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Stock broker friend of mine, says all traders are buying land, gold, silver....

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+7 more 
posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 05:46 PM
I recently bumped into an old friend of mine whom I havent seen in 6 years. He now works at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and started telling me abut the coming collapse.

I was like, "Relax man, I've been on above top secret since like 1998!!!. I've been monitoring it all through there." He was like, "whats that?" so I told him about our little, well actually pretty big now, community here.

He told me that He's been working there for a year now and how all the traders, brokers, firms ....they all know that its about to be mass chaos in the streets. That the U.S. financial system is all smoke and mirrors and people are starting to ask questions and that its all about to go tumbling away.

He said all of the financial guys have purchased home sites from 5-100+ acres where they can farm the land, out in the country, mountains, etc etc.

He also said in the next 3 years inflation is about to go through the roof, $30 for beer, a loaf of bread will be $10-$15 its all coming and all of the stock exchange guys have been preparing, they all know it its 100% sure to happen.

Forgot to add**** They said they've all taken they're money out of the banks and invested it in land, gold, silver, or stashed in vaults.

[edit on 17-7-2010 by dominicus]

+24 more 
posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 06:25 PM
The most valuable metals in the beginning of the collapse will not be gold or silver. It will be brass, lead, and copper. Properly assembled, of course.

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posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by dominicus

This makes complete sense. Anyone who reads this should take this as an opportuity to do the same thing if you can. When the market fails, what will be worth money are things like land and food and gold and silver, things that are of real value.

I have always dreamed about buying a house with land, however I just graduated from college this year and can't find a job in time that will get me the money in time. With a good $100,000 you could probably afford to buy a nice piece of land and throw a trailer on it, seriously, not a bad plan.

From there, you would at least be able to add to *your* property over time, fencing the place off, eventually building your own power sources and a well and some farmland. Get a cheap truck or something.

Otherwise, invest in gold and silver. Really. Then use them to buy the land.

Land and housing is cheap right now because of the housing crisis, but I could see land skyrocketing in the near future.

+27 more 
posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 06:34 PM
Your friend is spreading doom and gloom. The government has everything under control. The government is your friend. Remain calm and remember you live in the United States of America. The greatest country on earth. There are people who make sure everything remains stable. You just need to take some time to relax and watch more tv. Maybe spend some money to do your part for our economy. Have a nice glass of water and take a pill to help you relax. You will feel better once you take your mind off of things you dont need to worry about. Have a nice day.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by liveandletlive


posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 06:37 PM
s+F for you!

This is what i talking about all the years...

Also made a thread, down in my signature to fund a new community with permakulture and so on....

The next year will be abumpy ride!

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 06:43 PM
People who are closer to the "real" economic story are seldom "optimistic" these days. Buying gold and silver is very appropriate, considering the alternatives. Although time seems to be running out.

Not to mention, perhaps we should follow the lead of the world's wealthiest people? Guys like billionaire George Soros, the guy who famously shorted the British Pound, and made a billion dollars in one day. What is he doing? Last year, the beastard took advantage of a microphone in his face, and told the world that he thought gold might be in a "bubble". Of course, short-term, his statement caused a bit of a "correction" to the downside. And then Soros jumped in and DOUBLED his position in gold! Yes, actions speak much louder than words.

Few seem to know that Bill Gates is not just stuck with his Microsoft stock alone. He has wisely diversified, and much into SILVER in fact, with his silver mines. (There are a few out there who have heard that silver might even be "rarer than gold".) Imagine the immense concentration of wealth that will occur once all this phony paper goes the way of ALL fiat currencies, that is, to ZERO value.

The writing is on the wall, and if you've ever heard a survivor of the German Weimar inflation speak, you would not waste a minute. I heard this man speak some years ago. This is what he said about history's biggest hyperinflation: "It struck like lightning! NO ONE expected it..."

