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Female posters incapable of original thought?

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posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:16 PM
ok, i ask rational questions ppl ignore me. ill let yall discuss your feelings ladys im sorry. i feel like i walked into a girls bathroom by accident and now everyone is staring at me weird.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:17 PM


posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by maybereal11
At the very least this thread was productive in shining a light on the idiots who view women this way...I had never seen it before on ATS until this thread.

I was actually sitting here contemplating hunting down the exact quotes that sparked my decision to write the OP when I started reading the latest posts and realized I didn't need to after all. It's not like I or any of the other women who have posted here have asked to be treated with kid gloves, or are complaining that all boys are mean and are trying to give us cooties while they pull our pigtails. But you see some of the responses just for calling attention to the issue. We have the majority who even when disagreeing don't dismiss the comments of females just because they're female, and the minority who do.

Back to the three reasons you gave, I tend to lean towards the third option. Some cases are clearly caused by the first two, and while just as irritating they're at least a bit more understandable, but there are some that just leave no doubt that it has nothing to do with how they were raised or how much contact they've had with women.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:18 PM
Well OP, I feel that if I am having a intelligent (maybe even heated) discussion with someone and they all of a sudden begin to demean my sex, I assume I have just out smarted them and the only thing they can think of to do is say something like" you don't know what your talking about because your a woman'.
Its very juvenile, but I can say that so far on ATS I have not had this issue with any of the male posters. So, I'm sorry that someone (obviously) felt they needed to revert back to the 5th grade and attempt to demean you. They are just ignorant and should be ignored. Oh by they way.. I AM A WOMAN

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:19 PM
Before I get flamed for my comments below, keep in mind I am half woman.
(I have breasts.)

"Original thought" is a tough concept to convey the meaning of. It can be said there are NO original thoughts, that is, never before "thought".
The closest that I think a human has come to having demonstrated original thought would be someone like Nikola Tesla, not that he is the only one.
I suspect though you are talking about respect of opinions regardless of sexual orientation.
Back to original thought, I will try to have one, and let you know if I am successful.

Edit to add: My great grand pappy was full-blooded Choctaw, a MATRIARCHAL Indian Tribe.

[edit on 7-5-2010 by Stewie]

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by riley

Why would I admit to being wrong? Don't be ridiculous. Someone admitting their wrong requires them to actually believe they are and I do not.

You have just lost all credibility with me.


See smart people admit when they are wrong after being proven wrong.

But you have just proven yourself incapable of learning.

No credibility. Gone.

Until you admit your wrong, of course.

I'm not sure if you are doing satire but if not:

They never proved I was wrong so there is nothing to admit.

When someone proves I am wrong and are able to trump my own evidence then I have no problem admitting it.. but until that time I'm not going to say I am just appease someone else's ego.

They didn't bring any proof to the table.. they just ordered me to say I'm wrong. That is not how debates work.

[edit on 7-5-2010 by riley]

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by andy1033
If as a male your life was destroyed for not fancying females, would you say that male is wrong for not liking females. I would say any man on this planet that was in prison for not wanting to have sex with females, has a right not to like them.

I can see hating the one who destroyed your life, but to take it out on every single female in existence just makes no sense to me. That's like hating every cop because one gave you a ticket.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:27 PM

Remove this thread LIERS have no place on ATS ... ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by vaevictis
No, unfortunately it is not a joke,the thread is serious and so the response should be.Women proved,yet again,they are little girls incapable of handling any critique.No wonder they shouldn't vote,their volatile natures and cowardice only spell disaster.

Thanks for providing another example of what I'm talking about.

Originally posted by ponyboyats
hold up, so you based your thread on this example? you based your thread on a reply to your thread? i mean an example BEFORE you make your thread. you time traveling there?

Nope, I'm saying your post was a perfect example and there was no need to find the ones that prompted me to write the OP.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by King Loki

Originally posted by Jenna

Originally posted by King Loki

Originally posted by Jenna
Do you have an answer for the questions I posed in the OP, or is your answer basically that female posters here are treated like they're unintelligent because they are unintelligent?

And your trying to portray intelligence with this thread ..... 1 word ... FAIL

And there we have what I've been talking about and what you insist is a non-issue that I'm just making up.

WTF how about u quote the next sentence after the one you quoted saying that was not directed at women posters but anyone making stupid threads .... this is you clearly lying and deliberately miss quoting ... this is the most despicable thing i have ever seen on ATS in all my life ...

[edit on 7-5-2010 by King Loki]

IMO opinion she did not miss-quote you, but rather responded to the crux of your post....the assumption that this OP and it's questions, having been posted by a female, is nothing more than an attempt by some woman to "show intelligence".

