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J-10,from China,I am proud of it

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posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 09:52 AM

The present to you,the range from 2000KM to over 13,000KM,enjoying it.
We have a mass of them,cover the whole world.

crazy commy talk - this was about the J-10 not BELIEVE ME I HAVE NUKES.

J-10 - as someone said before even if it was better than the f16 the vastly superior avioncs and weapons in the US will dominate.

let em keep copying - they will never construct a knowledge and innvoation base comparable to the US.

Tiawan - alot has happened in 3500 years - not alot has originated from china in that time.

anyways tiawan would give china a serious pasting nevermind the US - let em scrap it out

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by Vanguard

The present to you,the range from 2000KM to over 13,000KM,enjoying it.
We have a mass of them,cover the whole world.

crazy commy talk - this was about the J-10 not BELIEVE ME I HAVE NUKES.

J-10 - as someone said before even if it was better than the f16 the vastly superior avioncs and weapons in the US will dominate.

let em keep copying - they will never construct a knowledge and innvoation base comparable to the US.

Tiawan - alot has happened in 3500 years - not alot has originated from china in that time.

anyways tiawan would give china a serious pasting nevermind the US - let em scrap it out

It is no doubt that U.S is the most powerful country in the world.
If U.S intervene with the war between Twain and Chinese mainland,what will we do and what can we do?
We will have no choice except using nukes.

[edit on 16-6-2004 by gastric cancer]

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 10:19 AM
If U.S intervene the war between Twain and Chinese mainland,what will we do and what can we do?

If U.S intervene the war between Twain and Chinese mainland,what will we do and what can we do?

Best just factor in that intervention before you go crazy on Tiawan

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by gastric cancer

Originally posted by jazzmaster

Originally posted by gastric cancer
I forgive you for your little Chinese history.

Two mistakes:
1.Taiwan is not a country,It is a part of China.This is common sense!
2.There are no Paracel Islands in the world.there are Chinese South islands.Remember!!!

Before 3500 years,our people had landed Chinese South islands and named them use CHINESE(Did your country exist at that time?).They noted them in books and maps.Our acient books from that times showed it,they were all in Chinese.
Several hundred years ago,our people had already live in these islands.Our acient books from that times also showed it.
In 1933,Chinese government(PRC was established at 1949,so it is none of communist party's business) claim the dominion of south China sea,the same as "communist country".

So these islands belong to China.Simple,never changed!

I suggest you to take some Chinese history course.

If you categorize seafaring and records written by your people, I do not think that is a very solid arguement. If you read elementary history books of the Philliphinos and Vietnamese, you would see that they also have "South China Islands" in their ancient records also.
The Philippines people arrived at their islands 250,000 years ago by land bridge due to the fact of Ice Age. That was when sea level was much lower than it is today. They WALKED there along with Indonesians, Spratly Islands were much more exposed than today.

It is recorded in world history.

In 1624, the Dutch arrived at the island of Taiwan. They found only the aborigine population on the island: there were no signs of any administrative structure of the Chinese Imperial Government. They brought Chinese workers as migrant workers to work on rice fields and plantations.

It is recorded in the record of the Dutch.

It is only after China became Communist that Chinese started to migrate to Taiwan.

The South China Sea consists of four major groups of islands:
1.Spratly Islands
2.Macclesfield Islands
3.Paracel Islands
4.Pratas Islands

Since every country has a different name for America, i guess it is the same for this situation. Naming something in your own language does not mean you own it

Thank you for reading this. And again, waiting for your comment.

"An open-mind is a door to knowledge." Jazzmaster

[edit on 15-6-2004 by jazzmaster]

[edit on 15-6-2004 by jazzmaster]

So different countries have different history.

"It is only after China became Communist that Chinese started to migrate to Taiwan. " is a lie.The poeple in Taiwan had used Chinese words and spoken Chinese hundreds years ago.Why they haven't their own language and words like Japan or Korea?Denying the relationship between Chinese mainland and Taiwan is meaningless.

