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95% of People not from Australia or New Zealand, suck at Geography

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posted on May, 10 2010 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

There are a couple of reasons that aussies tend to be better at geography than a lot of others:

1) We are isolated, and come from a variety of backgrounds. So just out of interest, our schooling and speaking to different people you learn a lot.

2) Aussies tend to travel a lot all over the world, and so we pick up a lot that way.

That's also one of the reasons that yanks (or seppos if the southerners dont like to be called yankees) tend to suck at geography; only around 1 in 4 have a passport and they travel a lot less outside of the US. Also their education is very US-centric. And lastly, quite frankly, a lot of people in US just dont care about the rest of the world.

I kinda understand that, too. The US is an amazing country, one that i keep going back to. The people there are wonderful, but you do suck at geography. I've met 3 people in the US that knew what i was talking about when i mentioned Canberra.

As for that timeshifting thread, that is by far the dumbest, most retarded thing i have read. Ever. That recollection is the way maps were drawn, i remember it myself; you often had a little box next to a large continent to highlight a smaller landmass next to it. Also on different maps the distance or height of New Zealand appears different, as sometimes they sacrificed accuracy to fit it on a page or used different projection methods.

Depending on where the box was on the page, you guys obviously mistook that placement for the actual location of the landmass. Similarly with distances.

Some examples:

An old map of Australia with Tasmania at the top left:

Example of NZ just off the coast of Aus:

NZ to the southwest:

When you're a kid studying geography, you'll remember the map as presented, even if the relative positions are wrong or if there are landmasses zoomed in boxes that are out of place. This is especially true if you are a highly visual person.

I dont care what your IQ is or what you believe in, there is NO WAY that the timeshifter explanation makes more sense than what i have just posted.

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 07:04 AM
NZ is on the west of oz if you keep traveling 26,000 kms on there east side

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
Pompous = having or exhibiting self-importance

Arrogant = : exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one's own worth or importance often by an overbearing manner

Selfish = concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself : seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others

This thread fits these terms just perfectly.

Thanks for showing your true colors people. Now I know who you are

Now off to start my WIN thread "I rule you all suck".
You can't call it trolling if you don't call this thread trolling.

Anyways, move this to Rant in BTS maybe?

There is no conspiracy here, other than the OP and his lackeys thinks they are better than everyone else.

Ignorance Denied.

Oh no! How are we going to sleep at night now that you know who we are?

Congratulations, you've managed to totally misinterpret this thread.

No one's saying they think they're better than anybody. What we're saying is that we find it insulting and ignorant that many people on the other side of the world (many of them Americans) are so sure of themselves yet so wrong when concerning our part of the world. Would you like it if we posted ridiculous threads about the US that weren't true? I don't think so.

Not all Americans (or overseas members for that matter) are like this of course, there are many that are intelligent and observant, but there's a sizeable number that aren't and they're the ones we're complaining about.

If you don't represent one of the latter then why are you getting so defensive?

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

You say that you dont understand how so many people believe that Australia and New Zealand are in different places to what they used to be,
may I suggest the reason you don't understand is due to the fact that you not only have a closed mind, but that you lack skills needed in English comprehension. Don't feel bad about it as many other posters have also shown an equal lack in being able to read and undertand English. That is presuming of course that they have actually taken the time and trouble to read through the posts pertaining to the time line shifts of Australia and New Zealand.

Instead of castigating other posters for their presumed lack of skills in being able to read a map, and lack of knowledge in Geography, I would suggest you go back and re read the threads on the subject. People are not saying that the maps in this time line are wrong in comparison with where Australia and New Zealand are currently situated but that they have memories of them being in a different position.

I remember New Zealand being to the North, North East of Australia, I am from the UK and I have also lived in Australia for a year, years ago.

As other posters have pointed out it has nothing to do with being able to read a map, your IQ or lack thereof, or nationality nor has it to do with being high on drugs of any kind, but rather something not fitting in with your memory. If it was something minor it could be easily dismissed, but with a seemingly large number of disparate people remembering a similar occurrence then one would expect that such a phenomena should attract those people with an open mind to the belief that this is worthy of investigation.

Instead posters like yourself would rather gain cheap plaudits by ridiculing other posters, whilst also showing the limitations of their own intelligence by having a closed mind which will not allow the possibility of other time lines existing.

As to those posters that say other time lines alternative realities call it what you will do not exist in the manner described above relating to land shifts please show us your proof.

