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They Are Coming - Are You Ready For Disclosure?

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posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 06:46 AM

Originally posted by CynicalM

Thats pretty silly saying "acting like you know stuff and then proving you are guessing or talking from the hip."

Then going on yourself to say gravity is just a theory..So really no one knows right??

Some have said it is electrical/magnatism etc....

Sigh...I'm trying hard to level with you here.

The basic concept of scientific law/theory/fact are very separate and on their own.

I learned the difference between them in grade school and the concepts are not at all that difficult to grasp.

Fact being-

There are "laws of gravity", and it is a scientific fact that gravity exists.

The the theory of gravity is not "a guess that gravity may be real" theory part comes in "speculating" why gravity exists and how it actually works. Science is absolutely baffled by this.

But there are many factual things we can tell through studying gravity...and those things are scientific "laws".

I feel like I am wasting time teaching an adult something that we should have all understood by 5th grade.

You are knit picking holes that are not within my post and looking for nonexistent claims I have not made.

My posts here are about UFOs and the FACT that nobody (including the OP) can say for FACT that aliens are coming.

Not about your misunderstanding of the basic laws of gravity verses the theory of.

To make it more complex-

Law= F=Gm1m2 / r2 (G=6.6726 x 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2.)

Theory= Newton (and others) speculating...

See the big difference?

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 06:49 AM

Originally posted by CynicalM
reply to post by Mr Mask

MM, I have an open mind, some say clever, but I look at each piece of information and form an opinion/theory until absolute proof...

The one thing I find interesting is the ancient sightings and ancient technology, but again, this could be advanced humans if true..

Do I think there's life other than here on Earth? Sure, probability tells me there should be..

Thats as far as I think..

Then, other then gravity, me and you totally agree!!!

I applaud your stance on UFOs and do not see you as a gun jumper.

Thanks for that...ats needs more people being as careful with their credibility as you have been here.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 06:57 AM
reply to post by Mr Mask

I'm not trying to be difficult and I did have excellent passes in year 12 Physics and Pure Math.
I was just trying to point out some theories are accepted as fact...

You say gravity is a fact..
Many would argue that point, not just me..

Apart from that, we agree, so no harm done.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by CynicalM
reply to post by Mr Mask

I'm not trying to be difficult and I did have excellent passes in year 12 Physics and Pure Math.
I was just trying to point out some theories are accepted as fact...

You say gravity is a fact..
Many would argue that point, not just me..

Apart from that, we agree, so no harm done.

Well, since countless scientists fail to agree on the subject of gravity, it shouldn't shock either of us that we do not agree fully on it as well. Like you said, no harm done there.

What IS important is that we both agree that people who go off shooting their mouths off about "factual disclosure coming" or "factual alien visitations" are just "speculating".

We agree where I find it best!!! So you can't be all that bad of a guy! HA! worries and all ATS love at ya!

ps- I also am sorry if I came off as difficult...I have that effect on people and know it is my biggest flaw (next to being too awesome, that is! lol)

edit on 22-9-2010 by Mr Mask because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:11 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by CynicalM
Similar to Star Trek where it was humans inventing warp drives, or whatever they are called...

Yup "warp drives'

Los Alamos National Labs Archives...

Putting the Warp into Warp Drive

Warp Drive: A New Approach

Alcubierre’s Warp Drive: Problems and Prospects

I'll believe in 'warp drive' when I see a UFO compressing space-time ahead of it, and expanding space-time behind it. Until then... the Extended Heim Theory is my guess for FTL/UFO function. In addition to unifying General Relativity with Quantum Mechanics, and giving dark energy and dark matter... it also provides a convenient anti-gravity force to get you off the ground in the first place. I don't think warp drive does that. I've never heard of the Earth being expanded beneath a UFO in hover mode.

Extended Heim Theory Papers:

edit on 9/22/2010 by Larryman because: adding dark energy and dark matter

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by Mr Mask

Yeah, ya know, I was in a thread about an ancient sea sighting from the 1800's the other day..

Some said it was a posieden wheel..I asked for pics but apparently there isn't any. Just witness accounts..

I was flamed because I said, well it seems like a reasonable theory but as there is no proof, I'm calling unidentified..

Go figure
Anyways, thanks for the chat..

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:35 AM
Just out of curiousity how are we supposed to deal with UFO sightings and visits without feeling scared, tramatized, overwhelmed, nervous, anxious, and just plain frustrated and stressed out? Just how is anyone of any age going to go to sleep at night? I went and got another dog after seeing something weird for a few seconds.
If I see something else I am getting a great dane. What ever it takes.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by Mr Mask

You sir, are too freaking patience to be human. I would have exploded into a billion screaming pieces, two pages down. No human would have not exploded into a billion screaming pieces, two pages down. This evidence of a real life alien is the most convincing I've seen on this board!


posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by frugal

Well dogs are great at stopping most humans but I'd guess an alien could handle it...