I admit that the dominion of Chinese south islands still remain argument among these country.But I have no right to give these islands to others and we don't want to give to others.
If you were me,you would do the same.
Don't forget the war between UK and Argentina.

[edit on 16-6-2004 by gastric cancer]

For the case of language in Taiwan, that is because the island is now filled with Chinese speaking people, they bound to speak the language that is most universal. Take the case of Vietnam for example, the people of Vietnam spoke Chinese for almost one thousand years because the county was occupied by China for a long time. Then back in the 19th century, two Dutch and French priests invented the Vietnamese language they are speaking today. It does not mean that, during the time of occupation, Vietnam was a part of China. Think of it this way, the reason Taiwanese do not have their own language is because CHinese is the most spoken languuage in the world based on population.

You know gastric cancer, you are a very good debater, you know when to say what, i admire that. I guess the South China Sea situation will be resolved by those countries but it will take awhile because China has been all over Asia and it is hard to deny the inhabitance of Chinese on those islands.

Thank yor for reading this.

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 10:34 AM

Best just factor in that intervention before you go crazy on Tiawan


you mean if we invade Taiwan, we will face U.S forces first,aren't you?

[edit on 16-6-2004 by gastric cancer]

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by gastric cancer

you mean if we invade Taiwan, we will face U.S forces first,aren't you?

I think that depends on the situation. But look at it this way, it will be only a war game between the two powers: US and China. Taiwan is just a playground, Taiwan is heavily depended on the US for support.

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 10:41 AM
I dont think China will have the balls to invade anyways - too much to loose

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by Vanguard
I dont think China will have the balls to invade anyways - too much to loose

Not really, China is not afraid of his casualties, it has 2 billion people at its call. I think China will fire missiles at Taiwan's coast to clear the area and its army will flood Taiwan with massive troops. They do have the largest army in the world, why not use it

[edit on 16-6-2004 by jazzmaster]

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by gastric cancer

Best just factor in that intervention before you go crazy on Tiawan


you mean if we invade Taiwan, we will face U.S forces first,aren't you?

[edit on 16-6-2004 by gastric cancer]

In a word, YES!
Taiwon is our ally. We have an obligation to protect her freedom. So the question becomes, does China really want to play with the US? I think not.

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 11:07 AM
The key is on Taiwan's hand.

The war will block Chinese development,maybe back up Chinese development,we all know these.
But we will have no choice.If Taiwan in independent from China and Chinese government do nothing about it,the angry people(I mean 1.2 billion people)will overthrow the government,the army will revote to the government.A China in chaos and un-controled army with thousands of nukes are horrible.

Now Chinese common military forces have already over Russia's.Because Russia is lacking of money.Now thousands of Russia experts are working in China for our weapon's development because Russia haven't enough money to them.

The new Chinese destoryor with "Zues shield defence system" have western style.We design the radar and we produce it by ourself.Russia haven't this tech.

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 11:08 AM

have a read

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by jazzmaster

Not really, China is not afraid of his casualties, it has 2 billion people at its call. I think China will fire missiles at Taiwan's coast to clear the area and its army will flood Taiwan with massive troops. They do have the largest army in the world, why not use it

[edit on 16-6-2004 by jazzmaster]

A common misconception. Just because China has the largest standing army in the world does not mean that they are able to aply it how they wish. That is part of what makes the US so powerful - we can put our guys where we want at any time. China does not have this ability. It took the US some 6 months to get 100000 troops to the middle east in GW1, China does not have the navy that the US does nor the airforce. The US would see the buildup well in advance of an invasion, and we would send supercarrier battle groups and tons of F-15's, F-18's ect to taiwon. Not a single man would make it to land, so please, if China feels compeled to attack taiwon, by all means try.

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 11:29 AM

[If you really want to know the truth,using your eyes,not your ears.

