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Muslims do NOT care if we burn the Koran! They care about THIS!

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posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by SevenThunders
Sadly the day is coming when all muslim lands will be destroyed. If they do not repent of their jihad, God will pronounce judgment upon all those who fight against his people. All the nations that rise up to conquer rape and pillage Israel in the last days will be destroyed. The Bible has a detailed prophecy of the nuclear destruction of Damascus as an example. Iran, Syria, Libya, Algeria and possibly Turkey and all their allies will be destroyed on that day. You can read about it in Zechariah 12 and Ezekiel 38-39.

It is rather tragic, but as prophesied in Genesis, Ishmael continues to behave like a wild ass, agitating all his neighbors. Here is another startling prophecy fulfilled by the children of Ishmael, the Arabs,

He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers."

If the Muslim would just come to his senses, burn his satanic Koran and turn to Jesus, he might find that abundant life and peace that currently eludes him. This is one context wherein burning a Koran, even publicly would be a good thing.

I didn't know Pastor Terry Jones posted on Abovetopsecret.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by Mobius1974

Deny ignorance. Mainstream media news are full of blatant propaganda lies.

I grow up in an orthodox Muslim family and the way we responded calmly to this latest public burning of Koran:
"Let them burn the Koran. Let God take the best actions."

That's all. End of story.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by wisdomnotemotion
Deny ignorance. Mainstream media news are full of blatant propaganda lies.

I grow up in an orthodox Muslim family and the way we responded calmly to this latest public burning of Koran:
"Let them burn the Koran. Let God take the best actions."

That's all. End of story.

If only the Islamic terrorists would take a leaf out of your family's book.

One important point - most people seem to forget that most people killed by Islamic extremists are actually Muslim.

A small violent Muslim minority, killing other Muslims, can have an influence on a community totally out of proportion to their numbers.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 03:15 PM
Amd Jews care about the constant bombardment from Gaza on their homes and children. I met an Israeli who came here as he was sick of it happening EVERY day.
There are Jewish children dying too. Israeli elderly get hurt too. Yes, so do Palestinians but the press conveniently ignores Jewish deaths and focuses on Palestinians.

You try living in a house where your neighbours throw rocks into your proerty every day and see if you'd get annoyed. Gaza sends rockets every day!

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 04:12 PM
Thanks for your long and thoughtful post.

It may be noteworthy to you that I am American, although I was not born in America. I immigrated there in my 20's and lived there for a long time. I raised an American child - we still speak American English among each other although we do not live there now. She just visited the States this summer.
I have even been in the US Armed Forces under Clinton - though I would not reveal when and where as I signed a paper for secrecy.

My best pen pals are Americans, I have a friend in this village who is American, and I watch American movies more than anything else for relaxation. Some of the most important people in my life are tied to the United States specifically. It would be an exaggeration to call me an outsider... just because I am critical of the US's role in the world today as a lone superpower.

Your points on WMDs are well taken. As well as on the UN. I can see that we disagree on the theme of preventive or preemptive war.

Your post is so well explained that I can quote the few paragraphs parts below where we have the difference above illustrated - or where I have not been convinced.

Originally posted by Xcathdra
reply to post by Kokatsi

Comparing actions of the USA to that of Nazi Germany is laughable as neither have anything in common in this context.

I think it is a comparison we should keep applying in the West as a reality check for a while to come. If Hitler thought preventive war was a good thing, while respected Amercian statesmen (like Ike) thought otherwise... chances are AH was siding with the wrong part of history.

Originally posted by Xcathdra
reply to post by Kokatsi

I still believe we were within our rights for actions in afghanistan, as well as Iraq.

Iraq - no, because Amercia was simply not threatened by Iraq. Period. Israel was, and there the prevailing philosophy has been for a while - preventive war.

Afghanistan? That depends whether you believe the government's official version of 911. I did for about a few hours - then, as soon as the "facts" started to surface, I grew suspicious.

Another thing, I lived near right-wing fanatical Christians in Virginia and I knew their mentality well. They WOULD lie for the sake of armageddon, and victory, as most Americans would not. So you can say I had a mistrust of Bush from the start - that is true. Because I know that kind of people - they are about as uncomplicated as Moslem terrorists... They tried to convert me for years.

Originally posted by Xcathdra
reply to post by Kokatsi

Hussein had no intentions of giving up his WMD program, and stated as much....

That was NONE OF OUR BUSINESS. Period.

