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Muslims do NOT care if we burn the Koran! They care about THIS!

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+118 more 
posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 01:21 PM
Muslims do NOT actually care if we burn their holy book. They simply have bigger issues at the front of their minds.


Muslims are pissed because we are bombing their cities to bits and killing civilians, including women and children who are INNOCENT.

Who cares if we burn Korans all day long?? The Muslims don't!!!

They just want us to stop bombing their neighbors to smithereens!

This fact proves the whole Koran burning issue is straight PROPAGANDA PSY-OPS.
Psychological Operations to DISTRACT everyone from the REAL ISSUE HERE.

The fact we are BOMBING cities full of innocent people!
That is the REAL issue. That is why Muslims are pissed! Duh!

What more can I say?

+4 more 
posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 01:40 PM
S&F for you...

These "brave" soldiers takin' care of business when they are done in Iraq...are comin' home and guess what....the Muslim' s won't be the only ones that will need to keep an eye out for what these "men" are capable of.

Here's another one for many of them do you think will become police officers or fire fighters when they return home...two professions that do want them military men workin' for 'em.

These guys need HELP....big time....they will always look at those that do not agree with them as the enemy...doesn't matter what ethnicity it will be...



+73 more 
posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 01:55 PM
I havent posted here in a while and this website has changed a lot

what happened to ATS apart from the graphics and layout?

many new members on this website are more brainwashed than the average sheep on the street.

reading all the anti religion threads. people throwing insults and refuse to listen. spreading disinformation. what is the point of this website then?

1st of all, what did muslims have to do with 9/11 apart from bin laden taking the blame? ever wonder why building 7 collapsed for no reason? 9/11 2001 is a huge gap in history. somebody get bush and put him in court like they did saddam!

2nd you can burn the quran, but make sure you buy a good expensive copy. the more money the muslims make the better it is for them. this is so useless.

3rd you are not making it any easier for the soldiers overseas.

4th you're forgetting that the new york mosque has an even bigger agenda. research this name: Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf.

read about him and his history, read about his supporters and where he gets his money.

5th why is this stunt getting so much publicity? burning a book being all over the news? F*C* USA media. seriously spreading nothing but hate and disinformation, redirecting you're attention from the serious things in life. while obama sells 60billion worth of weapons to the TRUE EXTREMISTS WAHABIS (the saudis), you all concerned about the mosque and the quran being burnt.

i highly recommend you all watch arabic channels, PLEASE watch some arabic game shows, documentaries, tv series, movies. just educate yourself and you'll see what muslims are. go on holiday to eygpt or syria and see for yourself that muslims are not extreme and hateful as the US media makes them out to be. why is it that on arabic channels they show western movies with subtitles, but the westerners never show arabic movies? instead they brainwash their people, making them think that all muslims are terrorists.

fact: Women in Iraq, syria, lebanon, jordan, eygpt, tunisia, libya, morroco, kuwait and UAE are not forced, and do not have to wear hijab/headscarf.

why is this such a problem in western countries when the islamic contries themselves dont care? in fact nobody cared until 9/11... BUSH YOU MESSED UP THE WORLD. 9/11 was a sacrifice to bring in the age of horrors lol

my respects go to all those open minded people who see beyond the media dis-info hogwash.

+22 more 
posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by Holly N.R.A.

These "brave" soldiers takin' care of business when they are done in Iraq...are comin' home and guess what....the Muslim' s won't be the only ones that will need to keep an eye out for what these "men" are capable of.

Here's another one for many of them do you think will become police officers or fire fighters when they return home...two professions that do want them military men workin' for 'em.

These guys need HELP....big time....they will always look at those that do not agree with them as the enemy...doesn't matter what ethnicity it will be...

Ignorant statement. How many of the hundreds of thousands vets are out there "doing what there capable of"? Out of the 200 hundred something guys I served with in different units. I know of one that commited a murder. But I'm sure your just gonna jump on that and scream "SEE were all killers!"

OP so all were doing over there is "bombing cities"? I spent quite a few hours of my life guarding infastructure rebuild projects. One area I was at the brits were rebuilding a bridge and part of an oil pipeline. Do some more research into projects like that.

+53 more 
posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by rakkasansct
Do some more research into projects like that.

I have been researching it for decades, before the current wars were even going on.

So because you built some infrastructure that makes it A-OK to bomb their cities and go driving around in APCs blasting away? Nice excuse.

Here, stop believing in your own lies for a minute and consider this.

What if China came into the USA, bombed out tons of civilians, and then built a few roads, water purification plants, electric stations, schools pushing Chinese propaganda, etc???

That makes it all cool for the Chinese to occupy the USA right?

Get a grip man.

Now debunk my premise of my thread, rather than downplaying it and using DISTRACTION tactics by trying to change the subject and JUSTIFY blowing these innocent people up in their own homes!

