In the shogun vs jones fight, it totally went wrong for shogun, I dont know what he was even thinking, and he fought Jones were Jones is the
strongest, in the outside were his reach is a big factor, and got in the wrestling/take down game, I mean the dude has the longest reach in the ufc,
even more so then the heavy weight fighters like Brock Lesner who has over 60 pounds on him, and with his frame and if he put on some muscle and
would could be fighting at heavyweight, he still would have a reach advantage, much less at light heavyweight.
But anyways shogun didn't even throw one dam leg kick in the whole fight, and right off the bat he keeps trying to lunge punch at Jones, without no
set up or anything, just straight lunge at him. He should of fought a counter attack fight and should of taken Jones legs out with leg kicks, for
about 2 rounds or however long it takes to make Jones lose his punching power, and therefore kind of negate his reach advantage a little, then he
could of tried the lunge punch he did, and once he is on the inside of Jones reach, then Jone's reach becomes a disadvantage because of his long
arms, he needs that distance to be successful at striking with shogun, but still he can throw elbows at that range, but by then it would of been a
whole different fight and in shoguns world.
One thing about the Jones vs Rashad fight that there making, is that Rashad is a counter fighter mostly, and he knows Jones fight style and how to
negate it, and has the experience because they spar together, so he stands a good change in my opinion in this match up of beating Jones. And there
ground game is really about equall, so I would think that Jones would want to keep this fight standing and utilize his reach and striking skills, but
with rashad style it will be more difficult then if he fought a guy who comes straight at him, like shogun did. But we will see when the fight
Oh man thinking on the matchups and the curse of holding the belt, this thing can just go on and on, and round and round. Imagine if Rasad beats
Jones, then he fights machida again and loses again, then machida fights Shogun again and loses, and then Shogun who getts beat by Jones again in
the future, round and round it goes.
Some times watching the title fights in mma is like the rock, paper, scissors game, every fighter has his
weakness and strengths in different matchups.
And also getting to the top of the mountain is the easy part, staying and making your home on the top of that mountain is were it gets really hard.
But the unpredictability of mma is what really makes me watch it, you never know how it will go down, I have seen some crazy and unpredictable
ending's in fights, both kick boxing and boxing, but the craziest were in mma fights, were there are many more ways to loose.