close. We must return our government to
performing functions that will protect the well being of it's "people" and preserve our standard of living for future generations. We are
currently allowing the corporate powers that be to utilize the lower standard of living in foreign nations to bring down that of our own and this has
to stop, and it has to stop now!
We need legislation to reverse the effects of the 'Citizens United" supreme court ruling, like yesterday! Our government is currently for sale to
the highest bidder and the highest bidder seems to be multi national corporations and special interest groups. I touched on this process in another
thread entitled, "The Outsourcing Of Democracy,
www.abovetopsecret.com... Corporations have become so comfortable with
the process of outsourcing that they are now applying it to our politics.
A better label for those right wing corporatist is "Cheap Labor Conservatives" as explained in this portion of a blog entitled "Right Wing
Ideology In A Nutshell."
Right-Wing Ideology In A Nutshell
When you cut right through it, right-wing ideology is just "dime-store economics" – intended to dress their ideology up and make it look
respectable. You don't really need to know much about economics to understand it. They certainly don't. It all gets down to two simple words.
"Cheap labor". That's their whole philosophy in a nutshell – which gives you a short and pithy "catch phrase" that describes them perfectly.
You've heard of "big-government liberals". Well they're "cheap-labor conservatives".
"Cheap-labor conservative" is a moniker they will never shake, and never live down. Because it's exactly what they are. You see, cheap-labor
conservatives are defenders of corporate America – whose fortunes depend on labor. The larger the labor supply, the cheaper it is. The more
desperately you need a job, the cheaper you'll work, and the more power those "corporate lords" have over you. If you are a wealthy elite – or a
"wannabe" like most dittoheads – your wealth, power and privilege is enhanced by a labor pool, forced to work cheap.
Don't believe me. Well, let's apply this principle, and see how many right-wing positions become instantly understandable.
Cheap-labor conservatives don't like social spending or our "safety net". Why. Because when you're unemployed and desperate, corporations can pay
you whatever they feel like – which is inevitably next to nothing. You see, they want you "over a barrel" and in a position to "work cheap or
Cheap-labor conservatives don't like the minimum wage, or other improvements in wages and working conditions. Why. These reforms undo all of their
efforts to keep you "over a barrel".
Cheap-labor conservatives like "free trade", NAFTA, GATT, etc. Why. Because there is a huge supply of desperately poor people in the third world,
who are "over a barrel", and will work cheap.
Cheap-labor conservatives oppose a woman's right to choose. Why. Unwanted children are an economic burden that put poor women "over a barrel",
forcing them to work cheap.
Cheap-labor conservatives don't like unions. Why. Because when labor "sticks together", wages go up. That's why workers unionize. Seems workers
don't like being "over a barrel".
Cheap-labor conservatives constantly bray about "morality", "virtue", "respect for authority", "hard work" and other "values". Why. So they
can blame your being "over a barrel" on your own "immorality", lack of "values" and "poor choices".
Cheap-labor conservatives encourage racism, misogyny, homophobia and other forms of bigotry. Why? Bigotry among wage earners distracts them, and keeps
them from recognizing their common interests as wage earners.
It's time for the working people in America to wake up and "Pay Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain" because just like in "The Wizard Of Oz,"
he is feeding us a line of garbage. By the way, the man behind the curtain is a corporate CEO.