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Arizona Citizen Militia responds to Zetas commanders' death threats

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posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 04:13 PM
You guys really don't get it do you, you've lost your country already, it's too late. What will happen soon is there will be an 'incident', staged of course, where some innocent Mexican woman & kids etc will be murdered by the 'militia'. The media will cover this and the people who want to protect your borders will be demonised by the press. Public opinion will be changed through media manipulation as it always is and yet one more bullet will pierce the already bleeding heart that is the US.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by ChrisF231

What needs to be done is this ,our government needs to send a few teams down south and let them take care of the problem discreetly and let the Mexican government take credit for it. This is the same tactic we used to hit Escobar in Colombia 20 years ago.

Look buddy, they ARE NOT going to do this. It's not going to happen, Obama isent going to risk losing the Hispanic vote by sending appropriate numbers of troops to the border or by sending Special Operations units into Mexico.

Hence we are basically forced to rely on the militias. It's the militias or nothing.

I think you missed the word "discreetly"

We have done it and It can be done again , Who got credit for Escobar gettin popped? The colombians! Who popped him? Our Operators. It's a win/win situation. The mexicans have restored faith in their government that they can protect them and stop the violence ' and the Zetas get dealt with and the violence is withdrawn from our border... Or you can just stop Americans from using drugs... but that's not gonna happen.

[edit on 21-7-2010 by EyesWideShut]

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by boredsilly
You guys really don't get it do you, you've lost your country already, it's too late.

That's what King George III said.
We all know how that turned out.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 04:43 PM

"We cannot have groups go out there, believing they have the authority of law enforcement and taking actions into their own lands," Babeu said.

He said his department will prosecute anyone who takes the law into their own hands.

Its this last sentence of the article that ticks me right off.

If our govt is not doing its job of holding up the law, protecting our country and its people, then what else is there to do? Take the law into your hands? Thats not a bad thing in this case. This is not taking the law into your own hands, its doing the job that the govt is failing to do, or is doing it half-assed. Arizona and its citizens have every right to fight the bastards that murder, rape, torture, kidnap, smuggle, for fun or profit. Beheading people, setting off carbombs, massacaring students, its crap like this that we should make 110% sure NEVER reaches deeper into our borders.

I applaud the militias of AZ for doing their part, and by God, if I had the ability and training, I would be honored to help them fight the scum and keep them away.

And what nerve does that Zeta officer have to accuse our people for supposedly killing their members? Did he forget all the border agents that have been injured or killed or attacked by those illegal border crossers, smugglers, etc? Did he forget about the rancher murdered on his own property? What about all those people that have been killed in Mexico including US citizens that were targeted on purpose? We may never know who did what crime for sure, but we do know they have for sure commited or were directly connected to the killings and attack. What about their planned destruction of a dam on the US-Mexico border? That would have killed many Mexicans AND US citizens. To hell with the Zetas and all of those cartels. May they all burn and suffer terribly. These are not humans. They are below pond-scum. I hope they get annihilated. if Obama doesnt like it, TS.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 04:51 PM
I just want to know when the 44th GA will be mobilized to enforce Federal law since the Federal Government will not. These clowns in charge are playing with fire.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 04:54 PM
Bill cooper once said, those that take the first shot loose.

I hate drug dealers and believe the ACM cause is righteous (as long as its not weed). If I were a tactical man I think the Irish had the right idea. Do not wait for them to attack you hunt them in two to four man teams on there land and take no prisoners.

This is not going to be fought on a battlefield like some of these folks are saying with helicopters and big tanks. These are just foolish comments. This is guerrilla warfare and unfortunately hardly anyone ever wins in these circumstances.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by fianna

Maybe more like Counter-insurgency warfare? The Zetas might use guerilla and terrorist tactcs - but those are effectively countered by COIN-tactics.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by hippomchippo

It's only modern day slavery compared to your highly inflated lifestyle.

So do you work sixty hours a week to maintain your lifestyle, so that you can live in crude bunk house with several other people?

Do you think this is the way most people should live? How dare us greedy Americans seek out a lifestyle where we can spend most of our time taking care of our own property and raising our children, instead of spending almost all of our working hours making someone else rich.

