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Female posters incapable of original thought?

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posted on May, 7 2010 @ 02:50 PM
Another stupid post by another stupid woman. Why arn't you in the kitchen anyways?! Gosh!

Wooha, wait a minute. Thats just satire. Satire is what you call unfunny or discrimanatory jokes. Truthfully I have never seen reference to posters sex but i'm a man. I don't think anyone with moderate intelligence would take a sexist poster seriously. That said, its obviously not OK and as long as enough people are aware of it and call others out, then it should stop.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 02:53 PM
ok, my thread just got erased, and all i asked is for sources showing proof for this thread. i even provided a source for my thread:

in this thread the poster on post 2 sais "all men are pigs" now please provide me with at least ONE source where same thing is said about women on ats!

look at post number 2. then if u give me one example ill provide plenty more for you.

and how is this a conspiracy anyways why is this in general conspiracies?

also, im willing to bet the person who erased my thread is a woman moderator.

[edit on 7-5-2010 by ponyboyats]

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by maybereal11
reply to post by Jenna

Hey Jenna.

I don't think it is neccesarily a "deep" question.

(1) Cultural/How you were raised.
(2) Exposure to actual women.

Deficits in either of those areas will leave people vulnerable to resorting to stereotypical and dated views.

Hey Jenna...after reading the recent posts I need to amend/add to my original posting.

(3) Some people just have a passive and sometimes not so passive hatred of women.

There are man haters out there too.

I am sure there is a clinical explanation, but my guess is that these are just people that have too often had their advances rejected by the opposite sex and have opted to vent thier frustration anonomously via the internet. That or Mommy didn't love them enough and they are taking it out on women et al...who knows...who cares.

At the very least this thread was productive in shining a light on the idiots who view women this way...I had never seen it before on ATS until this thread.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by King Loki

Originally posted by Jenna
Do you have an answer for the questions I posed in the OP, or is your answer basically that female posters here are treated like they're unintelligent because they are unintelligent?

And your trying to portray intelligence with this thread ..... 1 word ... FAIL

And there we have what I've been talking about and what you insist is a non-issue that I'm just making up.

Female posters are unintelligent because they are unintelligent when trying to portray intelligence. That's some backwards twisted logic, if you ask me.

Originally posted by ponyboyats
yes sure. well, first of all i never seen anyone say those things on ats, could you provide sources please?

Sure, an example follows:

secondly, i know it happens in real world and the answer would be that women like to discuss feelings and emotional topics, like this thread, because they think more with the right hemisphere of their brain.
men, on the other hand are more left brained creatures. they like to discuss topics that are rational, and relevant, and tend to frown upon emotional topics. i hope that answers your question.

What you are saying is that women do not talk about things that are rational or relevant because they are emotional while men are not.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by maybereal11

Man so much rubbish gets posted in these threads. On deep levels all men hate women and vice versa.

My life was destroyed because i had no interest in females, so i can speak out for teh opposing side, of what females are and what they do.

I wonder how many innocent males are in jail for not wanting to have sex with some female in this world.

Someone has to say this, or these useless shrinks come on here talking about this is why males feel this way.

How about the males for not being interested in females, where destroyed by them.

If as a male your life was destroyed for not fancying females, would you say that male is wrong for not liking females. I would say any man on this planet that was in prison for not wanting to have sex with females, has a right not to like them.

You see the news never reports these things as males are not meant to talk about them.

[edit on 5/7/2010 by andy1033]

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 02:58 PM
Male posters are also incapable of original thought.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:00 PM

here's a thread discussing how women are treated, has good points and answers op's question about women

so this thread is not original.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:00 PM
Maybe it is just me...

Maybe its just me being a dumbass

But if everybody is always screaming and yearning for sources....

Is there any original thought...

but eey, I'm just a dumbass.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by King Loki

psychological abuse will ALWAYS be worse than any other kind of pain, bar none. and you heard it here first (apparently).

don't make me dust off the heavy artillery.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by BungleX
Another stupid post by another stupid woman. Why arn't you in the kitchen anyways?! Gosh!

Wooha, wait a minute. Thats just satire. Satire is what you call unfunny or discrimanatory jokes. Truthfully I have never seen reference to posters sex but i'm a man. I don't think anyone with moderate intelligence would take a sexist poster seriously. That said, its obviously not OK and as long as enough people are aware of it and call others out, then it should stop.

No, unfortunately it is not a joke,the thread is serious and so the response should be.Women proved,yet again,they are little girls incapable of handling any critique.No wonder they shouldn't vote,their volatile natures and cowardice only spell disaster.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by Jenna

hold up, so you based your thread on this example? you based your thread on a reply to your thread? i mean an example BEFORE you make your thread. you time traveling there?

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by Dumbass


Well put, about moaning about sources, why should we be a test bed for government scum trying to find answers.

People from the news most definitely come here stealing our ideas.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:03 PM
I must, with respect, say that I cannot understand how one could argue that this is not a "real problem." What constitutes a topic worthy of discussion is subjective and relative in my opinion. Everyone is, of course, free to hold their own opinion to the contrary if they wish, but that doesn't invalidate the views of those who feel that this is a topic worthy of discussion.

This is a discussion forum with myriad allowable topics. If one were to believe this thread was in the wrong place, then perhaps a case could conceivably made to have it moved, but the discussion itself cannot be rendered somehow irrelevant or merit-less - or, indeed, stop it from occurring - just because any number of people in the world believe that to be the case in my opinion.

