Originally posted by robbinsj
Can anyone go back to the last time this happened and what events took place???
Quick google search and I fould somthing about the Ice age ending in 8000 BC.
Anyone else pipe in what could have happend the last time this accured?
A great Flood, pretty much or at least Europe @ Middle East/ worldwide?
The Destruction of Atlantis or whatever civilisations this represented?
The Crossing of the Early Native Americans across the bearing straight into the Americas, the fist human populations thereof?
THe Nuclear events or whatever it was that created the Maharabet, and the glass found in sites in indian subcontinent?
The polynesians spreading, and also maybe the Hunas first reaching towards Hawaia etc as they fled the destruction of Europe Atlantis.
A great shift in metal working abilities of modern man and technological use of fire and metals?
Etc Etc.
I have so many planets & sun moon in Pisces its a blessing and a curse. I too took not much of astrology, however as any strong Pisces Knows from what
Uranus has done to us over the last 7-8 years and more, good luck cardinal signs and aries, if your house is not in order, if you have not learned
your life lessons by now, the effects of astrology seem to just indicate what "Karma" or "forced change" will occur.
It truly as every indication and way it affects, ie electricity, water, revolution, independance turned my life upside down in every area,
relationships, health, experiences, events, and in every way. It was quite a trip to be honest but neccessary in hindsight even though much much pain
at the time, and unexpected events occured, only where I had not sorted them first.
In anciant Indian Astrology the Horoscope or astrology do not THEMSELVES affect us, they are just a map of our destiny, gods or your souls blueprint
or map. Of what energies or external influences will occur if you have not grown, or learnt your incarnations lessons or challenges faced and overcome
yet. It is then forced on us, both collectively and individually.
Have worked in Mental Health too, and full moons without a doubt 110% do affect peoples behavour, and experiences, no question, no doubt, no in any
way shadow of untruth in that. Its a cert and fact.
Collectively we have not learnt the lessons from the banking crisis and just proped up the status quo in capitalism, we were like I was given chances
and signs before hand, but ignored it and carried on regarless, so I am looking forward but with some trepidation of the change that will be forced on
us, as it will be good for later generations of humans (globaly not just the west) but very very difficult for us.
Just a word of warning to strong aries and cardinals, and it will tak a while maybe depending on your individual charts not until a year or two, but
whatever you ahve not sorted in habits, behaviour, negative aspects of yourself, well one way or another you will be forced to face it head on, or it
will all just crash around you or jump up and bite your bum. Be honest look in the mirror, make change grow become better dont repeat the same old
patterns that are bad to others and yourslef so it cant force that change on you and all control is lost.
Good luck to us all collectively as this is big in the big picture and on a personal note to.
Elf waves bye bye to Uranus smiling, happy it is now going from pisces, relieved and at last, but with very very much cautious respect. Once bitten
(in a rabid frenzied way) twice shy to be sure.
Kind Regards,