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Stock broker friend of mine, says all traders are buying land, gold, silver....

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posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by Stewie
reply to post by mordant1

Did you know the survivors of the black death had the genetic makeup that prevented them from dying from it? A very rare minority. Anyway, their descendants are immune from the AIDS virus and possibly other crap yet to come.
Funny huh?

Do I know? All survivors exposed have a genetic survival disposition. THis is nothing new, it's the basis of evolution. Rare? I dunno, they say 25 to 50% died, so that's not up to rare in my book.
I've not read any research proving survival of yersinia infection prevents aids infection.
I am aware of some apparently immune african hookers that have been assumed to have daily aids exposure but are not infected.
Suceptability to disease is purely dependant upon the effectiveness fo their immune system.


posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 11:35 AM
Blah blah blah. Nice story. I'm sure the bulk of the people who read it will believe it since they like to believe they are in privilege to special knowledge that nobody outside of ATS has other than some "semi-elite stock brokers" so-say doing the things mentioned.

So many disaster predictions have been made. So many have been wrong. So many people have even died before their stupid predictions came true. Take all those preachers who thought the world would end in 2000. They sure sold a lot of books trying to prepare people for the rapture!

Let's also remember how martial law was supposed to be in effect before Bush left office. That was all over YouTube after the Patriot Act was signed.

Rant rant rant. Everyone has an opinion these days, and they run their mouth in like company where they will be praised for 'warning everyone.'

Whatever. Life goes on. Go buy yourself some land if it makes you feel better. Be sure to stock up on plows, fertilizer, water, seeds, mules, and people to help you...oh, maybe you have all that already since you are so forewarned.

Moving on!

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by dominicus

You are correct sir. Physical gold, not funds. Only true protection against a collapsing currency. Many of us expect the currency to collapse, as there is absolutely nothing backing it Many of us look for inflation on a basis never before seen in this country, as do most economists. Barter items are good as well, and will become necessary if you have a large amount of physical gold on-hand. Weapons will draw a premium and can be traded for food, fuel, generators etc. The world is about to fundamentaly change. Remember, the Kenyan ran on change. What did you think he was talking agout. Add this, property may well be seized by the government, so may be wise to avoid large land purchases. This will soon turn ugly. Make preperations. If you thinks gold is high now, don't worry, adjusted for inflation, the true high would be somewhere north of $2500. And the dollar is in much greater peril now. I have on my wall a 50 trillion dollar (Zimbabwe) bill. It's real, and wouldn't buy a cup of coffee. This is a good example of what happens when the government prints money to buy t-bills (like we're doing now).

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by glitchinmymatrix

Whatever. Life goes on. Go buy yourself some land if it makes you feel better. Be sure to stock up on plows, fertilizer, water, seeds, mules, and people to help you...oh, maybe you have all that already since you are so forewarned.

Moving on!

The way I look at it, it doesnt matter if the SHTF or not. Stockpiling non perishable food is equally helpful for getting through; job losses, natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, blizzards, etc. and there really is no downside to it. When i was younger, and growing up in rural Hawaii, people always kept food on hand for tropical storms or hurricanes. Its just a good thing for people to do in general.

Learning to grow your own food, either in an urban backyard or by moving out into the countryside, likewise has no downside. It helps ease the pinch of the recession, it provides exercise and fresh air and sunshine rather than sitting in the house ranting on ATS or passively watching the tube, and fresh vegetables taste better than the store bought ones. (Not to mention you know exactly what fertilizers and pesticides you did or did not use.) Plus, while you might forget to buy a tomato at the store, and thus not eat one, when you garden is throwing them at you, you eat more of them. Which is better than surviving on cheetos and mountain dew. Its also a good thing for people with children to do as a family, and build the relationship with their kids.

So, whether or not there is ever a sit x, some of the things the possibility of a sit x are making people take seriously are not bad things. They are things you have to wonder why we gave up in the first place, seeing as how they have worked so well for our ancestors. Nothing wrong with a little preparation and self reliance even in good times and a good economy. And when times are a little shaky, like now, they seem to me to be even wiser.

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by mordant1

No not saying that please review my other reply. Just saying if you put your money in the bank/safety deposit box/safe/under your bed.
We all know it wont do much good if the "Gummint" comes out 1 day and says the US dollar is wroth nothing.

But if they can take the gold anytime they want how is that different? And gold is not the only investment you can make there are diamonds,platinum,brass,copper and titanium ect.

Its true that gold is going up and up but most people buying gold are doing so just in case TSHTF but do they have the gold with them? Who can stop the company/s from keeping it if TSHTF

It sounds like a scam hmmmm no hold on .....yeah it has happened and thats how we got the FED you know they caused panic people took there money out the banks the banks call in there debt.
The market hit the floor the "Gummint" said we need your gold so give it to us or you will be sent to jail for about 10 years then they said hey the FED is what we need.