Each of these air strikes is straight up murder. It's not self defense. WE ARE IN THEIR HOMELAND.

Self defense is when people invade YOU. We are Invading THEM!

I am sick of watching Americans die for NOTHING. The middle east is NOT worth American blood! Let's get the hell out and leave them the hell alone!

So if you come into my HOME, and I try to stop you, and you shoot me, you can claim self-defense right? And your not a murderer?? Debunked.


posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by rakkasansct

OP so all were doing over there is "bombing cities"? I spent quite a few hours of my life guarding infastructure rebuild projects. One area I was at the brits were rebuilding a bridge and part of an oil pipeline. Do some more research into projects like that.

Obviously the military isn't just bombing civilian targets, but it only takes one mistake, or one psychopath within the ranks to commit an act, that recruits for the 'enemy' ten fold.

The whole thing is a system of perpetual motion and the coalition forces are now trapped by their commitments, and so are all Western nations along with them. Because even if we leave tomorrow take all are hardware with us, and apologise profusely for the rest of our days. There has been too much hurt and pain caused already, and those affected will never forget, and neither will their children, who will be indoctrinated into the cause, and become the next generation of West hating Muslims.

I think the burning of the Koran is just the cherry on top of the resentment sundae. These books are considered holy and sacred by the majority of Muslims.

If I lose all my money and esentially my life to a Native American run casino, do I then go and piss on a sacred burial ground, or take it upon myself to scalp those who have 'wronged' me? No one but a complete lunatic would even consider it.

+38 more 
posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 02:18 PM
It has always been my dream to visit the ME, especially the Mediterranean coastal countries. But thanks to Dubya and his 'shock and awe' bull#, how could I possibly expect any Arab to trust me? I wouldn't even trust me!

From the Muslims I have met not one of them has EVER treated me badly, in fact I receive far worse treatment from my so called 'Christian' American friends! Muslims are not our enemies and Arabs are not our enemies, our enemies are located within Washington, New York and Hollywood.

edit on 9/13/2010 by Misoir because: (no reason given)

+20 more 
posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 02:19 PM
Before you can call an airstrike you have to be getting attacked from that house/building/position. So lets see: they attack us, we attack back, call for bigger guns. Are we both murders then? Or is the evil empire soldiers of America still in the wrong?

Yep I'm trying to debunk your PROPAGANDA. You are doing the same thing the mainstream media is doing with the Quran story. You are trying to rile up hate and anger with a couple videos, and well composed posts.
Not all muslims hate us over there.

So since we are making some muslims hate us with our missile strikes. What made some muslims hate us before 9/11, the 90s, the 70s, the 50s?

+36 more 
posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by rakkasansct
Before you can call an airstrike you have to be getting attacked from that house/building/position. So lets see: they attack us, we attack back, call for bigger guns. Are we both murders then? Or is the evil empire soldiers of America still in the wrong?

This is totally ignoring the fact it's THIER HOMELAND that WE invaded!

We shot first!

They only attacked you because we are killing their families in THEIR nation!

If the Chinese invade America, I swear to god I will be planting IEDs and taking sniper shots at them.

What would you do ? Bow down and say "Welcome China our new master??"

Come on man! Do you even realize what you are saying??


So since we are making some muslims hate us with our missile strikes. What made some muslims hate us before 9/11, the 90s, the 70s, the 50s?

That is probably due to the hundreds of years of European Imperialist occupation of these regions.

History is your friend. Study it.
The Middle East has been occupied by nations like France, UK, for a very very long time.

It goes all the way back to Alexander the Great and the Greeks, whom invaded and occupied the Middle East.
Then the Romans occupied it.
And then it was the Catholic Church and the Crusades.
And then it became the British and French colonialism.
And now it's the NATO military interventionism.

No wonder they hate us. We, the "West", have been invading their lands and murdering them for thousands of years.

They haven't barely had a few years of "breathing room" over the course of millennium.

THAT is why they hated us before 9-11. This is a pattern of aggression and barbaric invasion. True facts.

History is our friend.

And this isn't propaganda per se. I don't work for anyone. I am merely sharing the TRUTH about history.

You are welcome.

edit on 13-9-2010 by muzzleflash because: Bolding and underlining.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Finally the msm are coming forward with concerns of the results of widespread destruction of Muslim lands: the displacement of human cargo. This displacement comes through as billionaire politicians, such as tony blair, making shameless rounds giving talking points on 'the Islam threat' etc.... We all know what this means. The wars are simply ancillary mechanics toward this end. Of course Muslims are emigrating, wouldn't anyone?

