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Arizona Citizen Militia responds to Zetas commanders' death threats

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posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by RussianScientists
This is not good.

Americans hunting other people with high powered rifles from long distance with night vision scopes is a cowards way of life.

Its dispicable and must be a whole lot worse than what is shown in these videos below of people hunting hogs with night vision scopes. The people shot down at night have no chance of survival against people with night vision scopes. Its murder plain and simple and the people engaging and cooperating with such people will be prosecuted to the full extent of the Federal Laws and their residence will be in Federal Prisons; especially as long as Arizona is a state in the USA.

If you want to jump in with these butchers of humans, then expect to spend the rest of your life in prison. Stay away from such people if you enjoy the freedom that you have.

Apply your same logic to Iraq and Afghanistan....oh ya not so convenient of an argument now is it. By your own words the special forces of this country for the last 10 years has been living the "cowards way of life" by preying on those without equal technology levels which is pretty much everyone.

I would love to see you go tell a navy seal he is living the cowards way of life by using night vision. You-tube that please if you will.

Honestly the illegal immigrant issue should be one of national security and merit a military response as its a very clever way of invading another country.

Everyone wants to criticize AZ for protecting its own borders and they are doing so the only way they can since they are getting no help from anyone. Yea there will probably be some screw ups along the way but what war in the history of the world hasn't had collateral damage? Honestly I wish we could avoid having to do this all together but the illegals aren't making it any easier. How do you diplomatically deal with illegal immigrants? You don't and you can't, hence the current actions being taken to keep them out.

Assuming terrorist cell's actually exist and aren't just CIA made up boogie men the perfect place to infiltrate would be through the Mexican border.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 12:13 PM
Anyone who knows anything about the Zetas will confirm that they are highly trained in killing, organized and equipped for just about anything. What they don't have in weapons or armament can be ordered up like someone ordering a pizza because of whom they work for. Anyone wanting a hard core study of real terror needs to spend some time on You-tube watching the Zeta killings of their drug enemies. It is proof that they like to do what they get paid to do.

This group may be vermin but they are organized, trained and skilled in killing. If this group comes for you, they will succeed. I for one just think that those in Arizona that are looking southward to Mexico with all their binoculars, dogs, UAV's, border patrols, militia, interested civilians, military, everyone is going to be looking the wrong direction for those intent on murder.

When this group decides to come for those in Arizona, they will come from California, New Mexico or any State north of Arizona. They will come from the opposite direction. They will never need to rent a car, will not need motels will not need to buy ammo locally before showing up to take care of business. In fact, they like most military trained units will show up at 3 am or 4 am to do the killing while you sleep or when their collective intelligence dictates that the killing can be achieved.

They are well funded and even supported by local rouge law enforcement that is on the corrupt payroll of the cartels. They will no doubt use all assets, but at a time such as this, I suspect they will not rely on anyone to prevent anyone being tipped off to their mission to kill those so targeted.

If they roll into town to take care of someone, they will most likely have a list of people to kill and while one incident is being investigated, other killings will be conducted during the initial confusion and anxious responses that occur when someone gets murdered by these killers.

If these killers come to town, they will come to clean house. They will not only get their high priority targets listed, but also those that have for some time felt that they got away and would never be found. Well, with their current high tech intelligence connections, they can access and acquire private data and information real time better than most American law enforcement groups. Even satellite is available if they need it.

It would be grand and great if we could deal with problems and issues in Arizona dealing with immigrants and the drug cartels, but these days the problems and issues have been so crafted to ensure that government gets involved. I suspect that the federal government is most likely looking for an incident to escalate events to crisis and chaos conditions. This is when I fear that the federal government will want to assume control and in doing so, declare martial law to of course protect the safety of citizens.

Anyway, this whole immigration, drug cartel escalation is coming at a time when it plays into a much bigger plan and agenda that will no doubt occur for us to witness. Using any incident that can be called escalation with the public screaming for help is exactly the state of fear and anxiety that the federal government will want to fan the flames of hate, discontent and distrust.

Creating a new enemy that most appear willing to engage and cat call like some drunk in a bar picking a fight is being seen in the media. I can guarantee that attitude will not be the same when many are dead in the manner and terror style that the Zetas appear to prefer. When this group comes to kill you and your seed, they mean it.

This posting is a good find. It shows that events are starting to come into view that could very well be used to escalate the issues in Arizona to a federal response level and all that implies.

Time to pay attention. Things are beginning to speed up and that means we must pay attention that much harder for what comes next and or what develops for the rest of America to contend with. Times are changing.

