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They Are Coming - Are You Ready For Disclosure?

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posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 02:48 PM
i think the ufo belivers me included it would be an anticlimax having read studied the subject since i was 13 there are a great many belivers with the same opinion apathy and stagnation on the subject is setting in by the time they get here do you think well even care !!!

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

When i speak of ridicule and denial I am in way mentioning yourself, I read alot of your posts and I believe that your mind is open (the majority of the time). I am speaking about the people who ridicule for attention to gain a laugh from other people. For example people who try to win other well known members attention.

Like I said before I forget sometimes that people haven't had such experiences and people aren't aware of whats going on. My partner says to me that I am born 100 years to early. I suppose because of speed of the information that I am receiving on a daily/weekly basis I just sometimes forget what I look like from another persons point of view. To me I think nothing of meeting with someone through meditation but for those who have never meditated will look at that to be more than a little strange and will not know what I am talking about. That is why it is better to meet people of the same mindset and share in each others experiences and pass up on trying to explain myself or prove myself to people who don't share those experiences. Of course I am more than willing to talk to anyone that wants to listen, I just have decided its in my best interest not to get bogged down with all the pepetual nothingness.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by franspeakfree
Like I said before I forget sometimes that people haven't had such experiences and people aren't aware of whats going on. My partner says to me that I am born 100 years to early. I suppose because of speed of the information that I am receiving on a daily/weekly basis I just sometimes forget what I look like from another persons point of view.

Meh, you just look like someone seeking explanations and understandings, fed up with none coming quick enough with proof...same as everyone else in that respect.

I wonder what you are skeptical over...everyone is skeptical about things..a whole host of things. be it earth dwelling lizard people, religion (demons posing as aliens), bigfoot, etc...

consider that for a you catagorically dismiss it simply out of principle, or are you simply skeptical and when such threads or discussions happen, you ask for proof of what you deem to be just claims of their personal belief?

Now you know how the other side feels.

Are we ready for disclosure? I would venture to say almost everyone on ATS from both sides of the aisle are prepared for it should it come...because we have long been speculating about the existance of it wont be a alien concept to anyone here to begin with...some will say "told ya so", some will say "wow, go figure", but none will truely have their head explode at such a crazy notion overall...and thats all one can do to prepare, be it full blown believer or complete skeptic of any and all claims.

But, are you prepared for something that doesn't fit your idea of what such a disclosure would be? What if indeed aliens were here, but turns out they are here for the dolphins benefit...because they themselves are simply advanced dolphins and they see humans as just some land bugs that can move stuff around and fling themselves into the air...
That is a likely senario...our ego demands we are the only interesting species on earth...but what if a alien...with an alien mindset, thought differently.

speculation can go on to do, but speculation based on non-proof is just spinning the wheels of distraction verses adding anything to the ongoing greater discussion.

My advice...anyone working specifically for disclosure will invest energy and time not speculating more...but rather to smash down hoaxers and liars...arm yourself with facts and knowledge and uproot all those whom do a disservice to the discussion by posting fairy tales wedged in to either intentionally or not belittle the whole field from critical thinking.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by CynicalMreply to
Well thats a new one...Hope the courts don't hear that witnesses mean nothing....

Science and the court-system are two separate things.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by franspeakfree
I know you are supposed to be the all seeing eye on this site based on your textbook book responses but forgive me, you do not work for NASA (that I know of) you do not work for CERN (that I know of) IMO if indeed you are not affiliated with any group (that I know of) you are just the average guy just like the rest of us trying to join the dots yourself and find the answers we are all looking for (I have read your threads).

Neither are you. So what is your point?

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by franspeakfree
I have been gone for no more than a couple of hours and this thread is running amok with thread steerers and trolls, dear oh dear I did not realise it would garnish so much attention. I do find it funny
boys will be boys I suppose, I am holding you personally responsible Mr Mask.

Damn me was me who started this. I'm sorry, and I got stupid quickly as I often do. You called me out on it and I must admit you are right...back on topic with sincerity.

None of us here know anything for certain on the occupants (if any) within the UFOs reported, or if they are even solid things at all. But...we both know many silly adults will rush to make things up, in truth being dishonest for one reason or another. I can't say why one does it over the other, but it is never a good thing...

I see it running amok on the site I love...and in turn I also sometimes do the same in retaliation/frustration.

So many reasons...but mostly- Its the fact that these limited human minds are making aliens seem stupid, lame, predictable, ordinary- oh so human...erasing the true meaning of the word "alien".

Heck, I'm not saying aliens can't be as boring as my uncle Al...but if I told you FACTUALLY aliens were beer drinking fart masters who watched tv all day- would you be pissed I painted such a boring picture to cover my lying butt?