Originally posted by Xcathdra
reply to post by Kokatsi

Coloring the United States as the evil of the world is a very ignorant viewpoint. Some people on here who are not from the United States have some very strong opinions, and that is fine. I do ask you though that you place yourself into our shoes at times and ask yourself the following:

If it were your country that was suppose to act as a Super Power and play the World Police, thereby making your country a very high target for extremists, terrorist, dictators etc that would have absolutely no qualms about selling items to these groups to hurt you and your citizens, exactly what steps would you take to defend yourself?

Now this is the essence of our differences. We are not supposed to act as a superpower and play the World Police. We are supposed to be in a playpen with other nations and cultures. Better in many ways, but no King or Pope. No one entrusted us to be the Boss. Sorry.
And in many ways we are not, although modern America is truly exceptional in many ways - take our entertainment industry, our lead in computers and the very invention of the Internet. I could go on for pages. Do we need to spoil it with this World Policeman role? Well, I am not sure.

With a nation like North Korea, many nations might put their power together - they do present a problem to several people, one that everyone sees except they themselves. However, the world saw the Iraq question very differently. It could be about oil, it could be about Israel's unfounded insecurity, it could be about many different things. However, the connection GWB was trying to hammer in everybody's brain between 911 and Hussein would not satisfy a schoolboy. The truth is, this was a turning point in the perception of the US in the world. What is more, most of the world could see that since Reagan, we have had imperial ambitions. I am not an 'isolationist' as we learned in history, I am glad the US entered the war against Nazism, but imperial policies are tipping the balance way over to the other side.

Perhaps it is not a surprise that due to these "world police" roles, we generated more debt than any other nation on Earth, so our economy is pretty much shot.

Originally posted by Xcathdra
reply to post by Kokatsi

Islamic extremists is to Islam as the KKK is to Christianity.

All religions have their wingnut elements that beleive what they want, and nothing will change their mind. The Islamic faith does not prohibit other religions at all. What it does is prevents them from prosteltizing, or gaining new members by convert, and the extremist elemnts will grab on to whatever they can to justify their actions.

Good observations. Although there are American Moslims as well, I knew one in 1986 already. And another one, a Black Moslem, was regularly giving me free cakes and health teas for years at a craft market where I worked. These people had stricter rules but they did not want to tell others what to do. They did not even proselytize much. They told me about their faith, and no, none of them wore chadors.

The elephant in the living room is this:
The neocons (an essentially antidemocratic force, started around the same time as Muslim extremism) needed a new enemy for their imperial plans after the collapse of the Soviets. In fact, many among the ranks of leading neocons or their families had suffered various inhumanities in Eastern Europe (Holocaust, Stalin etc.). This type of people could never get used to democracy, a multiparty system, constitutional republic, you name it. I personally knew many Soviet and Romanian immigrants - most yearned for an absolute power that would protect them against their enemies.

'The neocons developed a strategy to demonize Islam in think tanks - a policy you would have found a laughable fantasy in the D.C. of 1986, but one that was actually becoming a dominant force by 2003.

Now we have to live with the genie of our own creation...

I still have hopes. ATS gives me hope. And I respect differences and shades in opinion.

Thank you for devoting your time to my thoughts...

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by daggyz

You try living in a house where your neighbours throw rocks into your proerty every day and see if you'd get annoyed. Gaza sends rockets every day!
I suppose my reaction would depend on whether I had done anything to inflame and incite my neighbours since moving in to the area.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

U forgot to mention a half million civilians that have been killed every since the first bush war not to mentioning the usa is the only country to have dropped 1 but 2 nuclear bombs on another country but have the odacity to say who can have what in the world .

I used to lmaf when they used to always surround yasser Arafat’s compound and say that it was his fault that his people was blowing them selves up but I guess if u drop a bomb on some ones family and by pen say its called causalities of war,u kind of feal...ummm, a little pissed. It didn’t make since how he was suppose to stop vengeance of your mother or child being killed in front of u.

A half million civilians’ got killed in Iraq and a half a million family’s will seek vengeance.. so u wouldn’t ?

Its sad that bush had to be born but I guess the bible was right when it came to the antichrist, it starts in sixes.
George 6 letters
Walter 6 letters
Bush sr 6 letters
Its sad that our soldiers had to lose the virginity of there souls for such a Bladen lie.
not just there souls there legs arms eyes sanity will to live etc etc etc.thats what hurts me.

edit on 16-9-2010 by Immortalgemini527 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by joewalker
reply to post by daggyz

You try living in a house where your neighbours throw rocks into your proerty every day and see if you'd get annoyed. Gaza sends rockets every day!
I suppose my reaction would depend on whether I had done anything to inflame and incite my neighbours since moving in to the area.