Get rid of the slave labor, and the agricultural markets would thrive far more than their current state, and the quality of the food we eat would increase exponentially, while environmental degradation would be slowed.

Are you a agent for factory farming, or the Mexican ruling elites? You seem eager to embrace modern day slavery.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 04:58 PM
We should probably keep an eye on this situation because I have a feeling this is gonna turn into something big. For the past 3 days in a row, when watching the weather for Arizona, it has displayed 111 degrees F. The number 111 is trying to tell me something is going on there and this thread confirms it. Not sure about you guys, but the past few years I have been seeing the 1111 phenomenon quite frequently. All I'm saying is to be careful of the coming weeks.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 04:59 PM
Isn't this federal border control inactivity just one tentacle of the NAFTA agreement?
They won't take action because they're not supposed to? US/Canada/Mexico are becoming the North American Union no? Wasn't the treaty signed already by GWB?
Does this go some way to explaining the official stance?

I would be mindful of this when taking militia action.
It would seem to me (as someone already mentioned) that these militia could eventually be vilified by the msm and military intervention might be required to control the media fantasy "domestic terrorist organisations".
I would suggest that this hasn't happened already because there is no real catalyst yet.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 05:06 PM
Its a shame Az has to resort to passing a law to ask their police to do the duties of the federal government.

And this is what happens when the White house on down couldn't cares less about the problems on the borders.

The reality is there are both drug runners and job seekers crossing the border .

I have worked with Illegal immigrants and many are good human beings. Most work and send the money home to all over Latin America. I dont like that but many are honest hard working people . But the others that are here only to sell and distribute drugs need to be sent HOME . And the workers here need to get a green card or go home or be sent home . Enough of this working under the table . I know plenty of pipe line workers and oil field workers who lost their job in favor of a worker who works for less under the table.


WHERE ARE the INS raids we use to have to gather them up and send them home ? In the past you could call INS and tell them company X is running a crew of illegal immigrants and they would go to the location and check and deport the illegals.

WHAT HAPPENED ? politics I guess _javascript:icon('

A little perspective for you . NW new Mexico our population is 120,000 county 40% native American 30% white and 20% Hispanic and others 10 % .

The last 10 murders were 3 native 2 white 1 Hispanic 4 illegal immigrants involved . The first group follows a expected percentage of population the last is out of line in population.

The last 5 big drug busts here were 4 groups of illegal immigrants and 1 white group, 10 years ago it was more a little of each group getting busted. And the outlaw motorcycle gangs doing the drugs now its the illegals . Here again the population expectations would be 2 native 2 white and one of the other groups .

OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE ! _javascript:icon('

The increases are not from the job seeking worker looking for a better life ! _javascript:icon('

The statistics here are showing the violence and big drug busts are being predominantly of illegal origin. Again 10 years ago it was a rare day to have a drug bust with illegals or murders involving illegals . At least in this area.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by shai hulud

Did you mean the 440th squad

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by EyesWideShut

Escobar was killed by Colombian National Police "COPES" commandos. US Army Delta Force and British Army SAS operators were present but only in an advisor/observer role ... they did not participate in the actual raid as has been confirmed by those who were actually present.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by trouble_every_day
Isn't this federal border control inactivity just one tentacle of the NAFTA agreement?
They won't take action because they're not supposed to? US/Canada/Mexico are becoming the North American Union no? Wasn't the treaty signed already by GWB?
Does this go some way to explaining the official stance?

I would be mindful of this when taking militia action.
It would seem to me (as someone already mentioned) that these militia could eventually be vilified by the msm and military intervention might be required to control the media fantasy "domestic terrorist organisations".
I would suggest that this hasn't happened already because there is no real catalyst yet.
yeah watch obama aim our military's guns at american citizens instead of the drug cartels, that oughtta get 'em those coveted latino votes. if the mexican cartels were to step on the toes of the c.i.a.'s drug trade i bet we would wipe them out with the quickness.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 05:21 PM
I haven't had a chance to read most of this post, so please excuse any ignorance portrayed in my post. I just wanted to share some insight about this issue.