If you believe they traveled many lightyears to get to your house that is.

My theory is, if you can't stop or control it, why worry?

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:48 AM
How about;
They are few
Theyve been here all along,
We are a hybrid version of our creators,
Their technology and god myths have been their method of control over us,
Their technology has been released to us over a period of time,
We have become reliant rather than self sufficient,
We have been used to build the planet to their specifications in certain areas,
We have been taught how to be self kept slaves
We have been monitored through our development and altered as needed with medicine and nutrition,
They are not totally united and argue with eachother using us as pawns and we are expendable.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by tomdham

I watched that vid...

Very funny but he didn't really answer did he??

So only physical evidence is acceptable?

Also the grade 2 bit was silly..I witness account usually doesn't go through 10 people before its recorded..

But again, very funny guy.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 08:03 AM
yet another disclosure thread

nowadays the hate is 3 new threads / week on ATS

if this was decided by ATSers, aliens would be here already ... thats just amazing

come on, I am not waiting

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by franspeakfree
Its about time we focused on the strong possibility that contact is about to be made by other beings in our universe and beyond.

Thanks for posting your views and thoughts about it franspeakfree,

These are mine.

I am convinced that because of the momentarily available information about the UFO/UAP phenomenon where under the in my opinion related abduction and cattle mutilation phenomenon’s that an ET presence and contact is not a strong possibility anymore but already a proven fact?

Originally posted by franspeakfree
Looking at the information that is presented to us on a daily basis now, things are in motion for full disclosure, but in my opinion not the disclosure that everyone wants and hopes for.

I agree with you that things are set in motion due the information that is presented to us on a daily basis now, but not for full disclosure in my opinion, because that would have no doubt again in my opinion too much damaging/destructive impact on our world societies.
They are set in motion for making more and more people slow but steady more aware of it all.

Originally posted by franspeakfree

Whilst I wouldn't go as far as saying that transparency is apparent, we can all agree that thanks to the internet information is reaching us faster than ever.

I agree with that.

Originally posted by franspeakfree

The more I look in to this the more I join the dots. The LHC is capabale of creating wormholes can we all agree on this? what are wormholes? has anyone seen the film and tv series stargate? John Lear has said that 'they' were building huge parts of something in the desert that were going to be 'flown' in to space, when asked how they were going to do it, they said that he didn't have to worry about that? I have always thought what could they have been building and now I believe I know.

I am shore that the level of technology in those so called black projects is way beyond the technology in the public domain.
If the scientists in the “public domain” would be allowed to take a peek behind those black curtains, they would be flabbergasted and not believe what their own eyes would see.

Originally posted by franspeakfree

I am convinced that there is a war taking place up above our skies and we are completely unaware of whats going on.

I am also convinced of that.

Originally posted by franspeakfree

Are we ready for such things?
Are we really ready to learn about our true history do we really want to know how insignificant we are in this universe?
Are we ready to accept that our religions and beliefs in one god are wrong and that we have been purposely misguided by the people that thought it in their best interest not to tell us the truth?
Will those people be punished for their crimes against humanity or will they get away with it like they have done for thousands of years?

Those are exactly some of the reasons for why I expect that full disclosure would have such a damaging/destructive impact on our world societies.

edit on 22/9/10 by spacevisitor because: Add some teksts and made some corrections

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by Phage

Blackholes, Wormholes and the Tenth Dimension

Will these concepts be proven by a theory of everything?
Last June, astronomers were toasting each other with champagne glasses in laboratories around the world, savoring their latest discovery. The repaired $2 billion Hubble Space Telescope, once the laughing stock of the scientific community, had snared its most elusive prize: a black hole. But the discovery of the Holy Grail of astrophysics may also rekindle a long simmering debate within the physics community. What lies on the other side of a black hole? If someone foolishly fell into a black hole, will they be crushed by its immense gravity, as most physicists believe, or will they be propelled into a parallel universe or emerge in another time era? To solve this complex question, physicists are opening up one of the most bizarre and tantalizing chapters in modern physics. They have to navigate a minefield of potentially explosive theories, such as the possibility of “wormholes,” “white holes,” time machines, and even the 10th dimension! This controversy may well validate J.B.S. Haldane’s wry observation that the universe is “not only queerer than we sup- pose, it is queerer than we can suppose.” This delicious controversy, which delights theoretical physicists but boggles the mind of mere mortals, is the subject of my recent book, Hyperspace.