Seems like introspection is not a strong suit of either side.

posted on Sep, 17 2010 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by SIRTMG

I didn't know Pastor Terry Jones posted on Abovetopsecret.

Pastor Jones is primarily an attention seeker. I am just stating what the Bible says concerning those Islamic nations we are currently in conflict with. They will all be destroyed. I take no pleasure in this, but I feel this warning must be pronounced in advance. Perhaps some will come to their senses before it's too late.

The devil always whips up his minions to attack God's people, and they all eventually are annihilated. Just take a look at some of the miraculous events that occurred in the restoration of Israel. Note that the very existence of Israel is tremendous proof that the God of the Bible is real.

posted on Sep, 17 2010 @ 04:00 AM
reply to post by rusethorcain

Like Seven Thunders comment in the post beneath yours?

I am just stating what the Bible says concerning those Islamic nations we are currently in conflict with. They will all be destroyed.
Change the words Bible and Islamic for Koran and Christian and ST's comments would be given a half hour special on Fox news.

Do you think its just possible that our (the West) apparent one sided approach to palestine may also feed in to the OP?

posted on Sep, 17 2010 @ 08:37 AM
Id just like to say thank you to the OP for posting this thread. Im as so full of hatred towards our government. The took my little brothers soul and corrupted it and played with it like a puppet. He is filled with so many lies and deceit and yet he has served in Iraq and seen the frontline of the war. He was forced to sell his soul to the army due to a bad economy and nowhere else to turn. He was desperate and feed these lies to make the decision easier. He was led to believe we are doing this for our protection only. He is not a murderer nor an evil person with a cold heart. He is a great guy, he loves animals and is an overall very friendly person. He would never go over there if he was told the truth.

I see it from an older brothers point of view, and I totally agree about the China statement, I would not let any foreigners invade my home and make me convert to their ways! I would do everything in my power to stop them from hurting my family!

posted on Sep, 17 2010 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by SevenThunders

I am sorry to bring up dry historical facts here, but the fact is that no Biblical text says anything about Muslims since MOSLEMS DID NOT EXIST at the time the New Testament was written.

The Moslem religion came more than 600 years AFTER Christ... and it includes Jesus in the following way: Jesus is supposed to be the most important prophet for Moslems after Muhammad. (That is not my preference, but that is how it is.)

posted on Sep, 17 2010 @ 04:35 PM
I can't believe there are any religious members on a website that clearly states to deny ignorance.

I'm always surprised by people coming in saying "Oh, let God take care of it.", especially if they come from the middle east, I mean stand up for yourselves.

I really think religious members should be banned. This site is really not for them, they do want to THINK.

edit on 17-9-2010 by Thibotham because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by Thibotham
I can't believe there are any religious members on a website that clearly states to deny ignorance.

I'm always surprised by people coming in saying "Oh, let God take care of it.", especially if they come from the middle east, I mean stand up for yourselves.

I really think religious members should be banned. This site is really not for them, they do want to THINK.

edit on 17-9-2010 by Thibotham because: (no reason given)

Well said... Rather to be banned than put on a hit-list right? There's not much more to say about Islam other than the fact the religion itself cares more about trampling over the 2nd class including women seeking advancement and any "non-believers" who don't care to join the constant cycle of ignorance.

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 02:04 AM
Thank you for your reply also.. It does make me look at some of these issues a bit differently to see if there are other ways to accomplish the goals of both sides. As far as being American my view on this will most likely be different than most. While I was born here in the States, I think the nationality issue is just as divisive as the organized religion issue.
This doesnt mean I am pushing for a one world Government, dont get me wrong. I just think if the people of the world worked together more helping each other solves problems, we would be a lot better off than we are now. Getting to that point though is going to be problematic and will take time as its going to require people to set aside preconceived notions.

A few responses:

Originally posted by Kokatsi
I think it is a comparison we should keep applying in the West as a reality check for a while to come. If Hitler thought preventive war was a good thing, while respected Amercian statesmen (like Ike) thought otherwise... chances are AH was siding with the wrong part of history.

