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Arizona Citizen Militia responds to Zetas commanders' death threats

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posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 01:04 PM
I was just listening to a podcast the other day on this topic and one of the things discussed was if this turns into a broader war it will basically end up a nation wide war on all Mexicans throughout the country, they will end up rounding all of them up and putting the in camps like the U.S. did with the Japanese in WWII. There would probably be a lot of killing in the whole country. What makes me mad is that all these Mexicans are saying all white people need to go to back to Europe and the U.S. is basically Mexico and belongs to them. I also heard that the reason this war is happening is because of the fence which was built is blocking off certain cartels pathways so it is a war over turf of pathways to get into the U.S. and that certain people in the cartels are holding these Mexican's families in Mexico threating to kill them if they don't get the drugs up here in the U.S. and sell them to pay the people who are holding their families.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 01:05 PM
I haven't seen any images, video or corroboration of news on anything this "Hammerdown" writer has published. This all sounds like some dangerous hoax that will likely end in someone from this forum getting himself shot or arrested...or worse.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by FearNoEvil
"Recently published in the U.S. Border Fire report was a threat by a Mexican national who claimed to be an Los Zetas Mexican Drug cartel officer, who told this reporter the following “I now believe my men were shot by crazed American vigilante cowards, who ambushed my solders at night, shot them from a great distance using high powered American rifles. Than our load of drugs were stolen”. The Zetas say that attacks like this one is occurring frequently along the U.S. Mexican Border he said a Zetas patrol was ambushed by a large contingent of American vigilantes killing two of his solders and wounding three others."

Oh, those poor, poor innocent defenseless immigrants.

This sounds like BS to me. I don't know of any criminal organization that runs to the press shouting foul. Organized crime members keep their mouths shut and take matters into their own hands.

Even low ranking gangbangers know that you don't talk to the cops even if a fellow gang member goes down. They find out who did it and you take care of it themselves.

It seems to me that someone is wanting to rile things up and these poor dumb bastards (the militia) are going for it hook, line and sinker.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by RadioKnecht

True, but there's more, the zetas were founded by deserters in the mexican special forces over 30 of the original members are dead or in prison, they still are well equipped and have a higher tactical degree over the local authority.But they arent as efficient as they used to be. How they would fare is hard to tell, but I did prefer hearing how the locals are actually going to do something about it.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by ShadowRamesses

That's just a slippery slope argument designed to breed fear in liberals. Both sides use fear to motivate the masses ;P

I grew up in a very diverse area, and I have much love for the mexican people. Most anyone who has worked alongside immigrants know that by and large, they are decent and hardworking people. The immigration issue is something else entirely, that does need a cooperative and logical resolution. No one is talking detention camps except those that are trying to stir up anger and fear among the liberals and mexicans.

The drug running issue is what these militias are combating. They aren't out there executing unarmed groups of people struggling through the desert, they are defending american soil from an armed threat.

As to the cartel's methods of extorting and terrorizing their own populace...I can't make those folks stand up against these monsters, but i can support americans when they stand up against them.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 01:18 PM
I really doubt this milita will do any real damage to the zetas, they were formely mexican special ops, or so I've read, and they trained by israel before they went rogue.

Combine that with the military tech they have and their ruthlessness and I really fear for any american militias that try to step up to them.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 01:27 PM
I live on the Canadian borber and if Canadians were doing what teh mexicans were I'd have no problem laying in wait with a high powerd riffle.

I say more power to them down there in AZ shoot all those slime balls you can. I help if I had the means.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by daskakik

No, this is THE REAL drug war going on very close to my home.

I can't vouch for the validity of the OPs article but when you put all the pieces of the puzzle together you know it's serious.

We will have to filter through the propaganda. This issue is a hot potato for the MSM.

You can find a lot of info on the net. A little background...

[edit on 21-7-2010 by FearNoEvil]

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 01:30 PM
what if the opposite happens and the zeta's start dropping malita whole sale what then. its not nice to have people invade your country and kill people is it america! maybe those malita might sympathys with the taliban after all your pretty much in the same boat attempting to fight forein invaders!

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by hippomchippo
I really doubt this milita will do any real damage to the zetas, they were formely mexican special ops, or so I've read, and they trained by israel before they went rogue.

Combine that with the military tech they have and their ruthlessness and I really fear for any american militias that try to step up to them.

