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Arizona Citizen Militia responds to Zetas commanders' death threats

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posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by DerekJR321
I'd be right there with them if I could. Especially after reading another post here on ATS. It said that 7 'other' countries signed on with Mexico to protest the AZ law.

I'm sorry, but what right does ANY country have to meddle in our laws and policies? And yet all the while what does Obama do? He sues AZ. To me that seems like treasonous behavior.

I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Well I hate to say it Barry... but you're not doing your job.

People don't understand what the job is of a "president of A CORPORATION". It is not to make the "people" of this COUNTRY happy, but to secure the future of HIS corporation, and he is doing just that, making the "investors" of the corporation happy.

What don't you people get? ALL POLITICAL POWER IS INHERENT IN THE PEOPLE. Simple really, but there is no government for us to exercise this power WE have. So we do what we can ourselves, we secure our borders.

The foreign nations are the investors in the corporate U.S. and not in the U.S.A. These are two very seperate and distinctly different entities and most people can not even comprehend THAT!!!!

Go militia!!!! I think everyone with half a brain knows that. WE must fight to KEEP our nation, one Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice FOR ALL!!

Edit for spelling

[edit on 21-7-2010 by daddio]

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by FearNoEvil

I'm not saying that the drug war isn't going on. I just don't buy the story that a Zeta commander would go public about his men being murdered by "crazed americans" and that they stole his drugs. That sounds fake and I could see why someone other than the Zetas or the Militia would do something like that, to get the militia riled up and have at least one of them do something dumb. It's all the reason the feds need to step in and do whatever it is that they have planned.

Not saying that the militia is wrong in protecting their country but I think they are being steered into playing the part that someone else wants them to play.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 02:00 PM
After I get back from Japan, I'm getting stationed in New Mexico. I might have to go take a vacation up in AZ to give a little back up. I may not be able to shot well but I have a deep knowledge of explosives, I'm sure that would stop a few of them from coming into America.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by dbloch7986

"HAMMERDOWN" is his radio call sign.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by RussianScientists
...Anyway you look at it, these people are murderers, and they need to pay for their murders just like anyone else.

IF the State of Arizona wants to police the borders, do it legally with legal servants of the law, not murderers looking to take a big haul in weapons and money for their own private use.

Ummm...No? If the state of Arizona chooses for whatever reason to *not* bring in servants of the law, yet the people do want the borders policed, what then? That is where we are at. Aren't the people the government, really?

If the Arizona state police deputized every last militiaman, would that eradicate your arguments? I think not, you'd have some other angle to switch to.

Could someone who has it handy please post the constitutional law that these militas are operating under so we can have final proof against these accusations of murder and the like!

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by PsychoX42

I suggest you go back and read my 2nd post where I stated my position on this already.

No... no government should try and get involved with US Politics. Nor should the US be involved in any other countries politics. Just because it happens does not make it right or ok.

As a side note, to someone who posted "its murder if they are shooting over the border". If you would have read the article, you would have noticed that the militia did not engage until after they had breached the fence at the border and entered US soil.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 02:04 PM
This reminds me - for no apparent reason - of the Lincoln County War during the Wild West era. Some of you may remember it as the time when Billy the Kid became famous.

My point is, though, Sheriff Babeu (sp?) have explained he lacks the manpower to defend the border against the Zetas. Yet, he have militia forces ready to do just that. But they can't act legally because they're not LEO's. So, what he should do is, of course, deputize them. All the sheriffs along the Arizona-Mexico border should do it. Think about it. An army of deputies, armed to the teeth, ready to defend Arizona against the Zeros...uh, Zetas.

It might just be me having watched too many Wild West and action movies, though, granted. I do like 'em, I do like my Chuck Norris flicks.

Of course, either way, I say way to go, ACM.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 02:05 PM
One thing the Zetas don't seem to be able to understand is this:

They can kill every militia member down there right now, they can kill their families if they wish ... but more Americans will take their place, and more will come after that, and still more will come after them. They are INVADING our homeland and endangering our way of life ... and when that happens the proud patriots of this country will never give up until every last one of them is dead. From the streets of New York, to the backwoods of Kentucky, to the deserts of Arizona there is one thing that unites us all (an attack on American soil) and the Zetas really do not want to cross that line because when they do they will have a fight the likes of which they have never seen.