The difference I was trying to make is Hitlers invasion were not part of national defense. They were pre-emptive in terms of acheiving total suprise for invasions. In no way did they go to war for purely a defensive reason. The United States has had a policy of Self Defense for a long time. When Bush came into Office that Policy was changed to pre-emptive strikes on countries / entities / groups that had the intentions of attacking the US or our intrests after 9/11.
When we invaded Iraq we did not do so with the intentions of annexing to be part of the United States or a greater United States Empire (or however people term our percieved Imperial Ambitions). The purpose stated was Iraqs continued wmd program ambitions and their refusal to comply with already established UN resolutions.

Another view to look at this situation. During the first gulf war the UN authorized the use of force to remove Iraq from Kuwait. Afterwards, Iraw signed the cease fire that ended the war and gave concessions. The UN continued to pass resolutions dealing with Iraqi WMD programs, as well as dual use technologies. Part of the concession, and approved by UN resolution, was the establishment of a no fly zone for the North and Southern part of Iraq, in addition to IAEA inspectors being allowed acess to certain sites. Throughout the years Iraq continued to deny access to certain sites, or certain areas, as well as failed to be transparent with certain acitivities the UN had issues with. They routinely violated the no fly zones by placing surface to air assest near these areas that posed a threat to US aircraft flying under the UN flag.

Exactly how many years does a country who has been punished by UN resolution be allowed to ignore those sanctions and continually place UN forces under threat? I would also point out the majority of UN assets in theatre taking care of the enforcement of the resolution was the United States. I have no issues with the armed forces of the United State taking part in a UN authorized operation. What I do take exception to is when the UN fails to take action when the target country refuses to abide by the very setup it agreed to. What I take exception to is American forces being placed in harms way under a UN banner, when the UN has no spine what so ever to protect our people by giving teeth to the sanctions.

It would be like sending Police Officers into the middle of a war zone and telling them you have to walk down the middle of the street, you cannot take offensive actions, only defensive, and oh, btw the enemy is armed with advanced weaponry they arent suppose to have, and we arent going to do anything to stop it because we you police officers here to keep the peace - Good luck.

Iraq had ample time and warning, not to mention having their asses handed to them by UN forces during gulf war I, to get there game together. They chose not to, instead using the time to flaunt UN resolutions. At some point, you remove the Police and send in the Marines. If not all we are doing is providing protection to a regime that is biding its time and wasting our resources under a UN mandate.

Originally posted by Kokatsi
Afghanistan? That depends whether you believe the government's official version of 911. I did for about a few hours - then, as soon as the "facts" started to surface, I grew suspicious.

Another thing, I lived near right-wing fanatical Christians in Virginia and I knew their mentality well. They WOULD lie for the sake of armageddon, and victory, as most Americans would not. So you can say I had a mistrust of Bush from the start - that is true. Because I know that kind of people - they are about as uncomplicated as Moslem terrorists... They tried to convert me for years.

I still have issues with what people point out on 9/11 for the simple purpose that an operation of that magnitude could not have been compltely compartmentalised from other US intelligence agencies, let alone allied intelligence or foriegn intelligence. If an enemy country had information that show 9/11 was part of a US false flag operation, they would be releasing that to the world.

Our own Government, when we switched during the last elections, would have had no issues throwing Bush, Cheny or Rumsfield under the bus if they came across information shwoing 9/11 was an inside job. Obama would have no issues preoscuting Bush either for it. To top it off you have Bill Clinton going on record saying it was not an inside job.

Political viewpoiint aside, I will point out yet again that the Governments refusal to answer certain parts of the investigation can be explained if people would take the time to listen with ears open. 9/11 is a criminal act, and we have people in custody for those attacks. Not all of thes people have had their day in court, which prevents information / evidence from being released because it can jeopradize a criminal proceeding. People who are demanding answers will not get them until the criminal spects have been resolved by the courts. In this case, the rights of the accused will overtake the demands of the people for answers. Its the way our system is designed to work, and to an extent, im ok with that.

Originally posted by Kokatsi
That was NONE OF OUR BUSINESS. Period.

A Clandestine WMp program is used for what exactl?
Again I disagree. When a country develops a clandestine WMD program when does it bcome our business? When its used? whens its sold to a group who hates us? An undisclosed WMD program is a violation of UN treaties that Iraq was a signature to. We gave them WMD's during their war. When the war was over it went back to status quo depending on the intrest of the day.

I have always found this part of the argument intresting. The reaction from people about a clandestine WMD program being none of our business has alwys intrigued me. The reason why is generally the people who are stating its none of our business are citizens of countries who are not, nor would they ever, be targeted by the program. South Africa can file a complaint all they want about our actions against Iraq and their programs, because in the end its not Johaneesburg that will be the recipiant of a vial that gets cracked in the subway system.

