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They Are Coming - Are You Ready For Disclosure?

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posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by number38
Is it me or does this happen every October? At least since Blossom Goodchild saying aliens coming in October then every year since then around October there's a strong push towards focusing on disclousure? Why this month? weird

It's been happening for decades. There is always supposed to be some kind of big announcement but still the story keeps coming out in bits and pieces--strictly limited and controlled disclosure. I have no doubt that some very big announcements could be made, but not when and how they could ever be made.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by Anthony1138
war is a human product, imagen if you had the technogly to see cavemen, and show them a plane, to them they would be as extra-orindary as a spaceship would be to us.
Imagen if "humans" from the future came to give us a warning of what is to come and attempt to get us ready for this.

Lets say that there is a very small group of humans that have been hundreds of years ahead of everybody for a long long time. They have a well developed intervention policy and many ways to introduce technologies into the world. They got their start from outside help way back in the day and have had interaction. Something happened planed longterm or not around late 1800s+- that gave the green light for technolgies to spread over the world for the general benefit. End game in sight or birth of a new age for man kind....and/or.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by franspeakfree
Like I said before I forget sometimes that people haven't had such experiences and people aren't aware of whats going on. My partner says to me that I am born 100 years to early. I suppose because of speed of the information that I am receiving on a daily/weekly basis I just sometimes forget what I look like from another persons point of view.

But, are you prepared for something that doesn't fit your idea of what such a disclosure would be? What if indeed aliens were here, but turns out they are here for the dolphins benefit...because they themselves are simply advanced dolphins and they see humans as just some land bugs that can move stuff around and fling themselves into the air...
That is a likely senario...our ego demands we are the only interesting species on earth...but what if a alien...with an alien mindset, thought differently.

I feel strongly that they will not abrogate the authority that their tech them. There will be some form of subjugation.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by Mr Mask
How is it that the burden of proof has become humdrum and boring for you, when in all actuality there is no proof on either side of the debate on aliens being here or not?

I can accept the alien believer saying "I personally believe, but admit there are NO facts proving my theories as of yet".

I can accept the skeptic saying "Nope, I personally think there are no aliens here, but admit to not having proof".

BUT ANYONE saying it is a fact either way is selling lies or jumping too many guns...

If you want to remain creditable, then you must be careful where you hang your "fact hats".

Leave some room for yourself to be wrong if factual evidence finally comes forward, or you just look like a madman screaming stuff that even science can't prove as of yet.

edit on 22-9-2010 by Mr Mask because: (no reason given)

I disagree and I'll tell you why. The thing is, we now have all these declassified documents on UFOs, like the ones here:

And that's just for starters.

That's why I think we are already well past the stage of skeptical or believer opinions that these things may or may not exist. There's a whole paper trail that needs to be examined now, a documentary historical record, so simply dismissing out-of-hand the idea that aliens have been visiting is no longer viable.

One must first go painstakingly through the whole record of documentary and eyewitness testimony, since that tells a very different story from simply "no evidence" of alien contact. Only people who have not done this can still maintain that position, but it's not based on any knowlege of the actual record.

edit on 22-9-2010 by witness63 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 06:31 PM
Very good post. As a scientist working for the government i can say as much as the most important information regarding this subject is open for internett users to read. Alot of information is actually stored through religious bibles through personifications.

Our government is working hard on the Extra terrestrial subject at the moment. Main leading staffs came out and informed that they will use the next 18 months(now 14) of informing us correctly and slowly about this subject and have done a very good job so far.

We have also had former high ranked personal who also has informed abit how alot of einsteins theories and rules wich we live by today are actually wrong, and they have proven how.

We also can travel among stars at the moment, so alot of the UFOS you see out there are also ours, but the extra terrestrials have been working with the government for over 60 years now.

Keep yourself updated, this is not some sceptical human mind can talk himself out of, they exist even if you want it or not. If you use your logical sense and intelligence you will get aware of that, the human race is a extra terrestrial race itself.