Thanks again.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 12:21 PM
I like the how one the Zetas officer says his men where victims of "Crazed
American Cowards" who killed his men. I want to know how are the Americans crazed and cowards if they are killing men who walked accross the border with guns into our country. They sound more like men who are defending their families and way of life? The zetas really dont find a problem with going into other countryies with weapons then I really hope we dont hear them bitching about there men being shot haha..

Todos los cabritos mexicanos deben elegir permanecer en escuela en vez de conseguir el tiro sobre algo mudo como territorio del contrabando.

Recently published in the U.S. Border Fire report was a threat by a Mexican national who claimed to be an Los Zetas Mexican Drug cartel officer, who told this reporter the following “I now believe my men were shot by crazed American vigilante cowards, who ambushed my solders at night, shot them from a great distance using high powered American rifles. Than our load of drugs were stolen”. The Zetas say that attacks like this one is occurring frequently along the U.S. Mexican Border he said a Zetas patrol was ambushed by a large contingent of American vigilantes killing two of his solders and wounding three others.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 12:23 PM
lol war? what war? the united states vs. mexico? the US citizens alone will be enough to defeat the mexican military, no joke.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by Trueman

Originally posted by RussianScientists
This is not good.

Americans hunting other people with high powered rifles from long distance with night vision scopes is a cowards way of life.

Its dispicable and must be a whole lot worse than what is shown in these videos below of people hunting hogs with night vision scopes. The people shot down at night have no chance of survival against people with night vision scopes. Its murder plain and simple and the people engaging and cooperating with such people will be prosecuted to the full extent of the Federal Laws and their residence will be in Federal Prisons; especially as long as Arizona is a state in the USA.

If you want to jump in with these butchers of humans, then expect to spend the rest of your life in prison. Stay away from such people if you enjoy the freedom that you have.

Possible reasons for your comment :

#1. You don't know who the Zetas and mexican cartels are and what they can do to you.

#2. You are not living in The United States.

#3. You are illegal or pro-illegal.

#4. You have a company that hires cheap illegal manpower.

If you are an american american.
Thank you Arizona, thank you arizonians.

I just really want to get this straight.

If someone thinks it's inhumane to use night vision scopes to shoot anyone they see near the border, I'm one of those four things?

Apparently you weren't aware of this, so I'll share you in on some important info; not all Mexican's are apart of these cartels. Not all the illegals coming into the US are apart of these cartels.

Furthermore, Night vision scopes aren't known for their clarity. You'll see a figure of a person. That's about it.

What if it's not a cartel member? For all you know, it may be a Mexican border official, or a US border official.

Furthermore, it could simply be an illegal who is trying to find a better life for themselves. Some really don't leech off the system too much. They aren't violent. They're just doing what they think is best of their families.

Yet your thoughtless and mindless support for indiscriminately shooting down anyone seen in a snipers night vision scope seems to have neglected to remain mindful of these possibilities. And if that is what it means to be an American, I don't think I want to be an American. Because I actually respect human life.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 12:30 PM

Has it been too many generations since your safe way of life was threatened?!

There are many posts here against the militia actions, and I assume that many posters are not US citizens. Has it really been so long? Has history been so whitewashed and watered down that you haven't any grasp of what a classic threat to your border even means?

Fact: Sovereign American lands are invaded daily by paramilitaries carrying military grade weapons.
Fact: American citizens found by said paramilitaries in borderlands are executed, armed and unarmed alike. No quarter given.
Fact: These paramilitaries are bringing mountains of drugs across the border. Drugs destroy our society through violence, addiction, theft, murder, costs to hospitals and court systems.
Fact: Our federal and state governments have not done anything to control the problem, which is why these paramilitaries have become so brazen and defiant.
Fact: Our government's solution: American citizens are banned from many borderlands that should rightfully be open and accessible.

What would you do? I mean, really, if it were your hometown on the frontline of an identical problem...If it were your country that faced such dire problems...What the HELL would you do? Lock the door and hope the government decided to change their tactics? The only reason the national guard is going down there is BECAUSE the militias have stood up and forced the issue upon the government.

AS MEMBERS OF A SOCIETY (ANYWHERE!) WE HAVE A DUTY TO PROTECT OUR FAMILIES AND COMMUNITIES. In the civilized world, we pay taxes to fund police and military who then do the job for us. What if the police and military just won't do the job required because of political BS hundreds of miles away in Washington DC? You still have a duty don't you?
Apparently your current system of protection isn't working, and there are drug runners with AK-47's encroaching onto your and your neighbors' lands. It's become downright deadly for folks to simply live in their homes.

What would YOU do?