If you actually look at the reactions of most of the Arab World you will not see complaints about the US invasion of Iraq. That issue started when Sadaam and top tier people in his government were sentenced to death. When the President of Egypt makes a comment that he felt the rope around his neck when Sadaam was hanged, it spoke volumes.

Out of curiosity what is wrong with forcing countries who want a WMP program to play by the same rules and have a DECLARED program with UN inspections? Again, until that time what you do in your back yard that can be snuck into my backyard, is my buisness.

Originally posted by Kokatsi
Now this is the essence of our differences. We are not supposed to act as a superpower and play the World Police. We are supposed to be in a playpen with other nations and cultures. Better in many ways, but no King or Pope. No one entrusted us to be the Boss. Sorry.
And in many ways we are not, although modern America is truly exceptional in many ways - take our entertainment industry, our lead in computers and the very invention of the Internet. I could go on for pages. Do we need to spoil it with this World Policeman role? Well, I am not sure.

I dont think we should play World Policeman at all, and have stated as much. The argument is going to be though that the moment we dont send people in, we are responsible for what happens. If we do send in people, we are responsible. The term of Super Power in todays time is rfered to only as our ability to project force on a world wide scale to assist in peacekepping operations, protecting American intrests, as well as those of our allies, and playing referee where we can. US troop deployment as peace keepers is not ebcause we did it ourselves, but was again part of UN resolutions. The UN, under the charter, gets access to military hardware etc from member nations when carrying out UN sanctioned operations. The base term is called Differential Responsibility, which essentially says those who have more, should give where they can to help offset those countries who cannot contribute much of their own. In theory it makes sense.. In application is becomes nothing more than the US playing World Policeman. I am all for the EU sending troops to play peacekeeper.. Unfortunately after 2 World Wars they dont seem eager to play this role, not that I blame them either. I guess the next time we need someone to stand between 2 bullies getting ready to fight we can rely on the armed forces of the Federated States of Micronesia.

Originally posted by Kokatsi
With a nation like North Korea, many nations might put their power together - they do present a problem to several people, one that everyone sees except they themselves. However, the world saw the Iraq question very differently. It could be about oil, it could be about Israel's unfounded insecurity, it could be about many different things. However, the connection GWB was trying to hammer in everybody's brain between 911 and Hussein would not satisfy a schoolboy. The truth is, this was a turning point in the perception of the US in the world. What is more, most of the world could see that since Reagan, we have had imperial ambitions. I am not an 'isolationist' as we learned in history, I am glad the US entered the war against Nazism, but imperial policies are tipping the balance way over to the other side.

Our actions in S. Korea, and our aim towards the North, again is not a US/SK policy. We are still in S. Korea under UN authorization. The war with N. Korea never ended with a peace treaty, but a cessesation of Hostilities, or in other words a cease fire. North Korea, or South Korea, taking shots at each other, will not start a new war.. It will only reignite one that has been ongoing for the last 50 years. Yet another UN operation that has no clear ending to it, with no practical options coming from the UN in terms of ending the conflict. Another example of the UN being content to have the armed forces of the US and South Korea keeping the peace and paying the bill for it.

Originally posted by Kokatsi
Perhaps it is not a surprise that due to these "world police" roles, we generated more debt than any other nation on Earth, so our economy is pretty much shot.

I completely agree on this point. Our national debt is out of control, along with the spending of our Government. I will say though there is nothing stopping other UN members from offsetting our peacekeeping roles with monetary contributions. Japan has done this in the past with the first gulf war, as well as other peace keeping operations throughout the world. Does this happen? very rarely. Instead the United States gets slammed by UN functionaries about how we are behind on our UN dies and then label us a deabeat nation, while in the same statement ask us to send more troops to this area to prevent a human catastrophy.

Originally posted by Kokatsi
Good observations. Although there are American Moslims as well, I knew one in 1986 already. And another one, a Black Moslem, was regularly giving me free cakes and health teas for years at a craft market where I worked. These people had stricter rules but they did not want to tell others what to do. They did not even proselytize much. They told me about their faith, and no, none of them wore chadors.