Good luck in the future, it will change alot. For those who think the extra terrestrials are evil, ill tell you this much that they have helped us two times before when we were in need of help, and as the earth TELLUS is holding out now, they are planned to aid us in the battle against an earthly disaster, it is actually time for the earth to cleanse itself of trash and toxins. Look at it as a repair.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by franspeakfree

Well I wish they'd hurry up and get here, so they can tell us how to fix this Planet,
because we sure don't know how. And they could put us onto the right path.

If they're bad Aliens and don't want to fix our problems, then all we have to is
upload a Computer Virus into their Central Core. Simple.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 06:37 PM
people want too much proof.
I always assumed in a universe this size there would be life out there. Eventually I personally spotted a UFO. When I say UFO, it's just that, an unidentified flying object. I say unidentified because I don't know of any kind of plane that can fly in one direction then suddenly split into multiple parts that fly in all different directions even opposite of the trajectory it held when it seemed like one object. That sort of instant momentum change is a flight characteristic reserved for top secret planes/drones or aliens.

Maybe you uber skeptics just don't go outside and look at the sky enough. Try it and your bound to spot one of these weird glowing objects eventually. They are out there if you just get out and observe.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 06:43 PM
The biggest problem I see with disclosure is where we humans are in our mental evolution. We can't even get along with our own kind yet! We kill each other over our differences! We are killing each other over our beliefs about our own 'Gods', skin color, drugs, and money imagine if our government announced disclosure, and introduced these ETs. I believe our 1st reaction for a lot of people would be to relate these ETs to something Godly and familiar or put it in the 'devil/demon' box and label it the enemy. We need the comfort of 'knowing', its human nature.

Slowly, the idea of alien existance is being incorporated in our media. When disclosure happens, it needs to be on a personal level with each person/family and all the truth MUST be revealed. Until we advance as a race, I believe the idea of disclosure is simply a fantasy.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by franspeakfree

the original post is complete bunk, im sorry to say.

1. The LHC CANNOT create wormholes. It doesnt generate anywhere near enough energy to do this. This is an utter lie

2. When it comes to the alleged disclosure, I dont really believe in a UFO cover up, BUT for the sake of argument, lets just assume there is a UFO/Alien coverup, do you know how many times over the last dozen years of following the UFO field ive seen people make the claim that "disclosure is imminent" yet it never comes?

Bush (1), clinton, and Obama were all allegedly the disclosure presidents. yet NONE of them have done anything of the sort,

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by guyopitz
people want too much proof.
I always assumed in a universe this size there would be life out there. Eventually I personally spotted a UFO. When I say UFO, it's just that, an unidentified flying object. I say unidentified because I don't know of any kind of plane that can fly in one direction then suddenly split into multiple parts that fly in all different directions even opposite of the trajectory it held when it seemed like one object. That sort of instant momentum change is a flight characteristic reserved for top secret planes/drones or aliens.

Maybe you uber skeptics just don't go outside and look at the sky enough. Try it and your bound to spot one of these weird glowing objects eventually. They are out there if you just get out and observe.


Nobody on either side of this lovely debate is denying that unidentified flying objects exist.

What are you saying and to whom?

I am outside every night and make sure I get a good star gaze VERY OFTEN. I'm more familiar with watching the sky then I am with watching TV or even people...

But thanks for putting words in people's mouths here.

Repeat- almost everyone here agreed there are weird objects flying around.


posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by franspeakfree
Its about time we focused on the strong possibility that contact is about to be made by other beings in our universe and beyond.

About time? Yeah it's been a couple of days since somebody posted one of these threads like this. Never fails. Same ####, different day.

Life on earth is changing for us at a rapid rate and there is so much going on at the moment its hard to keep up, we now have the LHC,VLT,HAARP,EISCAT and many more new technologies, discoveries and open information available to us.

Huh? Changing? Except for some crappy little gadgets everything is basically the same.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by CynicalM

I believe 100% aliens do exist. They visited or/and still visiting earth. They are from far away galaxies. They have far advanced scientific technology compared to ours. I don't see nothing wrong with that belief.