[edit on 21-7-2010 by blamethegreys]

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by JacKatMtn

Wow people. I have a big problem with this and also a problem with people assuming law rather than reading it.
1) Constitutional law is done by the :: choke, choke :: government.
2) States don't do Civil Rights Law because of the South.... history people!
3) The treason was with the state.
Sorry but if you claim you are a law abiding citizen, then you can not go against it just because you don't like someone's race. What AZ should have done in the beginning was SUE US GOVT for NON COMPLIANCE!
Again - race war drums please!
Now with that said: You are a murderer if you are shooting over the boarder killing people. If they were not on AZ soil, it's murder.

Please understand that I firmly believe that we should protect the US, but not as armed thugs! Why put the bad light on us (meaning the US)?

So we are right, once again in the name of all that is racist, you will do what you will.
Oh, and the person that wanted to open up the darn boarder was Bush but I don't hear one of you saying it. Why?
Like I said before and will say again:
They put a black man in office because whites will shoot him.
"Yet we also need to acknowledge that we will never fully secure our border until we create a lawful way for foreign workers to come here and support our economy."

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by RussianScientists
This is not good.

Americans hunting other people with high powered rifles from long distance with night vision scopes is a cowards way of life.

Its dispicable and must be a whole lot worse than what is shown in these videos below of people hunting hogs with night vision scopes. The people shot down at night have no chance of survival against people with night vision scopes. Its murder plain and simple and the people engaging and cooperating with such people will be prosecuted to the full extent of the Federal Laws and their residence will be in Federal Prisons; especially as long as Arizona is a state in the USA.

If you want to jump in with these butchers of humans, then expect to spend the rest of your life in prison. Stay away from such people if you enjoy the freedom that you have.

i guess having an AK47 and a backpack full of coke makes you more manly and SO MUCH less of a coward?

this isnt a video game. and everything they are doing is justified and authorized by the constitution and Geneva Convention.

why do you think the feds are resulting to "if it happens on federal lands" BECAUSE THATS ALL THEY GOT AND THEY KNOW IT.

what are they going to do stick them with trespassing? give me a damn break these are armed uniformed militant nationals, if mexico is so damn concerned with their safety keep them on their own side of the fence.

"God may show them Mercy. We will not.
These Zetas are not Soldiers, not Partisans, and not Militia. Under the Law of Land Warfare and the Geneva and Hague Conventions, they are Brigands,Terrorists, and Marauders, no different from
Pirates. They are going to be dealt with as such. When our forces engage these war criminals, we will show them no Mercy, we will neither ask for nor
offer them any Quarter, and we will take no Prisoners. We are going to hunt the Zetas and destroy them like the vermin that they are. This won't be just War, this will be Extermination. Tell the
Zetas' Commander that, like Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, all he has done is to awaken a sleeping giant."

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 12:34 PM
One less drug cartel the better. If they want to kick some Cartel a$$ I say good luck, if anything you are just getting rid of the vermin.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 12:42 PM
Have you actually had the opportunity to use "real" night vision? Yes, the $200 cruddy nv has poor quality, whereas the generation 2 and especially gen 3 has very good clarity.

More than enough clarity to identify hostile targets.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by SpectreDC
Furthermore, it could simply be an illegal who is trying to find a better life for themselves. Some really don't leech off the system too much. They aren't violent. They're just doing what they think is best of their families.

you could say the same for the LEGAL CITIZENS of the militia.

its not like the militias families are trying like hell to make it to Juarez for some reason they deem justifiable.

i dont understand why people think we as a nation are supposed to just surrender our own well being, just because it sucks elsewhere.

im sorry but, elsewhere is not our problem. we dont pay money from our hard earned checks to make it better for other people elsewhere, we pay in to make our OWN LIVES BETTER.

and hey guess what, if your not LEGAL your not part of WE.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by DerekJR321
I'd be right there with them if I could. Especially after reading another post here on ATS. It said that 7 'other' countries signed on with Mexico to protest the AZ law.

I'm sorry, but what right does ANY country have to meddle in our laws and policies? And yet all the while what does Obama do? He sues AZ. To me that seems like treasonous behavior.

I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Well I hate to say it Barry... but you're not doing your job.

Did you seriously just ask...What country has the right to meddle in OUR LAWS? Did I actually just see that typed in print?

What have we been doing to other countries? Don't we meddle in just about everything that will make us profit? Don't we dictate the rules for just about any country that we think we can conquer on this planet? And now you're asking about what right another country has in making sure that we don't decline into chaos? Let me remind you of something. Our country owes more money to other countries than just about any other country in the world. China literally owns us. So, other countries may just be protecting their investments. You can thank your "do nothing president" for that, and the one that was in office before that.

But, I highly suggest you take a chill pill and think logically about your actions. This "do nothing" president is just waiting for things to degrade into what they are before he sends troops down there, rounds all of you up, and then throws you into detention centers of which you will never see the light of day again.