WTF? Seriously...The Op is what it is....It takes one hell of a world view to read an OP and assume since it is written by a female, it must be some desperate attempt to display intelligence...that says a great deal about your view of women and Jenna quoted you accurately.

The sentences that followed that quote didn't change that fact or statement any.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:31 PM
First, this is a worthwhile discussion. S and F to the OP. Second, I am a male who loves women. I love everything about them. The fact that they are so very different from men is why I love them so. But beyond the love there is respect for who they are and what they represent, the antithesis to males.

Consider the following if you will.

* Males commit the vast majority of rapes.
* Males commit the vast majority of murders.
* Priest pedophiles......enough said.
* How many women have kidnapped and imprisoned a male victim?
* Have you ever heard of a female Drug Lord or Organized Crime Head?
* Males are responsible for starting wars. Sure the majority of deaths in war are male, but now women are fighting and dying also.

I despise stereotypes, but when you look at the above list what is there left to think? Absolutely, men are physically stronger and perform the bulk of the bruising labor that society is built upon. Men have accomplished great and wonderful things. Men are likewise responsible for some monumental catastrophes. And I will agree that women can be viewed as more emotional than men, but that is not necessarily a bad thing.

So here's the deal. The Universe is made up of opposites; light and dark, wet or dry, sweet or bitter, hot and cold, happy or and women. One does not exist without the other. Respect and embrace the differences.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:31 PM
OK, im leaving this thread, but before i go, i want to demonstrate clearly how "intelligent" the op is.
here's my post that answered some of her questions as well as requested an example:

Originally posted by ponyboyats
reply to post by Jenna

yes sure. well, first of all i never seen anyone say those things on ats, could you provide sources please?

secondly, i know it happens in real world and the answer would be that women like to discuss feelings and emotional topics, like this thread, because they think more with the right hemisphere of their brain.
men, on the other hand are more left brained creatures. they like to discuss topics that are rational, and relevant, and tend to frown upon emotional topics. i hope that answers your question.

and here's OP's "reply":

Originally posted by Jenna

Originally posted by King Loki

Originally posted by Jenna
Do you have an answer for the questions I posed in the OP, or is your answer basically that female posters here are treated like they're unintelligent because they are unintelligent?

And your trying to portray intelligence with this thread ..... 1 word ... FAIL

And there we have what I've been talking about and what you insist is a non-issue that I'm just making up.

Female posters are unintelligent because they are unintelligent when trying to portray intelligence. That's some backwards twisted logic, if you ask me.

Originally posted by ponyboyats
yes sure. well, first of all i never seen anyone say those things on ats, could you provide sources please?

Sure, an example follows:

secondly, i know it happens in real world and the answer would be that women like to discuss feelings and emotional topics, like this thread, because they think more with the right hemisphere of their brain.
men, on the other hand are more left brained creatures. they like to discuss topics that are rational, and relevant, and tend to frown upon emotional topics. i hope that answers your question.

What you are saying is that women do not talk about things that are rational or relevant because they are emotional while men are not.

Do i need to break down what's happening here?

and just to be clear, i admire and respect women, but its people like OP that make women look bad.

I just dont admire or respect lack of intelligence, but never would i say that OP's intelligence represents intelligence of all women.

My wife is one of the smartest people ive met in america.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by Jenna

Originally posted by andy1033
If as a male your life was destroyed for not fancying females, would you say that male is wrong for not liking females. I would say any man on this planet that was in prison for not wanting to have sex with females, has a right not to like them.

I can see hating the one who destroyed your life, but to take it out on every single female in existence just makes no sense to me. That's like hating every cop because one gave you a ticket.

lol, you have no idea what happened in my life, so i have every right as a human. You can make your statements about i should feel but my life is fact and not based on 1 female doing this.

I gave society a chance, and they tried desperately to destroy me. I would not be surprised that many females are doing this to males for no reason.

Of course that makes you females feel intelligent, does it really. Intelligence is supposed to be about critical thinking, lol. Not one female i met in my life ever had that. Plus you cannot say what was done to me was not done to plenty of males for no reason what so ever.

This thread has no critical thinking in it at all, and its just going to be flaming and trolling. But the topic has a point, and my life has proved it, and i would susuepct many other innocent males have had to go through this too.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by Jenna

Originally posted by andy1033
If as a male your life was destroyed for not fancying females, would you say that male is wrong for not liking females. I would say any man on this planet that was in prison for not wanting to have sex with females, has a right not to like them.

I can see hating the one who destroyed your life, but to take it out on every single female in existence just makes no sense to me. That's like hating every cop because one gave you a ticket.

