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Originally posted by Antoniastar
HothSnake great thread!!! I can't believe that it's not more attention. Wow.
Anyway here is a video that I found. Good news! I'm am happy to announce that my birth date is a weak "link" to this Cardinal Climax. What I mean is that under my birth year, neither my birth month nor is my birth day is listed. And since the Cardinal Climax will have some impact on every birth month, it means that my link to the "planetary configuration" that will peak soon is weaker than if my birth month or birth day was listed under my birth year.
Also, I was chatting with a good friend of mine earlier and come to find out, her birth date is listed under her birth year, both her birth month as well as birth day are included. But that doesn't mean that her birth date has the strongest possible link to the alignment because the one thing that would make it even stronger would be if her astrological sign was one of the four cardinal constellations. And hers isn't listed.
She readily admits that the last two years have been "hell".
Beyond birth dates, I think that planetary alignments can have a strong influence on events. Just look at the way people get all weird during full moons or how the relationship of the Luna and tide rhythm.
Originally posted by Jazzyguy
reply to post by AshleyD
Creepy, August also coincides with the US civil war according to a blogger in my thread.
July 2011 pandemic, Timewave stuff
Originally posted by Antoniastar
That is creepy!! I wonder if the Cardinal Climax, which is extremely rare, is the reason for the unique Timewave-four-year-reliving-of-American-history??
To rare events around the same period of time AND then also the July 2011 pandemic that Timewave predicts on top of that... is it coincidence? I wonder.
# The June 26, 2010 eclipse: The lunar eclipse at 4° + Capricorn conjoins Pluto and activates a grand cross involving the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, the Moon, and Saturn. These are all within 5° of the four cardinal points. This will be a very important event, for better or worse, with a huge impact on global events.
# August 6-7, 2010: A cardinal grand cross is formed, involving Jupiter-Uranus in Aries, Pluto in Capricorn, the Moon in early Cancer, and Venus joining Mars and Saturn in early Libra. The Sun at 15° Leo makes stressful aspects to the entire grand cross. Calm and balance will be needed to deal with the relentless stressful aspects.
Originally posted by MischeviousElf
reply to post by Student X
The lunar Eclipse passed last month.
There is another eclipse now on the 26th.
The energies of both ahve to be looked at in a time frame of plus or minus 4 weeks or more.
They are both feeding into the Grand Cross, which is forming now as I type, so it is already here, but not totally complete as such.
# The June 26, 2010 eclipse: The lunar eclipse at 4° + Capricorn conjoins Pluto and activates a grand cross involving the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, the Moon, and Saturn. These are all within 5° of the four cardinal points. This will be a very important event, for better or worse, with a huge impact on global events.
# August 6-7, 2010: A cardinal grand cross is formed, involving Jupiter-Uranus in Aries, Pluto in Capricorn, the Moon in early Cancer, and Venus joining Mars and Saturn in early Libra. The Sun at 15° Leo makes stressful aspects to the entire grand cross. Calm and balance will be needed to deal with the relentless stressful aspects.
The effect of Uranus Moving out of Pisces recently has been seen in the world both in human affairs and nature.
Pisces rules the ocean, water etc as we all know besides the deep subconscious or the hidden, negatively it can be seen as deception and lies, like trying to grab a fish you see under the water it is not what or where it appears from above the surface.
Uranus represents Revolution, the unexpected, explosive events, electricity, shocks, un thought out reactive behaviour.
As uranus left pisces we saw the sinking of the Souh Korean ship. With deception and lies, stealthy from deep very uranus and pisces mixed.
We saw the Events in iceland, though magma it was liquid, unexpected and deep, pisces also can be linked and also has been with Fog and mist, so both came into play, unexpected, fluids, gas (ash cloud) explosive situation etc. I fear that was just the seed for Katla.
We have seen the Deepwater Rig event, fluid uncontrolled (oil) and Gas (methane) mixing with the see, explosion unexpected on the Rig, inability to control it (uranus) deception (haliburton Cheney, why it happened?? Corexit etc and the chamicals used) and the deception by BP and the US government in hiding and blocking the truth (no reporters allowed access) and lack of open journalism as it happened.
When Uranus first was in Pisces we witnessed the Tsunami in Thailand. As it entered and left tsimilair things played out, and all fortold for a long time by the enrgies and types of these planets and houses.
We did not learn the warnings of the stock market, and housing crash and just carried on regardless propping up the system that was obviosuly wrong. The weekly rise and fall of hundreds of points a day in the indexes prove this, and as we did not take on board the lesson as a collective I fear as uranus has now entered Aries (work earned income house of pisces after leaving her for first time in 7-8 years) that if we have not sorted this before she returns briefly to pisces again in the fall revolution of the subconscious belief system will again take place, that being all of the wealth of capitalism is just based on "perception" and that will undergo on her last kiss to pisces a lack of faith again in the system and in an revolutionary and hidden way, with explosive and unexpected events.
