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95% of People not from Australia or New Zealand, suck at Geography

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posted on May, 10 2010 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by I.C. Weiner

Hang on a second, you are calling everyone else a moron for not believing you are from a different dimension

Just a few questions;

1) If you are from a different dimension, surely something else is different about the world then a geological location that wouldn't make any sense.

2) How did you get here?

3) What kind of person has the logic to call someone a moron because they dont believe you are from a different dimension? Kinda stupid if you ask me.

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 05:59 PM

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Oz I can see your point, and I agree with you, in America they teach Geography from primary school all the way up until college and I know it very well, I think that when one dumb person says something or posts something, then you can expect a hundred more to follow, kind of like the seagulls in finding Nemo, I'm not Aussie but I do fully back you in teaching people what they should have learned in primary school

[edit on 5/10/2010 by l neXus l]

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 08:29 PM
I'm from Australia too and I've often read surveys on the geographical knowledge of many countriesd with amusement. I know though (and mind you this is just ancedotal)that many Australians struggle with basic geography.

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 09:31 PM
woah bro... what are you smoking? what version of WWII do they teach you down there? ok so you won one battle against japan and we asked for a few of your troops to help defend YOUR corner of the world. the aussies are a fine bunch, but they can't hold our jockstrap. you guys may have helped out here and there, won a battle or two but lets put things in perspective.

if japan wasn't fully engaged against the US they would have fully engaged against the almighty Australia and you would have been outclassed, outnumbered, out matched military hardware wise and have been speaking japanese right now. i commend the Aussies for their help however small, yes it is heroic to help us. But without US you were toast. I know you know better, don't let your national pride blind you from seeing the facts.

Originally posted by TerribleTeam2

Originally posted by insideNSA
you should be thanking us instead of being jealous of us and throwing out dumb comments. if it wasn't for us you'd be speaking japanese right now.

and i'm sure the next time the s#$t hits the fan who will you be looking to, to protect yer butts again

Originally posted by Beast Of Gevaudan

Originally posted by insideNSA

also i love it when i detect 'America envy' proclaiming Americans to be dumb. uhhhh actually we have proven to be the smartest blokes as you might say... we invented almost everything and we dominate the world. lol. so stick that in your pipes and smoke it. yes we have dumb people but who doesn't. the few of us who run things... lets just say dominating the world isn't for dummies. lets see your country do this. lol.

[edit on 9-5-2010 by insideNSA]

Thanks for illustrating my point.

Arrogance and ignorance on bold display.

Hypocrisy at it's finest!!!! If I remember correctly, the Australians were actually the first country to give the Japanese something that they have never had in battle - a Defeat. Up in a little old place called Papua New Guinea.

Now, since most Americans can't find # on a blanket, let me help you with finding PNG. Ok, get your trusty map. Find Australia. It's that big dirty red/brown place that looks like someone has taken a bite out of the top and bottom. Now, just so you don't get overly confused, go UP, that is UP, from Australia. No, that is the sky, not PNG. When I said up, it old talk, it is NORTH. And there is good old PNG.

And if us Aussies were so bad in combat, why the hell did General MacArthur ask for our troops to help in Singapore????? Oh that's right, because he had been told a little old ragtag bunch of criminals had already beaten the # out of the Japanese, so he thought maybe it would be better to have them help him than help anyone else.

Also if you have some spare time, have a look on the web here about what a certain Field Marshall Rommel, yes, the Nazi Panzer Commander, what he thought about the Aussies. Seems he thought we did an ok job in containing his advance across Africa. Of course with some good old fashioned help with our partners in crime from the SOUTH EAST, the kiwi's, and those bucktoothed assassins, the Poms. ;D

[edit on 10-5-2010 by insideNSA]

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by insideNSA

Yes the US did really help us out in WWII, to keep supply lines from being cut off by the Japanese

The main reason we were undermanned is because most our guys were fighting over in Africa against Rommell. Without the US, we wouldve speaking Japanese without a doubt. There is no way our guys wouldve got back in time to defend our nation.