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
Pompous = having or exhibiting self-importance

Arrogant = : exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one's own worth or importance often by an overbearing manner

Selfish = concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself : seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others

This thread fits these terms just perfectly.

Thanks for showing your true colors people. Now I know who you are

Now off to start my WIN thread "I rule you all suck".
You can't call it trolling if you don't call this thread trolling.

Anyways, move this to Rant in BTS maybe?

There is no conspiracy here, other than the OP and his lackeys thinks they are better than everyone else.

Ignorance Denied.

Nice work Muzzleflash. The OP's arrogance is astounding. Guy calls himself a weatherman, and spends all his time on ATS telling people Chemtrails are actually just harmless contrails.

Bizzare weather patterns are perfectly commons, and unnatural clouds are perfectly natural.

Wasn't even going to post in this useless thread, but had to support your response.

Too bad the majority of the Aussies and NZ'rs are government disinfo agents.

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 07:37 AM

Obviously some people are not familiar with word play. Of course the figure is simply made up. Also, I do not assume all yanks are stupid, (and in Australia, we call all Americans yanks, as we call all englishmen poms, new zealenders kiwi etc, if you're offended, then too bad) and it is obvious there are intelligent people on the boards.

If you have a problem with the thread, then deal with it. The rest of us have to deal with over-sensationalised threads about unplausible scenarios with little or no reliable evidence. Its like finding a needle in a haystack some days

All of you criticisng the presence of the thread need to seriously grow up. If you want to go to a website where everyone agrees with every incredible theory put out there, then GLP has openings. ATS at least, allows both sides of the argument to be presented, and if you have a problem with seeing the other side, then you are not denying ignorance

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by Seitler
reply to post by Beast Of Gevaudan

Just so you understand something, not all Americans are that nieve as to believe we are SUPREME above all the others. That's just what you get on TV and mass media. It's like your comment about the 'roos, that's ALL we see in the media, so of course, the un/undereducated people of this country, which is a regretably large percent, are going to think that.

What I want to ask you is why do you feel Americans, just because we are, are arogant?

As per the topic, people use to believe that the world was flat and to venture far into the pacific would mean you'd fall off the planet. These same people ruled the known world, but yet were never in full control. So, by rights of the op's statement, these people would be idiots because they didn't know something.

A lot of people will make up answers to questions they don't know because they don't like admitting they don't know it. It's a fallacy of the human race. No one likes to show weakness, so they fudge some explaination, then must argue the subject even when they know they are wrong.

I'm not saying they are wrong, but what are the odds someone has really experienced a time shift? No high, I'm sure. But that's a question, to which, I don't have the answer to.

I don't think all Americans are arrogant but there are quite a few.

I understand that the way our country is promoted overseas doesn't help. It's done to give us a unique identitiy but it's grossly exaggerated and not an accurate representation of our way of life. Believe it or not most of us don't wrestle crocodiles and live in the outback, we live in suburbia and enjoy all the modern conveniences just like you do in the US. Australia is an advanced nation not some backwater hole.

This may sound like I'm being patriotic, I'm not, I just want to set the record straight.

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by 911stinks
Too bad the majority of the Aussies and NZ'rs are government disinfo agents.

Are you serious? Because I have a differing opinion to you then I am a disinfo agent?

I'm not a disinfo agent, I just have nothing better to do. Unless you consider me a part of the minority of Australians which are not disinfo agents?

Seriously though, I believe that con/chem trails aren't natural, that the US government carried out 911 and that most weather balloons aren't weather balloons, but you have dealt the losing hand (to yourself) when you have to resort to calling the majority of Australians and NZ'ders disinfo agents. Maybe in the other timeline they were, but not in this one (sorry, couldn't help myself).

[edit on 10/5/10 by GobbledokTChipeater]

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by keldas

As to those posters that say other time lines alternative realities call it what you will do not exist in the manner described above relating to land shifts please show us your proof.

ummm, the onus is very much on you people to demonstrate that your explanation may be plausible (lets forget about "true", lets just go for plausible).

As i've detailed above, there is a very simple explanation for what you have described. No alternate timelines necessary. If you disagree then it is up to you to demonstrate why the simple, rational explanation cant be right.

The fact that people have remembered NZ to be on all different sides of Australia backs up the idea that highlighting on different maps is what is causing the different memories.

