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J-10,from China,I am proud of it

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posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 10:56 PM
HI,I am from China

IF American are proud of their country,our Chinese are also proud of our country.

J-10 is CHINA MADE fighter ,I mean ,we make it by ourself.

THE NEW ENGINE for J-10 and J11(su-27)has been accomplished.It has no relationship with RUSSIAN and AL31.Acturally,it has the western blood,
thanks for F110.NEW ENGINE is a lighter engine with performance superior to the AL-31FN.

the RADAR is also CHINA MADE.And the same time,we use Russians',a little better than ours.

J-10 is equal to F16 C/D,so it can't compare to F22.

Some GUYs talk about the war between China and USA.I think it is meaningless.

Our common arms are not as good as yours,it is known to all.But why we have to face the lose of the war?One nuclear missile can solve every problem.IF the result is die,using common weapon or using nuke have no difference,right?

The newest report from Singapore shows China have at least 2000 nukes.I don't know it's ture or fales.How many can launch to the America?No one knows.
The new nuclear submarine of china has also been accomplished.The noise of it is about can't bo quiet like seawolf at all time.BUT it can be as quiet as seawolf at part of time,especially nearing the enemy can
enemy find it?

The accuracy of Chinese missile nowdays is about 5-10m with the GPS help.
without GPS, is about 50m.With multi-warhead and track-changed,how can patriot destory it?

The war between USA and China will ruin the earth.

[edit on 10-6-2004 by gastric cancer]

[edit on 11-6-2004 by gastric cancer]

[edit on 11-6-2004 by gastric cancer]

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 07:52 AM
wow you guys basically ripped off a f-16 big deal. You really cant say you designed or researched it, just took Western Technology combined it with Russian and chinese parts and remade everything in China. The Raptor will have it for a snack, like peanuts

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 10:43 AM
I don't know what's the meaning of "ripped off"

F-16 have been produced and sold in recent 20-30 years.So it is easy to get one just like su-27.Why other countries can't dismantle the engine from F-16 and copy it?Because it is impossible.

Our engineer also have no blueprint or western support.We know the result of Western Technology,but we don't know how it done,right?

We just realize "Western Technology" by ourselves.None of your bussiness.

BTW:Welcome to China.China is very beautiful and friendly.

[edit on 11-6-2004 by gastric cancer]

[edit on 11-6-2004 by gastric cancer]

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 12:12 PM
and i have to mention this . most western , not just american, jets are based on german jet aircraft and engines.
chinese tech is nice so is most eastern tech
good job on the j10

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 02:48 PM
the russians copied the b-29 with out any thing save three planes, no work on big bombers before so i dont thinl its too hard to copy the f-16, im still unimpressed

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 04:57 PM
and the usa copied all of germany's rocket projects
does this mean i should be unimpressed with the rocktes of the USA 2 day?

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 05:02 PM
And Humans are all copying alien techs so who cares who gets it first.... it is a gift of destruction for a race hairless apes

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 05:20 PM
if i were you, i would be ashamed of china, the j-10 is a pathetic copy of the copied f16 (the israeli lavi) and almost everything is not self made, everything is either a russian or israeli copy, even the avionics are israeli, but anyway this aircraft should have entered service in the 80's, now it is behind in everything usa russia etc.. have, the chinese airforce is pathetic, most of your aircraft cant even fire medium range AA and most of your airforce are mig-21 and mig-19 anyway, when the j-10 be produced in large numbers other nations will already have next generation aircraft such as jsf pak-fa T-50, f22 etc..

and chinese missiles are really russian KH versions

china basically has no navy
i bet american coast guard has a better navy.

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 05:41 PM
Gastric cancer u are very funny.... your engriish very goo.... in all seriousness most of these guys in weaponry are biased to china. There is nothing wrong with using others technology nor is anything wrong with experimenting with ripped of technology. the very fact the china is making their own fighter jets is good enough. These guys don�t realize that what china is doing is continually improving, not realizing that china was once poor and could not afford much technology and now that china is booming economically they will then be sustain a continuous improvement in military hardware.

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 07:16 PM
Errrrrr. Silly folks. Who is it that says they dont have respect for China? Any person in there right mind that can break free from there pride for a moment would admit that China deserves respect. Gastric Cancer, there are some here in America who have an ego the size of your country, but most of us are respectable folks that just want to be happy and live or lives the best we can. Its too bad that governments make such a big deal about who has the biggest and the best military weapons. Our own country was created by people who didn't have the best weapons, but they did have self respect and respect for those that would be their foes. If everyone was honest with each other we would see that we have all stolen ideas from each other. Who really cares? What China doesn't have Russia does. We would be foolish to think we could ever fight China and be left with a Country that was still inhabitable. I hope the people of our countries can get past the propaganda that puts us at odds.

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 08:31 PM

One nuclear missile can solve every problem.

Are you seriously suggesting that China would win the war between the U.S., and China? The U.S. has got missle defense, and will probably shoot down any Chinese nuclear missle. I dont even think that the Chinese made their own nuclear missles. Russia imported it to them. Also the U.S. has many allies, and Japan is one of them....
(no offense).

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by AD5673

The U.S. has got missle defense and will probably shoot down any Chinese nuclear missle..

ahahahhahahahahahah *cough* wait ahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhaahhahahahaha

US MISSILE DEFENCE IS IN THE GRAVE ALONG WITH REAGAN, i dont call couple of unproven uncomplite interceptrors in couple of years that supposed to shoot down scud copies a missile defence ok?

chinese missile defence is the most strongest after russia.