Islam, Christianity, Jewish all have the same end result - Death, with an unknown experience after that. The process eachgroup takes to prepare for that unkown is what sets us apart. In my personal opinion organized religion is so far intent on keeping control of something they dont understand themselves, which in turn creates the divisiveness between other religious groups. Most religions preach understanding, friendlieness, help your neighbor, and treat others the way you want to be treated yourself. Instead we have a select group of people who preach one way and demand another. If Osama Bin Laden is so sure he will go to heaven if he kills the infadel, then why has he not strapped on a bomb vest and killed himself? This glaring issue should be a huge red flag for most people.

Until we meet our maker, whether it be God, Buddah, Allah or the Annunaki, and are told directly from the horses mouth who is what, then we have no idea. Killing my neighbor because he is protestant and I am Catholic doesnt serve any purpose, nor does it forward an agenda for religion. Why belong to something that preaches one way, yet forces you to act in a different manner? The inherent contradicitons alone should be enough to show that there might be something more to religion.

Originally posted by Kokatsi
The elephant in the living room is this:
The neocons (an essentially antidemocratic force, started around the same time as Muslim extremism) needed a new enemy for their imperial plans after the collapse of the Soviets. In fact, many among the ranks of leading neocons or their families had suffered various inhumanities in Eastern Europe (Holocaust, Stalin etc.). This type of people could never get used to democracy, a multiparty system, constitutional republic, you name it. I personally knew many Soviet and Romanian immigrants - most yearned for an absolute power that would protect them against their enemies.

'The neocons developed a strategy to demonize Islam in think tanks - a policy you would have found a laughable fantasy in the D.C. of 1986, but one that was actually becoming a dominant force by 2003.

Now we have to live with the genie of our own creation...

I still have hopes. ATS gives me hope. And I respect differences and shades in opinion.

Bush made it a point to note the difference on who we were at ar with. We were at war with extremeism / radicals, and not Islam. The warnings from our past about the Military establishment I think are correct. Without war, there is nothing for them to do. Even R and D of new technologies requires vast amounts of money, and the only way to get that is by Government Grants, or by a country at war that relies on these advances.

I for one would like to see a fundamental shift in the Worlds ability to adance technology. We know what we can do to each other. I think that will come crashing down though when its discovered we arent alone in the universe. I would prfer we put our r and d towards solving our world issues, so when contact day comes, we will be better able to handle any extraterestrial threats. Our Stealth program, or the new Queen Elizabeth Class Super Carriers the Brits are building, or the new Chinese Aircraft Carrier they are building, will not do any good when ET shows up, bitch smacks us, and makes the movie V look like a walk in the park.

Originally posted by Kokatsi
Thank you for devoting your time to my thoughts...

Anytime.. I appriciate your response, thoughts and input. To me this is the only way to make things work. It doesnt matter if we have a disagreement, as we were both able to explain why, take what we can from each other, learn and move forward. In the end its entirely possible that we are both wrong anyways lol. Its better to have a friend in missery than go through it alone.

Also, I would like to Thank You for your service to your country, regardless of where you live now.

edit on 18-9-2010 by Xcathdra because: Spelling and what not

edit on 18-9-2010 by Xcathdra because: spelling and dyslexia

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 10:50 AM
Hi..... one great example of American arrogance and ignorance. I have...rather say.....had....a American friend who's father was a military man and he followed in his fathers footsteps and became a Vietnam war veteran. For over some time now i had been sending him articles from certain web-sites. The ones he hated most came from as he found that to be Anti-Semitic so he definitely wouldn't read any article which came from there. When at one time I asked him if he knew something about the attack on the USS-Liberty he said that he knew nothing about that so I started to provide him with info about that. Carefully avoiding any article which came directly via Rense of course. So this type of things went on for quite some time. When talking about it he was telling me many times that the way things were written showed him that these people weren't very qualified to write English written articles and because of that couldn't be very knowledgeable in the first place. In one word.... all BULL# & CRAP. During that period the war drums/propaganda were getting prepped up in the Western World to start justifying the possible up coming attack on Iran and thanks to that I was starting to receive more anti-Muslim chain mail in the last 1/2 year then I ever have seen in the past 10 years. So.......last week i got from from this so called 'friend', the Vietnam vet. I was a photo session about a little boy who had his arm wrecked by a car who was deliberately driven over it. I had seen this photo session already many years ago. It now gotten out of the closet again with only one purpose....building up hatred and justify a attack on Iran.
Well...I'm sorry but can't see it in any other way.
So here is my reaction to that towards my American 'friend' :


Don't think I'm not aware of the horrible barbaric customs of the Islamic world. The pics I actually already seen long time ago. Such a coincidence that they turn to the service again now they are trying to find reasons to attack Iran? Looking for back up from the Americans USEFUL IDIOTS to fight one extra war for the Zionists against the Islam? America don't get enough from the body bags which getting sent home? War pictures which show how much the useful idiot American soldiers are suffering aren't much around do they? That thanks to the corrupt bought and paid for by Mickey Mouse Money Zionists who also handle the money printing machines.