Otherwise you are relying on an explanation that a number of you are from a variety of different timelines where basically nothing changes except the location of NZ and Australia on a map.

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by Beast Of Gevaudan

shhhhhhhhhh dont tell them that!

We really are a backwards, hick place full of drop-bears and other animals that'll kill you

Plus we swear a lot.

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by 911stinks

Originally posted by 911stinks

Too bad the majority of the Aussies and NZ'rs are government disinfo agents.

Where are my paychecks? Have I been missing out?

What a joke... this thread has been greatly misinterpreted. People are free to express their own opinions and counter other ones, there is nothing wrong with the OP. The OP is an outright onslaught against ignorance, not against any specific member, if you have a genuine problem with that then maybe this place isn't for you. It takes a spine to be a conspiracy theorist.

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 08:08 AM

Ths is o heck of a thread here.

First of course not all Yanks are ignorant but I have seen many. Now of course I am not in OZ or NZ so I won't comment. I thought it was reasonably clear that the 95% was not real.

Wih that said...when I was in high school and (goddess help me but this is true) in my Bachelors degree I found people who didn't know that Chicago wasn't the capitol of Ilinois. FYI these were people who live IN Illinois. So what chance do they have in another country. Now don't get me wrong I am no geography genius but I study as best I can.

I do believe however that plenty of Americans I have met are very self centered.

Oh well...


posted on May, 10 2010 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by Dumbass
looking at the tread title, it is my guess that all auzzies suck in math.

Appropriate username.

"Auzzies" is actually spelled Aussies and the correct wording is suck "at" math not "in".

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 08:10 AM
There is a funy video on Youtube where an Australian guy is asking a hell of a lot of Americans to name a country beggining with the letter "A"...Not one person could name a country with this lettr dispite living in a country that begins with this very letter...

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 08:12 AM
Yes everyone needs to lighten up.

If you visit us, and make it through all of the deadly animals and hicks with chainsaws (similar to texas), then you will find we have a great sense of humor. The written word (example: internet) makes it hard to get this across, though.

Feel free to make a thread saying Australians are dumb or whatever though and please U2U me the link!

[edit on 10/5/10 by GobbledokTChipeater]

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by SKUNK2
There is a funy video on Youtube where an Australian guy is asking a hell of a lot of Americans to name a country beggining with the letter "A"...Not one person could name a country with this lettr dispite living in a country that begins with this very letter...

Here's one with americans which cannot name a country beginning with U (Hint: united states of america):

[edit on 10/5/10 by GobbledokTChipeater]

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 08:20 AM

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Its about time the rest of the world learnt a little something about geography of the Australasia and South east Asia....

Remember that movie...."If you build it...they will come"

If you make it interesting....they will learn.

Don't expect your world to be the center of everyone else's galaxy.

People have other interests, and the majority of them, don't like geography.

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by 911stinks

Originally posted by 911stinks

OZ himself has said on this very forum that he is funded by the government.

Would you rather a private company fund what is, under a government sponsored scheme, transparent work? What the hell?

Therefore, he is paid by the taxpayer, to spew the government disinfo.

No. He is paid by the taxpayer to do his job, just like the police officer is, just like the nurse is... What you're saying is that all State and Federal funding schemes automatically place all positions attached to those funds as part of some dis-info scheme? Wow... It's called Federalism, get acquainted with it.

How much you wanna bet, OZ says Titor is a hoax?

Titor? Honestly?

Heck! I'd bet everything I have right now that any reasonable member on this forum, and not just the OP, will say that Titor is a hoaxer. What are the odds? $1.01?... Not worth it.

I can confirm that the many of people in the world love America, and what it stands for.

And you end your fantasy post with perhaps the most delusional statement yet. The opening post is addressing issues surrounding the deluded fantasies of those who have not taken initiative to understand the basics of world geography. Let's stick to that point.


[edit on 10/5/2010 by serbsta]

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 08:41 AM
I remember two instances, both quite distinct, when I was in high school here in the US...

The first, the teacher asked us to name our favorite country (9th grade)... Only a few of us named an actual country....(mine was England, by the way)...the rest named continents, states, cities, etc.

The second, in tenth grade, only TWO of us could find Vietnam on a world map (one as big as a full wall)...sad...very sad...

By then, I had already travelled a lot, so I kind of had a habit for looking at maps...but man, certainly a need for teaching more geography in American schools, I'll certainly grant you that.

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