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 08:38 PM
While I agree with the last post I'll laugh at the moron who says China is actually going to launch a Nuclear bomb, then they are dillusinal, it has been an U.N. agreement to never launch a Nuclear bomb at all, it is clearly a dumb thing to say(No offense).

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 10:40 PM
2 billion people is a lot of people. Don't poke the sleeping dragon.
Can you even imagine what kind of war machine China could put into motion. They have already bought all of our steel and other resources and have the labor force to triple our military in a matter of months. Not to mention that the chinese are a very intelligent people. For years they have produced goods and shipped them to the U.S. and we have bought everything the could produce. Try finding something at the store thats not made in china. Come on, you guys reading this have to reach to the next level of thinking here. China has already beaten our economy by selling us all this stuff we dont really need and all we do is say "charge it". This is like a big chess game, and we forgot about looking ahead. They have our money. Then we outsourced all the manufacturing jobs to 3rd world countries, try putting an order into china for o-rings to build your next missle after you go to war. O.k., on to missle defense. Missle what? We rely on GPS and the notion that no one has a super sonic missle. Where do you think the GPS components come from? What happens when a nuke is detonated in the atmosphere? No GPS in war with Russia or China. Russia has super sonic missles which means China probably has them too. So, no missle defense in war with Russia or China. The whole nuke thing is a bad deal. So to say we wouldn't be able to defeat China is the wrong question. They have already hurt us, we just haven't admitted it yet. And the tag team combo of Russia and China would be horrific. Anyone who still thinks the U.S. will win by military strength alone has forgotten about the real war of the countries. Do you think the USSR fell because they were attacked?

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 10:47 PM
Who owns and controls the GPS satellites? .....The USA.

posted on Jun, 11 2004 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by DaRAGE
Who owns and controls the GPS satellites? .....The USA.

your point is...?

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 02:08 AM
J-10 is just the 1st step in a long road to make China as strong as the USA. China knows they have a lot of out dated fighters like J-8, J-7, etc. They are rapidly replacing them by buying Su-27(j-11) and su-30s from Russia. Of course all three fighters (j-10, Su-27,su-30) = f-16 because they are 4th generation fighter jets. We (USA) are building the very expensive F/A-22 which is fifth generation fighter. However, at this time we have few of them and they are not deployed in the Pacific.
China doesn't want a war with us, they just want us to leave the Far East which we will not do. China will invade Taiwan it is a guarantee. The only question is when. I think it will be ten more years from now. In ten years China should have all their old jets replaced with the three types of 4th generation fighters.
China in ten years should be building their 5th generation fighter which would be called either J-13 or J-14. It will have stealth characteristics like our F/A-22 "Raptor".
China is buying or stealing technology from the USA and Russia to help in their modernization. China has used this technology as well as their own scientist/engineers to build even better weapons.
In 10 yrs, China will be strong enough to invade Taiwan. We will interfere and say they must leave Taiwan. China won't then we will attack China like we did Iraq in the Gulf war. I see parallels China and Taiwan, Iraq and Kuwait. However, China is stronger than Iraq and will be a much longer war as long as it doesn't turn nuclear.

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by roniii259
wow you guys basically ripped off a f-16 big deal. You really cant say you designed or researched it, just took Western Technology combined it with Russian and chinese parts and remade everything in China. The Raptor will have it for a snack, like peanuts

well, do keep in mind that we made the nuke by ourselves, no western influence (As i was taught, please feel free to send me any information contradicting my statement WITH proof)

yea, our arsenal sucks. everyone knows that. hey, cant blame them for being proud. we'll see who's laughing after the first air-to-air engagement with the JSF


posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by devilwasp
and i have to mention this . most western , not just american, jets are based on german jet aircraft and engines.
chinese tech is nice so is most eastern tech
good job on the j10

good point, the americans had the help of german rocket scientists (most famous von braun), and a little bit of info on the germans' progress on the atomic bomb. plane designs also came from them.

btw roniii, dont get so cocky yet before learning your history

And AD5673, you have any proof that you would like to share with me that china hd nukes imported form foreign powers? as far as i know, china successfulyl completed and detonated a nuke in 1957 (eh give or take a few years)

without the help of western technology.

AND concerning China launching a nuke: REALLY, that's stupid. Even I know the U.S. would be on their arses in less than 30 minutes with a jillion cruise missles and one nuke for each major city

Hey, King Georgey literally stuck his middle finger up the UN's NOSE. who gives a crap about their rules anymore? apparently not the illiterate excuse we call a president. And with the way things are going, rules won't do any good.

[edit on 12-6-2004 by Socalbmx]

[edit on 12-6-2004 by Socalbmx]

posted on Jun, 12 2004 @ 03:17 AM
Ammm~~~My English is not very good.So if I have some problem in expression,please forgive me and help me to correct it.

I never think that China will catch up with USA today.Actually,China will have a long way to run.Lot's of things needed to learn from Western Countries.

I proud of my country,but i never overrate Chinese abilities.

40 years ago,China could do nothing except buying weapons from Rassian.
30 years ago,China was in mad(if you are familiar with Chinese history.just like today's Korea.),economy and industry were almost destoried.
20 years ago,China became in order.

nowdays,we can make a jet like f-16.I think it's a great step.

Some guys say China has no navy.It is not quite true.Besides new submarine,several new destroyers and cruisers with Chinese "zeus shield defense system(or AEGIS maybe)"are accomplished.We design and produce them without Russians' help.

But we don't have carrier.Because it's too expensive and useless to China.We just don't want to be invaded.But i think China need 1 or 2.Because south chinese sea is far from mainland.Vietnam is a thief and it steal our island.

[edit on 12-6-2004 by gastric cancer]

[edit on 12-6-2004 by gastric cancer]

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