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Arizona Citizen Militia responds to Zetas commanders' death threats

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posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by DerekJR321

I would love to take off work and go investigate - but failing that a colleague drives home that way, I'll ask him to iPhone anything he sees out there.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by sticky

I don't believe we have a right to meddle in other countries policies either. I've said it many times in different threads, I'm an isolationist at heart. I don't believe our military should be anywhere but right here at home. We have no business telling countries what to do, or imposing sanctions against nations, when we ourselves break laws and treaties every single day (ex: giving aid to Israel when they are known to have nuclear weapons and are not a member of the NNPTA)

But that doesn't mean American citizens have to roll over and play dead when it comes to our homes. "We the people" can and will stand up against things such as this immigration situation. Even "if" this lawsuit against AZ goes down, and the fed wins... it won't stop the militias from protecting our interests. I'm sure at some point Americans will be labeled "insurgents" for trying to protect our homes and livelihoods.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by Retseh

It's hard to get reports of what is actually happening down there, I do remember seeing a sheriff's deputy on a news station about 1 1/2 weeks ago mentioning that the cartel had people in the mountains of Pima county ( I believe), maybe 80 miles inland, who were basically forward observers for the cartel, alerting their people to any border patrol, law movement, the deputy said they were in no way equipped to go up and confront those folks since the department didn't have the manpower to handle that type of situation.

Could this be what the militia are trying to do? clear out those forward observers?

edit on by JacKatMtn because: clarity & sp

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 11:04 AM
Loved the warning from Hammer Down. It is well aimed and a smart criminal would move operations to a safer ground. We'll see if the Zeta commander is smart!

Judging from the commander's words alone. I suspect that the ACM is as competent as reservists. Maybe more so.

Never underestimate the power and capabilities of a well trained and armed militia.


posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 11:15 AM

+18 more 
posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by RussianScientists
This is not good.

Americans hunting other people with high powered rifles from long distance with night vision scopes is a cowards way of life.

Its dispicable and must be a whole lot worse than what is shown in these videos below of people hunting hogs with night vision scopes. The people shot down at night have no chance of survival against people with night vision scopes. Its murder plain and simple and the people engaging and cooperating with such people will be prosecuted to the full extent of the Federal Laws and their residence will be in Federal Prisons; especially as long as Arizona is a state in the USA.

If you want to jump in with these butchers of humans, then expect to spend the rest of your life in prison. Stay away from such people if you enjoy the freedom that you have.

Cowards? what do you think war is now? its not old times where you line up and one side fires then its the other sides turn, no War now due to the technology available is if you can kill the enemy without being seen then that's a good job, not coward like. You act as if the smugglers are doing nothing wrong. Remember they wouldn't hesitate you shoot you from a far. if they thought you posed any threat to their mission of Drug and Human smuggling.

Why don't you go down there and try and have a nice talk with them Zetas, bring some tea and ask them politely to please stop smuggling drugs to the US and killing US civilians. I think you'll find rather quickly that your not in Kansas anymore.

Shame on you for saying these men should be prosecuted when they are simply protecting our boarder when the US govt wont they are exercising their American right to do such, Just because you don't have the stones to do the same doesn't make them bad people.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by RussianScientists

Advanced weapons and tactics are a major part of winning battles. At one time that was a sling and a rock versus a sword. Others it was a bow and arrow versus a spear.

Your post makes no sense. This country has been in a war on drugs for ..20 years.
It just so happens that the militia that has manned up to do what is needed in this chaotic time in our country has been well equipped.

Do you think the Mexican drug runners don't have the best that money can buy?

Its not the fault of the ACM that their adversary isn't a smart shopper.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 11:47 AM
From the outside this militia is looking absolutely hyper-masculine which should be worrisome to anyone. Yah these drug gangs need to be destroyed, after over 20 000 dead Mexicans in only the last few years you'd think a different policy other than "kill them all" would be implemented. I guess psychologically we are just out of the cave after all.

[edit on 21-7-2010 by catcatcat]

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 11:48 AM
Wait... Zetas? As in Zeta Reticulans, or "Greys"? Is there something i'm missing?

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 11:51 AM
The worst thing those milita-men could do, would be to underestimate the Zetas and think of them as the regular down-trodden Mexican immigrants they are used to deal with.

Zetas aren't people. They are nihilist scumbags who would kill their family if there was money into it.

Zetas are ruthless, heavy combat-proven thugs who know what they are doing and have put the Mexican army in a dire strait. Moreover, Zetas have access to the best equipment money can buy, fuelled by a 30 billion a year budget. That is many, many, many times more money any milita can garner.

Ironically enough, all the military hardware the Zetas have in their arsenal is bought in the US, and sold probably by the same arms dealers equipping the militias. But this is subject of another discussion.

I really hope the Arizona militia annihilates each and every one of them, but I seriously doubt it will be a day in the park. History has proven time and time again that hubris is an army's worst enemy.

If these reports are true, the militias are in for a wild, wild ride.

[edit on 21-7-2010 by RadioKnecht]

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 11:52 AM
Although I agree that the current reaction to this from Washignton is disturbing -- a nation has a responsibility to protect itself from invasion by hostile military forces -- this problem didn't just "happen". This has been a long time in the making (many years) and very very quiet.