Fortunately, skillsets in rogue groups like this deteriorate rapidly. The founders were well trained, yes. But as people get killed or jailed the training becomes second-hand, then third-hand, and quickly becomes sloppy and ineffective.

Another factor that favors the militia's is terrain. To hold a line on our side of the desert, they have a major advantage through controlling elevated positions and lines of travel. Creeping the line forward slowly allows for continuity of control and reduces the zeta's options.

Finally, the zetas are at best equivalent to a half-assed special forces group...not trained or skilled at holding a line of conflict. At best they could try to make a dent through nighttime raids on individual militia outposts...if they can sneak up through open desert.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 01:32 PM
You latest posts forget that They are encroaching on OUR home ground. Americans have been notorious throughout the world without the same provocation.

I have no doubt that Mexican Special Forces Deserters will be dealt with in a swift and decisive blow. Bring em on says the Marine in me.

Keep them out and avoid bloodshed says the civilian in me.
Either way they will be out.

And sympathizers should be warned that an enemy has been recognized and if you aid and abet then you should walk softly.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by blamethegreys

Originally posted by hippomchippo
I really doubt this milita will do any real damage to the zetas, they were formely mexican special ops, or so I've read, and they trained by israel before they went rogue.

Combine that with the military tech they have and their ruthlessness and I really fear for any american militias that try to step up to them.

Fortunately, skillsets in rogue groups like this deteriorate rapidly. The founders were well trained, yes. But as people get killed or jailed the training becomes second-hand, then third-hand, and quickly becomes sloppy and ineffective.

Another factor that favors the militia's is terrain. To hold a line on our side of the desert, they have a major advantage through controlling elevated positions and lines of travel. Creeping the line forward slowly allows for continuity of control and reduces the zeta's options.

Finally, the zetas are at best equivalent to a half-assed special forces group...not trained or skilled at holding a line of conflict. At best they could try to make a dent through nighttime raids on individual militia outposts...if they can sneak up through open desert.

Yes, but militias have very very terrible training, usually by a former army veteran, but it's usually very basic, the weapons are usually small in comparison to the Zetas, but I guess it all depends on the individual militias, but most militias i've seen wouldn't last at all against the zetas.
The zetas have way too many resources to be taken down by a militia, it would be impossible.
The only way they could ever be fully matched would be with the U.S army, and thankfully they're sending some of those out, probably to help the militas.

[edit on 21-7-2010 by hippomchippo]

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 01:39 PM
Hell, At least I know what I"ll do now if / when I loose my job.
Pack my seabag and grab my guns and go 200 miles south.

If I'm unemployed even though I have insurance. I'm going hunting some traffickers!

That militia can even use an old man like me. I can still shoot the hair off of a gnats eyeball at 200 yards...used to be 1000.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 01:46 PM
Deleted because it's utterly pointless to get involved.

Only in America.

[edit on 21-7-2010 by eightfold]

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by LurkerMan

Originally posted by SpectreDC
Furthermore, it could simply be an illegal who is trying to find a better life for themselves. Some really don't leech off the system too much. They aren't violent. They're just doing what they think is best of their families.

you could say the same for the LEGAL CITIZENS of the militia.

its not like the militias families are trying like hell to make it to Juarez for some reason they deem justifiable.

i dont understand why people think we as a nation are supposed to just surrender our own well being, just because it sucks elsewhere.

im sorry but, elsewhere is not our problem. we dont pay money from our hard earned checks to make it better for other people elsewhere, we pay in to make our OWN LIVES BETTER.

What exactly was the point of replying to my post? You didn't counter anything or add anything of subsistence.

If you read the post you were replying to, I'm talking about the illegals who aren't violent and aren't dangerous who, while coming here illegally, are doing so for good intentions. And believe it or not, it's a known fact that SOME, not all and likely not most, but SOME illegals, do pay into the system one way or another.

And again since you seem to lack reading abilities which I apologize to you for, I'm talking about illegals not getting shot dead in the night with a sniper rifle. If you honestly believe that is the solution to our problems, you have no right to call yourself an American, a freedom loving individual, whatever religious denomination you are...hell you can hardly be called human.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by eightfold

They started it...

"Recently law enforcement in the southern Arizona region photographed, using night vision cameras, cartel members with military arms delivering drugs to vehicles along Highway 8.

