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Mass insanity on ATS?

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posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
I really only see it as going to get worse. People want quick fixes and magical things to happen. For some, it may be their way of escape of dealing with the hard truth that there is not going to be a quick fix or anything supernatural happen. I think what ever is happening with everyone's expectations....must need to happen for some reason.

If you consider the current state of the world, (economy, war, lack of jobs, etc...), people are starting to suffer from a series of psychological issues. One could very well argue that people are trying to escape reality; thus, they are creating a hallucination in which gives them control. You do have a legit argument to be made.

edit on 14-10-2010 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by prevenge

I think you give that list of guys you named too much credit for being clever. I have been coming into this room for about 6 months now and I have yet to see anyone with what I would call a 'lawyerly talent for debate'. It's just a bunch of nobodies with nothing better to do trying to entertain themselves. And there is nothing wrong with you or them expressing opinions. But don't take it too serious; that would be a mistake in my opinion.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by tim3lord
Is it me or are things getting harder and harder to follow on here? my BS meter has been going off non stop in here since about 2 months ago. i mean more so than usual. i posted this in general conspiracy because i believe this is being done on purpose to obfuscate the truth.

now these are the possibilities as i see it.

1. 100% of the things on here are delusions of deluded minds that feed on insecurities and mass hysteria. self fulfilling prophecies that the very same deluded draw attention to and proclaim as evidence or prophecy or insider leaked info.

2. 100% of the things being said and revealed on here is true from a relativistic point of view.

3. a little from both.

4. government disinfo to cloud the truth?

now i have noticed a marked rise in unusual activity on here with people making pretty bold claims like 20th of October being thrown around. ww3 and cosmic events down to stock market crashes. strange thing is out in the real world its business as usual. the US dollar continues its back and forth dance on the global markets. wars continue all over the world with the usual amount of coverage. nothing really that would indicate any real change. BUT like i said before the activity on here seems to be reflecting something that isnt portrayed in any aspect of day to day life. for me or anybody i know.

so my question i this.

Who is experiencing all these strange things thats supposed to be happening? apart from a few lucid dreams here and there i havent really noticed much in the way of of strange things. ok i might notice the odd 11:11 or 4:44 or 10:10 but thats probably because im looking for it. so either im missing something or most of the people on here are seeing something im not.

People are claiming to channel aliens, and talk to aliens regularly. And Your BS Meter is just starting to go off?
edit on 14-10-2010 by AtruthGuy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 09:03 AM
One man's insanity is another man's religion.

So many threads stating what others think is wrong, countered by what you think is wrong.

Facts are temporary, opinions are legion, each has the choice what to accept or reject into their consciousness. All are the building blocks of this reality. Tomorrows reality will be as foreign as yesterdays, today is the only true reality.

How will we make today's reality?

I'll make mine loving you all for your varied perspectives.

Maybe tomorrow, you will do the same?

With Love,

Your Brother

edit on 14-10-2010 by IAMIAM because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by prevenge ...the overbearing presence of the likes of Phage, Chadwickus, WeedWacker.. this new rich-england guy..

Wow. Even though I don't share the same philosophies with these three individuals, I know enough about them to respect their points of view. Phage, WeedWaker, and Chadwickus may be off their rocker, but I assure you that they are some of the most nicest people on ATS. Sure, they sometimes leave logic behind; however, you can usually get passed that by showing some empathy. When you make your case with these individuals, keep yourself under control at all times. If you allow yourself to become aggravated, you will miss out on some of the points they do make. Phage, Chaos, and I have banged heads before, but we end up laughing it off at the end. Sometimes one side shows the other something new, and the other side adds a level of rationality to the mix. We are opposites to the same spectrum.

My alien ATS opposites (the believers) give me the skeptic (the science guy) enough of a challenge in which keeps me more open to other possibilities. Even though I don't agree with them 90% of the time, the remaining 10% inspires me to look a little deeper.

Originally posted by AtruthGuy
People are claiming to channel aliens, and talk to aliens regularly. And Your BS Meter is just starting to go off?

edit on 14-10-2010 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 09:17 AM
Most people here are *snip* crazy, if you ask me. Extremely paranoid, at the least.

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

edit on 10/14/2010 by maria_stardust because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by tim3lord

good observation, it is the observation that all true ATS and all 'elderly' ATS members are noticing

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by Grumble

lol..well, without doubt there are a few 'colorful' characters on here. Entertaining? Sure, no doubt.

But what's forgotten by many is that this isn't indicative of JUST ATS or even society as a whole. What it IS indicative of, however, is the average internet user with just a little too much free time. The gap between the real offline world and the online cyber world widens every day. Ironic is the fact that everyone online comes ,obviously,from OFFLINE, eh? But it's the mentality of the average internet-addicted thats key.

