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the LHC, solar flares and 2012, this is how they are linked and why!

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posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by theAymen

Yeah its kinda odd. I mean I have my theories, I wouldnt be surprised if things over at cern just continue under a "top secret, underground" agenda.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

I dont really know.

But it seems like an odd coincidence.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 10:06 PM


posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by stereologist

firstly i just educated you on electorlyss and polarity and polarity of water.


The first filament lamp, invented by Thomas Edison and shown in the picture, bears a close resemblance to the lamps being held by the Egyptians.



ancient egypt electricity

THE ALEXANDRIA of the seven wonders of the ancient world
carbon arc lighting.... which ceasor calls lampada

as for glass ...scroll down in this link to glassworking

and just for fun look at this...bearing in mind that most of the "bulb" images are from one temple...Dendarra


1. Priest
2. ionised fumes
3. electric discharge (snake)
4. Lamp socket (Lotos)
5. Cable (Lotos stem)
6. Air god
7. Isolator (Djed-Pillar)
8. Light bringer Thot with knifes
9. Symbol for "current"
10. Inverse polarity (Haarpolarität +)
11.Energy storage (electrostatic Generator?)

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by theAymen

Aren't the filaments in a incandescent lamp connected to two points inside the bulb? And the points of connection are pretty well separated? I only see one snake with it's tail tapering to a point. So if it's an accurate representation of an incandescent lamp, why is there only one connection point? That would cause a short circuit. Doesn't look much light an incandescent lamp to me.

edit on 10/4/2010 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 11:08 PM


posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by theAymen

You didn't educate nayone on electrolysis. In fact, you have shown several times that you have no idea what it means.

So your claim of electric lights being used by the Egyptians is based on curls in art? Oh, that's right you are the one with the delusional claim of being a pharaoh.

Yes, it is true that the ancient egyptians develope dthe ability to make glass. I knew that. I've seen the exhibits in Cairo. You aren't going to believe me, but there were no ancient light bulbs on display. Nor were there any fragments of ancient bulbs. There were no wires on display. There were no power supplies on display. The reason they are not on display is because none have ever been found.

There is a wonderful museum at Batsto, NJ. It shows how everything from bottles to windows were produced in their glass shops. Glass production does not mean Batsto was producing televisions or any other products employing glass.
[url=]Batsto Village[url]

But looking back at this claim that this is a light bulb I have to ask, what weird drugs are being passed around these days? That's a light bulb? Get real.

So here is what happens. Some dunce looks at this and tries to connect their daily life with the image. It's the same as trying to give a name to a cloud shape. Let's see how it went. It's soap bubble. It's a blossom. It's the pharaoh's staff engorging. No it's a light bulb.

What seems to be left out by the lunatics calling this a light bulb is the inscription that describes the scene. This is about the sun. Number 3 is a serpent. Notice that the serpent has a head and eye. Number 4 is a lotus flower. These are symbols of Egyptian regeneration. Any pharaoh knows that. Right Aymen.

The other issue with technology is that it changes the language. People use words like google and twitter and email and such. Guess what? Was ancient Egypt using technological words associated with electricity? No, they were not and any pharaoh would know that.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by rajaten

Oh rajaten what would a thread be without you pushing one hoax video or claim after another. You manage to find all of the bone headed videos out there and dump them on the threads.

Recently, I read about the Institute to Deceive Imbeciles Open To Suggestion. This group better known by their initials have been plaguing the internet with all sorts of terrible things. Don't fall into their trap. They hope to enslave the world through brain wiping and other nefarious acts of anti-education.
edit on 4-10-2010 by stereologist because: Missed the all important 'T'

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 12:02 AM
Remind me not to ever create a thread on this site, I mean seriously, I haven't seen that much venom come from 3 or 4 people toward another for merely writing about a theory they found interesting. Seems like the usual suspects too. Weird. You all must have some past issues or something.

It was an interesting read op, you never know, and its fun to read new theories. (to me at least) but apparently the thought police showed up, funny its gone on for 6 pages....

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 12:45 AM


posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 07:29 AM
reply to post by rajaten

Wow rajaten you've created the one liner post in video. It says absolutely nothing in 1 video.

In response to JohnnyR, to call the OP a theory is not true. It's a speculative statement with unwarranted leaps in logic.

Here is what the opening sentence is:

Here I will show how the LHC has connections with the solar flares and 2012.

That claim is has already been "theorized" in other threads as was pointed out. Also, the claim is based on showing that the sun has a magnetic field. That was easy to show since the magnetic field of the sun is studied.