If I turn out to be wrong which I don't think would be the case, so be it. But I don't believe the wormhole can be manufactured from LHC nor time travel is ever going to be possible.

Time travel and alien visitation? I would choose alien visitiation if I have to make a choice on which would be real.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:00 PM
Have you guys not seen the latests press conference scheduled for 9/27 regarding disclosing UFOs? It's hosted by 6 retired Air Force members...see link.

Reuters -U.S. Nuclear Weapons Have Been Compromised by UFOs

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:04 PM
Wanna meet ET's look within.

What you see now is just an illusion.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:04 PM
Ah disclosure! Due to this being on the homepage I thought, "well maybe it has something different to add" but yet again, NO. Disclosure isn't going to happen soon, if you are using films, TV, etc....etc as proof that disclosure is near then disclosure has been "Just around the corner" since the early 50's.

Don't get me wrong I believe in life beyond this blue planet, I even believe they are visiting us. I just don't believe were gonna known the truth anytime soon.

People on this forum might be ready to meet and greet our ET neighbors but most of humanity would panic, society would tear itself apart.

We are just not ready perhaps in a few more hundred years when "Ufology" is a fully fledged religion.


posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:07 PM
The LHC does have the potential of forming microscopic black holes. Even the scientists state that is so. However, they doubt it will effect anything. I hope there isn' t an "oops" forthcoming.

"Our calculation produced results that most were expecting, but no one had done the calculation before. People were just sort of assuming that it would work out. Now that these simulations have been done, some scientists will have a better idea of what to look for in terms of trying to see if black holes are formed in LHC collisions," explained Choptuik.

Based on string theory and its extra dimensions, Choptuik and Pretorious concluded that high-energy collisions at the LHC could indeed form black holes -- but the chances of them destroying the world are pale even in comparison to the chance that they would actually be detected by LHC equipment while they exist.

Entire article
Daily Tech - Calculations Show Black Hole is Possible

However, the LHC is going to be shut down for the entire year of 2012....go figure...

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by franspeakfree
I personally have not had an interest in Star Trek and Stargate and it has only been via a strange set of coincedences that I have suddenly gained an interest in them. I have just finished watching all 3 movies and I am convinced now more than ever that the show is based around actual events. For example in the 1994 film we have a group of slaves on a planet that were forced to mine materials for the 'gods' and that were left to their won devices for some time until it became apparent that they could indeed rise up against them and cause problems for the so called 'gods' because of the intervention from star gate the 'gods' returned and automatically waged war against the uprisers - now where have I heard that before? maybe there is more to sitchin than we realise?

There is a great deal to this idea. Dont know about the gates. In Kentucky, comes from an Iroquoian word (Kentahten), which means "land of tomorrow", tons of crystals were mined at some point in the past (Mammoth Cave) yet I was told by a man who would know that not one has ever been found in any native grave. (brings to mind the way they search those dimond workers in Africa)

Ken-tah-ten has a nice ring to it. It is also a rare abstract sort of word as the very larger part of indian place names are based on geography of some sort.
It has also been shown that the Iroquoian had a hyroglyphic form of writing.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:24 PM
I believe Disclosure has been happening for YEARS!! Since atleast the 50's with alien comic books, War of the Worlds reading on the radio, cartoon shows like Transformers, its everywhere. In my heart, aliens wouldn't change my thoughts on religion as I do consider myself a spiritualist.... I would consider them my cosmic brothers and sisters( Good or bad, remember there are bad people, and their are good people, not all humans are good and not all humans are bad,so I would assume aliens are the same, you have your bad apples and then you have your good apples). God to me is the purest of pure energery, the highest of highs in vibrational frequency, nothing but pure bliss and love, I have witnessed miracles in my 24 years of life, I know that there is something else out there. I do think the governements of the world are hiding something. From those huge tunnels and underground bases, storing of the seeds of all plants on earth, the BOMBING OF THE MOON (LCROSS MISSION LAST OCTOBER to see if WATER particles could be seen...( Maybe thats why all the rumors that start in October?.... )Hmmm couldnt we have simply went to the moon and drilled for samples under the crust?? Did we have to bomb the same exact spot that Buzz Aldrin said there was an alien base at? Is that not starting a galatic war? IS that not breaking one of the biggest gevina convention rules?) Lets not forget the VATICAN of all PLACES to say its ok to believe in aliens and it will not take away from your religious views!! THAT IS A BIG NO NO in the christianity world! In the 1800's they would of stoned you, hung you, persecuted you for saying something like that!