This is, sadly, precisely the cyclical nature of sexism I was eluding to in my post. People experience something they feel, from their point of view, validates or confirms a stereotype (or creates one for them in the first place) and then they run with it, becoming pathologically sexist in essence. (By pathologically I do not mean to imply mental illness - just that it becomes psychologically ingrained. The greater the psychological trauma suffered, the more the stereotype becomes enforced in their mind. I intend no offense to you or people who fit the description in your example, andy, by the use of the term "pathological.")

This is the cycle of psychologically reinforced stereotyping and sexism that needs to be broken for true equality and harmony between the genders to be realized in my opinion. And both genders are guilty of it in my experience.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by maybereal11

Originally posted by King Loki

Originally posted by Jenna

Originally posted by King Loki

Originally posted by Jenna
Do you have an answer for the questions I posed in the OP, or is your answer basically that female posters here are treated like they're unintelligent because they are unintelligent?

And your trying to portray intelligence with this thread ..... 1 word ... FAIL

And there we have what I've been talking about and what you insist is a non-issue that I'm just making up.

WTF how about u quote the next sentence after the one you quoted saying that was not directed at women posters but anyone making stupid threads .... this is you clearly lying and deliberately miss quoting ... this is the most despicable thing i have ever seen on ATS in all my life ...

[edit on 7-5-2010 by King Loki]

IMO opinion she did not miss-quote you, but rather responded to the crux of your post....the assumption that this OP and it's questions, having been posted by a female, is nothing more than an attempt by some woman to "show intelligence".

WTF? Seriously...The Op is what it is....It takes one hell of a world view to read an OP and assume since it is written by a female, it must be some desperate attempt to display intelligence...that says a great deal about your view of women and Jenna quoted you accurately.

The sentences that followed that quote didn't change that fact or statement any.

taking a snippet of some ones post out of context deliberately is classic misquoting ... just like if i take a snippet of one of your sentences and portray it to mean something completely different

example ... you wrote "it must be some desperate attempt to display intelligence" (in your post some where)

so by mis quoting you i can display that you are abusing me calling me unintelligent ... i can show you a million more examples if you still don't get it.

the fact is i directly said it wasn't directed at women in that same post and she quoted it as if that was never even said .... THAT IS MISQUOTING .... AND SHE SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM THIS FORUM

she has done it more then once in this thread alone that even some other ATS'ers have pinged her on ...

her credibility to anything has now been thrown in the bin ... she is a lier

[edit on 7-5-2010 by King Loki]

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by Jenna

Are you talking about BTS? I admit I don't look there much.

I've seen lots of Christian Haters, Jew Haters, Muslim Haters, American Haters, Liberal Haters, Conservative Haters and Trolls on ATS, but never noticed enough sexist remarks to comment on among the huge number of posts here? Certainly not enough to warrant this thread?

Are they under certain topics? You having a personal battle with anyone in particular?

It seems to me if it's just a couple of people who have you upset, it would be better if you used the complaint feature directed against them rather than set off a male against female bunch of nonsense.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:38 PM
Well, one thing is for sure: WOMAN CAN'T DRIVE.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by Jenna

Back to the three reasons you gave, I tend to lean towards the third option. Some cases are clearly caused by the first two, and while just as irritating they're at least a bit more understandable, but there are some that just leave no doubt that it has nothing to do with how they were raised or how much contact they've had with women.

Yep. The post I responded to here stands out to me. Both confusing and prideful in his misogny.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by AceWombat04

Exactly. Very well put.

It happens on both sides of the aisle, it wasn't me intention to imply that women are the only ones who have to put up with the idiocy of someone who would demean them based solely on gender.

Originally posted by ponyboyats
ok, i ask rational questions ppl ignore me. ill let yall discuss your feelings ladys im sorry. i feel like i walked into a girls bathroom by accident and now everyone is staring at me weird.

I haven't ignored your questions, you just don't like me answers.

Originally posted by King Loki
WTF how about u quote the next sentence after the one you quoted saying that was not directed at women posters but anyone making stupid threads .... this is you clearly lying and deliberately miss quoting ... this is the most despicable thing i have ever seen on ATS in all my life ...

Did you not say what I quoted you as saying? It's a direct quote from your post. The phrase 'this thread' in your sentence makes it abundantly clear which thread you were talking about.

and after that you will never be taken seriously by me or any of my group ever again ...

You do realize, of course, that coordinated groups are against ATS' T&C, yes?

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by King Loki
Remove this thread LIERS have no place on ATS ... ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED

If you believe I've broken the T&C feel free to report me. Why post if you've nothing to add to the discussion?

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