“We are three counties deep. How is it that you see pictures like these, not American with semi and fully automatic rifles? How is that okay?" the Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu asked.

"We are outgunned, we are out manned and we don't have the resources here locally to fight this," the Sheriff said at a news conference.

Just 5 weeks ago Deputy Louie Puroll was ambushed and shot by armed men as he tracked suspected drug smugglers. Sheriff Babeu explained that incident mirrored military tactics and should act as a warning to all Arizonians.

While the federal government fails to secure the border, the Arizona state government is left to post signs warning residents that it is no longer safe to use thousands of acres of BLM land."

edit - forgot the link

[edit on 21-7-2010 by FearNoEvil]

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by SilentStigma

Originally posted by RussianScientists
This is not good.

Americans hunting other people with high powered rifles from long distance with night vision scopes is a cowards way of life.

Its dispicable and must be a whole lot worse than what is shown in these videos below of people hunting hogs with night vision scopes. The people shot down at night have no chance of survival against people with night vision scopes. Its murder plain and simple and the people engaging and cooperating with such people will be prosecuted to the full extent of the Federal Laws and their residence will be in Federal Prisons; especially as long as Arizona is a state in the USA.

If you want to jump in with these butchers of humans, then expect to spend the rest of your life in prison. Stay away from such people if you enjoy the freedom that you have.

Cowards? what do you think war is now? its not old times where you line up and one side fires then its the other sides turn, no War now due to the technology available is if you can kill the enemy without being seen then that's a good job, not coward like. You act as if the smugglers are doing nothing wrong. Remember they wouldn't hesitate you shoot you from a far. if they thought you posed any threat to their mission of Drug and Human smuggling.

Why don't you go down there and try and have a nice talk with them Zetas, bring some tea and ask them politely to please stop smuggling drugs to the US and killing US civilians. I think you'll find rather quickly that your not in Kansas anymore.

Shame on you for saying these men should be prosecuted when they are simply protecting our boarder when the US govt wont they are exercising their American right to do such, Just because you don't have the stones to do the same doesn't make them bad people.

Yes these people are bad, they are cowards and they are murderers and they need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Furthermore, once they all go to jail for their aggressions towards others, I'm sure they will find many Mexicans in the prison they go to, and they will in fact get their just reward.

They aren't protecting anybody thats life is in danger; did they protect you or anyone that you know? They are just out there stealing drug money and weapons to resale, just like the CIA, off of dead corpses that are still oozing blood. What do you think they are doing with the weapons they take off of the dead? Do you hear of any of them taking weapons in and turning them into the police? NO. Do you hear any of them taking any money in and turning it over to the police? No. These people are hiway robbers out in the desert robbing people by murdering them first.

There are many illegals returning back home with money they worked hard for over the years, who says that they aren't targets also. Once the murderers take guns from one group they can always plant them on another group if need be. I'll bet these murderers kill a lot more people heading back to Mexico than they do people coming into the USA with drugs, simply because of the weapons and fantastic amounts of money they will be carrying on the way out of the USA. I'll bet they let lots of people come into the USA hoping that they will get the chance to rob them later on the way out.

Anyway you look at it, these people are murderers, and they need to pay for their murders just like anyone else.

IF the State of Arizona wants to police the borders, do it legally with legal servants of the law, not murderers looking to take a big haul in weapons and money for their own private use.

[edit on 21-7-2010 by RussianScientists]

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by awakentired

Lol. Sounds good man. I hope these guys do get something done, theres too much political B.S. involved. Thats my problem with the world, there are too many talkers and not enough do-ers. And thanks for answering my question

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 01:52 PM
Double Post, My bad.

[edit on 21-7-2010 by DrakeDarc]

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by awakentired
Hell, At least I know what I"ll do now if / when I loose my job.
Pack my seabag and grab my guns and go 200 miles south.

If I'm unemployed even though I have insurance. I'm going hunting some traffickers!

That militia can even use an old man like me. I can still shoot the hair off of a gnats eyeball at 200 yards...used to be 1000.

You and Me My Friend, You and Me.

I'm suppose to be going out that way taking the 85 to the 8 through Gila Bend. Then we'll 4 wheel into a place near Lukeville on old hwy 85.

I know of a place with Great cover and over hang. That'll be this thursday and friday.
Four of us old guys going down to do a little Gold Digging

[edit on 21-7-2010 by guohua]

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