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J-10,from China,I am proud of it

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posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 12:03 AM
Sorry,i can't post them here.I don't want to make trouble to myself.

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 12:30 AM
If you really have interesting in Chinese avionics development.You can consult Canwa or Janes.

I'm in China.I can't say more about our military affairs.

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 01:10 AM
Cool I'll check that stuff out. I'm surprised the chinese government hasn't blocked ATS yet lol. They blocked all blogs for while a couple years ago. There's a lot of freedom of expression on here so it may not last long before they block it with a government block. That's just my opinion, take care and I hope to see more of your posts

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 01:14 AM

Originally posted by gastric cancer
If you really have interesting in Chinese avionics development.You can consult Canwa or Janes.

I'm in China.I can't say more about our military affairs.

chinese avionics are cheap copies of russian anyway, so you dont need to post them here

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by feindflug

Originally posted by gastric cancer
If you really have interesting in Chinese avionics development.You can consult Canwa or Janes.

I'm in China.I can't say more about our military affairs.

chinese avionics are cheap copies of russian anyway, so you dont need to post them here

the boing 737 was a copy does that mean all american aircraft are cheap copies

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 09:45 AM
The History of chinese engine industy.The last one is.....(I don't know how to say it in English).I believe Russia will not help us to make it because it
needs advanced tech.This picture was offical without engine for J-10,J-11and it was published 5years ago

This was showed on exhibition to foreign customers for export.
I also don't know how to say it in English(Pls help me),it is just a helmet.Pilot use it to aim and lock the target by turning his head.

[edit on 13-6-2004 by gastric cancer]

[edit on 13-6-2004 by gastric cancer]

[edit on 13-6-2004 by gastric cancer]

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by gastric cancer
The History of chinese engine industy.The last one is.....(I don't know how to say it in English).I believe Russia will not help us to make it because it
needs advanced tech.This picture was offical without engine for J-10,J-11and it was published 5years ago

This was showed on exhibition to foreign customers for export.
I also don't know how to say it in English(Pls help me),it is just a helmet.Pilot use it to aim and lock the target by turning his head.

its all also cheap downgraded copies of russian export AL-31F engine, same goes with the HUD, china can never catch up with USA or russia.

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 10:22 AM

Cool I'll check that stuff out. I'm surprised the chinese government hasn't blocked ATS yet lol. They blocked all blogs for while a couple years ago. There's a lot of freedom of expression on here so it may not last long before they block it with a government block. That's just my opinion, take care and I hope to see more of your posts

Oh~~~you just misunderstand my words.

My post means China is not an advanced country. Posting too much about our military affairs maybe do no good to our countries' security.

No matter how other countries criticise our goverment.I still believe in our goverment.
If you ask me why?I give you the reason. No because of socialism or communism.
Because we get a better and better life.Today I have my own house,and my own car.It was a dream 10 years ago .You can criticise the goverment if they do something wrong.

China does not become freedom like USA.We also have alot to do.China still have a lot of poor .We will help them.

I don't want to say too much here,because this is the aircraft forum.

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 10:26 AM

its all also cheap downgraded copies of russian export AL-31F engine, same goes with the HUD, china can never catch up with USA or russia.

Give me your proof,or you are arrogant.

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 11:29 AM
The last picture is a vector engine(translated from Chinese,so maybe have some problem).The power is equal to AL-37 or f119.We perpare it for the next generation.
I don't think Russia have enough profusion to share this tech with China.

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by gastric cancer
We perpare it for the next generation.

when the xxj psuedo 5th gen aircraft enters service there will be already 6th gen or even hypersonic aircraft in other nations, a nation with almost 3000 mig-19
and thousands of mig-21 copies cant be a military superpower.

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 02:45 PM
I want to remind all of you that america was once poor like china is stop thinking you are better then everyone else on this planet because you have F--22's

and if economists are right,china will become a world superpower in the next 15 years.

[edit on 13-6-2004 by DarkSide]

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by DarkSide
I want to remind all of you that america was once poor like china is stop thinking you are better then everyone else on this planet because you have F--22's

and if economists are right,china will become a world superpower in the next 15 years.

[edit on 13-6-2004 by DarkSide]

i dont consider one million business man and the rest mudhut peasants with an army that was frozen in time since the 60's a superpower, maybe somewhere in 2050/60.