History is repeating itself. But the thing to know is this. The reason why it will strike "like lightning", is because when the time comes to pull the rug out from under our feet, it will be done INTENTIONALLY. Just as Soros trashed Pound Sterling, and is now planning on trashing the Euro, when the Dollar's turn comes, these vampires will make billions, because they are part of the timing. And for their scheme to work best, the fewer that know, the better!

And so, we will continue to be fed BS from the puppets in DC (Obama was heavily backed by Soros by the way, and Soros is well connected to the infamous Rothschild clan). They will say this, but they are DOING that. We need to do the same, or get caught will nothing but worthless paper, which even if wheel-barrows were loaded up with it, might still not buy a loaf of bread.

Glad you're sounding the alarm. Time for people to "follow the money", it's not quite too late yet.


posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 06:52 PM
I was cashing a check from a client the other day and the gal at the pay window at the bank ask if I would like to open an account. You know the typical upsale of a standard transaction.

I told her that it wouldn't be fair to the bank. She said what do you mean. I then explained that I put what ever a person might put in a savings account each week and put that into one of these 1/10th OZ gold coins.

These run about $145 to $150 right now. Affordable for most working people to put at least one of them back per month. Then when the value of the dollar drops like a rock off a cliff you can convert one of these to the current value in the depreciated federal reserve notes.

These will likely hold their current value as the FRN goes off the cliff. When bread cost $10 a loaf you will be more able to afford it.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by JR MacBeth

Pretty much it's time to be contrarian to the establishment view. The govt and financiers want the common peeps dead, so they can reclaim all the 'abandoned' property for themselves. Plenty of real good info about depopulation goals by various organization on youtube. Anyone that isnt fit enough to last for at least one year without the benefits of civilization ie medication, electricity, etc, better start making prepartations to support those of their clan and tribe that can. For those that have been confused as to the alleged stupid behavior of people who are masters at manipulation and self preservation, when you understand the goals of depopulation, all the pieces fall into place quite nicely.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 06:54 PM
I've thought a bit about the land issue, and ask myself this...

If, in the SHTF, situation X scenario, sure, lots of land is great. But wouldn't you expect if the gov were to have a list of individuals owning relatively large parcels of land, they would be the first target?

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by wayouttheredude
I was cashing a check from a client the other day and the gal at the pay window at the bank ask if I would like to open an account. You know the typical upsale of a standard transaction.

I told her that it wouldn't be fair to the bank. She said what do you mean. I then explained that I put what ever a person might put in a savings account each week and put that into one of these 1/10th OZ gold coins.

These run about $145 to $150 right now. Affordable for most working people to put at least one of them back per month. Then when the value of the dollar drops like a rock off a cliff you can convert one of these to the current value in the depreciated federal reserve notes.

These will likely hold their current value as the FRN goes off the cliff. When bread cost $10 a loaf you will be more able to afford it.

Gold is nice but you still need a cultural infrastructure, morality and a semblance of a govt to support almost any commerce. I used to think that govt would somehow cease and it would be merely anarchy one would have to deal with but now, I know that after anarchy, a surviving elite organization will reappear to prey upon whoever is left when the most vicious animals finally die off after decimating what passed for decent folk. In no way should this reemergence be considered friendly, rather it is merely to use the machinery bought by the now mostly dead public to pick what meat is left off the bones of the survivors. THis is deception and theft on an epic biblical scale. Destruction is not in itself evil, the true evil is that all this was unneccesary except for the lusts of relativley few that their public trusted and paid to look after them

[edit on 17-7-2010 by mordant1]

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by FrostForests
I've thought a bit about the land issue, and ask myself this...

If, in the SHTF, situation X scenario, sure, lots of land is great. But wouldn't you expect if the gov were to have a list of individuals owning relatively large parcels of land, they would be the first target?

If the govt was corrupt and about diviing up the proceeds for itself and its friends. then yes, yes it would indeed, but you dont see any of that happening do you?

[edit on 17-7-2010 by mordant1]

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by mordant1

Yes, I couldn't agree more. Depopulation is a big part of the over all agenda. Sure, not everyone is going to believe in chem-trails, or what Big Pharma has been doing to us for so many years, or the hundred other things, but the fact is, a culling is coming. Possibly a very big one.