As to the actual topic at hand itself:

I personally regard it as remarkably self-evident that female humans are every bit as intelligent, thoughtful, creative, original, and insightful as male humans. Are there certain patterns of behavior that can seem endemic to one gender or another? Yes, but this is true of both men and women. What many people seem to overlook (or simply disagree with, which is their right) is that the two are often intertwined.

For example, one male stereotype is that men can be brutish, callous, insensitive, and in the extreme, abusive. Such men do of course exist, and no one can effectively argue against that in my opinion. Are these men representative of all men? Absolutely not. Are there even some women with those traits? Absolutely. An example of a female stereotype is that women are over-emotional, reliant on male opinion to exercise judgment, and not self-sufficient. Women matching those descriptions do, sadly, exist. Are they in any way representative of all women? Absolutely not. Are there even some men who share those same traits? Absolutely.

Now, this is where it gets more complicated and what a lot of people, at least in my experience, choose to overlook or deny. In my experience at least, there are many instance when one gender being raised by the other gender having the aforementioned traits (a girl being raised by an abusive father for example) can directly result in the other traits emerging. For example, men who are emotionally or physically abused by their fathers (or mothers! Yes, it happens) who grow up to be abusive (or just emotional wrecks) themselves, or women who are verbally abused by their fathers and grow up continually seeking validation from other men because they never received it from their fathers (often also seeking mates who are just as abusive.)

So not only are these stereotypes not at all representative of all the members of either gender, but the two often overlap, and mutually reinforce each other. People who see these stereotypes play out in real life often end up becomming sexist because they feel that the stereotype has been confirmed, when in reality they are just participating in their own stereotype in the process. For instance: Men who end up believing all women are one way because they dated a few women who were (often because they were raised by women matching those stereotypes,) and women who believe all men are abusive and insensitive because they dated several who were (often because they were raised by abusive fathers and unconsciously sought them out ironically.) By assuming that the fraction of the male or female population they encounter that matches those descriptions represent all of that gender, they are themselves falling into the stereotypical prison of the sexist man or woman, and they go on to raise their children and impart similar effects. Etc., etc., etc. It's a viscous cycle.

It is in my opinion a huge social problem that we as a society (and a species, really) have yet to resolve. That it rears its head in discussions on the internet is just the tip of the ice berg in my opinion, and I certainly feel it's worth discussing and being aware of. By being more aware of our own tendencies and issues, putting them in check, and being respectful of one another as true equals and fellow human beings first and foremost, we can overcome these self-imposed forms of narrow-mindedness in my my opinion. At least that is my hope for our species and society.

[edit on 5/7/2010 by AceWombat04]

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by andy1033

rofl rofl rofl !! yea, lets just make original posts without sources to back it up. i should make a post about blue pepperonni monster invading our galaxy. that'll be original.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by AceWombat04

Personal experience of extremes often give people more insight into these things than people who just have middle of the road lifes with nothing wrong.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by AceWombat04

you know, the question in the title differs greatly from what is said on the thread. the question is about posts being original, not about women being mistreated.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by ponyboyats
ok, my thread just got erased, and all i asked is for sources showing proof for this thread. i even provided a source for my thread:

in this thread the poster on post 2 sais "all men are pigs" now please provide me with at least ONE source where same thing is said about women on ats!

look at post number 2. then if u give me one example ill provide plenty more for you.

and how is this a conspiracy anyways why is this in general conspiracies?

also, im willing to bet the person who erased my thread is a woman moderator.

[edit on 7-5-2010 by ponyboyats]

so wait, we have all this 10 pages of discussion and i ask 3 times about an example of what is being discuss, i even provide example to the contrary, and all i get is an example that is actually MY reply to THIS thread? back to the future! ta dam ta dam tada tam tada tam!

[edit on 7-5-2010 by ponyboyats]

[edit on 7-5-2010 by ponyboyats]

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by Jenna

Im pretty sure in the T&C it says something about saying offensive things regarding ones sex. If people are harassing you, or offending you, I'd say ignore them, or report them.

There are enough crazies on ATS as it is (myself included), we dont need misogynist crazies as well!

Just rest at ease knowing that as long as you have a Vagina YOU control the world, men just like to think otherwise.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by andy1033
reply to post by maybereal11

Man so much rubbish gets posted in these threads. On deep levels all men hate women and vice versa.

My life was destroyed because i had no interest in females, so i can speak out for teh opposing side, of what females are and what they do.

I wonder how many innocent males are in jail for not wanting to have sex with some female in this world.

Someone has to say this, or these useless shrinks come on here talking about this is why males feel this way.

How about the males for not being interested in females, where destroyed by them.

If as a male your life was destroyed for not fancying females, would you say that male is wrong for not liking females. I would say any man on this planet that was in prison for not wanting to have sex with females, has a right not to like them.

You see the news never reports these things as males are not meant to talk about them.

[edit on 5/7/2010 by andy1033]

Wow...this thread has taken a turn and ended up in freak town.

I am trying to figure out your post.

You live someplace where you are imprisoned for being gay? And therefore you hate women? Is that it?

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by andy1033

As someone who has experienced such extremes, I would tend to agree, though perhaps not with the same conclusions someone else might draw (given that we are all different.)

reply to post by ponyboyats

Reading the original post, I believe that people suggesting that women are incapable of original thoughts constitutes women being treated with a lack of the respect I personally feel is due everyone, regardless of gender.

My post wasn't about women being treated poorly. It was about some of the possible origins of the kinds of sexism the OP posted about, and included examples of both men and women being cast in stereotypical lights by sexist individuals of either gender.

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