This is an issue, no doubt about it. We have however mitigating circumstances that require our attention and the attention of some AUTHORIZED experts. These experts need to head out to the field, and begin the commission of target determination immediately!

Are they militants?

Are the just impoverished citizens trying to make life easier for thier families?

Who exactly, are these people crossing the border? THAT is the determination that needs to become the deciding factor in the actions resulting from them.

If they are militants - exterminate them.

If they are people just trying to make a living... capture them, and then offer them a choice within the VISA program.

simple. Precise. and humane. However, someone with authority needs to take control, or it will become another American nightmare!

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by RussianScientists
This is not good.

Americans hunting other people with high powered rifles from long distance with night vision scopes is a cowards way of life.

Its dispicable and must be a whole lot worse than what is shown in these videos below of people hunting hogs with night vision scopes. The people shot down at night have no chance of survival against people with night vision scopes. Its murder plain and simple and the people engaging and cooperating with such people will be prosecuted to the full extent of the Federal Laws and their residence will be in Federal Prisons; especially as long as Arizona is a state in the USA.

If you want to jump in with these butchers of humans, then expect to spend the rest of your life in prison. Stay away from such people if you enjoy the freedom that you have.

Oh 'boo hoo.' The big bad Americans are killing narcos with night vision scopes. Let's just ignore the fact that the narcos are running around killing, raping, and running drugs through our sad crap borders down here while the people in Washington work up a way to "make Arizona pay" for their law which my state amongst others support. But then again, I guess it's a little hard to understand what it's like down here if you've never been. Eat up your delicious liberal sound bites. Taste good, don't they? Yum...

Sorry, but I'm not really feeling that pang in my heart for them that you must be feeling to say something so despicable about our own countrymen.

If you want to wave threats of people going to jail around know this: I'm a Soldier AND a federal agent and I, amongst many support the border efforts being taken by our countrymen down there. If you don't, you're part of the problems coming out this # government we have right now.

Night vision scopes.


posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by ChrisF231
reply to post by EyesWideShut

Escobar was killed by Colombian National Police "COPES" commandos. US Army Delta Force and British Army SAS operators were present but only in an advisor/observer role ... they did not participate in the actual raid as has been confirmed by those who were actually present.

I can Promise you that you researched that somewhere off of the internet , I've spoken with a guy that was present. We're the ones that clipped him.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by JacKatMtn

interesting article. i am a big supporter of militias. the US constitution is under constant threat by outside forces as well as by our own government. I have seen first hand what these drug cartels can and will do to people. they kill for fun, they kill with no mercy or compassion. if any citizen ran into a member they would most likely not live to tell the tale. someone needs to do something. someone organized and ready. the militia consists of LE and US military and they train heavely. so i think its a great thing to see them out there. but our own military and NATIONAL GAURD should be handling this. they should be killing any armed men that cross our border. if you had guns and crossed the north or south korean border you would be killed with extreme prejudice.

i cant believe the leader of the zetas has the audacity to act as if they have the right to smuggle drugs across the border. as if we are in the bad by killing armed drug smugglers crossing OUR border. i would love to see his head on a pole.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by groingrinder
reply to post by RussianScientists

What about the Zetas who have the same military technology or better? Night vision, claymore mines, RPG's, full auto machine guns, hundreds of thousands of rounds of ammo, and mortars. Not to mention helicopters.

You are talking about private American citizens going up against some of the richest people in the world.

Our people still have the advantage due to our people being able to remain stationary and being able to be afforded protection from thermal imaging by remaining under cover. As long as they stay home in Mexico they have nothing to worry about, but if they start coming here, then the people have had enough.


posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by DONNYxMC
reply to post by JacKatMtn

i cant believe the leader of the zetas has the audacity to act as if they have the right to smuggle drugs across the border. as if we are in the bad by killing armed drug smugglers crossing OUR border. i would love to see his head on a pole.

I can't believe that people think the leaders of the zetas would actually complain to the US press about his mules being killed and his dope being stolen.

This has to be fake.

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