Buzz Aldrin has leaked little information out here and there, some observatories have leaked out information here and there (Remember observatories run off of government funded grants....) John Lear, and Bob Lazar, where the first to start talking openly that I know of, Phil Schinider started to tell his story untill his life was taken from him( I dont believe he committed sucide! Even his Ex Wife was fighting the idea stating that he loved his children to much to do such a thing to them) But as my grandmother and mother have said, when it comes to leaking information and people NOT popping up dead the next day, its more then likely that the governement is pushing for them to say what they are saying... so I like to analyize Phil and the things he said, for he ended up dead for speaking the truth while the others have just had their backgrounds erased. Or what about Thomas Costello a security gaurd that went missing shortly after exposing what he knew about the Dulce Base....

My mother has a saying, follow the money trail, and you will find out who is in control and what they are trying to hide, but the money trail is more then that...its a web, a web of connection and higher ups...with each concerned with there own specific department. It is a compact departmentalized structure where each is responsible for its own section so it makes it very difficult to put the pieces together, Ive been trying to since 2006... and honestly its exhausting... There was a point in time where my family was worried I would come up missing one day researching all of these topics with notes upon notes trying to connect the dots.... I hope something happens though, wheather or not I will believe what I am being told, I wont know till disclosure happens.. but it would be nice so that my family doenst see me as a crack pot...

When I was 9 years old my uncle bought a new truck so me, my brother, and my uncles two sons went outside to play in the back of it. we pulled the tail gate down and was jumping off of it, and was climbing on the tires doing what kids do it was about 9 at night which was late for us but it was the weekend, and my father lived in a pretty rurual area called plant city florida, with a bunch of orange groves and yes at the time dirt roads (Roads are paved now and the orange groves have shrunk due to housing construction) But we saw a shooting star going from right to left, and my cousin said, Look! MAKE A WISH ITS A SHOOTING STAR! So we all starred at it as it flew across the sky and then all of a sudden, it stopped. I rememeber my brother (12) said, "OH SH*T! " we starred in awe as it just hung there then it shot southward real fast and stopped again. at this point we were all so scared we couldnt move all we could do was look at it I was the youngest out of the four, and my brother was the oldest out of all of us. The light was so bright! Then it shot upward in a diangle slant stopped again and in a blink of an eye it took off going left again and we all watched as it disappeared. Once it was gone we all ran back inside the house (which sat on about an acre of land) Screaming that we had seen a UFO and neither of our dads believed us, they thought we were trying to play a joke on them, but I know what I saw, and What I saw was no damn plane, no damn satalite, it moved to fast and stopped to suddenly to be anything that we had in 1994 THATS for sure! I hope disclosure comes in my lifetime, Although I do think it will happen at the begining of 2012, I dont believe the world will end, it will just end as we know it, meaning, disclosure

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by ptmckiou
Have you guys not seen the latests press conference scheduled for 9/27 regarding disclosing UFOs? It's hosted by 6 retired Air Force members...see link.

Reuters -U.S. Nuclear Weapons Have Been Compromised by UFOs

It's been done before, you know. Still no disclosure. When are you people ever going to get it. Disclosure cannot happen. It's simply not allowed. So give it up, will ya.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by Archirvion

I hope your post is accurate.

As we need all the assistance we can get at this time.

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