I hate to be the wet blanket...but none of this is adding up.
Astrology positions are out of date. Around 2000 years ago...men tried to 'fix' the zodiac as something that would not ever change...as if the Sun
on the Spring Equinox would always rise in Aries...as if the Sun, in the month of August, would always be rising in Virgo.
As much as astrologist KNOW about precession...they ignore it. They are always giving false positions of the cosmos from our observations.
Do not believe everything you read! Check everything for your own self!!
URANUS IS NOT ENTERING ARIES> IT JUST ENTERED PISCES (I think there was one person on this forum that posted this correct position who used a sidereal
zodiac to discover this-I also have issues with the sidereal but will get to that later).
Jupiter and Uranus both just entered Pisces...they will have a triple conjunction over the next 8 months or so and all 3 conjunctions will occur in
Pisces. Uranus, slow moving as it is...will stay in Pisces for 7 years. Jupiter will only be there for about a year.
Now onto the other planets spoken of...Saturn and Pluto.
Saturn is in Virgo...Pluto is in Sagittarius.
About the Cardinal signs. Over time, the cardinal positions change...so the cardinal signs change.
Often you here astrologist saying the Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. The reason for this is...when the zodiac became
'fixed' by men....the Spring Equinox sun rose in ARIES...the Summer Solstice Sun rose in CANCER....the Autumn Equinox sun rose in LIBRA....the
Winter Solstice sun rose in CAPRICORN.
Today...the signs for these positions of the sun has change, due to our wobble, due to precession. Astrologist still say all the time ont he Spring
Equinox the sun is rising in Aries...but a little studying for yourself will show you this no longer happens...are Spring Equinox is in Pisces. When
the Spring Equinox sun begins to rise in Aquarius...this will be the marker used to say that WE HAVE ENTERED A NEW AGE>and this wont happen for a few
hundred for years yet.
Spring Equinox-sun rises in Pisces
Summer Solstice-sun rises in Taurus (but this is interesting, because it really sits on a cusp right now. Soon our Summer Solstice sun will rise in a
new sign, Gemini.
Autumn Equinox-sun rises in Virgo
Winter Solstice-sun rises in Sagittarius
So one could say...our cardinal signs of today are....Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, and Sagittarius.
By using the true positions...we do have some interesting things going on...we do have Uranus in a Cardinal sign, Pisces....We do have Jupiter in a
Cardinal sign, Pisces....We do have Saturn in a Cardinal sign, Virgo....We do have Pluto in a Cardinal sign, Sagittarius.
The positions I gave are fact...if you look for any of these planets in the sky...with true observation...they will be found in the signs I have
given...not the signs astrology gives.
Its a blunder of men that I hope to bring to light until people actually care to study it all for themselves. Till then....I bring the wet blanket I
80% of birth signs given by astrology are not valid anymore...hence my ATS name....LeoVirgo. Astrology told me my whole life I was Virgo....but when I
looked it all up for myself, I discovered the sun really rose in Leo on my birth. Every since I have spoken out against astrology and the tropical and
sidereal zodiac. To use a true solar zodiac...one must use astronomy...not astrology....and then take the meanings within you with the true positions.
Sidereal is more correct...but still is not exact.
The sun spends different amounts of time in the sky and the sun passes through 13 constellations now...not 12 like it used to. Both tropical and
sidereal do not account for either of these discrepancies.
To find out where each planet is...use the following link...
You can go to the home page anytime and find out where the sun, moon, and all planets are. It even counts for Ophiuchus.