I would...and I often am.

These scammers go around ripping off flicks that are just basically remakes of flicks that came out 25 years ago, and then people start screaming DISCLOSURE!!!

Then some wack nut comes forward saying-

"yup, aliens are JUST LIKE DISTRICT 9!"

or worse-

"I know the aliens personally and you don't".

and well..that is just false info, and I am an enemy of that kind of stuff.

So I am sorry if I got silly. I do mean to post nice and all. I am just defending what small piece of integrity these evil disinfo agents have allowed to remain within the study of UFOs.

I wasted years researching the bothers me when dishonest people just make crap up and pretend they know a damn thing about anything.


PS- not that you were doing what I said here. But the title of this thread bothered me.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by franspeakfree

What is your point?

Nothing in this thread proves there will be disclosure or that there is disclosure to even give.

More alien stuff suddenly means disclosure?


It means a higher population and more and more people into fringe topics.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 03:38 PM

But, are you prepared for something that doesn't fit your idea of what such a disclosure would be? What if indeed aliens were here, but turns out they are here for the dolphins benefit...because they themselves are simply advanced dolphins and they see humans as just some land bugs that can move stuff around and fling themselves into the air...
That is a likely senario...our ego demands we are the only interesting species on earth...but what if a alien...with an alien mindset, thought differently.

Now that is something to think about, made me chortle a bit too indeed and I am 100% with you on the human ego thing and something we really do need to let go of

Kind of like Day the Earth Stood still and then we'll be boo hoo what about us!

I hear you with the 100 years too early Fran but then again thats the problem we seem to have not content with the tools presented to us now, this is my mis-fortune I feel but I'm a dreamer and would love a world where there are many different races among us and us among them in the grand tapestry of the Universe

I think we'd learn alot about ourselves and I for one would love to be a human among it all in this life-time


posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
I notice Phage you debunk just about everything with just about everyone...instead of debunking Frans most intellegent post, start doing some research. She's way ahead of you on this one.

Your arrogance is are simply parroting concepts with no true understanding of them.

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
Now even mainstream science is admitting publically that wormholes, aliens, multiverses, multiple dimensions....

It was mainstream science who developed those concepts. They were not invented by a believer; it was scientists who developed the theories.

Of course, I did leave out some because you are talking utter nonsense. Bluebeam? Sure, show us the proof of "mainstream science" admitting to a Bluebeam project. Secret projects? The inclusion in that passage is completely nonsensical; who do you think it was developing those secret projects, believers or mainstream scientists?

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
A proud heart and closed mind gathers no knowledge.

You should take that to heart.

It is ironic that the most closed-minded and ignorant around here claim to be the most open-minded.

edit on 22-9-2010 by DoomsdayRex because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 04:23 PM
I have to say I fail to understand all the talk about Disclosure. It is my view that no disclosure will be taking place. This may be due to my own personal views about UFOs and aliens.

Over the years I have armed myself with novel and homemade gadgetry to catch UFOs on film. I have also delved into the possibility of the less than physical alien and UFO. You could say a combination of two opposite approaches.

It does seem to me that there is nothing new in the sky. Just as many unidentified flying objects as 30 years ago. I remember , as a child, my brother and I would often lie on the beach and look at the sky at night. This was in the southern hemisphere , close to the tropic of capricorn. We saw so many weird things , from triangular shapes to fast flying balls of fire. It was such common occurences, almost daily.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by raivo
i have not noticed any information that would indicate disclosure, just the same old Greer/wilcock/other ufo scammers type of bullsh*t 'news' and speculations if the newst ufo/alien tv-show is a start of disclosure (it's not).

There will be no disclosure... and if you listen to this you will understand why... Actually this is the best why I ever heard, and I agree

The time for keeping everything secret will soon be over. It's just impossible to keep a lit on every new info and sweep it silently under a rug. Full Disclosure will probably not come but there will be leaking bits and parts more and more.

Anyway that's what I believe. Let's see what time will tell .....

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 05:20 PM
Is it me or does this happen every October? At least since Blossom Goodchild saying aliens coming in October then every year since then around October there's a strong push towards focusing on disclousure? Why this month? weird

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 05:21 PM
war is a human product, imagen if you had the technogly to see cavemen, and show them a plane, to them they would be as extra-orindary as a spaceship would be to us.
Imagen if "humans" from the future came to give us a warning of what is to come and attempt to get us ready for this.

Lets say there is a force int he universe that wishes to destory all life everywhere because thier reilgion demands that of them, and humans are nerely destoryed only the eilites survive barly, dna alterations and davanced technogly , they develop a way to go back in time, to stop this from happening.