And now we are all be-yatches to the privet bank called the federal reserve aka the FED. So is buying gold a bad idea or a good idea? Does it matter?

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by GunzCoty
reply to post by mordant1

No not saying that please review my other reply. Just saying if you put your money in the bank/safety deposit box/safe/under your bed.
We all know it wont do much good if the "Gummint" comes out 1 day and says the US dollar is wroth nothing.

But if they can take the gold anytime they want how is that different? And gold is not the only investment you can make there are diamonds,platinum,brass,copper and titanium ect.

Its true that gold is going up and up but most people buying gold are doing so just in case TSHTF but do they have the gold with them? Who can stop the company/s from keeping it if TSHTF

It sounds like a scam hmmmm no hold on .....yeah it has happened and thats how we got the FED you know they caused panic people took there money out the banks the banks call in there debt.
The market hit the floor the "Gummint" said we need your gold so give it to us or you will be sent to jail for about 10 years then they said hey the FED is what we need.

And now we are all be-yatches to the privet bank called the federal reserve aka the FED. So is buying gold a bad idea or a good idea? Does it matter?

The real issue is why would you allow anyone to take what is justifyably yours?
If by tradition or otherwise, gold maintains its value why do you give anyone the right and allow them to take what they want from you?
Discussing what the gummint lets you earn and keep is just madness and the very basis of why they are doing what they are currently
It's not gold they want, not even your land, they want you dead, gone, off the planet, they want your share of the world you once lived in. THey intend to divvy up all your stuff, something you may eventually grow a pair about and become unpleasant, You people have what for a reason to beleive that once you let someone steal from you based on some form of leadership priority (ie royalty) that they wont take everything including your last breath if they want it. And they will.

[edit on 19-7-2010 by mordant1]

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 01:20 PM
Gold and Silver are only useful for the first year of the collapse as people still use currency to exchange for material. So ya, live a good life until we short on food.... then no one will trade gold/silver/ or any type of metal for food. FOOD is always the MOST essential part of our lives, without it we seas to exists, we sure can live without gold/silver.

Land is better in my opinion, first off you can live on it, second you own it (if it's fully paid) if not (the case for the average Joe) then you can hope for the banks to collapse which they will when we're right after the first year of collapse as people will have almost no money to invest, so banks become obsolete. Hopefully at that time you can farm and live on your farm as long as you can... till the NEW government will use it's puppets (army) to kick you off your field by force... at this time (3-5 years into collapse).

However THEY can NEVER get all the fields and kick people out, specially if people create a barter system and maintain a small size communities. People can move all together to new areas....

so first off get a land to live on (gives you 2-5 years of comfort), then create a community (the MOST important part of survival), third be ready to MOVE to next area (this is to maintain existence in a somewhat doable scenario).. third ALWAYS LEARN and EDUCATE yourself on how to survive, how to gather food (farming first then hunting, as most animals might become more toxic to eat if most survive)!

Anyhow it will be exciting times.... always, always have an optimistic view, as much as it's horrible, we're only here for a short time, so make the best of every situation your in... the first few years will be very difficult, but I think over time you'll get to really enjoy life as if it was intended (unfortunately with a bit of fear of the army/corrupt cults), a life with out Materialism. in decades to come, I believe the NEW government will fall apart as it scatters people will unite once again and restart life but with a very important lesson....

Life is so much more meaningful as long as you appreciate it for it's beauty and focus less on materialism as it is the root of all evil. At least you die in peace and let your young ones grow in a NEW WORLD with hope and another chance to restart our history.

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by freighttrain

Land is not ever EVER fully paid for. You in essense lease if from the gubmint, You can call it property taxes but it in essence is never yours withut continuing payoffs and you can never hide it out of sight or take it away to safety. and THAT is why gold is a better method of transfer of value, you dont have to keep paying to retain its value, at least you can keep some theoretical bad guys from taking it or finding it, land is always out in the open in the same place and available to the biggest dog that happens by.
Once govt goes fully rogue no personal property or privacy of any sort is safe ever again.

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by dominicus

Does your friend have any insight as to the timeline of when this collapse will occur? I keep hearing about it, but times keep changing on when "it" will happen... Will it be gradual or a "flip" of the ol' collapse switch? Figured since you sound like you have an inside source, they might know, or know people who know, you know?

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by mordant1

Indeed but problem with gold is... it is NOT edible and so it will become worthless soon after.

You can't live in fear and "hide" everything so you can survive, if people create their own community they can help protect themselves against the intruders and the more you expand your community the better you can protect it's resources.