Once I thought, like many still think, that the net was some sort of haven for the enlightened souls and thinkers that sought free expression or alternative views or thought outside the box. These days though, I tend to think the net is populated pretty much by voyeurs, former bathroom wall writers, radicals of any stripe one can imagine, and armchair 'researchers' always quick with the youtube or wiki links.(Me, I'm a 'radical of any stripe' lol)

Trust me, some of this insanity exists ONLY on the internet.

Thank God.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 09:40 AM
Before I became a member recently, I used to visit ATS for a couple of years just reading. I have to admit and I have posted about it the past three days about the sheer volume of psychotic adolescent posters not even 20 posting all kind of crap. I mean everything from, " If you were an alien what would you do if you visited earth?" or "If you would rename US what name would you give it? and so on. I mean come on. Wholet the kids in. The grown ups are leaving this forum fast. At least the good posters whom used to write articles with almost journalistic precision.

This is I believe a clear sign of an increasing corruption on the ATS Mod level. Its all for the might ratings or hits they allow all these kids flooding this site with all kind of crap. To find one believable post with a credible amount of facts and pics is close to impossible.

At least I am glad some of you older and wiser started this thread to remind some opn ATS that ATS is going to hell in handbasket.

Oh well everything dies and is reborn in new forms. Perhaps a group of good proggies and UFOlogists will start a new site for conpiracy and other above top secret subjects? One where they learn from this administrative mess here on this forum.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by tim3lord

I've offered to do joint research projects with other members to uncover fresh stories for ATS but got zero bites for joint research. I've given up. So if you are reading this and feel the same way as the OP, its probably your fault. I'm just using this thread to vent I suppose but I think its true. And notice how my new topic count has dropped off to next to zero. Its a lot of work to research 9/11 and I've decided there is no point in going it alone. For example, when I emailed CIT he told me it was a great idea, good luck on my research, and keep him posted. Ummm.... no, thats not joint research. That is just me doing all the work and keeping him updated. I've got a 1/3 done video dead in the water with good stuff but it won't be finished until 2020 at the rate I'm going since I'll only work on it when I'm incredibly bored or trying to procrastinate important things.

The point is, people have to work to make ATS a great site and they are unwilling to do so in every single case except for literally about five people.
edit on 14-10-2010 by truthquest because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 09:44 AM
I love ATS for the most part. Many times you will see stories break on the site before anywhere else. The bad part is that it is a roach nest of disinfo bloggers also. I don't know if it was started by CIA funding or what but you can tell that there is a HUGE disinfo effort being put on this site. I remember I heard one of the top guys on ATS on a radio show one time about chemtrails and he was actually saying he didn't believe chemtrails were real. LOL He was trying to defend the government story that there were no such things as "chemtrails" even though everybody that has researched it in any way, knows it's VERY real. There is simply no doubt about it and this official ATS guy was saying that it wasn't because the government couldn't spray something on the ground by spraying in the air because it would drift too far away. lol

I was on a 9/11 truth thread yesterday and started investigating some of the people that jump in and try to post really childish arguments against anything that isn't the official fairy tale. I looked at this one guy and looked at his posts and say over 800 posts in his account. ALL of them debunking every 9/11 thread possible. The guy literally did NOTHING else on this board but try to debunk 9/11 truth videos and evidence. That is a classic sign of a FED. Who would have NO other interest on ATS but debunking every single post that went contrary to the official story? I told the guy that I really hoped he was getting a paycheck because if not, he really needs to get a new hobby!

If you want to spot the FEDs, just look at their posts, if they do NOTHING but debunk and don't teach people about the new world order and all their lies then they are most likely a FED. If you have good material, make sure you post it to ATS first but then post it to as many other sites as you can and wake up people to the new world order every day. Don't waste time arguing with a FED that is paid to waste your time and throw mud at your posts.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by Alien-OneZero
Before I became a member recently, I used to visit ATS for a couple of years just reading. I have to admit and I have posted about it the past three days about the sheer volume of psychotic adolescent posters not even 20 posting all kind of crap. I mean everything from, " If you were an alien what would you do if you visited earth?" or "If you would rename US what name would you give it? and so on. I mean come on. Wholet the kids in. The grown ups are leaving this forum fast. At least the good posters whom used to write articles with almost journalistic precision.

This is I believe a clear sign of an increasing corruption on the ATS Mod level. Its all for the might ratings or hits they allow all these kids flooding this site with all kind of crap. To find one believable post with a credible amount of facts and pics is close to impossible.

At least I am glad some of you older and wiser started this thread to remind some opn ATS that ATS is going to hell in handbasket.