For every militia member they kill, 10 more will take his or her place. Kill that militia member and 100 more will take his or her place as well. They really have no hope of winning this. Sorry Zetas

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by ChrisF231
One thing the Zetas don't seem to be able to understand is this:

They can kill every militia member down there right now, they can kill their families if they wish ... but more Americans will take their place, and more will come after that, and still more will come after them. They are INVADING our homeland and endangering our way of life ... and when that happens the proud patriots of this country will never give up until every last one of them is dead. From the streets of New York, to the backwoods of Kentucky, to the deserts of Arizona there is one thing that unites us all (an attack on American soil) and the Zetas really do not want to cross that line because when they do they will have a fight the likes of which they have never seen.

For every militia member they kill, 10 more will take his or her place. Kill that militia member and 100 more will take his or her place as well. They really have no hope of winning this. Sorry Zetas

The Zetas recruit from one of the most dangerous countries for gang violence in the world, all this is going to do is create more bloodshed on the border, when it could be solved by having highly trained military professionals on the border, send them in, but save the militias for an actual invasion, instead of sacrificing them for an issue that should have been solved by the actual military.

[edit on 21-7-2010 by hippomchippo]

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by hippomchippo

That's good and dandy except for the fact that Obama has no intention of sending the US military (aka the professionals) to the border. The 1,200 National Guard troops will only be involved in doing support work and giving intelligence briefings and not actually being stationed on the border. Hence it's up to the citizens militias to defend the United States ... and we are being invaded.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by blamethegreys

It clarifies it is the National Guard of the State.
Article 2 Section 2: POTUS having power over the state militias & calling into service.
Article 4 Section 4: Guarantee every state in the Union...against invasion...against domestic violence.

When the above is not available or possible or is being usurped, what should an American do?

2nd Amendment comes to mind. Semper Fi

[edit on 21-7-2010 by myra017]

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by daddio

Yes. And the Corporation as TPTB have created it, and the USA Republic are incompatible.

The Corporation wants the people to be slaves, and continue to work and work to fill the Corporations bank accounts, so people like Obama can spend his life playing golf and going on holiday. (He has already spent more hours on the golf course since he was President than Bush did in his whole 8 years in office).

The USA Republic, however, wants the people to be free and prosperous.

I'm puzzled about what's happening in Arizona. When the Criminals do something, there is usually a reason behind it which serves the furthering of their agenda.

So, in this case, why do they want to foment trouble in Arizona??? Why do they want drug cartels spilling into Arizona?

If this didn't serve theiir agenda they would quickly put a stop to it.

I don't trust these people at all, there MUST be something in this for them - so I'm wondering what that could be.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by RussianScientists

I would ENJOY meeting and having a very short discussion with you......sure would, 'nuff said. Move to Mexico.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 02:26 PM
Woops posted in the wrong thread, mods delete this if you want

[edit on 21-7-2010 by hentaiboy22]

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 02:33 PM
americas very own chechnya in reverse?

obama is doing nothing because, that would mean there actually is a problem.
if he acts then its an admission of weakness, the mighty u.s.a invaded by mexicans?! outrageous!

i cant see this happening in britain, last time any brits were threatened by foreigners, was the falklands war, and we travelled across an ocean to protect our own.

you guys need to do something before it gets out of hand, though there is no mention of this in british or european msm. is it something that is being blown out of proportion?

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by wcitizen

Well... seeing as the US Government is the biggest "drug dealer" in the entire world.. I'm sure they have a vested interest in the trade down south.

I'm sure there is some sort of arms deals under the table going on. Why else would our own government be so adamant about not fighting illegal immigration or protecting our borders from the Mexican drug wars? We already know why Mexico is so against it, billions in lost profits. But honestly, what does America as a nation gain by the huge influx of illegal immigrants? Nothing. Only the corporations gain. The companies that hire these immigrants who work for pennies of what they should be getting. Between the outsourcing of jobs overseas, and the invasion of illegal workers, the average US citizen is being pushed out of the picture. And THAT is why it has to stop. If the government, who was elected and swore to protect us from enemies both foreign and domestic don't want or refuse to handle the problem, then god bless the Militias for doing so.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 02:35 PM
You guys make me proud. It's been a long time (too long actually) since I've seen some real grit in some REAL Americans.

Now, I don't know if this is for real or not but I sure do admire the overwhelming reaction to it. Count me among you boys.