Please be wiser and don't fall for that old war propaganda trick one more time...... Do people #ing never learn?
Reply S.


You are so full of #. This just shows your ignorance and hatred towards America. You should be thankful for all America has done so you can have this freedom to say such things. I hope you have to eat your words some day and I'm around to see it. You dwell in the past WAKE up and smell the roses instead of all the # you read!!


I wanted to react but didn't sent it of as at the last moment on I realized that most Americans had to be like him.....this was my conclusion after having been dealing with them over a number of years and after some time had to find out how incredibly brain washed they actually had to be of not being capable seeing the truth when it is staring them right in the face....

My reply would have been this:

A real American 'friend' comes to show me his true colors. Next.........!
My great American friends reply after he first had sent the pictures from barbaric Sharia law to me......

Well... I might be full of # like you say. Just wonder then what Americans are so full of then? I only can guess then that they must be totally full of themselves. Isn't it strange that even a good friend turns against me after I told him my meaning and says that I must be full of hatred against his people/country while I myself have never in my life been aware of that? The mighty American war machine who came to the rescue of the entire world so that I can now show...thanks to the freedom they gave back to us/me... how horribly ungrateful I am?

Can you smell some American roses of freedom?.................... +since+1945&btnG=Search&aq=o&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=


posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 11:27 AM
The billions of USD in support of Israel is another thorn in their foot.

The multiple bases in the region, and the weaseling moves done by
multinational corporations in the area that have US ties.

The US has laws for its corporations so some have taken to buying
up ones in foreign nations where the laws have not yet figured out
their predatory nature just yet.

Then they peddle influence and buy off the government and are
then able to run amok in that country.

Dutch Shell buying off the government to kill an oil protester
is a good example.

India was a good example at the time of the Bhopal Disaster.

So it goes beyond our government and military who are often
just puppet for the military and energy industrial complex.

Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power. ~Benito Mussolini

For those who say they like some of the NWO ideas you will also be
getting the aspects that you may not like.

edit on 18-9-2010 by Ex_MislTech because: spelling and links

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by forfunandfreedom

Hmmm.. not really sure what to make of the message you posted. The attack on the USS Liberty was a False Falg attack by Israel in order to draw the US into the war. It was suppose to have been reported as an Egyptian attack on our ship. This is not a secret, as flase flag operations have been used all over the world at any given time in history (Boston tea partyt comes to mind).

The point about the child who had is arm run over for stealing is a verified hoax:
Video of car running over boys arm - Still photo progression
Snopes - More information about it being a Hoax

If your point was not everything can be believed I agree with that. If your point was directed towards the policies of the US Government then please explain. If you could also explain what "most Americans" means.

From what I am getting out of this post is you are upset at your American friend for being blind to world events, and upset he does not take your word for it out of hand. My counter would be not everything is as they appear at times.

If I missed your point please let me know.


posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 09:28 PM
Hi Xcathdra,

Thank you for your reply. I understand that some, if not all might not be capable understanding my reaction… I’m sorry for that as that must be down to my nature and the fact that English isn’t my mothers tongue. Maybe a reason could be that it was kinda of topic?
Let me try to explain to you…..

I called it ONE GREAT EXAMPLE as it was the conclusion I had to draw, after I had experienced plenty of others after dealing with American Arrogance and Ignorance, before this last episode with that ‘friend’. When I would be the only person who had such experience I would surely be doubting about myself but I think that I’m quite save to say that Americans have been building up quite a impressive history regarding this subject. That doesn’t mean that every American is like that. I know plenty who would agree with me on this and I’m pretty sure that plenty others (who don’t know me) would back me up on that….Americans incl.

MOST Americans:
I wanted to react but didn't send it of as at the last moment on I realized that most Americans had to be like him.

I agree that I wasn’t fair by saying that MOST Americans had to be arrogant and ignorant as of course I can only speak from my own experience build up during my now 60 years of existence…..I do also realize…even that don’t have to mean anything for those who don’t know me and my past.