Black Holes: Collapsed Stars
A black hole, simply put, is a massive, dead star whose gravity is so intense than even light cannot escape, hence its name. By definition, it can’t be seen, so NASA scientists focused instead on the tiny core of the galaxy M87, a super massive “cosmic engine” 50 million light years from earth. Astronomers then showed that the core of M87 consisted of a ferocious, swirling maelstrom of superhot hydrogen gas spinning at l.2 million miles per hour. To keep this spinning disk of gas from violently flying apart in all directions, there had to be a colossal mass concentrated at its center, weighing as much as 2 to 3 billion suns! An object with that staggering mass would be massive enough to prevent light from escaping. Ergo, a black hole.

The Einstein-Rosen Bridge
But this also revives an ongoing controversy surrounding black holes. The best description of a spinning black hole was given in 1963 by the New Zealand mathematician Roy Kerr, using Einstein’s equations of gravity. But there is a quirky feature to his solution. It predicts that if one fell into a black hole, one might be sucked down a tunnel (called the “Einstein-Rosen bridge”) and shot out a “white hole” in a parallel universe! Kerr showed that a spinning black hole would collapse not into a point, but to a “ring of fire.” Because the ring was spinning rapidly, centrifugal forces would keep it from collapsing. Remarkably, a space probe fired directly through the ring would not be crushed into oblivion, but might actually emerge unscratched on the other side of the Einstein-Rosen bridge, in a parallel universe. This “wormhole” may connect two parallel universes, or even distant parts of the same universe.

Through the Looking Glass
The simplest way to visualize a Kerr wormhole is to think of Alice’s Looking Glass. Anyone walking through the Looking Glass would be transported instantly into Wonderland, a world where animals talked in riddles and common sense wasn’t so common.

The rim of the Looking Glass corresponds to the Kerr ring. Anyone walking through the Kerr ring might be transported to the other side of the universe or even the past. Like two Siamese twins joined at the hip, we now have two universes joined via the Looking Glass

I notice Phage you debunk just about everything with just about everyone................Instead of debunking Frans most intellegent post, start doing some research. She's way ahead of you on this one.

Now even mainstream science is admitting publically that wormholes, aliens, secret projects, bluebeam, HAARP, a ten dimensional universe, multiverses, multiple dimensions and even stargates are real and viable possibilities.

A proud heart and closed mind gathers no knowledge. - OHD

If mainstream science is admitting this now, what are they not telling the common man?

Now that I am retired, I read an average of one book a week and probably 50 articles.

The possiblities are endless and yes, fasten your seatbelt real tight buddy, cause I have a feeling the ride is going to get real exciting within the next few years if we don't destroy our species and planet first.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 09:03 AM
This thread has reminded me of the 'Cosmic Journey' disclosure project that Timothy Good wrote about in his book 'Alien Liaison' in the early nineties. If you haven't read about it, it was supposed to be a travelling disclosure event organised by NASA and the US government, including beings from Roswell and alien technology.

That was twenty years ago and nothing has happened. The whole disclosure subject reminds me of all the doomsday prohecies; every few years a new date is set and nothing happens. Now we all wait for December 2012, and will all be carrying on with life in 2013 as usual, then a new date will be set.

Disclosure is a fantasy. A 'Cargo Cult'. It won't happen. Whether or not aliens from outer space exist and whether or not the governments of the world know about it is irrelevent. It would make a lot of sense for drugs to be legalised; to decrease related illness and deaths caused by contamination and to take money away from organised crime and terrorists, but the governments won't legalise drugs, because governments don't like to back down or admit that they have been wrong about anything, ever.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by Mr Mask

Originally posted by zorgon
Oh but it DOES work that way..

Nobody here has any proof of aliens visiting earth. Even if you saw a strange glowing craft land in your yard and then take off again, you still have no factual proof the craft was alien.

i think what you mean is NOBODY YOU KNOW has any proof. im just saying just because you havent experienced it doesnt mean it isnt real.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 09:30 AM
I want us so desperately to extend beyond this 'proof' barrier, if we can see past this perhaps we can start to join the dots alot easier, I am not going to spend all my time and effort everyday trying to convince people of the 'facts' it doesn't get us anywhere. I am much more interested in speaking to with people who are of the same mind set as I firmly believe we have been in the middle of disclosure for the last 9 months and its vital we start pooling our knowledge in order to cushion our landing when full disclosure takes place for the masses.