Unfounded claims and ideas are sprinkled throughout the OP like this:

Now.....a time/dimension flux, on earth, CAN be one way the sun.....through the magnetic field of a solar flare.

There is a marginal reference to 2012, the theme of this forum at the end

The Egyptians believe its the return of Osiris, Mayans think quezicaol, Jews think messiah,Muslim think dijal.....I can go on

The first part of the thread is a discussion on whether or not the OP is a rip off of someone else's work.
Is it? Quite likely.
It is also pointed out how some of the things in the OP are unrelated to the claims.
Other people point out that the claims made are "unwarranted and unsubstantiated".

There are challenges to the latter counter claim. People point out that in the past dire predictions were made, even if the newer data indicates that is not going to happen.

Then starts a long process of hashing through the claims one by one looking for what is likely to support or reject the OP.

I would suggest that if you think that statements should not be challenged in an open discussion that you might prefer to read blogs instead of fora (plural of forum). In a blog the author gets to spout anything they want without rebuttal. In a forum the author openly invites their ideas to criticism and support. There were people critical and supportive of the claim.

You specific made the following claim:

I haven't seen that much venom come from 3 or 4 people toward another

I challenge that claim. The venom I saw came in the form of name calling. In fact, the name caller attempted to bait me into name calling. I did not.

You also suggest:

you never know

I challenge that claim as well. Many issues are decidable such as the claims made here. The evidence against the OP is heavy. There is no evidence for the OP. There is no evidence that the sun acts as a star gate or that the LHC creates wormholes or that the ancient Egyptians had light bulbs or that the author of the OP is a pharaoh. Lots of evidence against. No evidence for. You say "you never know". I suggest that this is a case in which we know - not happening.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 07:42 PM


posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by theAymen

Doing a search on the lame theory of 2012 produces mainly lame pages about the lame hoax called 2012. There are countless frauds and hoaxes posted about pole shifts, incoming new planets, second suns, and other issues that are easily shown to be nonsense.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by stereologist
reply to post by theAymen

Doing a search on the lame theory of 2012 produces mainly lame pages about the lame hoax called 2012. There are countless frauds and hoaxes posted about pole shifts, incoming new planets, second suns, and other issues that are easily shown to be nonsense.

yes i know..but itbecomes relevant..when wealthy men believe this...then use our resources..for there assumptions.

so if you hate me for talking about it...then what about the people who are actively investing in this..then one has to wonder.

i want to look at that post above that says the collider will be of for 2012...really dodgy statement on many levels
i just read a link on jupitor and marduk as well....things are getting weird

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by theAymen

Again you are making these grand assertions with no evidence.

Wealthy people believe what? They know 2012 is a hoax just like non-wealthy people know that 2012 is a hoax. Only fools that fall prey to the hoax of 2012 are losing their money.

It's not hard to find people being foolish with their money when it comes to 2012. But these people are not the average person. They are the ones wasting their money going to talks or buying goods or buying videos realted to the 2012 hoax. They are the ones that will quite their jobs over this. People have made irrational decisions based on hoaxes for centuries. I'm sure it has been fro as long as people have told tall tales.

Things are not weird. Jupiter is not weird. Jupiter is an amazing sight right now. Go out and enjoy it. It's beautiful. Find a local amateur astronomy group and learn about the stars and planets. Go to a star party.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by stereologist

most of the investors in the lhc are hindus and gnostics.

the people who built NOAA - noah, SETI - seti, ISS - isis..are all gnostics.

the return of messiah..gnostic.

the new age..gnostic

the merging of dimensions and the "experiment" which is the lhc...are linked...
if you wanted to conduct an experiment into dimensions and time travel...then the lhc is how...with the FTEs they are all expecting.

and now i hear they are already telling us to not ask about the lhc in 2012...dodgy...why hide this experiment..if it works they possibly couldnt hide it...maybe they dont want anyone disputing it

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by theAymen

Seems that there are some links between those in power and ancient egypt dont you think? Theres a pyramid on
the US dollar, theres all these obelisks everywhere including those in St Peters Square in front of the Vatican and other monuments in surrounding Rome.

I wonder why they like the ancient egyptians so much..
edit on 5-10-2010 by rajaten because: edit

edit on 5-10-2010 by rajaten because: edit

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 10:49 PM


posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by theAymen

Your claim is unfounded nonsense.You have no evidence for any of these claims. It is just nonsense. Your claims of what the LHC can be used for are also unfounded fiction. Your claims of Hindus and Gnostics is just a fabrication of no merit. That makes these claims the same as the rest of the 2012 claims - a hoax.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:10 AM


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