Your eyes can be decieved, that is what a magician is paid to do.

I am sorry if I have seemed belligerent to your country. I believe that China is a great society with much potential and a unique culture. I just believe your government stinks and should be thrown over. When it is we Americans will flockk to aide you to develop your country to its rightful place as an equal to the other superpowers. Your country will never reach its greatest pottential if the government does not care for its people rather that its beaurocratic interests.

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by Vanguard

have a read

I see

But you should notice the date of this article,2001/Autumn

You can't image the explosive development in Chinese military forces between 2000 to 2004.

Now China have over 300 Su-27,100 Su-30,100 FBC-1(equal to "tornado" for land attack and anti-warship),30-50 J-10.J-5 and J-6 had been already modified to robot bomb before 2000.

You can check how many Su-27 sk and Su-30 were exported from Russia to China,and how many Su-27 smk were made by China in recent 4 years.The number of J-10 is not quite true,maybe less of large.But J-10 in servicse has been confirmed.
Next year we will get increase more than 200-300 Su-27 or J-10,and we will buy Su-30 at the same time.


destoryor with "AGIES"(un-armed)

[edit on 16-6-2004 by gastric cancer]

[edit on 16-6-2004 by gastric cancer]

[edit on 16-6-2004 by gastric cancer]

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 12:20 PM
Wow, look at all that stuff for US target practice


Cancer, since this thread is going a bit off course I will try to bring it back......
The J-10 is a good start for Chinas military aviation. What I really want to see is the next two home made fighters. I would say with their money they should be able to field a direct rival to the US by the third aircraft if they can get their computer and weapons tech up.

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by roniii259

[If you really want to know the truth,using your eyes,not your ears.

Your eyes can be decieved, that is what a magician is paid to do.

I am sorry if I have seemed belligerent to your country. I believe that China is a great society with much potential and a unique culture. I just believe your government stinks and should be thrown over. When it is we Americans will flockk to aide you to develop your country to its rightful place as an equal to the other superpowers. Your country will never reach its greatest pottential if the government does not care for its people rather that its beaurocratic interests.

We are in different conditions and we have different problems.

Everything we do should be responsible to our poeple.It is not like a PC game.Before you meeting the boss,you can "save".If you get the bad-ending,you can "lord".

We will never give up democracy based on people's more and more better life.

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 01:07 PM
FBC-1A (export)
Little reported by other countries and little information about it.
With "kunlun II"engine.It can't use AL-31F or our new engine(ws-10/A,it is designed for J-10 and J-11) because of its size.
It can carry 10 tons of missiles or bombs.The flight radius are the same as Su-27 or Su-30's.
We design it and make it all by ourself,including fire-control system ,radar,data chain and etc.
Because of it's weakness engine,it can't be used for dog fighting.
So we use it as bomber or out range A2A fighter.

[edit on 16-6-2004 by gastric cancer]

[edit on 16-6-2004 by gastric cancer]

[edit on 16-6-2004 by gastric cancer]

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by gastric cancer

oversized jaguar copy that also should have entered into service in the 70's

just look at this! same aircraft

click here to see

[edit on 16-6-2004 by feindflug]

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by feindflug

Originally posted by gastric cancer

oversized jaguar copy that also should have entered into service in the 70's

[edit on 16-6-2004 by feindflug]

It is equal to tornado with more bomb and large flight radius.
Shape means nothing.

[edit on 16-6-2004 by gastric cancer]

posted on Jun, 16 2004 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by gastric cancer

It is equal to tornado with more bomb and large flight radius.
Shape means nothing.

this is an outdated airframe, cant you chinese make something on your own? everything is a damn copy
FC-1=Mig-33 single engined canceled project
JH7A=jaguar copy
J-7/8=mig-21 copy
J-8B =su-15 copy
T-98=t-72 copy with new turret

etc etc...

and its still inferior to the stuff it was copied from

[edit on 16-6-2004 by feindflug]

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