In saying that however, these days our SAS are one of the most elite special forces in the world, just behind the British SAS in terms of combat effectiveness. Its well known that our guys were the first troops seen when everyone fled Baghdad the second time. In fact we were the ones providing the intel (along with the CIA I think, from inside).

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by insideNSA
But without US you were toast. I know you know better, don't let your national pride blind you from seeing the facts.

Ahaha, I love this bit.

Toast as in what the Japanese were after being nuked?

Japanese is one of the languages taught in schools here in New Zealand, and German was popular as well (superceded by Spanish if I recall correctly) and our national languages are English, Maori and Sign.
What is the relevance of this?

Not much.

However, I don't know how successful the Japanese would have been at conquering and holding Australia given the vastness of the land, the nature of the climate and the dangerous/poisonous creatures that abound.
Fortunately we won't find out, though it is still a moot point and should be discussed.

I think the 'Yanks' (a beautiful colloquialism) overestimate their efforts due to the technology they employed (and still do), being flashy, gauche, loud, brash and 'shock (schlock) and awe'.
This seemed to be the main perception of them during the War, from the veterans and family members I have talked to and they employed propaganda (the great saviours of civilisation) as much as the Nazis.

There were a lot of quieter types who offerred just as much, if not more to the war effort, but don't let the facts get in the way of a good story.

I also think that the title of this thread was a tongue-in-cheek pisstake and wasn't meant to be taken literally. Sure, it was slightly biased (I mean, the Aussies having decent geographical knowledge for goodness sake?) and slightly inflammatory, if one doesn't have a thick skin or understand the nuances of Antipodean humour.

In New Zealand we shear sheep while Aussies share them.


[edit on 10-5-2010 by aorAki]

[edit on 10-5-2010 by aorAki]

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 10:04 PM
double post.

[edit on 10-5-2010 by aorAki]

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by worldwatcher

Not to mean any offense, but this entire topic is a personal attack for the sole purpose of degrading a group. Discrimination at its finest.

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by gwydionblack
reply to post by worldwatcher

Not to mean any offense, but this entire topic is a personal attack for the sole purpose of degrading a group. Discrimination at its finest.

No its not. As I mentioned before (on page 7), the title is a play on words. Its not meant to be derogatory towards anyone. It was supposed to be a rebuttal to the opposite thread. The only reason its turned out this way is because people are taking it the wrong way.

I wish I hadnt used this as the title, but its too late now

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Well, the title does toss the gauntlet into Americans' faces, lets' be honest

And this topic has been thrashed repeatedly in this forum, despite all evidence which demolishes those threads which claim Oz and NZ have 'moved'

Now we have yet another thread on the same idiotic topic and we shouldn't be surprised that Americans (who seem to make up the majority of posters) would take offence

So maybe the thread title should have been worded thus: ' 95% of ATS Posters who're not from AU or NZ, suck at Geography' ?

Because I spend a lot of time on Reddit --- and it's like stepping from the shadows into the light, as far as general-intelligences is concerned

For example, any thread claiming 'NZ and Australia Are Out of Place on the Map' would have been laughed into silence in the space of 10 minutes, on Reddit, or even on Digg

So maybe the title of this thread should be amended to make it clear the OP is referring to ATS members only ?


[edit on 10-5-2010 by Dock9]

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 11:38 PM
This whole issue is easily cleared up with some old maps guys.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 12:03 AM
I posted this in the original 60-odd page forum but I believe it applies to this thread even more so....

This just in......

When Australia Went Walk About

In September of 1999 Australia caused a world wide ruckus when every one in Australia got on the piss (alcohol) and decided to relocate the country elsewhere.

CNN had this report.

