posted on May, 10 2010 @ 05:42 AM
I'm 20, I don't use any kind of drugs, and I don't have problems to stand up and say " Yes, I know what a timeline shift is ".
Its the typical thing that is always in front of us but we can't see.
And its all true.
I have read all the topics about timeline shifts entirely and posted in it my experiences.
Showing maps won't help yourself to convince yourself that " this can't be true, oh my God, I'm going to lose control of myself, I'm going to be
considered ignorant from my fellow friends ! "...
Please...You are all deniers.
I have a IQ of 110 in a foreign language that is not my mother one, my mother one is Italian, I live in North Italy, I attended the best high school
in Italy and I have maps pictures all over my home.
All over my home. And I still know that somehow in my past, those maps changed all together.
I do remember New Zealand in another place.
I used to look to those maps everyday, I knew by heart all of the most important cities in the world, I was used to be called " the one who knows it
all " .
I'm not ignorant at geography, nor at history, I did all by myself, I studied to knew it by heart, those two subjects.
I recently became atheist and I don't know if belief in God its right, because I know, I just know, that when we die, we just change universe where
to live.
But not only when we die. We do shift so many times they can't be counted.
I have premonitory dreams all the time and I know dreams are other universes we can see.
I recognized real people in dreams and met them later in time in my real life.
Same face, same name, same birthday.
You know what?
Its the ignorant who don't know geography that go around telling people timeline shifts aren't possible.
All the people that I know suck in geography are those sceptics that have a closed mind.
I was the one who in May 2008 was astonished because of the sudden change in the sun light, that was too much bright.
That thread something has changed timeline? explained to me all of it.
So, now I see people telling me " We do this tomorrow " and coming back the next day and they tell me " we do this today. You knew that..." and
the thing we're going to do is totally another thing.
I look to a person who's walking, I turn my head looking for a single second to a shop , and than, I look again , and that person is not there
anymore. Disappeared. Completely.
The other day, I was walking to a school conference and I watched a street clock with the date: October 5 2010.
( Do I looked to it in the wrong way? No, it wasn't May 10 because May 10 is today, and I was going that way on May 7. And, no, there weren't 5 or
10 degrees , so no, it wasn't the temperature )
At the conference, the man was only talking about Hiroshima, without mentioning Nagasaki. Though the topic was not exactly 1945, this is history and I
would always mention two towns being nuked, not only one.
I knew, I was convinced that April 25 was a very bad day, I was nervous to live that day.
Woke up quietly on that morning, but the first thing my mother told me, was " Your friend has died in a car accident tonight ".
I just knew.
April 25 was in my memory as a damned bad day.
And now I'm waiting for the second one, May 11 .
I feel like I already lived it all. My dreams have become like memories.
My premonitory dreams when they realize themselves are like watching your memory of a event becoming real.
Don't call me uneducated. I went out of a Classic High School Lyceum, I still know by heart the most important cities and I know where all the
countries are located.
I wrote 7 books in 5 years. I think I'm functional as a individual.
Timeline shifts have always been right, all the time, in all the history.
You can't admit it? To yourself? Well, so, you just have to wake up, observing your world and taking notice of little things.
This thread recalls to me a class of kids bullying the ones who " know the truth " because they can't accept it.
All this flaming. We don't flame you. Why you do that?
I have a open mind. I have weird beliefs. Everybody has the right to believe whatever he/she wants to believe.
Do I have really to recall to you what " sapient " people have told about the most important inventions of human kind when they were shown to the
Like " The internet won't last a year " or " Who would want to see someone acting a story ? " or " Shame to people who think the blood
circulation is real ".
Also, to add something significant, Evasius, who is a very well known Timewave researcher, knows that time shifts are real and he told us his
I think he's not uneducated, but instead very intelligent.
Oh, and remember...The day that one very famous celebrity ( Michael Jackson ) or some politician turns out to be alive again, I won't jump myself out
of a window out of fear...
The kind of people who go nuts because they are insulted by a phenomenon are the ones who will freak out.
Its because I've already seen a person I thought she was dead coming alive again, all of a sudden, walking in the streets.
A simple woman, who obviously has not been cloned.
The keyword to unlock reality, the real reality is " Reality is stranger than fiction ".
Please, wake up, so that we can all search for the truth instead of walking back in the darkness of ignorance...
[edit on 10-5-2010 by Zagari]
[edit on 10-5-2010 by Zagari]