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 04:30 PM
i dont consider one million business man and the rest mudhut peasants with an army that was frozen in time since the 60's a superpower, maybe somewhere in 2050/60.

oh so u think that china is full of peasants eh? shows how much you ! if u actually knew about china then you wouldnt have made that arogant statement
if u want to be sterotipical then ok lets play ball !
i dont call over 65000 grunts an army
you guys should spend some money on FOF recognition

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by feindflug

Originally posted by DarkSide
I want to remind all of you that america was once poor like china is stop thinking you are better then everyone else on this planet because you have F--22's

and if economists are right,china will become a world superpower in the next 15 years.

[edit on 13-6-2004 by DarkSide]

i dont consider one million business man and the rest mudhut peasants with an army that was frozen in time since the 60's a superpower, maybe somewhere in 2050/60.

that's a ferly ignorant statement

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 05:19 PM
Welcome to ATS Gastric Cancer, I understand you are from China, and I have no problem with that(unlike the rest of these ignorant fools who keep bashing on you because of their steryotypical ways) the J-10 is a very fine aircraft, NOW! That does not desclude the fact that, it can't compete with the F/A-22a Raptor or the F-35a,b,c JSF.

America, true, was once poor, but I do not consider China to be poor, since China has lasted alot longer than America has, nearly 20 times older- since ancient times...

Now I do not think that the Raptor and JSF are both a wasted of money, because no matter what, they are 5th generation fighters and so they are a step foward to a better defense tomorrow.

I will not say anything bad about the J-10, because personally I do not know much about it, so what I dio not know, I will not bash(I cannot say the same about the others) on what or who I do not know, but I do have respect for China for getting as far as it did, the J-10 is a step foward and that will help China comprehend the differences between what should be done, and what has to be done.

By the way, I do not believe that China will survive an all out nuclear war with America for this sole reason, America has the most nukes in the world, enough to blow the planet to Timbuktu ten times.

Shattered OUT...

[edit on 13-6-2004 by ShatteredSkies]

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 09:24 PM

when the xxj psuedo 5th gen aircraft enters service there will be already 6th gen or even hypersonic aircraft in other nations, a nation with almost 3000 mig-19 and thousands of mig-21 copies cant be a military superpower.

I wonder there are how many guys still believe that China have 3000 mig-19.Wake up~~~~please

They all had been changed to robot bomb or cruise missile.Mig-21 is changing today one by one.

Four years ago our satellites had been already launched for making our own "GPS".Now we can use it to cover the whole far east and our cruise missile needn't America's GPS.

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 09:33 PM

I will not say anything bad about the J-10, because personally I do not know much about it, so what I dio not know, I will not bash(I cannot say the same about the others) on what or who I do not know, but I do have respect for China for getting as far as it did, the J-10 is a step foward and that will help China comprehend the differences between what should be done, and what has to be done.

We make J-10 just want to keep predominance to Taiwan,not for other purpose.

Taiwan is a part of China.No matter what will happen in the future,that Taiwan wants to independent from China is impossible.Unless there is no Taiwan island in the world at all.

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by gastric cancer
Taiwan is a part of China.No matter what will happen in the future,that Taiwan wants to independent from China is impossible.Unless there is no Taiwan island in the world at all.

So you think China would rather murder everyone in Taiwan because they want freedom rather than just give them their little island? What's the harm, it will relieve a lot of tension and free up money time and resources China puts into watching Taiwan. It sounds very mentally disturbed to say Taiwan will belong to China or there will be no Taiwan. Like a psychotic person stalking their ex-lover, China will come out to be the bad guy in the eyes of the world if it doesn't let Taiwan go.

posted on Jun, 13 2004 @ 10:33 PM
The relationship between Taiwan and mainland is complicated.Not as simple as you think about.

China is a divisive country,People's Republic of China and Republic of China are two regime in one country.Even the history shows Taiwan is a part of China.These 2 regime are equality.

We don't want to invade Taiwan and kill them.10 years ago,our goverment had already declare that Taiwan could have his own arms,his own industry and economy system,his own goverment and regime,the poeple live in Taiwan can choose their own president.No difference in today's Taiwan,right?We just want them say only one word :"There is only one China in the world."Is it difficult to do it?I don't think so.

In China,you are easy to enter TW's BBS and they also can.Of course we will discuss the problem between TW and mainland.Sometimes we assault each other for different standpoint,but it won't effect our friendship.A lot of
Taiwaner like to make a trip to mainland(Taiwan's goverment forbid us going to TW,but our goverment not).They usually inform us on the BBS that we can meet them at the airport.we all have black hair,yellow skin,same words.Even the history we learn from middle school are also same.Why we have to fight with them?We are all Chinese!

Who make the petty action to divide China?USA or cheeky politician?Maybe~~~~~

[edit on 14-6-2004 by gastric cancer]

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