As to the Zetas, as one poster pointed out hubris is the downfall of many but in the same vein, overestimating your opponents ability is just as bad. Anyone who has ever seen the Mexican military in operation knows what a joke it is.

A good many years ago now a certain group of malcontents took over a television station and broadcast center south west of Mexico City and began doing their own broadcasting which sorely displeased the Mexican government. So they sent in the Army.

These malcontents had taken about fifteen hostages and were about twenty in number. Low and behold the malcontents stood off the Mexican Army for several days. This really troubled the Mexican government so they sought some help from the north through unofficial channels.

It just so happened that there were some American Merc's sitting in Honduras with not much to do so they were asked if they might be interested in helping out the Mexican Army. Being bored they said why the hell not.

When they were choppered in it was as though Moses had commanded the parting of the sea. All those brave Mexican soldiers were only too happy to let someone else get their butts shot off and cleared the way for the hired guns.

Only twenty went and when they got close to the TV station they pondered the situation and discussed what to do. They decided to something the brave Mexican soldiers obviously hadn't thought to do. They decided to storm the station and just shoot it out with the malcontents.

The malcontents had no idea there were some "new" guys on the ground and seemed quite surprised when the door blew open and the new guys stormed in and sent them on their way to heaven.

When the dust settled the malcontents were no more, one hostage was lost and ALL the "new" guys went back down to Honduras for a cold one, or so I was told.

The Zetas may be the best of the best but that doesn't say much to me because I know the cloth they were cut from. They may be hell on wheels when it comes to whacking and terrorizing civilians and, hell, they've got to be better than the gutter trash that normally passes for hired guns the cartels use but they will play holy hell trying to get the better of Uncle Sam trained militia men. The militia men will kick ass and take names.

I'm like old Awaketired. I may be long in the tooth but I've still got a little vinegar in me. And that reminds me- Awakentired you've got to U2 me and let me know what you so eloquently said that the mods took offense too.

Zeta schmeta. They'd do well to stick to scaring old ladies. They will get the surprise of their lives when they have to deal with some real men with more than a snoot full of toot for courage. What a joke.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by RadioKnecht
The worst thing those milita-men could do, would be to underestimate the Zetas and think of them as the regular down-trodden Mexican immigrants they are used to deal with.

Zetas aren't people. They are nihilist scumbags who would kill their family if there was money into it.

Zetas are ruthless, heavy combat-proven thugs who know what they are doing and have put the Mexican army in a dire strait. Moreover, Zetas have access to the best equipment money can buy, fuelled by a 30 billion a year budget. That is many, many, many times more money any milita can garner.

Ironically enough, all the military hardware the Zetas have in their arsenal is bought in the US, and sold probably by the same arms dealers equipping the militias.

I really hope the Arizona militia annihilates each and every one of them, but I seriously doubt it will be a day in the park. History has proven time and time again that hubris is an army's worst enemy.

If these reports are true, the militias are in for a wild, wild ride.

I completely agree, but the orders that are needed will never be given. No quarter, no prisoners, no trials. Just infantry, light armor and backhoes to clean up the mess. War is war. Apparently many in the US, as well as about 90% of Europeans, think that the armed forces are now uniformed caterers flying around feeding disaster victims. Armies exist to kill people and destroy infrastructure. The United States won its freedom by killing great quantities of British troops, not holding hands in a circle and singing Kum Ba' Ya.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by ChrisF231
reply to post by hippomchippo

That's good and dandy except for the fact that Obama has no intention of sending the US military (aka the professionals) to the border. The 1,200 National Guard troops will only be involved in doing support work and giving intelligence briefings and not actually being stationed on the border. Hence it's up to the citizens militias to defend the United States ... and we are being invaded.

When I mean an invasion, I mean a full scale attempt of takeover of the land, that is what the militas should be for, not drug war related issues pertaining to border security.

Add another 3,800 troops to the current 1,200 and it should be enough to take control of your borders, or atleast to scare los zetas off back into mexico.

But sending small man milita groups, even 200-300 men milita groups, is just suicide, and perhaps purposely, I wonder if Obama is not sending decent numbers of troops to the borders so you guys HAVE TO rely on your militas, which would be slaughtered mercilessly so that it will wipe out or atleast severly damage the militias, who he probably thinks are domestic terrorists waiting to happen

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by eightfold

No immigrant here.
My family was here before time began in England. I wasn't here to shoot the first but am here to shoot the latest!

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