What you're proposing is very much in todays world... take and hide, I suggest stop hiding create transparency and win peoples heart by openness and create a community that will help you and them thrive.

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 03:05 PM
Earlier today, I was reading a blog article about a woman in Canada that had purchased silver and attempted to take delivery of it through Wells Fargo. Even though she was in terrible physical health, her son was a lawyer and she eventually hired two other lawyers to help her take actual possession of the silver, Wells Fargo threw up months of roadblock after roadblock to prevent her from doing so.

In a just and open society her request should have been granted in a timely fashion with a minimum of delay. The system is collapsing, folks, little doubt about it.

Today's news discusses the buying up of all cocoa beans in europe by speculators. Food will probably be the real target, better than gold and silver in both the short term and long term. You would, wouldn''t you, trade a precious metal for something to eat?

[edit on 19-7-2010 by Aliensun]

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by Aliensun
Earlier today, I was reading a blog article about a woman in Canada that had purchased silver and attempted to take delivery of it through Wells Fargo. Even though she was in terrible physical health, her son was a lawyer and she eventually hired two other lawyers to help her take actual possession of the silver, Wells Fargo threw up months of roadblock after roadblock to prevent her from doing so.

In a just and open society her request should have been granted in a timely fashion with a minimum of delay. The system is collapsing, folks, little doubt about it.

Today's news discusses the buying up of all cocoa beans in europe by speculators. Food will probably be the real target, better than gold and silver in both the short term and long term. You would, wouldn''t you, trade a precious metal for something to eat?

[edit on 19-7-2010 by Aliensun]

Please link that.

I don't believe that story.

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by Aliensun

By the way.

The cocoa was bought by Hedge Fund manager Anthony Ward.

What he is doing is trying to disrupt supplies so he can try to corner the market. It is calculated.

So far he has lost his ass.
How does this chart look to you?

The corporations that take delivery on this are tyring to push him natually out of his position.

Today on a 6% cocoa loss as you can see in the chart, it equates to $60,000,000 loss.

What they are doing is trying to get him margined straight out of his position as well as bankrupt him. But really, IMO, there is nothing wrong with this. He took a risk and tried to control supply, while others are taking the next natural step.

This doesn't have anything to do with anything you are talking about.

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by cloudbreak
reply to post by dominicus

It's no coincidence that gold has been the best performing asset over the past ten years, and there is every reason to believe it will again be the best performing asset over the next ten years.

Ignore anyone who says you can't eat gold. Gold is money, and is the only true universal currency that will keep your head above water, fed, and with the means to trade internationally, which will be of the utmost importance when the debt-based fiat system is stretched to breaking point.

Land is of course good too, but the world is not going to collapse mad-max style unilaterally. There will be some countries that still produce and do relatively well, while others will strain under hyperinflation or severe currency revaluation/debt issues as leaders crank up the paper printing presses in a bid to stay afloat.

The reason why central banks hoard gold, or trade gold, is for one reason only - and that is is that gold IS money. It is a currency, universally recognized and accepted.

Below is the best performing funds over the past ten years, and the theme within is fairly evident.

Decade's Top-Performing Funds 10-Year Return

USAA Precious Metals & Mining 24.4%

ING Russia (LETRX) 23.8%

Black Rock Energy & Resources (SSGRX) 23.1%

Evergreen Precious Metals (EKWAX) 22.7%

Tocqueville Gold (TGLDX) 21.7%

First Eagle Gold (SGGDX) 21.4%

Van Eck International Investors Gold (INIVX)21.4%

GAMCO Gold (GLDAX) 20.3%

OCM Gold (OCMGX) 19.7%

Oppenheimer Gold & Special Minerals (OPGSX) 19.6%

[edit on 18-7-2010 by cloudbreak]

Best way to lose your ass in investing is buying the things that have done well in the recent past. Just look at real estate, dot-coms, tulips, etc. It happens EVERY time. I promise you in 5 years those 10 year returns will all be negative. History does repeat itself but not in the way you are thinking.

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by GreenBicMan

So take advantage of the war of the titans and buy cocoa beans while they are artificially low? (Assuming the price before his attempt to corner reflected natural supply and demand and price.)

This does highlight to me why I am so wary of "buy" messages that are trickled down to the little guy, however. Its just too easy for the big guys to move the markets, and we are pretty much at their whim unless we can take advantage of their little wars between themselves.

I think it was you that linked the videos about how they did this before the first market collapse. (I may be mistaken, however)

Since you do know this side of the market well, is all this currently legal?

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

Maybe cocoa in his opinion is undervalued. Perhaps a syndicate has decided that there is another opportunity to make this more efficient.

Price control in this market is purely supply and demand. Were maybe the commercial hedgers etc. already in place trying to collude to control a fixed price for themselves?

