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I have come to embrace Socialism!

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posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by Magnum007

No it's not a socialist solution.

I said Global Corporations not small businesses and local Entrepreneurs who form "corporations."

Why do you think these liberal actors and actresses form corporations? They want to avoid paying taxes. So they get a 10 million dollar paycheck for a movie, the money is paid to their Corporation. If these liberal actors and actresses want to pay their "fair share" they should agree to pay 60% of their paychecks off the top to the crooked Governments they love. They can live off of 4 million dollars and let Obama and Pelosi redistribute their 6 million. They should stop forming Corporations and start paying their "fair share."

You don't give money to a Global Corporation because that's just common sense. If you give a billion to a Global Corporation maybe half of that money will be spent in America and the other half will be spread out overseas. Americans will have to pay the bill and interest and they will not see the full benefit.

So it makes sense to give it to local small businesses and Entrepreneurs instead of Global Corporations.

Also, we wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for massive government and massive debt.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by Matrix Rising

I agree, give the money locally compared to globally, which is what the USSR was doing. It gave money to its companies and people. The difference is that the US uses this money and goes around the world "spreading democracy" instead of giving it to hospitals, stores, and people to use for themselves. But this is a totally different subject altogether...

My point is that instead of using a US system of focusing on the world and corporations, maybe it would be better to use the trillions of dollars to help Americans have homes, health, education, etc... I'm not saying that a complete USSR style socialistic system should exist in the US, I'm just saying that maybe there is something to learn from them. That Americans may benefit from parts of the system...

Pure capitalism, pure dictatorships, pure socialism, pure communism is not the answer... IMHO it's a mix of the best parts of each which will make things MUCH MUCH easier fro everyone...

Unfortunately, everyone has a hard head, and refuses to even take a look at what the other guy is doing because propaganda says it's "wrong" or some religious group said not to even think of looking... This is what is making our world so dangerous, making our people poor, making everyone fear each other...

Let me know what you think.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 02:40 PM
Instead of a contented, happy society where we all enjoy some fruitful employ a reasonable workday, good education, enriching pursuits, good roads, fine schools, inexpensive transportation and leisure time to enjoy our country and others...

...We have managed to cobble together a 3 ring circus of bizarre sideshows harking amazing but useless objects, where the desperate, the rejected and the disenchanted stroll litter strewn streets, munching cotton candy and slurping sodas, taking small solace in the freaks. At least someone is worse off than we are.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by Magnum007
My wife doesn't ever recall running out of TP and having to use newspaper... She didn't have 1 entire aisle of TP for soft bums, for rough ones but she had TP all her life!

But I bet I can find many Americans right now who have to use public bathrooms because they HAVE NO HOME!

Any more misconceptions?

Does your wife have Alzheimers or something?

What you call "misconceptions" are well-established facts of History confirmed by Russians themselves.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 02:57 PM
I really have nothing to add here, most people seem to have confused Socialism with Communist and Fascist Dictatorships, so until they get that sorted out there's not much to discuss.

But I did think of one warning for the die hard Capitalists in the Southern US : you need to get OFF the Internet RIGHT NOW! In fact, you need to shut off everything electric you have because using electricity implies tacit agreement with Socialism and I'd hate to see you make hypocrites out of yourselves.

It gets even worse! : Electricity was brought to the South by none other than the King Commie himself: FDR!

Tennessee Valley Authority

I know, it's really horrifying news, but you need to know. I just don't want any Southern folk to burn in hell for touching some evil Commie thing brought to them by Socialist Programs!

Pull those electric wires out RIGHT NOW! Or else you are a COMMIE PINKO TRAITOR!!!

And of course you mustn't EVER touch the internet! It began in them Liberal Colleges Back East and runs over Evil Commie Socialist electric networks!!!


posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by Magnum007

Nope, it would be better to let Americans keep the trillions of dollars that they earn. Why do you think Government can spend your money better than you can?

Governments waste and spend trillions of dollars. They waste and spend the wealth of our children and grandchildren.

What you fail to understand is that many people form Corporations. It's not just greedy rich people.

Your neighborhood store forms a corporation or your actor and singer incorporates a production company. This is the way you build wealth. This is because Corporations don't pay taxes to crooked politicians of the top. They have a year to reinvest that money into their company or other ventures that will allow them to build wealth.

A person who works pays taxes off the top. They pay taxes before they get their paycheck. That's why I'm for a flat tax or a national sales tax. Let people keep the money they earn and pay taxes on what goods and services they buy.

Again, if we had a small limited Government we wouldn't have many of these problems in a Global Economy with cheap labor.

NEWSFLASH - It's okay to trust yourself and keep the money you earn instead of giving it to crooked politicians to waste and spend.

We're 13 trillion in debt and we just spent all this borrowed money for Obama stimulus and we still don't have an "infrastructure." Please stop falling for this nonsense.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by endtimer
reply to post by ImAnAlienOnMyOwnPlanet

You say you are a person just like everyone else? In what sense? Do you really
think that everyone else embraces this sick stuff? Socialism has never worked
in any country on this planet in any time of history. Don't compare yourself to
everyone else.

And to compare Jesus to Socialism is really, really sick.