I suspect this is one of the main reasons for the protracted immoral invasions. It gives the media endless soundbytes that serve zionist causes. Now every nation on earth can be made to hate Muslims on a dime. Anytime, anywhere. How very convenient. No jobs, evil Muslims moving right next door, while we discuss the best way to store drinking water because our own country has become a war zone through economic strangulation.

This 'Muslim threat', as we are told, is manufactured so that we do the work for them, just like the underground mind control society portrayed in the POTA film 2.

We never do anything, Mister Brent. YOU'RE going to kill her.

Makes it easier to swallow the war stories, eh?

Constantly we are told how poor and backward Afghanistan is. Really? I feel wealthiest with a whiff of Mother Nature and a wind current. Now add a trillion dollars (or 3) of mineral wealth and a homeland I don't have to leave or die for and I'm set. You can't even attend a funeral over there without a drone missile coming in, killing mourners who could only be terrorists because they are burying one, after all. I hate the feeling the media create, that even if there were no God, I would have to invent one. It sure seems that way at times.

Tell the truth, media creatures, because your souls are breaking the scale as we speak.

+2 more 
posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

"History is your friend. Study it.
The Middle East has been occupied by nations like France, UK, for a very very long time.

It goes all the way back to Alexander the Great and the Greeks, whom invaded and occupied the Middle East.
Then the Romans occupied it.
And then it was the Catholic Church and the Crusades.
And then it became the British and French colonialism.
And now it's the NATO military interventionism.

No wonder they hate us. We, the "West", have been invading their lands and murdering them for thousands of years. " muzzleflash

That is exatcly what I was getting at. You chose to ignore history and bash american soldiers in your first post. People have always distrusted what is different, and it doesn't take much to push it over the edge. My dissagreement with you was the singleing out of American troops.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by rakkasansct

I think the point is that if the American forces weren't there no one else would be either. By no one else I mean the coalition forces. The US got everyone riled up for a fight and they certainly got one. I think the blanket support of Israel also has something to do with the particularly anti American sentiment in Islamic countries.

To add a very general comment I know.

edit on 13-9-2010 by Big Raging Loner because: just for fun

+21 more 
posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by rakkasansct

That is exatcly what I was getting at. You chose to ignore history and bash american soldiers in your first post. People have always distrusted what is different, and it doesn't take much to push it over the edge. My dissagreement with you was the singleing out of American troops.

More deflection tactics.

I blamed NATO. Not America per se. I am American. I am trying to stop this.

I am against watching American soldiers like MY FRIENDS who I GREW UP WITH dying in IEDs for NOTHING.

I am against it 100%.

I know several buddies who DIED over this crap already. And the rest of my buddies come home and told me CLASSIFIED INFO revealing many horrific realities that are pretty common knowledge over there.

I am Pro-America. And this is why I am anti-war.

My buddies died for nothing. Going to war in the middle east is a never ending commitment and it solves NOTHING.

The way I see it, the war is giving NATO a bad name. And sending the wrong messages.

Supporting the war is Anti-American at it's core.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 03:32 PM

Ignorant statement. How many of the hundreds of thousands vets are out there "doing what there capable of"? Out of the 200 hundred something guys I served with in different units. I know of one that commited a murder. But I'm sure your just gonna jump on that and scream "SEE were all killers!"

The ignorant statement is your assumption that I would say..."SEE we're all killers !"

Every Vet that has ever gone to ANY war is damaged one way or another. To what extent, only they know....but they are not their mama's son or daughter anymore, not like they used to be before they went. They are forever changed and need HELP. BTW, I am not just saying it is only Americans...the damage is in EVERY country that has ever gone to war. Murderers, rapists, suicidal...if damaged bad will show up eventually, and we will never know what will set off the memories that will bring this on.

Just to keep this on subject, as I said before...these damaged people will bring home what they learned in war and none of us in the US or other countries will know when they will snap until we hear about the next cop that goes over the edge with military backround, or the next Fed Ex worker that goes postal...and we find out he was ex-military as well.

It is because of the military and the conditions these people face during a war time situation, that racism against those who are not like you, and some of the crazy breakdowns that happen daily all over the world after the military discharges y'all that EVERYBODY needs to be on the look out for.

The only ones I am blaming for this is the US GOV. for their continuous blindness to a problem they are responsible for.


+5 more 
posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

This is totally ignoring the fact it's THIER HOMELAND that WE invaded! We shot first! They only attacked you because we are killing their families in THEIR nation!

except that once again you are ignoring the fact that we didnt invade them until AFTER they flew planes into one of the largest cities on the planet, which happen to be on US soil......

They attacked us because they dont like our westernized culture, anyone who has been over seas or has done any amount of OBJECTIVE research into the ideology of Islam knows this.....

Sure not all Muslims are guilty of this, but this is the agenda that the extremist push....

Its not just us, they dont like ANYONE who isnt Muslim or doesnt subscribe to sharia......