How many random people on the street would know that a part of Arizona is hostile to US Citizens?

We are so focused on forcing our views down the throats of foreign states that we are failing to protect our own backsides. You know, I would not be surprised if we lose total control of our southern desert borders to the point that we have to justify our politcial borders to the UN. I try to stay out of the immigration issue, mainly because I have nothing useful to contribute to the conversation, but countries have fallen because of laziness regarding the protection of their borders from militant invasion.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by DerekJR321
I'd be right there with them if I could. Especially after reading another post here on ATS. It said that 7 'other' countries signed on with Mexico to protest the AZ law.

I'm sorry, but what right does ANY country have to meddle in our laws and policies? And yet all the while what does Obama do? He sues AZ. To me that seems like treasonous behavior.

I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Well I hate to say it Barry... but you're not doing your job.

What gives us the right to meddle in theirs?

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by kozmo
Looks like I should consider mounting up and heading to AZ to give my fellow Americans a hand in handling this problem. This is completely out of control and the do-nothing president partying in the white house and vacationing every other week apparently has no interest in doing his frakking job!

The militia gave birth to this country. The militia has fortified this country. Now it is time for the militia to take this country back and place it in the hands of its rightful governors - THE PEOPLE!

Just one question. Where were you wen Reagan took it out of the hands of the people?

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 11:57 AM

Updates - pics - what is needed, etc. I personally will provide them with what I can. Our local militia - some are not going to stay back due to the Gulf situation. Semper Fi

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by kozmo
This is completely out of control and the do-nothing president partying in the white house and vacationing every other week apparently has no interest in doing his frakking job!

Did you miss this part of the OP?

Many reports are coming in that U.S. Military units are being seen on and near the U.S. Mexican border close to Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge and the Tohono D' O'dham Indian Reservation, and all along the southern side of I-8 between Casa Grande and Gila Bend.

And they are equipped with Stryker armored fighting vehicles.

Keep it up, proud soldiers of the 101st Fighting Keyboarders!

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by mothershipzeta

Keep it up, proud soldiers of the 101st Fighting Keyboarders!

That has to be the funniest thing I read in a very long time.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by RussianScientists
This is not good.

Americans hunting other people with high powered rifles from long distance with night vision scopes is a cowards way of life.

Its dispicable and must be a whole lot worse than what is shown in these videos below of people hunting hogs with night vision scopes. The people shot down at night have no chance of survival against people with night vision scopes. Its murder plain and simple and the people engaging and cooperating with such people will be prosecuted to the full extent of the Federal Laws and their residence will be in Federal Prisons; especially as long as Arizona is a state in the USA.

If you want to jump in with these butchers of humans, then expect to spend the rest of your life in prison. Stay away from such people if you enjoy the freedom that you have.

Possible reasons for your comment :

#1. You don't know who the Zetas and mexican cartels are and what they can do to you.

#2. You are not living in The United States.

#3. You are illegal or pro-illegal.

#4. You have a company that hires cheap illegal manpower.

If you are an american american.
Thank you Arizona, thank you arizonians.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by Maxmars

But the reality is that Los Zetas are as well armed (if not better) than many professional military forces. And they are not indoctrinated into any 'modality of thought' so their approach to combat is unrestrained and deadly (at times even suicidal).

Excellent point.

Who in their right mind thinks that the zetas worry about conforming to the geneva convention or minimizing "collateral damage" like the U.S. military does or tries to do?

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 12:11 PM
Obama Is a joke. I wouldnt be the least bit surprised if obama sends a10's to take out the Strykers, after hearing our president DEMONIZE the state officials of arizona for trying to handle this themselves thru legislation a couple months ago. Its the wastes of skin in the white house that failed at border policies. That is THEIR fault!!!!!! However Obama just criticizes and treats the sheriff from arizona as a racist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We need HOPE not another bumper sticker obama DOES NOTHING HAHAHA I knew something was wrong when everyone said Oh but hes soo good at public speaking but I never once heard him go into detail during his campaign about HOW he would fix problems! Mosted voted for him cause he was articulate and that is a SHAME!

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by RussianScientists
This is not good.

Americans hunting other people with high powered rifles from long distance with night vision scopes is a cowards way of life.

Its dispicable and must be a whole lot worse than what is shown in these videos below of people hunting hogs with night vision scopes. The people shot down at night have no chance of survival against people with night vision scopes. Its murder plain and simple and the people engaging and cooperating with such people will be prosecuted to the full extent of the Federal Laws and their residence will be in Federal Prisons; especially as long as Arizona is a state in the USA.

If you want to jump in with these butchers of humans, then expect to spend the rest of your life in prison. Stay away from such people if you enjoy the freedom that you have.

Man all they need is to put on the cold-blooded perk and they're invisible to thermal scopes.

On topic, I smell a hint of something stinky in this drama being played out. The guy goes by HammerDown. Come on. That's a cheesey forum name if I ever heard one. MSM would be all over this to promote their various agendas. I don't think this is real.

[edit on 7/21/2010 by dbloch7986]

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