I see what your saying Fran, and I think the focus towards you saying facty facta mundo is a little off-topic since you don't seem to be saying to me
"THIS IS FACT" but I think the title should of been, "Is disclosure coming soon ?" maybe that may have stirred more of a discussion towards it
than people saying your saying this is fact.
I know it's not impirical evidence or scientific fact and I know most of you on here are vastly more knowledgeable on this subject than me
But I have felt a wierd uprise in the amount of Alien related films being put on normal TV just lately, things like Independance Day, Aliens,
Predators, V coming to UK TV, Documentaries on Ancient civilizations it all seems more excessive than normal. Some repeated 2 times or so in a week.
(not saying whats contained within these is truth, more the getting it in to the concisousness of the general idea)
Also the reports of mainstream scientists and physicists coming forward such as Hawkings admitted that it could be possible, the increase in chatter
from Vatican and such about this phenomenon, the news reports of late etc.
Now this is by no means any plausible facts towards disclosure or really suggest anything towards this most will argue I'm sure but why are they all
of a sudden saying it. But of course they are not all of sudden saying it for it's been said for decades, just seems to be an increase in whats
being said lately.
I personally think it's one of the biggest ignorance of Oomans to think we're that speshul in the wider cosmos that all this wonderful majestic
universe we call home was created all for us by someone for US to learn things and for all the billions of stars and solar systems out there to not
contain intelligent life ???
If aliens came down tomorrow and said religion is false I'd be like and pardon my french but "so #ing what!!" your still here as a human being on
this planet, you know who you are and what your capable of or we may not be if we're to be exterminated god bless us
To me it wouldn't mean didly squat if they landed tomorrow, I'd shrug my shoulders and say....."sure, why not" but then again thats me
and I
know what impact it would have on the world outside my dream bubble
I don't dream of being taken away from this planet, or aliens coming to help us
My dream is a world where we call our home "Earth" and not a land mass we were born on, to be in a world where getting in my pulse wave or
anti-gravity drive converted fiesta to go see some Plutonians or the like and enter star wars or star trek (latter I don't like it bores me for some
reason but the concept). Call me mis-guided but this is the world I'd like to be living in. Where all our bull# squabbling of religion and resources
and shady dark terrorits and the like hamper the development of our species
I see things like this a little akin to fashion and how very fickly people can be
I say to you "a wellington boot is tha sh!t" but because a major fashion model or mainstream fashion magazine hasn't said it's so then pretty much
everyone won't wear it. Yet tomorrow mainstream bull crap says "a wellington boot is tha sh!t" and you can bet your left testicle millions of
people will now be of the belief that it's good and everyone will be wearing it
Now this isn't directed at anyone on here, in this post or the like what I'm trying to say though is most people still for some reason NEED the
media or some magical scientist to come along and confirm something with wonderful scientific numbers and equations for it to be ok for the masses
In some ways I wonder why external entities to our planet for 1 would be interested in such a small rock floating around and even if they were looking
for us the chances of a civilization that has mastered tran-luminal flight or worm hole travel or anything else considered sc-fi for all the other
worlds out there and the time it would take to visit all those worlds.
Also why we need this idea of them already being among us, to destroy us, to conquer us, to enslave us, to take our planet
This contradicts anyone who believes we've been helped in the past because why oh why would they help us become more technologically advanced
If we can release a deadly virus which would kill most humans on the planet leaving infrastructure in tact I'm pretty sure "they" could do it
quicker, more efficiently and more effectively. After all if thats what has been going on over the centuries I'm sure they'd be very good at it
If they want our planets resources I'm pretty sure they could go farm venus or saturn.....I'll stop here I realise this is going more in to other
aspects of contact
Back to disclosure, if its all 1 big game and we are being setup for some rapture to destroy any hope we have left of improving our upside down world
as it is at the moment then I can see that too for it preys on the greatest strength and weakness of mankind..........hope and the fact we'll believe
anything when we're desperate
I also see why you state being bored, because tbh it does get boring and not what you read but the futility and as you say getting past the
traditional boundaries
As for eye-witness accounts, I've always said to myself if I see something glowing in the sky zipping round I'm sorry I'll not be busting my camera
out to film it and put it on You Tube since I can't be arsed to beat off the photoshoppers or the lens flarers or the swamp gassers etc because thats
all any video will ever be. This isn't to say they "don't count" but more it's just chatter. The more the lie continues the harder it is for
people to believe in some respects which I hope is the case for a false flag 1st encounter to propagate the NWO shizzle etc if thats your flavour like
the boy who cried wolf.
I feel you on the workplace thing too, it's like the wellington boot principle you go in to work wearing wellington boots with your suit and people
think your crazy, then vogue says "it's tha #" your then reverred the next day as fashion guru and people now listen to you........yawn
One of my biggest bug-bears is if you go say to Mufon sight and look at UFO sightings, where do they all exist for the majority, pretty much all in
the USA or should I say 90% to me this just enforces the idea about CIA and such using UFO phenomenon to cover up alot of the under development
This is 1 piece of data which just looks wrong to me on so many levels.
All in all I know there's no definitive proof of anything and we may as well be a million miles from the "truth" being put forward, if it does come
it will make no difference to me and thats not because I believe in the idea of UFO's like you do or that I believe they are among us or I believe
they will make things right for us or that I need them to save me, or that I need to think we're not alone as a species because nearly 7 billion
people on the planet is enough.
It's because I have no beliefs or foundations for anything to construct the paradigm of my reality I just see the world as it is, if aliens want to
come down to earth then so be it fine, I'd hope it is a rainbow but I know there's too many people that wouldn't see it this way.
And just to commit social suicide further I will say I don't like Dr.Who :shock: or Star Trek or Babylon 5 etc OH EM GEE I know :/
Good comments from Mask and SaturnFX though for I see what your saying and you play the chaotic neutral well