You mention people who might last a whole guess is there are a whole lot of people who aren't going to last the first week! I can't recall where I read it, but there have been some studies that have used the crime stats from the times when there have been big city electric outages, and things seem to get ugly, real fast. The criminal element is highly opportunistic, and when the lights go out, they are going to make some hay.

Some years back, probably in connection with all the Y2K hype, there was info going around that had to do with the virtually nonexistent food supply in the US. Of course, most will read this, and just laugh, but for the past thirty years or so, as more efficient "just in time" computer program managed inventory schemes rolled out, the real food supply has substantially shrunk. In other words, it's not like the old days when the small town grocer would get their weekly shipment of canned goods, or buy fruits and veggies locally, etc. Now, in just 72 hours or so, a transportation disruption could leave stores across the nation...EMPTY. Now add back in the old criminal element, and sheesh, some people probably won't last the week!

Back to the gold and silver in this thread. I guess people should still prioritize, make sure they've got some food (a gun would be high priority for me), water if that's an issue, etc. But then, precious metals will come in very handy, especially during a period if inevitable stabilization after things settle back down. And this could potentially last a long time, maybe even years. Barter may always be a default of course, but that only goes so far. Anyway, hope this thread takes off, and people start taking care of business!


posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by JR MacBeth

Understand that when an international cabal of the most amoral, manipulative, money hungry and powerhungry people get together they wont leave much to chance. For what reason have they whipped up neighbor against neighbor so that nobody can form a common defense? They've been playing chess, everyone else has been playing checkers.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 07:26 PM
Well its all nice and good for people to buy gold and land and silver. However land can be seized at any time if the government really wants to. and no don't go telling me that you will shoot anyone trying to come on the land. why do you think they are trying to take away the guns? besides you might get off a couple of shots before the army that was sent gets you. but it wont be enough cause those 2 or 3 people you kill will be replaced by 100 others when the government does a crack down and says you want to eat? you work for us.

As for gold and silver, didn't anyone learn from history. the Germans grabbed all the gold and precious stuff when they took over every country. including their own. So yeah go ahead and buy that gold coin. better put it under your bed and pray your neighbor didn't see you walk in with it. He will probably be the rat that informs to the government on you. Or better yet when his family is starving and he goes over the edge, your bed might be easier to rob then the bank he was thinking of.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by anubis9311

For real, any 911 call will just tell them to come-n-get it!
I will predict that most reading this thread will have as their final vision on this earth, a uniform that they paid for

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 07:36 PM
The things you'll need to survive won't come in the form of material items. It will be knowledge - survival knowledge. How to grow food, hunt, live off the land and remain unnoticed etc... There won't be commerce and no one can eat gold, cloth themselves in gold or shelter in gold.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 07:38 PM
OP this makes sense.
I purchased a house with 120+ acres of land in CO this year.
It's VERY close to the mountains, rivers, etc.

As for gold, well I can't say I've invested too much into that yet.
I still have property in IL to decide upon selling or keeping before I go that far.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by PublicDefenseCorp

Yah, that's all nice and stuff but the real quandry is that all this could be prevented if the public and those that the public pays very well to defend the nation would just do their job. There are relativly few people who are making things go bad and it's sad that everyones running the wrong way and ensuring the to poo hits the fan according to plan

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 07:45 PM
There are quite a few things you can barter with that are inexpensive as well...

-seeds from fruit, veggies, etc.
-tools, equipment

-Get a reverse osmosis filter (with a pump) so that you can treat your own water, and provide for your fellow citizens. Get plenty of replacement filters! I wouldn't sell water to people who need it; i would give it away for free... but I also wouldn't set my filter up somewhere with people who didn't deserve the water most...

-yes a gun would be helpful if SHTF, but i think a trusted friend who is on the payroll with a gun would work best for me, which brings up the point, its the people you have on your side who are your greatest resource. but, if we have this big consciousness shift, then perhaps the guns won't be necessary...

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