Oh well everything dies and is reborn in new forms. Perhaps a group of good proggies and UFOlogists will start a new site for conpiracy and other above top secret subjects? One where they learn from this administrative mess here on this forum.

i was thinking the same thing. too bad i know nothing about web design or i would do it myself.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 09:50 AM
I'm a little late to this thread, but as I can see I'm not alone in thinking this. Some of the new threads I see popping up make me instantly close the tab and move on to another website, or make me rage and reply to offer a little balance to a one sided circle-jerk. Prediction threads are nothing new and always offer me a little laugh, as do the correlation threads. Also, the extreme-fringe-of-right-wing-fringe type accusatory threads that seem to be holding steady in popularity. As are the extreme left "it's all the rights fault" threads. Everyone has their own opinion, that in itself is a great thing. But so is the willingness to question your own beliefs from time to time. If you don't agree, don't post just to disagree, start a discussion. I think the replies that do little more than defame, rally opposition, and taunt will be the cancer that pulls this website into the great abyss. I started lurking on this site because of the great discussion that went into a given topic, along with great investigatory skills, and the willingness of members to ask questions, and inform others. Now there's more hate than understanding, more opinions born of ignorance than questions to gain knowledge, more rhetoric and propaganda than a willingness to weed out the truth by ones own means. That's the insanity that I've noticed on ATS.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 09:51 AM


posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by IAMIAM
One man's insanity is another man's religion.
So many threads stating what others think is wrong, countered by what you think is wrong.
Facts are temporary, opinions are legion, each has the choice what to accept or reject into their consciousness. All are the building blocks of this reality. Tomorrows reality will be as foreign as yesterdays, today is the only true reality.
How will we make today's reality?
I'll make mine loving you all for your varied perspectives.
Maybe tomorrow, you will do the same?

With Love,

Your Brother

edit on 14-10-2010 by IAMIAM because: (no reason given)


God gave us all some ability to reason. Some more than others. In todays world, we need to exersise that talent often. I would not want to see ATS censor anyone's posts because they are whacko. In case you have not noticed, the whole world is somewhat whacko now.

Either you are able to sift through the threads and seperate real from fiction or you are not. Usually the skeptics do a great job in holding the OP's to a standard that results in proof or humiliation for the poster. For a site that encourages out of box considerations, we do a pretty good job of getting at the truth here, IMO.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 09:59 AM
For the past year, I haven't really contributed as I used to. I still come here about once a day, but I just look at the headlining threads, and I instantly roll my eyes, and go to another site. I initially came here to research UFO's, and have intelligent discussions, but now I don't even go near that area, cause it's infested with nuts. I'm sick of the first 10-15 posts all being sarcastic, saying, "it's probably swamp gas", or something to the effect of "ha, I told you guys". And then nobody wants to discuss the possibility of a pic or vid being fake, because all of the nuts will just call anybody who questions the authenticity a "disnfo agent" or a "skeptic".

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by patent98310

its actually empowering to know that there are many that feel this way. its pretty disappointing whats going on here. but all things change and this is just another form of it i suppose.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by TravisT
For the past year, I haven't really contributed as I used to. I still come here about once a day, but I just look at the headlining threads, and I instantly roll my eyes, and go to another site. I initially came here to research UFO's, and have intelligent discussions, but now I don't even go near that area, cause it's infested with nuts. I'm sick of the first 10-15 posts all being sarcastic, saying, "it's probably swamp gas", or something to the effect of "ha, I told you guys". And then nobody wants to discuss the possibility of a pic or vid being fake, because all of the nuts will just call anybody who questions the authenticity a "disnfo agent" or a "skeptic".

all valid points. now how could we correct this? what can we do to smooth this out?

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 10:06 AM
Its not any different here than it was 2005. Its still 99% Falsehood, 1% gem. Its still a lot of fun. Its still a good place to meet interesting people.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by tim3lord

Originally posted by Alien-OneZeroOh well everything dies and is reborn in new forms. Perhaps a group of good proggies and UFOlogists will start a new site for conpiracy and other above top secret subjects? One where they learn from this administrative mess here on this forum.

i was thinking the same thing. too bad i know nothing about web design or i would do it myself.

There's absolutely nothing stopping anyone. Everyone get's by with a little help from their friends. On the other hand, looking to bolster the membership of the new website by spamming on ATS is frowned upon.

Before you go, though... perhaps those who say ATS has nothing sane to offer anymore would like to attempt a thread like this one by member Rising Against. Either that, or put the time and effort into attempting to assist in getting to the truth of that historic event.

Everyone seems to be quick to blame and complain, but so few are willing to be part of the effort to turn things around. Go figure.

My $0,02

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