That is why they attack everyone......

This has been going on for centuries, youre just more aware of it now because of the events of 9/11 this is nothing new.

I served over seas, and I dont hate muslims,me and my buddies that served, arent out making plans to destroy muslim organizations.

Your post is full of disinformation and propaganda on the dangers of the American soldier coming home from over seas.......

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 03:50 PM
I'm caught in the middle here.

Both sides are right and have valid points but that doesn't mean that both sides are being fully honest and telling the whole story.

It's called Blow-back. Yes we deserved to a certain extent [IMHO] to get kicked in the Keister for involving ourselves in their business however having said that. When they attack the US then it get's personal.

edit on 13-9-2010 by SLAYER69 because: I wasnt finished mashing the keyboard with my big fat hair knuckles!

+17 more 
posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask

except that once again you are ignoring the fact that we didnt invade them until AFTER they flew planes into one of the largest cities on the planet, which happen to be on US soil......

Wow you have a terrible memory eh?

Or you are purposely pushing lies??

Ever heard of the Gulf War in 1991?

We didn't have bases in Saudi Arabia nor in Kuwait prior to 9-11??

We didn't get involved in conflicts like the Russian invasion in Afghanistan and funded the Mujahideen??

The CIA never used clandestine tactics to overthrow the democratically elected President of Iran?

The majority of the Middle East were not British and French Colonies?

Dude you are the one spreading pure ignorance to justify what is happening. I am just outing you for not knowing anything about history, or for covering it up, your pick.

These pathetic arguments will be demolished one by one. You cannot stop the Truth. Everyone with a brain can do their own research and determine that what I am presenting is the cold hard facts of the matter.

Also what you are doing is called Deflection. You are changing the OP Subject "It's not the koran burning they are mad about" into something else "We are justified in bombing them".

I was merely pointing out that the Middle Easterners typically hate the West due to thousands of years of barbaric invasions that we conduct regularly.

And you guys come and try to justify it. Epic Fail.

The truth stands strong in the face of these poorly thought out debate tactics.

Please come back when you come up with a decent strategy.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
I'm caught in the middle here.

Both sides are right and have valid points but that doesn't mean that both sides are being fully honest and telling the whole story.

It's called Blow-back. Yes we deserved to a certain extent [IMHO] to get kicked in the Keister for involving ourselves in their business however having said that. When they attack the US then it get's personal.

edit on 13-9-2010 by SLAYER69 because: I wasnt finished mashing the keyboard with my big fat hair knuckles!

The subject of the thread is being skewed though.

The subject = They don't care we burn the Koran, they care mostly about the interventionism.

And it's being turned into a "we are justified in the war" vs "the war isn't justified" debate. Which wasn't the purpose of the thread.

They are attempting to derail this thread by changing the topic, clearly. And I am struggling to resist falling prey to these tactics.

It really was not meant to be a "we are justified in invading Iraq/Afghanistan" vs "we are not justified" topic.

It was attempting to show that the Koran burning is total propaganda and that they generally don't care about that insignificant issue.

posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 04:08 PM

You said it all.
How many religions? How many pieces of the puzzle?
All segregated and all kept apart all pointing in one direction. TPTB are begining to lose their grip they don't want us knowing the truth.
Instead they do what you have put up here ensuring that they provole us all to hate eachother.
We all need to get the message out. All faiths and religions need to stop and think where was the origional sources of what has and continues to cause the massive rift.

Its coming people and we are very close.

+5 more 
posted on Sep, 13 2010 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Ever heard of the Gulf War in 1991?

Do you know what the Gulf war in 1991 was over? Iraq invaded Kuwait a sovereign nation in the ME, so we were protecting them instead of attacking you know the leading contributors of troops that participated in that? 1. US. and uh oh whats this? Saudi Arabia came in at #2 for the amount of troops that were contributed to the fight against the invading Iraqi army? hmm.....isnt Saudi Arabia hugely Muslim in population?.........weird....

We didn't get involved in conflicts like the Russian invasion in Afghanistan and funded the Mujahideen??

Once again, funded by the US to HELP the people in the area, i know i know, you want America to be haters of Muslims.......except we were arming them to help push out the soviets......

This isnt coming together for you too well to BASH the US, because in every instance you cited we were coming to the aid of all those Islamic nations we hate.......

If you want to tell me I dont know my history, maybe you should research yours more......

The fact is the extreme Islamic factions have the philosophy of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"
Which is why they asked for, and accepted our support in these situations.......

Then once THAT threat was neutralized, they turned on us.......

Of course they are mad about us burning the Koran, to them its not just a book, but more so, they dislike us because of our culture, and because we arent a Sharia abiding, muslim nation......

You can deny this all you want , but fact is fact.....

edit on 13-9-2010 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

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