Taking that into account just with Uranus and Pisces, the grand Cardinal Cross that was last similair in both the sixties ( vietnam, street protests, change in culture and society, revolution) and prior to that in the Great Depression as we have not seemed collectively to have learned our lessen even greater can be expected as far as society (seeds are the tee party etc) and the economy (we can and are seeing it already) is concerned as the Cardinal Grand Cross and T squares this years are more powerfull and have have more planets and exact alingments than previously.!
August the 20-till the end is also another time to really watch out for, I feel very unsettled about that period, events are not experienced exactly on the time of the T squares, Eclipes etc, but affect things prior and afterwards usually 4 weeks either way. The end of august has influences that could spread water and sunshine on the seeds planted by the Uranus move, Jupiter Move, Saturm Move out virgo and the Eclipses and Cross's....
Hopefully not. But I will be watching the last week of august very closeley indeed both personally and in the world at large.
Kind Regards,
Kind Regards,
Millionaires dont use astrology, billionaires do.
Originally posted by crankyoldman
It is interesting how folks tend to focus on the "downside" to any version of planetary energy. I say, this alignment will be wonderful for most: if I loose a dollar, bad for me, but good for the guy who finds it will be what is going on.
For leovirgo. We are under the impression that the celestial bodies have influential energies. They are defined as planets: known, moon, and sun. That's it. There are so many other celestial bodies in our solar system, moons of Jupiter for example, as well as the former planet that is now the asteroid belt. The influence would be vastly different if the planet was still there. So, adding you your accurate notion that the alignments are off, they are also way off because at least one body is missing and many are not accounted for at all.
Moon. There is a lot of evidence that the moon is a new "body" and probably unnatural. Let us suggest it is a ship of some sort, made of metal and not a rock. It said that it influences us in a measurable way. We have thousands of metal satellites orbiting the planet, could they also be influencing celestial bodies on our reality? Would the whole POV be different of the moon was not where it is (it is the only "moon" that creates the perfect eclipse, helluva parking job wouldn't you say?) and the blown up planet was there?
Lastly. I would seem to me that logic dictates that "conception" is the important date. When you are conceived seems to be the proper starting point for you astrological reading as this is the moment things are put into motion. While you drop onto the planet at some point (early or late term) you start your planetary presence on the day of conception. I suspect, lost with the ages, that folks used to conceive on certain dates to favor the stars, not induce early labor to accomplish it.
This sequence brings change, but to suggest it is the planets causing it is to lack a full understanding of consciousness at large. These things influence you in the way a PR machine influences your choice of what movie to see, but they don't cause anything at all.
*** as for those who suggest billionaires use it, they also use corruption, larceny, criminal actions of the worst kind to accomplish their goals. While one might say that "investing on the perfect date" made them rich, one also could say "investing and then talking their stock via deceitful PR and dumping on unsuspecting dupes" is how they got rich: did the pick the right alignment to destroy their competition and get rich? Reagan was hardly a poster child either, he was just an actor playing the part of a president and while they publicly used the art form, I sincerely doubt it was much more than the party version - why did he leave the house the day he was shot?
Comments for the Week Beginning July 26, 2010
Review and Preview
So this is how it is going to be. Wild. If you are a trader in the trenches every day, you know its wild. It is every bit as wild as Financial Astrologers feared and hoped. We feared it would be wild because if it lived up to its potential, there would be sudden and large price moves in many markets, causing this to be a very difficult market environment. It is the nature of Saturn opposition Uranus (July 26). It is the nature of Jupiter stationary retrograde in a waxing square to Pluto (July 23-August 3), as it is also remains in conjunction with Uranus in Aries.
Full Text
Originally posted by OBE1
Latest geophysical analysis from Ray Merriman.
For those that haven't read all 9's a link to his introduction on this thread.
Comments for the Week Beginning July 26, 2010
Review and Preview
So this is how it is going to be. Wild. If you are a trader in the trenches every day, you know its wild. It is every bit as wild as Financial Astrologers feared and hoped. We feared it would be wild because if it lived up to its potential, there would be sudden and large price moves in many markets, causing this to be a very difficult market environment. It is the nature of Saturn opposition Uranus (July 26). It is the nature of Jupiter stationary retrograde in a waxing square to Pluto (July 23-August 3), as it is also remains in conjunction with Uranus in Aries.
Full Text