reply to post by rajaten
Wow rajaten you've created the one liner post in video. It says absolutely nothing in 1 video.
In response to JohnnyR, to call the OP a theory is not true. It's a speculative statement with unwarranted leaps in logic.
Here is what the opening sentence is:
Here I will show how the LHC has connections with the solar flares and 2012.
That claim is has already been "theorized" in other threads as was pointed out. Also, the claim is based on showing that the sun has a magnetic
field. That was easy to show since the magnetic field of the sun is studied.
Unfounded claims and ideas are sprinkled throughout the OP like this:
Now.....a time/dimension flux, on earth, CAN be one way the sun.....through the magnetic field of a solar flare.
There is a marginal reference to 2012, the theme of this forum at the end
The Egyptians believe its the return of Osiris, Mayans think quezicaol, Jews think messiah,Muslim think dijal.....I can go on
The first part of the thread is a discussion on whether or not the OP is a rip off of someone else's work.
Is it? Quite likely.
It is also pointed out how some of the things in the OP are unrelated to the claims.
Other people point out that the claims made are "unwarranted and unsubstantiated".
There are challenges to the latter counter claim. People point out that in the past dire predictions were made, even if the newer data indicates that
is not going to happen.
Then starts a long process of hashing through the claims one by one looking for what is likely to support or reject the OP.
I would suggest that if you think that statements should not be challenged in an open discussion that you might prefer to read blogs instead of fora
(plural of forum). In a blog the author gets to spout anything they want without rebuttal. In a forum the author openly invites their ideas to
criticism and support. There were people critical and supportive of the claim.
You specific made the following claim:
I haven't seen that much venom come from 3 or 4 people toward another
I challenge that claim. The venom I saw came in the form of name calling. In fact, the name caller attempted to bait me into name calling. I did
You also suggest:
you never know
I challenge that claim as well. Many issues are decidable such as the claims made here. The evidence against the OP is heavy. There is no evidence for
the OP. There is no evidence that the sun acts as a star gate or that the LHC creates wormholes or that the ancient Egyptians had light bulbs or that
the author of the OP is a pharaoh. Lots of evidence against. No evidence for. You say "you never know". I suggest that this is a case in which we
know - not happening.