Tired of Being Isolated and Ignored, headlines read "Continent Isn't Bloody Moving" News today from Sydney, 800 miles South of Nova Scotia — After what witnesses described as an all night blinder during which it kept droning on about how it was always being bloody ignored by the whole bloody world and would bloody well stand to do something about it, Australia this morning woke up to find itself in the middle of the North Atlantic.
"Good Lord, that was a booze up," said a bleary-eyed Australian Prime Minister, John Howard, speaking from his residence at Kirribilli House, approximately 600 nautical miles east of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. According to Australians and residents of several countries destroyed or lewdly insulted during the continent's nearly 7,000-mile saltwater stagger, the binge began just after noon yesterday at a pub in Brisbane, where several patrons were discussing Australia Day and the nation's general lack of respect from abroad. "It started off same as always; coupla fossils saying how our Banjo Patterson was a better poet than Walt Whitman, how Con the Fruiterer is funnier than Seinfeld, only they're Aussies so no one knows about 'em," recalled witness Kevin Porter. "Then this bloke Martin pipes up and says Australia's main problem is that it's stuck in Australia, and everybody says 'Too right!'"

"Well, it made sense at the time," Porter added. By 2 a.m., powered by national pride and alcohol, the 3-million-square-mile land mass was barging eastward through the Coral Sea and crossing into the central Pacific, leaving a trail of beer cans and Chinese take-away in its wake. When dawn broke over the Northern Hemisphere, the continent suddenly found itself, not only upside down, but smack in the middle of the Atlantic, and according to most of its 19 million inhabitants, that's the way it's going to stay. "We sent troops to Afghanistan. You never hear about it. We have huge government scandals. You never hear about it. It's all 'America did this,' and 'Europe says that,'" exclaimed Perth resident Paul Watson. "Well, we're right in the thick of things now, so let's just see if you can you ignore us."

Officials on both sides of the Atlantic conceded that would be difficult. "They broke Florida," said U.S. State Department spokesman Richard Boucher. "And most of Latin America is missing." Meanwhile, victims of what's already been dubbed the "Australian Crawl" are still shaking off the event. "Australia bumped into us at about midnight local time," said Hawaii governor Ben Cayetano. "They were very friendly — they always seem friendly — but they refused to go around unless we answered their questions. But the questions were impossible. 'Who is Ian Thorpe? Do you have any Tim Tams? What day is Australia Day?'" "Fortunately, somebody here had an Unimportant World Dates calendar and we aced the last one," Cayetano added. Panama, however, was not so lucky. "Australia came through here screaming curses at us to let them through," said Ernesto Carnal, who guards the locks at the entrance to the Panama Canal. "We said they would not fit, so they demanded to speak with a manager. When I go to find Mr. Caballos, they sneak the whole continent through." When Caballos shouted to the fleeing country that it had not paid, Australia "accidentally" backed up and took out every nation in the region, as well as the northern third of Venezuela. They then made up a cheery song about it. By late morning today, however, not everyone in Australia was quite so blithe. "We've still got part of Jamaica stuck to Queensland," said Australian army commander Lt. Gen. Peter Cosgrove. "I think we might have declared war on it. I don't bloody remember. Maybe it's time to go home." Cosgrove, however, is not in the majority, and at press time, U.S., African, and European leaders were still desperately trying to negotiate for Australia's withdrawal. But the independent-minded Aussies were not making it easy. In a two-hour meeting at midday, Australian representatives listed their demands: immediate inclusion in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a permanent CNN presence in all 6 Australian states, a worldwide ban on hiring Paul Hogan, a primetime U.S. television contract for Australian Rules Football, and a 4,500-mile-long bridge between Sydney and Los Angeles. U.S. negotiators immediately walked out, calling the Australian Rules Football request "absurd."

A week later Australia was forced to move back to it's original spot in the world, after the queen threatened to give Kylie Minogue and Rolf Harris back if they did not comply.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 12:11 AM
I always thought the same, They would hit the desert and turn around, that if they made it through the Mangroves infested with sand flies not to mention crocs

Any way, I have a serious question and to try and get this back on track

For Oz when you look at the map on your local weather report it always has Perth ( WA for anyone else outside our great land ) actually rising North ( tiltled), I believe this is wrong. I have always believed that Perth actually lines up just north of Sydney not Melbourne when you see it on the map from the weather, have I lost the plot or done sort of time shift


ps good Thread Oz

[edit on 11-5-2010 by auswally]

[edit on 11-5-2010 by auswally]

got that arse about, but hopefully someone can clarify,

Where does Perth line up with on the east coast

[edit on 11-5-2010 by auswally]

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by Kryties...a worldwide ban on hiring Paul Hogan...