Me grateful?
My reaction on the comment that I had to be grateful to THE AMERICANS POLICING THE ENTIRE WORLD and instead showed how deeply I hated them
was one who really had set fire to me.
It showed me that the guy was totally oblivious from the fact America and it’s citizens have been played out by external forces already before it’s foundation and until this very moment. Those who controlled the money system in those days are still the same people who are pulling the strings now.

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws." Mayer.Amschel.Rothschild

I’m sure that’s old news for you but how many Americans are aware of these facts? Aware that they have been made to become merely useful idiots to fight the wars for the external puppet masters and that included WW1 and WW2.

Me grateful to the fact that it’s modern war machine who is so called policing our world and spread it’s DEMOCRACY with the barrel of their guns and as extra to make things complete pollute the entire world with DU and last but surely not least is threatening the existence of our entire world by possibly use atomic weapons against Iran? Don’t say they would not do this as they already have showed us that they are crazy enough before……

Quote my ‘friend’:


You are so full of #. This just shows your ignorance and hatred towards America. You should be thankful for all America has done so you can have this freedom to say such things. I hope you have to eat your words some day and I'm around to see it. You dwell in the past WAKE up and smell the roses instead of all the # you read!!

Can you, Xcathdra, smell some of those wonderful American roses of freedom?


edit on 18-9-2010 by forfunandfreedom because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by forfunandfreedom

Well for starters the reason I asked the questions I did was to find out where you were coming from, and what the issue was. As I stated before I was not getting it from your post, which is why I asked. As far as English not being your mother tongue, thats fine. Its why I asked for clarification.

As far as the United States being the World Policeman I ask you where you think that comes from? Do you think it comes from our Government wanting to expand our influence everywhere? We are currently engaged in 1 active war, and one in the draw down phase that is causing a lot of issues here politically, domstically, and internationally, let alone the constant fighting about the money spent on these 2 operations. The appearance that the US is the new Charlamagne, imo, is near sigthd to say the least. The armed forces of this country going on the attack to rbing the entire world under one banner would never fly, both from internal opposition, as well as international.

The view people have towards the US and its actions vary from person to person, country to country, based on past, current and personal interactions with it. I dont think the wold owes us anything at all. The involvment of this country in world events is based on perception of what is right, whether people agree with that or not.

Countries of the world do not have to buy American Items, or our military hardware for their armed forces for the matter. They dont have to take money from the US to assist with humanitarian / domestic issues. They dont have to allow our citizens into their country, nor do they have to allow their citizens to come to this country for vacation, education, military training or what have you. The rest of the world doesnt need to collaborate with the US on reasearch and development, nor collaborate on medical treatments. The rest of the World does not need to work with the United States when it comes to entering Space, or being abord the international space station.

I do agree with you that the world owes us nothing.

I do find it intresting that people throughout the World get upset at what this country does, when its done at the request of their own governments. I guess its just easier to blame us for the problems of the world because its safer that criticizing their own governments, who very well might drag their own citizens out of their houses in the middle of the night for doing just that.

There is nothing stopping other countries from telling us to pull out our troops and go home. There is nothing stopping this country from withdrawing any aid we are providing to those countries either. The view of this country, especially in the Middle East, imo, is fundamentally flawed. We are in these countries at the request of the host Governments. When it comes to their own people who resent that presence, the Governments do nothing to explain our presence. Easier to use our presence to protect the country from outside, and to a certain extent internal, problems.

But hey, if you gusy want to take care of your own problems, on your own, we are good with that also. To bring this thread back on track we can use the OP's thought about Islam. The Muslim world went nuts when the preist guy in Florida wanted to burn the Quran. This never occured, yet you can still see American Flags being burned, protests in from of our Emabssies world wide, as if the incident occured. At no point have I seen media in these countries explain to its citizens it didnt occur, nor do I see them explain why the priest guy called it off, and his comments about the Quran.

Long story short.. You can blame the US for whatever injustice you think we caused. The follow up question I have though is in what context was your exposure to these injustices? Did they occur here in the states, or in a different county? If in a different country, what was the governments relationship with the US government at that time.

Almost with everything in politics, it takes 2 to tango. The continued percieved image that the US alone is the cause of all evil in the world is a naieve, and very uninformed opinion, that ignores the other parties involved. As with everything, all politics are local, which is why in certain countries its our fault all the time. Maye if Iran spent less time demonizing the Great Satan, they would have time to do other things. However, if they remove the focus away from our country, it means their people will look at their own government.. We cant have that now can we.

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