I think Canada needs believers like yourself. Get packing !!

thats some nice personal attacks you got there/

is that how you debate issues?

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 03:03 PM
ITs always richly ironic to read people's comments about how 'evil' socialism is. I guess they never use schools, the police, the fire dept, roads...


Guess the corporations have a lot of shills, or thier decades of propaganda have finally worked and convinced the people that laws that benefit them are somehow 'bad' while laws that benefit corporations are 'good'

. America is doomed.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 03:04 PM
Jesus was NOT a socialist, he was a LIBERTARIAN. Jesus believed that every person was responsible for his/her actions. You made your own bed, now sleep in it. Every man should be free to do whatever he wants, as long as he causes no harm to others.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by Hendrix92TheUniverse
Jesus was NOT a socialist, he was a LIBERTARIAN. Jesus believed that every person was responsible for his/her actions. You made your own bed, now sleep in it. Every man should be free to do whatever he wants, as long as he causes no harm to others.


You might want to actually READ the new testament some time.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by justadood
ITs always richly ironic to read people's comments about how 'evil' socialism is. I guess they never use schools, the police, the fire dept, roads...


Guess the corporations have a lot of shills, or thier decades of propaganda have finally worked and convinced the people that laws that benefit them are somehow 'bad' while laws that benefit corporations are 'good'

The Federal Govt. should have absolutely no roll in schools, police or fire fighting.

Freedom is what made this country great, and the loss of freedom is the greatest danger to the citizens of the U.S. of A.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 03:09 PM


posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by Matrix Rising

there are numerous holes in your theory, but the biggest one is you seem oblivious to the fact that corporations benefit from government (re: public) infrastructure. So, if they use roads, crops, waterways that are maintained by the public, why should their profits be solely theirs?

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by justadood
ITs always richly ironic to read people's comments about how 'evil' socialism is. I guess they never use schools, the police, the fire dept, roads...

Because of our wealth we can afford them. Socialist nations struggle to afford their own firedepartments. Ever taken Chinese roads pre-capitalism? They wreck your car.
edit on 9-10-2010 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 03:11 PM
People have a really silly view of Corporations.

I formed a Corporation and a DBA(Doing Business As) for a little over $400 dollars. I then built my business and it's great. Many people form Corporations.

The Socialist Michael Moore has a Corporation that produces his Documentaries.

The Socialist Ben and Jerry formed a Corporation.

A lot of wealthy Liberals and Socialist form Corporations. It allows you to build wealth and employ people who feed and clothe their families.

It allows you to build wealth and give to Charities that help feed the homeless or give money to help pay for someone's College Education.

Man, those greedy Corporations never help anyone but these rich Liberals loove forming Corporations.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Hendrix92TheUniverse
Jesus was NOT a socialist, he was a LIBERTARIAN. Jesus believed that every person was responsible for his/her actions. You made your own bed, now sleep in it. Every man should be free to do whatever he wants, as long as he causes no harm to others.

And he also believed that money was not the sole dictator of morality in the world -

Helping people was JC's entire MO - ALTRUISM was his vehicle of example

HE DIED for OTHER peoples sins - A libertarian would have said


James Marshall is rolling over in pain due to your response
edit on 9-10-2010 by Janky Red because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

Originally posted by justadood
ITs always richly ironic to read people's comments about how 'evil' socialism is. I guess they never use schools, the police, the fire dept, roads...

Because of our wealth we can afford them. Socialist nations struggle to afford their own firedepartments. Ever taken Chinese roads pre-capitalism? They wreck your car.
edit on 9-10-2010 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

So China is the epitome of a 'socialist' nation in your eyes?

I guess most of Europe, plus Canada arent on your radar?

Also, your example of not being able to fund a fire department seems funny considering the recent news article about the privatized fire department that refused to put out a burning home because they hadnt paid their $75.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by ImAnAlienOnMyOwnPlanet

There is only 1 USA and we are loosing it quick. There are many Socialist countries to go to, Please leave the USA free to follow it her Constitution so those who choose liberty and free market Capitalism will have a place to live. The WORLD is much better off with a strong USA!

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by Matrix Rising
People have a really silly view of Corporations.

I formed a Corporation and a DBA(Doing Business As) for a little over $400 dollars. I then built my business and it's great. Many people form Corporations.

The Socialist Michael Moore has a Corporation that produces his Documentaries.

The Socialist Ben and Jerry formed a Corporation.

A lot of wealthy Liberals and Socialist form Corporations. It allows you to build wealth and employ people who feed and clothe their families.

It allows you to build wealth and give to Charities that help feed the homeless or give money to help pay for someone's College Education.

Man, those greedy Corporations never help anyone but these rich Liberals loove forming Corporations.

You clearly miss the point. I am not saying, nor have I ever said that Corporations are inherently evil.That's merely your attempt at injecting a red herring.

I'm saying that many corporations are indeed 'evil' and the fact that they control every aspect of our government is FAR more REAL than some nonsense about socialism.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by Magnum007

Unfortunately, everyone has a hard head, and refuses to even take a look at what the other guy is doing because propaganda says it's "wrong" or some religious group said not to even think of looking...

Or maybe its not propaganda, maybe its just History that shows us what works and what does not? All political systems dreamed up in ancient greece have been tried before. Some work, some dont.

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