LOL good article, that's the best bit.

reply to post by auswally

Just by eye Perth is about level with halfway between Newcastle and Port Macquarie.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 12:59 AM
Thanks OZ weatherman,i just sprayed coffee all over my screen.

I also ordered half a kilo of lollages

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by auswally

It is north of Sydney. The weather maps do not show the curvature of the latitude lines, that is why it appears to be different.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by insideNSA

In hindsight after my last post I realized that New Zealand and Australia are the ONLY places on the map that I remember differently from where they currently reside in this dimension. ALL OTHER PLACES including continents, islands, oceans, rivers etc, seem to be right where I always remembered them. So why is it only seem to be Australia/New Zealand that seem slightly out of place to me? (as in NZ to the north ease not south east and Aust. further away from land, further south, the way I remember it is also consistent the pangea model, but it would just be the land masses drifted in slightly different directions) I wonder how many others who remember Aust/NZ to be out of place think similarly about other land masses? If this is the only place us crazies or dimension shifters so to speak remember being out of place than maybe there IS something to all of this.

but... as mentioned above by the more sane among us, there is absolutely no way of proving any of this, so i digress

what part is ignorance?

ahhhh... more America envy. I love it!!!
(and the cool thing is we have a whole bag of technology tricks up our sleeve that we have invented that the world knows nothing about in the name of national security... star trek anyone?) so what has your country done other then give us the crocodile hunter, paul hogan and fosters beer,

you should be thanking us instead of being jealous of us and throwing out dumb comments. if it wasn't for us you'd be speaking japanese right now.

and i'm sure the next time the s#$t hits the fan who will you be looking to, to protect yer butts again

Originally posted by Beast Of Gevaudan

Originally posted by insideNSA

also i love it when i detect 'America envy' proclaiming Americans to be dumb. uhhhh actually we have proven to be the smartest blokes as you might say... we invented almost everything and we dominate the world. lol. so stick that in your pipes and smoke it. yes we have dumb people but who doesn't. the few of us who run things... lets just say dominating the world isn't for dummies. lets see your country do this. lol.

[edit on 9-5-2010 by insideNSA]

Thanks for illustrating my point.

Arrogance and ignorance on bold display.

Folks, let this be a sad reminder of what regular drug use and too much television can do to the human brain.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 04:23 AM
99.999% of people know that NZ is sw of auzzie..... so FAIL on OP

Second, the reason most americans suck at this stuff, is why should we care?

Lets be real here.

Everyone wants to trade with us.... so they come here.... do we need to know where they came from? NOPE

USA been around over 200 years. Any other nation? NOPE! Oh you can B.S. legistics all you want but NO governement is as old as the USA established government... so ummm... no offence but you better learn OUR name, and why bother learning yours when some coup gonna just change the name next year anyway?

No dude working a 7-11 gives a crap where NZ is. That's why people in USA get tagged with being dumb. But that dude that works a 7-11 on the side just for fun makes flash games and animation. Why? cuz his time ain't spent worrying about where the F NZ is.

We don't care about your sheep. You don't matter. So stop crying so many forget where you even belong.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 04:28 AM

Originally posted by fbipeeper
99.999% of people know that NZ is sw of auzzie..... so FAIL on OP

What? You may want to check an atlas

USA been around over 200 years. Any other nation? NOPE! Oh you can B.S. legistics all you want but NO governement is as old as the USA established government... so ummm... no offence but you better learn OUR name, and why bother learning yours when some coup gonna just change the name next year anyway?

Again, that is wrong. Ever heard of the Romans? They had a structured government a good 1700 years earlier than the USA, as did the english and many other european nations, and Asian nations too

No dude working a 7-11 gives a crap where NZ is. That's why people in USA get tagged with being dumb. But that dude that works a 7-11 on the side just for fun makes flash games and animation. Why? cuz his time ain't spent worrying about where the F NZ is.

Okay, I see your agenda here, why did you even bother posting?

We don't care about your sheep. You don't matter. So stop crying so many forget where you even belong.

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