There's a power move happening here. The federal government is just waiting and begging for you trigger happy gunslingers to make a mistake so that he can do what you all have been asking all along. Yep, he'll seal the borders for sure. He'll seal it so no one can get in, and no one can get out. Those cartels that are at the border causing you so much anger are probably paid for by American tax dollars, and or, funded by CIA black operations money. The government wants them there so that you guys will lose your minds and start blowing things up. When this happens, the borders will be sealed, martial law will be declared, and all of the militias in this country will be hunted and rounded up and imprisoned as an example of "homegrown terrorists" gone wild.

This is chess my man, not checkers. So make sure you understand the type of enemy that you're working with. All of this is an illusion to get Americans to agree to fence themselves in...permanently.

Wake up.

Namaste and Love

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 12:49 PM
If it turns into an open Militia Vs. Zeta conflict.....I will go down there and lend my rifle to the cause.

I'm SICK of this invasion from Mexico. If they want some, they can get some!

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 12:53 PM
I'm really curious to see what happens to the ACM. Can our gov't charge them with crimes for taking business into their hands. I mean I know we have boarder patrol and what not, but they arent doing enough. So if the people want to take matters in their hands, can they. Like from a legal aspect. What could happen to them over this matter. Like I said earlier I'm all for it, its about time someone has said enough of the damned Cartels and is doing something about it, but what actions will the Govt take against these guys, its going to happen.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by RussianScientists
This is not good.

Americans hunting other people with high powered rifles from long distance with night vision scopes is a cowards way of life.

Its dispicable and must be a whole lot worse than what is shown in these videos below of people hunting hogs with night vision scopes. The people shot down at night have no chance of survival against people with night vision scopes. Its murder plain and simple and the people engaging and cooperating with such people will be prosecuted to the full extent of the Federal Laws and their residence will be in Federal Prisons; especially as long as Arizona is a state in the USA.

If you want to jump in with these butchers of humans, then expect to spend the rest of your life in prison. Stay away from such people if you enjoy the freedom that you have.

OK SMART GUY!! What about every victim of the zetas without a gun is on the lower end of the technology why arent you attacking them everytime they kill a civilian??? Yea thats what I thought big mouth

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by PsychoX42

if thats their plan its a horrible one.

the amount of citizens militias that are springing up because of this is alarming at the very least. not only that but they are organizing and even having joint operations.

do you seriously think the Feds would trade physical containment for armed revolution?

seems like a bad trade off to me. these militias arent exactly under obamas command, know wut i mean vern?

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 12:59 PM
I only have gen1 night vision but it beats nothing.

Wouldn't you think that something is breaking down when the AZ state , among others, has made concealed weapons legal without permits?

They know that the system is failing and law and order will not be upheld do to budget cutbacks. It is , will be, the responsibility of citizens to uphold justice in their communities.

Yea, I said justice. NOT anarchy. We will stand side by side against agents of Human Corruption. Drug dealers, drug users that resort to thieving to sustain their habit and ignore their basic need for food in the process. These need medical attention not death. Dealers and Smugglers need Death. CIA sponsored or not!

Western Justice is about to begin again.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by DrakeDarc

You need a grand jury to determine if charges will be filed. If they pass that hurdle. Try and find a jury to make a guilty verdict!

Edit to add:
They will be acquitted and then sue their arresting agency with wrongful imprisonment and arrest.

[edit on 7/21/2010 by awakentired]

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 01:01 PM
"Recently published in the U.S. Border Fire report was a threat by a Mexican national who claimed to be an Los Zetas Mexican Drug cartel officer, who told this reporter the following “I now believe my men were shot by crazed American vigilante cowards, who ambushed my solders at night, shot them from a great distance using high powered American rifles. Than our load of drugs were stolen”. The Zetas say that attacks like this one is occurring frequently along the U.S. Mexican Border he said a Zetas patrol was ambushed by a large contingent of American vigilantes killing two of his solders and wounding three others."

Oh, those poor, poor innocent defenseless immigrants.

posted on Jul, 21 2010 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by catcatcat

From the outside this militia is looking absolutely hyper-masculine which should be worrisome to anyone. Yah these drug gangs need to be destroyed, after over 20 000 dead Mexicans in only the last few years you'd think a different policy other than "kill them all" would be implemented. I guess psychologically we are just out of the cave after all.

[edit on 21-7-2010 by catcatcat]

What???? We did nothing for decades and I guess having drug cartels get a good foothold into our southern states and start influencing young spanish men to join gangs would be best as opposed to pushing them back accross the border by force. You liberals are NUTS!!!!

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