I am not out to win respect flags stars or to change the minds of many with this thread I am looking to hear from people who are of the same mindset and can see what is in front of their nose. I am more concerned with trying to find out what the people at the top are are saying on our behalf when it comes to exopolitics than win any futile competition, these 'self appointed' groups are discussing human affairs on their own terms in what they believe are in our best interests.

There has been a great deal of UFO activity in the skies in the last few months with more and more sightings, globally surely this should at least give us an inkling that something is going on? I am keeping my eyes firmly on the LHC and listening out for any discrepencies in regards to NASA missions. I suggest everyone else does the same.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by Mr Mask

I have borrowed this information from one of my favourite threads, I believe it would be in your best interest to read it.

Are you limiting another person's sphere of knowledge based on your pre-existing belief on these issues?

Example: If a high ranking government official comes out and says he has first hand knowledge that these things exist, do you limit what he/she can know based on your pre-existing belief on these issues?

If a person you know to be credible comes to you and says they were visited by these beings and this person has never been known to make up stories, do you say these things could not have happened based on your personal belief about these issues? Are you saying that your friend couldn't know and experience these things based on what you believe?

If so, how is this logical? Are you saying that nobody can know about these things because you believe these things don't or can't exist?

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
I notice Phage you debunk just about everything with just about everyone................Instead of debunking Frans most intellegent post, start doing some research. She's way ahead of you on this one.

May I ask how a thread that does nothing but speculate on a secret war in space between "unknown species of yet-to-be-discovered-aliens" battling it out, all the while being hinted at through a Hollywood movie (stargate), while offering no proof, science, evidence (other then suspected similarities between media and day dreams) counts as being "way ahead of Phage", or anyone using "logic" for that matter?

I'm very curious.

I'm fully aware of both poster's histories on this board, and in my opinion- One of them (Phage) is rarely wrong (but it happens time to time) and almost always delivers hard data on the subject of space-

While the other (franspeakfree) seems to take more from the likes of discredited or fabricated sources, not to mention hollywood and TV sci-fi and a bunch of snake oil salemen.

I do not see how Fran here has some sort of advantage (not saying she don't)...please tell me how this poster who seems to fancy "fantastical stories from pulp genres and the like" is way ahead of...well...anyone?

Now even mainstream science is admitting publically that wormholes, aliens, secret projects, bluebeam, HAARP, a ten dimensional universe, multiverses, multiple dimensions and even stargates are real and viable possibilities.

Lets be direct here...

Where is the MAINSTREAM SCIENCE saying-

Wormholes are possibly real and man made?

Aliens are real and fighting over us as pawns in some galactic war?

Secret projects are dealing with battles in space between waring factions of extraterrestrials?

Anything at all about project bluebeam?

HAARP is anything but an auroral research program?

And where is mainstream science saying technological star gates are real?

Let me answer you save you time...nowhere.

You are confusing a handful of "story tellers" and "hoax sellers" for "science"...and then calling people stupid for not making that dreadful mistake with you. Sorry...I can't jump off the deep end with you on that one.

A proud heart and closed mind gathers no knowledge. - OHD

I was going to say that very same thing to you...and then ask perhaps is that the reason you seem so lost on the meaning of the word "science"?

No offense is just may seem that way becuase the point is so are making things up and telling people they are wrong, when in fact, it is you who is slandering science with invented ideas on what is being passed around as "science these days".

If mainstream science is admitting this now, what are they not telling the common man?

Jessi Ventura doing a conspiracy show on Haarp, and the pope saying aliens are space brothers, is a far cry from even first grade science, or Mr Wizard...

Now that I am retired, I read an average of one book a week and probably 50 articles.

If those books are teaching you mainstream science is admitting to project bluebeam, alien wars and all that other nonsense you just shared as "science", I would suggest you stop reading those books asap.

The possiblities are endless and yes, fasten your seatbelt real tight buddy, cause I have a feeling the ride is going to get real exciting within the next few years if we don't destroy our species and planet first.

We fully agree there...

See? Even two totally different people can agree on something if you dig deep enough.

Unfortunately, you seem to be misguiding your audience with little or no care for your reputation, creditability or their proper enlightenment.

Bad teachers make bad students...and lies never make a matter how many ludicrous TV shows you try to say are "the real secret truth".


edit on 22-9-2010 by Mr Mask because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by franspeakfree

Whilst we sit here debating the same old subjects over and over again, there could very well be a war going on and we sit here oblivious to what is going on. Star Trek and Stargate may indeed be based on something very real and not just an entertaining show, we need to join the dots and figure out just where we are heading, before its too late.

Lol. You do have a fertile imagination. I have yet to see any fireworks going on high above

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