Maybe he foresees just a lot of demand in the way of cocoa due to xyz and he is just putting his money where his mouth is.

He has done this before. There is a lot of this going on in these contracts, because unlike the SP500 Futures there is a greater emphasis on delivery.

This guy remember also has to store it all etc... -> He does need to get rid of it at some point, or he loses all. I am not sure exactly on the rest of the details and I am probably missing a few pieces of the story.

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander
reply to post by GreenBicMan

So take advantage of the war of the titans and buy cocoa beans while they are artificially low? (Assuming the price before his attempt to corner reflected natural supply and demand and price.)

This does highlight to me why I am so wary of "buy" messages that are trickled down to the little guy, however. Its just too easy for the big guys to move the markets, and we are pretty much at their whim unless we can take advantage of their little wars between themselves.

I think it was you that linked the videos about how they did this before the first market collapse. (I may be mistaken, however)

Since you do know this side of the market well, is all this currently legal?

"Buy" messages that trickle down to the little guy?
The little guy is the hopeless stooge, the feeder fish that gets skint by the big guys that use his dreams for unearned wealth for sport as a badmitton shuttlecock, that's his job in the system, universal value/sweatequity donor in exchange for paper promises redeamable by others that tend to go bust or take their cut first. You dont have a chance, you wernt intended to ever have a chance to win and hold and leave the taable with your winnings and youre asking someone in on the long con to explain this mystic alchemy of manipulation and risk and doublespeak financial perversion for your benefit?
YOUR benefit?

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 06:39 PM
if it's this bad what do you think is going to happen - these stockbrokers will just live out there days on the farms ? ha ha no hordes of people will overrun and kill them and take it all.

wired did an article on the collapse of the soviet union and the biggest winners were those that had lots of vodka to sell

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 06:51 PM
I read a lot of these posts and often wonder what people are thinking.

If you plan on preparing for a disaster, the first thing that you need is food and water. Just go back to the pictures of Haiti and look at all the hungry people the day after the earthquake.

We buy food by the case when it's on sale. Our hallway looks a little like the a grocery store. In the long run it saves a lot of money and you get stocked up pretty well.

We already live in the country and usually have a pretty good garden. It wouldn't take much for us to have a garden that was 5-10 times what we currently grow.

So what kind of things do I think would be useful in a SHTF picture. Land, knowledge on what to do with the land, water, tools and knowledge to use them, generator, fuel, tractor, fuel, some self defense weapons.

Then there are things that it would be nice to have so you can barter. Skills, silver, alcohol canned food etc.

I don't picture a mad max world even if things get bad. There will be some of that but I think that people running around with guns will bump each other off pretty quick.

I wouldn't put all my eggs in any one basket. If you have a little extra money at the end of the month and you already have lots of food water tools etc then you might purchase some silver and if you have lots of money then buy some gold.

If you're one of the people that's going to run for the hills, silver and gold are heavy so I wouldn't put it in my BOB, I'd stash it where ever I was going to have my hideout.

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 08:05 PM
Stock brokers may have the cash to buy farms and gold and silver however i just dont picture many of them being prepared for that kind of life style.. however some may be

Now as for preps for a economc collapse..

the brokers have part of it right.. yes get the hell out of cities and in rural locations have land and be able to cultivate it..

Gold and silver , yeah good moves.. the silver will probably be a better move.. try making change for a $1180 1 ounce coin when you go but supplies.. silver is far better for bartering.. copper would also be good.. any useful or metal used as money

now onto the other stuff.. food .. have a stock pile of dry goods , rise beans etc.. canned goods last also.. have a source to get chickens and rabbits for live stock or get them now .. they both produce wildly and are good eating.. rabbits can literally live of the natural vegetation..

Seeds.. what good is land if you have no seeds to plant and grow..

and to protect all that weapons and ammo.. and most importantly the skills to use them properly..

All these are variables.. go really rural and you may not need as much ammo.. However having more than enough of everything is well recommended.

Take it further.. buy old fuel efficient cars like old honda CRX or ford escorts or geo meto's or motor cycles or scooters.. you wll still need to travel but if gasoline is hard to come buy that shiney SUV will be useless.. get a beater thats very fuel efficient. You can buy these cheap , i just picked up a perfectly running 91 Escort for $125.. its ugly and rusty but runs perfect.. I bought it specifically for this reason , I also have a old 1984 honda CRX also .. 55mpg.. thats motorcycle MPG's but it hauls 2 people in a enclosed cabin with a huge cargo area..

Solar panels and batteries would make life far easier.. get some free power and have a few nice to haves like lights at night and a radio..

A total financial collapse would be harsh but if you prepare now it would not be bad.. However remember when you have the stuff, you are the target.

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