Just an idea, not everything has to do with war, or aliens. There are logical reasons for everything and not all of them would you be willing to accept ot comprehend.
To survive we must continue to study the universe and TRUST OUR GOVERMENT. that sounds hard to do, but ultimately they know what is best for us, whats best for our species.

If you are very intellgent or have a very small gene pool, you dont have alot of hope other then helping your species survive (if you are under this catagorey do not reproduce)

As much as i want to deny what you are saying and fool you into believeing nothing is going to happen, it would seem homo sapeins are more in touch with thier insticts then i first imagened.

If you really want this "disclosure" what do you gain out of knowing they are there? they wont come and guide you into the universe or share thier incredibly advanced technogly, you are inferiour in every possible and imagenible way, what do you hope to gain out of knowing what is beyond your control?

If we aim towards explorations, intellgence and a higher education for all, then yes we may have a hope at surviving

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 05:30 PM
Disclosure this...disclosure that. Disclosure, disclosure, disclosure.

Sorry bub, never gonna happen.

The assumption people make is that Government hasn't told us about their evidence of ETs who pilot UFOs in the past because the population wasn't "conditioned" enough to be ready for that epic announcement, but now they are ready.

The problem is with that assumption.

Individuals may be ready for disclosure, but the social/cultural structures are not ready. Humans are already suspicious enough about each other concerning our differences concerning race, religion, etc. Just look around your country, the world. We are a violent, suspicious, aggressive bunch.

Can you imagine for 1 second how incredibly suspicious we would become of each other once the Government(s) announced they know the ETs who have been piloting UFOs?

Think about that. People would lose their fracking minds, and the Governments (the big ones, only a few people) know this.

Ergo, you will NEVER see disclosure. Not in this lifetime.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 05:31 PM
ahhhh my favorite delicious disclosure, I can taste it in my mouth. but I need to see it with my own eyes. I have waited a lifetime for this....Who has the B
LLs to handle this truth and who has the B
lls to speak this truth?

edit on 22-9-2010 by gaurdian2012 because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-9-2010 by gaurdian2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by franspeakfree

I am so ready to join the alien space war. I've been training with Eve Online and Halo: Reach everyday and I just finished watching The Event.

What else can I do to prepare?

Do you think there will be a draft?

edit on 22-9-2010 by freelance_zenarchist because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by DoomsdayRex

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
I notice Phage you debunk just about everything with just about everyone...instead of debunking Frans most intellegent post, start doing some research. She's way ahead of you on this one.

Your arrogance is are simply parroting concepts with no true understanding of them.

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
Now even mainstream science is admitting publically that wormholes, aliens, multiverses, multiple dimensions....

It was mainstream science who developed those concepts. They were not invented by a believer; it was scientists who developed the theories.

Of course, I did leave out some because you are talking utter nonsense. Bluebeam? Sure, show us the proof of "mainstream science" admitting to a Bluebeam project. Secret projects? The inclusion in that passage is completely nonsensical; who do you think it was developing those secret projects, believers or mainstream scientists?

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
A proud heart and closed mind gathers no knowledge.

You should take that to heart.

It is ironic that the most closed-minded and ignorant around here claim to be the most open-minded.

edit on 22-9-2010 by DoomsdayRex because: (no reason given)

haha that made me laugh, like many reilgious extremists say "you need an open mind you accept something with no proof or evidence"

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by Phage
It produces no where near enough energy to produce a wormhole (if there even really is such a thing) and even less to keep one "open".

you cannot say no and we cannot say yes
all of this right now is experimental

who knows, maybe there are no black holes in space close to each other for a reason, perhaps black holes can eat other black holes and grow in size

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by franspeakfree
Looking at the information that is presented to us on a daily basis now, things are in motion for full disclosure,

Like what?
The vatican talking about aliens?
That's not coverage, that's a mockery

Originally posted by franspeakfree
we can all agree that thanks to the internet information is reaching us faster than ever.

My opinion is that things are getting worse
We are getting more information faster, but the quality of that information is declining.

There used to be a time when scientists checked findings, once, and again and again and again, replicating a finding is important to science but right now you do not always see that.
And many headlines for science finding SUCK SOO BADDDD

look at this for example

Scroll down on that first page and look at my post.

Now look at this thread
and look at my comment by scrolling down

So many more examples I can't even count anymore
So yes the quantity is increasing but the quality is decreasing.

posted on Sep, 22 2010 @ 05:55 PM
I think I know what's going on already since I've been reading a lot about this for years, but I'm always ready to be shocked and surprised. As Richard Dolan and Timothy Good warn, we also have to be ready for how disclosure is going to be spun, perhaps with an emphasis on the hostile aliens or a possible threat from outer space, even though the whole picture is probably a lot more complcated than that.

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